What a week!!!
In addition to more than 30 front page blog entries over the last week, we have caught fire on Twitter at times. If you missed all of the ‘nuggets’ that were flying last night then you should check out our page by clicking here and do some reviewing. It isn’t just ‘game commentary’ – we try to keep our Twitter account more ‘informative’ by ‘Re-Tweeting’ a lot of interesting commentary & information from all over the place.
Additionally, we hope that you really make use of our message forums as a central place to share articles and information for discussion during the NCAA Tournament. A lot of people don’t realize how many people visit the boards and choose not to post. We’ve been averaging around 1,000 unique visitors every day that has aggregated to just under 5,000 unique visitors in the last week, and a whopping 19,659 unique visitors year to date! So, there are A LOT of people out there finding value in what is being shared on our Forums; so, don’t be shy to share things you find interesting because a lot of other folks will find it interesting as well.
One random observation I have is how many people in the SFN community work. Our traffic and interaction on the forums clearly spikes during working hours of the weekday. We have a lot of lurkers/readers on the weekends but less people choosing to post.
Lastly, please don’t ignore our Facebook Fan Page and pass the word along to your friends as we are hoping to keep building on that platform and need your help.
Just wanted to thank everyone for being so supportive and all of the interest and traffic that we have had on the blog. Please keep it up…and try to bring some of your friends with you as we try to spread our wings as the primary forum for the highest quality Wolfpack conversations and coverage.