Morning Linkfest

Here is a question — have you really reviewed/read everything that is on the front page of SFN right now? More often than not we have visitors who only review the first couple of entries on the page and move on. But, many of our entries are pretty timeless and not necessarily tied to the exact moment. So, take some time perusing some recent pieces that you may have missed and some of the categories on the right hand side of the blog.

On the morning of the Red/White Basketball game we would obviously love to be talking about NC State. But, since so few people can actually go to the Red/White game we figured we might as well hit some other items of various interest this morning.

NC State & Chuck Amato Survival Meter

* Now that we are more than half way through the season, the chance that the Wolfpack will significantly improve our offensive statistics for the season are slim. (Link)

* Steve Logan’s radio show from yesterday can be found by clicking here. During the show he made a comment on how easy it is to instill discipline in a football team and that he was going to hit some of the highlights. I haven’t gotten through the whole show as of yet so I don’t know if he came back to the topic.

* We haven’t made a big deal of EDSBS’s Chuck Amato Survival Meter on the blog througout the season. But this week’s installment is too funny to ignore. Check it out here.

John Bunting

* We’ve talked about the relevance of Carolina’s coaching search, but we aren’t going obsess over it.

* A few local websites have done a nice job of consolidating good links, including 850TheBuzz who has a nice entry this morning.

* Additionally, the N&O’s blog references The Sporting News’ suggestion of Norm Chow. Speaking of Norm Chow, he is all over the place today!

* Just like the NC State coaching search the best place to go for a strong mix of scoop and analysis (other than SFN, of course) is Dave Glenn’s blog. Dave kicks-off his Carolina coaching search coverage with this link.

Shrinking Season Update

* We have made a big deal about this and really want you to make sure that you understand our perspective by clicking here. Today, the Wizard of Odds gives us an update on the incredible shrinking college football game., that have resulted in five less points per game.

A Decidedly SEC Bent
A host of ‘interesting’ links from the SouthEastern Conference ran across my newsreader today. The first two are typical ‘this is the way that we do it in the SEC’. The next two are fun.

* LSU assistant coach arrested in a situation that EDSBS couldn’t help but hit.

* Ole Miss has suspended four players and dismissed another

* The Last Call on the Cocktail Party

* Vols bring out the jest in Spurrier

South Carolina’s Steve Spurrier just can’t help himself, especially during Tennessee week.

Even when he tries to downplay his rivalry with Vols’ coach Phillip Fulmer, Spurrier breaks up the room at Tennessee’s expense.

He talked Tuesday of how his rivalry with Fulmer is overblown and one-liners like Spurrier’s famous, “You can’t spell Citrus without UT,” are simply good-natured jokes told by both sides.

“Of course, the winners are the only ones who can tell the jokes, so maybe they weren’t telling too many up there,” Spurrier said.

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'StateFansNation' is the shared profile used by any/all of the dozen or so authors that contribute to the blog. You may not always agree with us, but you will have little doubt about where we stand on most issues. Please follow us on Twitter and FaceBook

General NCS Football

16 Responses to Morning Linkfest

  1. choppack1 10/25/2006 at 8:45 AM #

    I still can’t get over the ban on the phrase “The World’s Largest Cocktail Party”…

  2. old13 10/25/2006 at 10:05 AM #

    From the EDSBS responses: “Of course, Amato has the backing of the AD and the chancellor of the university, who only care about the stadium being sold out. Like the Cubs of old, as long as the turnstiles keep clicking, everything’s fiiiiiinnnnnnnnne.”

    I’ve reconfirmed (from last spring) to Oblinger that NCSU will receive no more of my $$ as long as Foulup is still there. Guess I’m done! Bye!

  3. PAPacker 10/25/2006 at 10:06 AM #

    Please kill the ACC basketblog links. It is the blog equivalent of spam in my book.

  4. cfpack03 10/25/2006 at 10:44 AM #

    the Sporting News piece is pure wishful thinking. Chow is a speculative candidate for every open position college football. Just last month the Denver Post speculated he’d come back to NC State as head coach…
    Take TSN with a grain of salt and get used to seeing the media both pump up the UNC job and stretch their imagination as to who’s interested. THIS JUST IN: Mike Fox leaves Panthers to coach Tarheels!

  5. RAWFS 10/25/2006 at 11:18 AM #

    ^John Fox, you mean?

    And I think that Chow would come to Raleigh, if asked.

