Atlantic > Coastal

After Boston College throttled overrated Virginia Tech last night on ESPN there is NO DOUBT that the ACC’s Atlantic Division is clearly superior to the Coastal. Considering that FSU defeated Miami in the first game of the year, a current case could easily be made that four of the five best teams in the ACC reside in the Atlantic Division – Clemson, NC State, Boston College and Florida State.

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21 Responses to Atlantic > Coastal

  1. BJD95 10/13/2006 at 9:42 AM #

    No question about that THIS year, not sure it will be so clear long-term. Still, it is a down year for the league overall – but look at the bottom of the Coastal. The three worst teams in the league (by far) are all there – Duke, UNC, and UVA.

  2. Trout 10/13/2006 at 9:49 AM #

    Conferences cycle. The SEC is usually always #1 or #2, but the rest cycle. The ACC just set the record for most draft picks in the NFL draft, so you knew the league would be down.

    Its funny, when the ACC had a true power team (FSU), it was the ACC and the 8 Dwarfs. The league is much more balanced this year, so the media says we stink.

    I just hope Clemson can beat SC, GT can beat UGA and FSU can beat Florida. That would do much for the league.

  3. Dan 10/13/2006 at 9:52 AM #

    So far the worst team in the Atlantic is Maryland who gave the Coastal’s best team, GT, all they could handle. Every intra-division game in the Atlantic is going to be tough this year.

    The entire league really needs to get better at the O-line though. There wont be a national champion out of this league until that happens.

  4. class of 74 10/13/2006 at 9:54 AM #

    ^Funny you mention O-line. Several in the media think Clemson’s O-line is one of the top five in the nation.

  5. partialqualifier 10/13/2006 at 10:01 AM #

    No question about it! Altho I guess u could say we needed Va Tech to win the game…I was sooo glad to see BC win it. First of all it makes State’s win against them (BC) look even nicer. But more importantly it is a win for programs that try to do it the right way. I mean would it kill Beamer to recruit kids with just a slightly higher character? I realize as a Pack fan I have little room to talk, but if we witnessed some of the shananigans I saw last night on that Va Tech sideline…we would be beside ourselves to say the least! I don’t care that Beamer gets some questionable guys every once in a while…everybody does. But do you have to get so damn many of them? And why can’t you control them a little better? Wow!

  6. packbackr04 10/13/2006 at 10:07 AM #

    I assume the other of the top 5 teams is Georgia Tech

    SFN: Undoubtedly at this point GT has earned the right for the label of a Top 5 team in the ACC. They still have battles with State, Clemson, Miami and Wake on the horizon…so, they could end up in the #1 spot of the hypothetical power rankings or the #5 or #6 spot.

  7. jncope 10/13/2006 at 10:07 AM #

    I can’t stand VA Tech. Go BC!

  8. CaptainCraptacular 10/13/2006 at 10:09 AM #

    Is there anyone who still thinks BC doesn’t deserve their #23 (or higher now) ranking?

  9. SaccoV 10/13/2006 at 10:09 AM #

    We also should add Wake Forest to that list. I know that they haven’t been any great teams yet, but they are 5-1 and only lost to Clemson because they blew a big lead. Make that 5 for the Atlantic to 0 for Coastal!!

    SFN: Wake has just as much chance to play their way onto the list as State does to play our way off the list.

  10. SaccoV 10/13/2006 at 10:10 AM #

    Sorry, forgot about Ga Tech. 5>1

  11. Woof Wolf 10/13/2006 at 10:41 AM #

    Pretty brazen to post this and leave Wake out the day before we play them. Wouldn’t want to get on the locker room wall.

  12. CaptainCraptacular 10/13/2006 at 10:41 AM #

    Don’t forget about Miami. They still have a chance to turn things around. Right now I’m with you, they certainly don’t appear to be playing well enough to be considered top 5 in the ACC, but they still control their own destiny in the coastal and could very well end up as the coastal rep in the ACC championship.

  13. Titus 10/13/2006 at 10:59 AM #

    I agree and good point Trout. The SEC is top heavy but maybe not as heavy at the top. Plus, you can’t ignore that there are some bad to mediocre team there — Vandy, Miss, MSU, Bama, Kentucky and USC. That’s half the league

  14. Red_Terrors 10/13/2006 at 11:02 AM #

    Funny you should mention “character” partialqualifier. I heard Herbstreet during last nights game talk about how class Beamer runs a very classy program. Classy? WTF! Herbstreet then went on to contradict himself by rambling off problem players vpi has had recently. Though, he failed to mention that cheap shot taken at the Duke QB earlier this year. Beamer had a chance to prove he was at least trying to run a classy program by sitting that player for the rest of the game…obviously he didn’t do that. Classy my butt!

  15. Wulfpack 10/13/2006 at 11:03 AM #

    Nope. I’ll be the first to say I was dead wrong about BC. They’ve won some close ones, but all that matters is the W. I was very impressed with the Eagles last night. Solid all the way around. Makes our win look even better. Looks like Clemson and GT are clearly the league front runners, with BC and the WOLFPACK not far behind!

  16. CaptainCraptacular 10/13/2006 at 11:14 AM #

    *Makes our win look even better.*

    Although the AP describes it as such: “Boston College (5-1, 2-1 Atlantic Coast Conference) is a North Carolina State desperation pass away from being unbeaten.”

    This is technically true, and I described it very similarly the other day. But somehow reading it on that page de-values the win as a whole by boiling it down to… oh, they won on a fluke miracle. Never mind the fact that our guys put themselves in position to do that by playing very solid the rest of the game.

  17. class of 74 10/13/2006 at 11:29 AM #

    ^Devalued or not, it doesn’t change the score! Twenty years from now it says NCSU won that game.

  18. packbackr04 10/13/2006 at 2:18 PM #

    I agree hesitantly with the top 5 because right now, i think WF has to get SOME consideration, BUt as you said, they will have plenty of opportunity to prove they belong and we will have plenty of opp’s to prove we dont.

  19. Mike 10/13/2006 at 3:17 PM #

    What did V always say? Put the team in a position to win, and let’s take our chances at the end! BC is a miracle away from being undefeated, BUT they are not. Great points Crap and 74, SCOREBOARD. We put ourselves in the position to win, and sure enough we did.

    One telling stat from a few weeks ago is how many games has UNC lost by 30+ points and how many NCSU has lost by 30+ points. The other was the close games………the majority of the games we lose, we are usually in a position to win (SM this year and BC last year the exceptions).

  20. Wolfpack4ever 10/14/2006 at 3:46 AM #

    ^ Mike, you are soooo right here. I’s too bad the average fan doesn’t get it. Great coaching results in, “Fire him! Except for (fill in the blank) he can’t win the close games.”


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