Yesterday I told you about the Daily Tar Heel’s excellent editorial calling for Butch’s ouster. Well today the DTH published an exquisite reply from a current UNC student. I don’t think I am supposed to repost entire pieces from other sources, so I will ask all readers to now go to that link and read […]
UNC Scandal
Baddour responds to Daily Tarheel calling for Butch’s job(9:02 am)
Updated 9:02 am: I am not sure how many times it has been said about the scandal in Chapel Hill, but you just can’t make this stuff up. You just can’t. TO THE EDITOR: As Director of Athletics, I hired Butch Davis to lead our football program because he was an outstanding coach who shared […]
What did UNC know about the Wichard-Blake payments and when did they know it? (Day 78)
Well nothing much happened today so I don’t know what to write about. But seriously, given the unreal crush of information and news, starting today I will focus on one question per day. Otherwise I would go crazy.  Today we have: What did UNC-CH know about Blake’s financial connections to Wichard and when did they know it? When […]
N & O’s Tudor: “Butch Davis should resignâ€
Full article. Some passages: Butch Davis should resign as North Carolina’s football coach. If that doesn’t happen — and soon — the school needs to dismiss Davis. In view of the ongoing and seemingly endless series of investigations into possible transgressions that have occurred during Davis’ supervision of the program, his removal from the job […]
Baddour says nothing in address to sports club. (Day 77)
The UNC-CH AD gave an address today and said basically nothing, which obviously is what he set out to do. If you are having trouble sleeping I would suggest listening to it. His main point was that “The integrity of UNC is paramount.” Really, you don’t say? Then how about a comment on this, along with […]
Baddour asked Hawkins to “speak for them on behalf of the Carolina guys� (Day 76)
 ^Marvin enjoys the LSU game (Picture courtesy of News & Observer/Ethan Hyman  I have to admit that the Daily Tar Heel has done some good reporting on this scandal. There does not appear to be much new going on tonight, so I am going to go through a few things they have done […]
Mooneyham: Outrage missing in UNC scandal, Davis should be fired
FINALLY! Some common sense and opinion from some guy named Scott Mooneyham. Welcome to the big time, Mr. Mooneyham. Please be prepared for private and public lynchings by the members of the secret society we have named, ‘The Flagship’. It is kind of like going up against ‘The Firm’. The last guy who spoke out […]
Kendric Burney had prior knowledge of agents in Miami but Butch didn’t? (Day 75)
^ Marvin at the gun show this past spring. Tonight’s entry is based on a piece that went up last Thursday but (appropriately) got lost behind our excellent pregame entries Friday and Saturday.  This point is too important to miss and represents a major theme that should be repeated — we are being asked to believe that Butch Davis knew almost nothing about what […]
Draughn in Atlanta with Hawkins? Or not? (nightly update day 72)
I have a two quick items tonight that are sort of leftovers but I wanted to clear them out this week to make way for all the great new stuff that is sure to come out next week. On Wednesday UNC player Shaun Draughn did an interview after being reinstated. It was pretty uninteresting until the last […]
Why “the Carolina Way” is now a punch line (nightly update day 71).
Let’s get right to it. We have a lot of ground to cover. The fallout from yesterday’s NCAA suspensions began with Kendric Burney’s dad giving some great quotes that really raise questions about institutional control. You should read this article in full. I think this passage from that piece damages UNC-CH more than any other I have read since […]
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