I don’t know anything about WHY this is the case…but, I wanted to share it with the community for some insight.
When I was doing some of the statistical work in our game entry and real good follow-up entry I noticed that the boxscore of the game on ESPN’s website was grossly inaccurate related to minutes played in the game.
The Boxscore at GoPack.com however included a play by play and was dead-on accurate with minutes played.
For example, the mintues played for Trevor Ferguson, Javi Gonzalez, Dennis Horrner and Ben McCauley were all off by about five minutes per player. A more direct comparison of the two boxscores is available here.
At first I wasn’t concerned about this because I presumed that ESPN just had some bae information. But, this morning’s Charlotte Observer actually ran the ESPN (aka WRONG) boxscore, making me believe that this is the boxscore that is ‘official’.
I’ve never paid any attention to this in the past, so I can only wonder how often the statistics that we are provided are incorrect?
This makes no sense to me. Does anyone have any deeper insight into this?