Full story from the N & O. Today we learned that UNC hired a New York public relations firm last August to help them deal with the football scandals. There are so many good quotes to get to with the above-linked article — I will just roll them out without much commentary. Hill & Knowlton is a […]
UNC Scandal
Bowles 9/30 email to Thorp: “There needs to be a sense of outrage expressed on our part,†and “Its [sic] not enough to just have not known—
Today brings more fun news from released emails! Yesterday we learned through a released email that Butch was supposedly so in-tune with his 16 suspended players that he knew they needed counseling. He thought they might do all sorts of bad things, even including violence. This is a coach who supposedly had no idea that these same players […]
Davis 9/22 email asks “Dickie†to provide “counseling†for suspended players
I am not sure what to make of all of this, but a lot of new information is currently being released. Nearly 1,000 emails were released by UNC-CH this week and some media members have apparently been combing through them. WTVD continues its excellent coverage of the scandals. This afternoon Derek Rowles posted this article. I would also […]
Rumblings from the Twitter-verse: NCAA preparing UNC’s letter of inquiry, "Scope of investigation has slowed down the process"
I am very new to the whole Twitter thing, so I am not entirely clear how you tell who is talking and who is asking questions of someone else, but there is some VERY interesting stuff on Charles Robinson’s Twitter page this afternoon. Alert readers will remember that Robinson is with Yahoo Sports and has […]
UNC-CH Board of Trustees chair critical of N & O’s “opinion” (day 134)
Today the News and Observer published this letter from Robert Winston, the chairman of UNC-CH’s Board of Trustees. The best part of the letter: As Chancellor Holden Thorp has said, we don’t feel good about being in this situation, but we do feel good about how we’ve responded to it. We pledged from the start that […]
Post-game scandals update (Day 131)
In this entry I cover a couple of scandal items and I share some random game observations that I think are cool. This update is also in a nonlinear “Bytes” format familiar to those who enjoyed “Infopacks” back in the 90s. First, check out this scoreboard picture. Those of you who have experience going to State games in Chapel Hill know […]
Thorp, Baddour, Davis appear before UNC-CH BOT — UPDATED 3:50 p.m.
Doing a great impression of three guys standing uncomfortably against the wall at an 8th-grade dance, UNC-CH’s Chancellor, Athletic Director, and Football coach appeared before UNC-CH’s Board of Trustees to talk about the massive ongoing scandals. It is widely thought that UNC-CH BOT members were responsible for hiring Butch in the first place, so we […]
N & O cramps Butch’s style (Updated 10:35am)
If you have any Tar Heel friends, then you have noticed by now how delusional they are regarding the impending sanctions. You have most certainly heard their delusional talking points that “nothing is going to happen to us because we have been so co-operative with the NCAA.” Which is funny on many levels because they haven’t been remotely […]
UNC’s former football academic coordinator: “…if I had gone to Coach Davis, my job would have been on the line.”
 The News and Observer has two articles up this morning about the “tutor prong” of the huge ongoing UNC-CH football scandals.  One of these articles directly considers Cynthia Reynolds, who was UNC-CH’s football academic coordinator. Regarding Reynolds’ history with UNC-CH, the N & O explains: Reynolds, now 56, was hired in 2002 as an associate director of the Academic […]
Bling prong? — UNC-CH player’s jewelry supplier dissassociated (Day 111)
The Daily Tar Heel’s excellent coverage of the scandal continued today as they brought us some actual reporting! Imagine that — the local press actually printing new stuff about a huge scandal rocking the biggest athletic department in the region! Crazy concept, I realize. Anyway the Daily Tar Heel posted the above-linked piece explaining that UNC-CH Athletic Director Dick […]
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