UNC YouTube Fan Upset At SFN

Update from UNC YouTube Fan Superfan “theeyecreature“.Who “received three degrees in six years from UNC-CH”. He pulled his video, after SFN linked to it on Friday. His new post informs us that this is his final video on UNC Athletics. Enjoy!

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34 Responses to UNC YouTube Fan Upset At SFN

  1. noah 09/15/2007 at 6:05 PM #

    “When I do these, I don’t expect anyone to watch them.”


  2. noah 09/15/2007 at 6:06 PM #

    “I have three degrees from UNC. I’m not a dumb, country hick. That’s why I say things like ‘funner’.”

  3. noah 09/15/2007 at 6:08 PM #

    “Uhhhh….I guess that’s it. I’ll try and come up with something ELSE to do.”

    Hey, I’m sure there’s a “World of Warcraft” club out there with your name all over it, pal.

  4. smile102 09/15/2007 at 6:08 PM #

    However, he is correct that UNC sucks at football this year.

  5. EverettBeez 09/15/2007 at 6:10 PM #

    3 degrees in 6 years? does Carolina offer an associates degree?
    Ah, so it is Orange Country Community College.

  6. EverettBeez 09/15/2007 at 6:10 PM #

    so he’s a man, and can take folks making fun of him, but its making Carolina look bad so he’ll quit?
    Ummmm –
    isn’t carolina football making them look bad?
    or how about his totally inane rants?

  7. noah 09/15/2007 at 6:13 PM #

    You know, I normally try not to pick on people who can’t defend themselves. I don’t want to be Sarah Silverman going after Britney Spears…that’s just gratuitous.

    But was this maybe the same guy we saw in the other video wearing a duck costume?

    “What’s this sign on my back? Why does everyone keep kicking me?”

  8. EverettBeez 09/15/2007 at 6:20 PM #

    “I am stunned, stunned that people are viewing and commenting on my video! How dare you!
    This was meant purely as an exercise in visual masturbation! What is wrong with you people watching me?”

  9. EverettBeez 09/15/2007 at 6:21 PM #

    I really can’t watch the bonus. its too much.
    Bless each of you who sits through it.

  10. Dogbreath 09/15/2007 at 6:25 PM #

    Assuming this guy lives in NC, my family and I live 3 states away and I fear for our safety.

  11. PAPacker 09/15/2007 at 6:27 PM #

    I guess this is the live thread for wofford.

  12. PAPacker 09/15/2007 at 6:27 PM #

    what’s the point spread anybody?

  13. Dogbreath 09/15/2007 at 6:29 PM #

    Wofford has 1250 students, meaning roughly 7% of their enrollment is the football team.

    If we lose to this school, I officially retire as a Wolfpack football fan.

  14. PAPacker 09/15/2007 at 6:30 PM #

    these guys were on South Carolina’s 10 yard line with a chance to win as the game ended last year, they return about 16 of 22 starters

  15. EverettBeez 09/15/2007 at 6:32 PM #

    switch threads fellas.

  16. buttPACKer 09/15/2007 at 9:53 PM #

    I did not say he WAS a serial killer, only serial killer-esque. . . semantics.

  17. gumbydammit 09/15/2007 at 10:40 PM #

    My new favorite quote – “That’s why I was gonna make these videos – it was fun. It was gonna be a lot funner the games we won…” Funner? FUNNER? Clearly, none of the three degrees he earned required that he take courses in English. I thought he was going to cry at one point. Oh, and does anyone know the term for a comb-over that is only over half of the bald area? Maybe we can start a contest to name it. My suggestion is to call it a “threeeyecreature”.

  18. gumbydammit 09/15/2007 at 10:42 PM #

    SFN – you can pull the bonus link to the video following the UNC-G’Town game. He pulled it off of YouTube. It woulda been funner if he had left it. LMAO!

  19. Pack92 09/15/2007 at 11:14 PM #

    Have you ever seen a more pathetic creature who LOVES unx…and has all his life even before he went there! Good heavens I’d like to catch him in the Wal-Mart line and make him cry in public.

  20. noah 09/15/2007 at 11:15 PM #

    Too bad he won’t comment on today’s game. That would have been the funnerestest of all.

  21. noah 09/15/2007 at 11:16 PM #

    “Good heavens I’d like to catch him in the Wal-Mart line and make him cry in public.”

    I don’t think that would be very hard. A quick shove and a demand of his lunch money would probably do it.

    But again…don’t prey on the defenseless.

  22. wolfman 09/16/2007 at 12:32 AM #

    I’m sure it’s not hard to earn 3 degrees in 6 years studying art history, war, peace, and defense (yes, it is a program of study at UNCsux!), underwater basket weaving, or any of the other useless programs of study at UNCsux. And he thinks that other people try to make UNCsux look bad. I think they do a wonderful job all by themselves.

  23. highstick 09/16/2007 at 12:36 AM #

    Dogbreath, Wofford’s average SAT scores are higher than the enrollment!

    Noah, I can’t believe you ran off my favoritess movie star today while I was gone. I didn’t get to watch all of his “moving pictures” last night.

    Wasn’t Jim Knight the ref who “stuck it to us” in Chapel Hill. He’s finally retired according to an article in the Charlotte Obs. today.

  24. Sw0rdf1sh 09/16/2007 at 8:31 AM #

    I love the fact that StateFans can impose it’s will on turds like this everywhere!

    I am concerned about what his next hobby might be though. I hope it’s funner.

  25. noah 09/16/2007 at 10:19 AM #

    “Noah, I can’t believe you ran off my favoritess movie star today while I was gone. I didn’t get to watch all of his “moving pictures” last night.”

    Wasn’t me. I didn’t even watch the video that everyone made fun of…

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