……crunch….. Carolina’s third ranked baseball team beat the Wolfpack 5-2 yesterday (I thought we had some new authors who were excited about covering baseball on SFN? hello? anyone out there?). The Tar heels are 21-4 overall and 8-2 in the ACC. After a one-hit loss to Marshall, the Wolfpack are tracking just perfectly to an […]
North Carolina Tarheels
‘Signgate’ stupidity and the good old double standard!
Been traveling a lot. (No…not the Tyler Hopswalk kind of traveling) Busy with work. Only so many hours in the day to keep the blog updated. I was at the game last night. Saw the “disgraceful” (sarcasm) sign that the baseball player held up at halftime. Didn’t think twice about it. All I could make […]
Clemson Sets NCAA Record for Futility, Officiating Takes the Spotlight (Updated 3:15 pm)
Preface – Poor Oliver Purnell. Now he knows how Rick Barnes felt. And, we just happen to have a great little reminder for him of how Frank Haith felt last year that you can see by clicking here. We are updating what was once the ‘open entry’ for Sunday with more fallout from Sunday’s Clemson-Carolina […]
Sporting News/850 Blog: You Stay Classy, UNC Fans
The UNC loss was obviously a huge surprise given how poorly Maryland has played this season. But perhaps more surprising was the reaction of their fans, which has been well documented over the weekend. This morning, however, we were sent a new-to-us video featuring audio of the fans yelling at the Terps after Hansbrough bricked […]
Post UNC Game Topic
How is this for crazy…as badly as NC State lost today (31 points @ the RPI’s #1 rated team in America) another Big Four team actually did WORSE!! Wake Forest lost at Boston College (#89 in the RPI) by 39 points!!! In the true Wolfpack spirit of trying to find a silver lining — NC […]
NC State +21 @ UNC-CH (Updated 9:30am)
Grasping for something to hope for stat of the day — Despite being grossly overmatched in talent, UNC-CH only scored six more points than NC State in head-to-head competition in the five halves that Coach Sidney Lowe was on the NC State sidelines wearing the red blazer last season. 9:00am Lead-in comments Poor, poor JJ […]
Carolina March Comments on SFN Piece
Enjoy. Link to blog entry (that will generate more traffic than that site will know what to do with) Statefans Nation has a well-written rant on hating UNC centering on a basketball victory in 1998. It hits every unconscious tic of Wolfpack fandom – unjustified complaints about the refs, complaints about Herb Sendek, paeans toward […]
A View from the Cheap Seats
My extreme, near-sinful hatred for Carolina could only be eclipsed by the even more intense jubilation of beating those Bastards Born & Bred and then enjoying every fleeting moment of it until it is our time, as dictated by some malevolent, forbidding destiny, to lose to them once again. I can recall with striking accuracy […]
Hess Holds Back on Roy
I fear the day that I am going to have to search our archives for the following quote from today’s Charlotte Observer in regards to the UNC-Nevada game last night. But, I just have a feeling and didn’t want to ignore this opportunity. Referees aren’t enforcing the NCAA’s “bench decorum” mandate designed to punish angry […]
WRAL: 3 UNC Football Players Assaulted (Updated)
Hillsborough — Three UNC football players were the victims in a kidnapping, robbery and sexual assault incident that occurred over the weekend, a source tells WRAL. Sunday Morning Quarterback has weighed in on the topic.