    If Amato were to leave, I’d damn sure ask. Then I would give Norm the money he needed to hire great assistants and recruiters. Remember the “Million Dollar Staff” that got Amato off the blocks with a bang?

  6. Andy 10/25/2006 at 11:49 AM #

    It’s not spam since they are linking to SFN from another heavily read blog

  7. partialqualifier 10/25/2006 at 11:56 AM #

    You just gotta love Steve Spurrier. Guys like that are great for sports. Say what you mean & mean what ya say. He never backs down….you gotta love it.

    As for UNC…Chow scares me more than Butch Davis. Dont know why, but it probably has something to do with Chow’s incredible record of scoring lots of points every year he has ever coached in college. I also agree with you guys above that I would love to give Norm Chow a chance to coach at NC State. I like Amato, but for Chow or Cowher I would pull the trigger. Unfortunately our AD is a buffoon.

    Just something to throw out there…maybe you guys can help me. But am I the only who was more impressed with Davis before he became an analyst? I have listened to him the last couple of years on TV and he just doesnt impress me at all. Yea..he had a decent record at Miami, but who hasnt in the last 25 years? Miami is like UNC basketball…even a complete idiot can get good players to go there. And Jimmy Johnson assistants aint exactly lit it up as head coaches. Furthermore….if I remember correctly his offenses at Miami were much weaker than they were under Jimmy Johnson & Dennis Ericson. Also if he is so interested in getting back into coaching why is no one else trying to get this guy…in the pros or college. He’s had 2 years off. I dunno….maybe I am the only one who thinks this….but to me Davis isnt worth the money you’d have to pay to get him.

  8. partialqualifier 10/25/2006 at 12:09 PM #

    Let me add, before you do…that I understand Miami was undergoing sanctions….but it is Miami for God’s sake! If Duke basketball was put on sanctions do u really think great players would quit going there?

    I’m not even saying the guy can’t coach. All I’m saying that it isnt a homerun….especially at his price tag. Yes…he would make UNC better next year, and he would keep the recruits in place. But does anyone think he would stay, if successfull, more than 3 or 4 years? Does anyone at UNC wanna go thru this again in 4 years?

  9. redfred2 10/25/2006 at 12:34 PM #


    I started to comment earlier with exactly same thoughts on Spurrier. The guy is cocky and unyielding, but you have love him when does exactly what he’s talking and backs up his mouth more often than not. It is more than evident that his take charge attitude and confidence rubs off on his players. The guy is damn good at what he does, and good for the game.

    Again, on the Davis thing, UNC will grab at a big name, with perceived or otherwise, coaching talent. It’s about egos, clout, and throwing their weight around. He may not be the best choice for the job, but they’ll do it right now, just to thumb their noses and show that they can.

    Ask ol’ ERRRskine, he’ll tell ya.

  10. wayofthemaster 10/25/2006 at 1:05 PM #

    From one of CTC’s press conferences this week…

    Thoughts on the Virginia game:
    “It’s just going to be one of those games that comes down to mistakes.”

    Oh, Lovely. I guess the Wolfpack loses another one.

  11. cfpack03 10/25/2006 at 1:42 PM #

    Yes, I meant John Fox… Mike Fox is a guy I work, I guess I’m used to typing his name.
    Anyway, about Chow. I swear I saw an article not too long ago quoting Chow as saying the only 2 places in college he would ever consider is NC State and Arizona. I’ll try to find it… From UNC’s pov, he may be a candidate, but it looks to me like TSN was just throwing hypothetical names out in the wind

  12. redfred2 10/25/2006 at 1:47 PM #

    I’ve always said you can try to limit them, but you can’t CONTROL mistakes. If you could, the word itself, would cease to exist. (???)

    There are plenty of other things CA and staff ARE in total control of, let’s just place our focus on them, there Chuckie boy.

  13. GAWolf 10/25/2006 at 3:02 PM #

    Wayofthemaster: Should this be interpreted such that now we’re actually counting on making mistakes? Jebus.

  14. 82grad 10/25/2006 at 3:33 PM #

    how old is chow, 75? unc is not looking at him, why would state?

  15. joe 10/25/2006 at 5:54 PM #

    Chow is 61. That’s very late in your career to be named a head coach


  1. The ACC Basketblog - 10/25/2006

    The Daily Roundup

    We’re tracking this story on the Basketblog. Get over there!!!

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