The hits keep coming!  Today Art Chansky posted this piece, thereby joining the growing media chorus lampooning Butch Davis’ “Sergeant Schultz” act. This Chansky product would merit examination in its own right — Chansky is very critical of Butch Davis, Dick Baddour, and Holden Thorp. But in the midst of all that Chansky drops a huge bomb I had not seen before from a […]
UNC Scandal
SI weighs in on what UNC-CH might expect from the NCAA
On the heels of Heather Dinich’s lambasting of Butch Davis, the national press continues to say things that should be very scary for UNC-CH football fans. Yesterday, Andy Staples of Sports Illustrated posted this piece covering the NCAA’s hammering of USC (termed “some of the harshest penalties handed down by the NCAA in decades”) and the […]
ESPN’s Dinich skewers Butch Davis
A must-read, brilliantly conceived and flawlessly exectuted. Some highlights: He didn’t know about former assistant John Blake’s reputation as a sly recruiter. He didn’t know about the trips his players took and the thousands of dollars of improper benefits they received that cost seven players their eligibility last year and 14 players at least one […]
Rewind: Butch instituted “sign-out sheet” policy last October (Updated 5/21)
Given yesterday’s news, I thought this would be a good time to remember the “new policies” that UNC-CH put into place last fall.  The full N&O piece from last October is some of the funniest reading you will ever do. Here are some particularly good excerpts. The piece opens: UNC athletic director Dick Baddour says that because […]
Reports: NCAA back on UNC-CH campus looking into Coples — It must not be Friday yet!
Yet another prong! This afternoon word broke that the NCAA was back on UNC-CH’s campus — reportedly asking questions about a recent trip taken by star UNC-CH defensive lineman Quinton Coples. Alert readers will remember Coples for his ridiculously late hit on Russell Wilson (~1:50 mark of that video) during the Wolfpack victory in Chapel Hill […]
Butch says “We told the truth” (with a straight face apparently)
 With the NFL Draft starting tomorrow, there has been an increase in the coverage of the UNC-CH scandals.  Butch seems to be on a publicity tour on behalf of the players involved in the improper benefits and/or academic misconduct scandals. Today’s News and Record has several interesting quotes from Butch. The one that really stuck out to me: “I […]
Marvin, UNC-CH football scandals featured on ESPN’s “Outside the Lines”
On Easter Sunday our man Marvin Austin (0-3 against NC State) was featured during the first 15 minutes of ESPN’s magazine program hosted by Bob Ley. I watched it at 10:00 a.m. but it is also scheduled for 9:00 p.m. tonight. You can also watch it online here, although Ley’s discussion with Shefter is not included. I found […]
Judge rules against UNC-CH in media’s lawsuit (updated with Thorp’s statements) (2nd update with legal analysis)
 Full article. During the last month or so, the decision was made that our UNC-CH football scandal coverage would yield the field in favor of more important things. Now that the basketball coaching situation has been settled and spring football practice is over, however, you can expect SFN to jump back on the UNC-CH football story. Included will be […]
Delvon Simmons wants out of UNC-CH LOI (Baker Prong update)
Today brought the big news that all-world, bazillion-star defensive lineman Delvon Simmons is asking out of his UNC-CH letter of intent. The circumstances of Simmons’ recruitment raised a lot of eyebrows on signing day — his late switch to UNC-CH was considered to be one of the biggest late surprises nationally. The role of former UNC-CH defensive line […]
Recent UNC-CH Football scandal articles summarized in Bytes format
 Here is a series of articles, presented in no particular order, from the past two weeks or so concerning one or more of the ongoing UNC-CH football scandals. Time constraints prevent me from full discussions and proper transitions, so please feel free to add well-developed and flawlessly-written commentary and analysis in the comments section. For example, a […]
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