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ParticipantI’m just now really catching up on who KeaTTs is but the biggest thing that stuck out at me was his teams lost to Duke and UVA in the last two years in the big dance by single digits. Undermanned and they still had a chance to knock two really big names in not only the ACC but in all of NCAA. Time to give the guy a chance. As far as a high school pedigree Hargrave with two championships is about as good as it gets from my perspective. Give him the ability to have higher caliber recruits and he may really surprise some people. I was high on Smart 6 years ago, I think Keatts upside is much better than Smart, to the point where in 2 or 3 years we may be giving him a substantial raise. I’d sure like to silence the naysayers.
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ParticipantLook over our benefits package and let us know if you really want to work here
That is HR speak for “pack up your desk, you’re on your way out”
Sorry Mac, been there done that 4 years ago, only difference was they did that to 200 of us. Imagine 200 senior software guys getting dumped into the Raleigh market at one time. Took me six months to find a new gig, friends of mine still haven’t recovered. I will say this though, 8 months after I was laid off they called and offered my job back. Seems they had been somewhat “hasty” and didn’t see some of the pitfalls of letting so much “valuable talent” walk out the door. My reply “Walk out the door??? are you kidding me? You kicked me out the door.” And with that I slammed down the phone.
If I had seen some of that coming I would have looked around BEFORE I got the boot, problem was they had held that so close to the vest no one saw it coming. At least you have a warning. Start looking and quickly, at this point they have already expressed their lack of loyalty to you. 20 years at a company means nothing today. At least for me it only took me 18 months in my new gig to surpass the pay I was getting before and to move up to “top dog” on my team. I do miss the extra week of vacation BUT I have a manager that doesn’t nitpick over ever hour I’m in the office and makes sure I’m compensated in time off for all overtime.
Good luck, in today’s market place you’ll need it, and don’t get discouraged. There are places out there where you’d be valued, just not where you are now, from my perspective. For me it worked out great and I’m happier than I’ve been in years. Maybe it’s time for a paradigm shift.
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ParticipantThe Hai Karate commercials were hysterical. I wonder if there are any on youtube. The girlfriend preferred jade east, you know how that goes.
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ParticipantBS — British Sterling
Really, REALLY?
English Leather or Jade East. Oh wait, that double naught spy probably wore BS. It took me a long time to figure out to figure out (00) what the heck Jethro was talking about when he said “ole double naught”, but then I did lead a sheltered life as a young kid. BUT, English Leather is what I got for Christmas when I was 13.
Smarter than the average bear
03/17/2017 at 2:33 PM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #120838YogiNC
ParticipantSir, with all due respect… that’s was a long time ago and you’ve got me confused with someone else….
BOTB, that has parallels to the 3 axioms for having a good time that I learned in the Navy but then sharing those is a face to face thing and I’m afraid I’ll never write them down just because “they” are always watching. Is it 1984 yet?
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantRoo, I remember the Pepperdine game like it was yesterday. I had just returned from my very first patrol on a submarine. Had to read small blurbs of Associated Press news feeds for scores and stories of State during the season. Came in just in time to watch the ACC tourney, which state HAD to win. Then came “the game”, and what followed the next year was the Jimmy V rule. V put those guys on the line for 1 & 1’s FOREVER and won in triple overtime. It was 3:30 AM in Charleston SC (where I had been watching for almost 3.5 hours for the game to end). I have no idea how many guys had fouls left to give but it weren’t much. Most say the final against Houston was V mastery, they forgot that had V not won that first game State wouldn’t have been in the final, much less won.
I had guys giving me 20 pts against Phi Slamma, Tuesday morning they were all hiding. One guy gave me 10 to 1 on a straight up for a fiver. In 83 half a sawbuck bought a VERY nice steak dinner for two.
Smarter than the average bear
03/08/2017 at 5:50 AM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #119902YogiNC
ParticipantIt’s in the forecast for Sunday. Hope my apple trees hold off on the blooms.
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ParticipantGood grief at all the “come as you are” non sense.
So there’s a dress code for church? Maybe, but it’s probably not what you think it is. Mark 12:38.
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ParticipantI should have given up BASKETBALL for Lent. The team did
No comment from this quarter.
McC, wear whatever you like. It’s a freedom you deserve. I just quit doing it years ago because of something that happened to me when I invited a friend of mine from work to go to church with me. He said “I don’t have a suit”. I told him “that’s OK, lots of people at my church don’t wear suits”. Which was true, and the Sunday before that was the last time I wore one. That’s not a bonk over the head, just a different perspective on why I don’t wear one anymore. And it was hard for a couple of weeks. The church I’m a member of now no one wears suits. Most are always dressed high casual for lack of a better term. And yep, some times that even includes Izod shorts in the summer time.
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Participantto get the women back in line we’ve got to have some balls
I meant to comment on this earlier McC. Your less than delicate sense of sarcasm has always given me a chuckle, thanks so much for that.
Tender Warrior is much more than the title would imply. The crying came from a strong sense of brokenness about the man I should have been. Any man that reads that book and does not experience that is either perfect (not possible) or lives in la la land (highly possible) or is narcisstic beyond repair (also highly possible). I’m with Stormin Norman Schwarzkopf, you should use caution around a man who will not cry (see also Jimmy V video from the Espys).
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ParticipantWP, it’s hard at times for me to imagine He could love a Hitler, or a Charles Manson, and one of my neighbors (some of my pious priest moments Bill). Let me tell you about my sister in law who is an alcoholic … And yet nothing any of them do or have done is any worse than what I do when … (present tense)
I understand the search Bill… the problem is, if I ever find a perfect church it will become very imperfect when I start going there.
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ParticipantBill, when I was much younger Paul’s words meant little to me. The older I get and the more discerning I get the more I see how far away from the target I am (where that s word get’s it’s meaning in the King James). All I was trying to say is that what you seek is unattainable in this wine skin we are given to live in. No matter how “good” a church may be it will always be far from perfection because of what is part of “who we are” while in that skin. Daily I’m reminded of how hard it is to be who God intended me to be, but glad that He loves me as I am.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantHere’s the Hard question…
“Why not?”
Oh Bill, that’s VERY simple, it’s the reason the chasm exists in the first place. Sin. You should know by now that imperfect people will never create the perfect place of worship. It’s what Paul calls seeing through the glass darkly. One day though, one day.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantA man can put a coat and tie on at least once/week.
Not me, I’m pretty sure my “appearance” is not what The Almighty cares about, it’s the innards. I’m thinking just having on a coat and tie won’t get ya in.
If you want to read a really good book pick up a copy of “Tender Warrior” by Stu Meber. We have a small group doing a study on it. It’s the second best book I’ve ever read (it should be obvious what the best book is). I’ve cried my way through more than a few chapters. I wish I had read that book 30 years ago, I may have avoided making some of the mistakes I made along the way. At any rate it is special reading for any man at any age.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW! WAY, way too much info. But funny as heck! The old sayin’ was coyote ugly.
Back during my Navy days I had a lady tell me one night in a night club that I’d dream about her when I went to sleep that night. I told her “I can dream better than that even if I’m having a nightmare.” It took her about 10 seconds to fully realize what I’d said and she quickly left the club.
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ParticipantAfter a nuclear holistic if she and I were the only people left alive then mankind would go extinct!
A hearty Amen from the front pew! P-USA, P.H., PFWB, or charismatic du jour. Personally I’m Southern Baptist turned Non-denominational but who’s counting?
And by all my accounts a snowflake Roo is NOT! Sleetball yes, snowflake NO!
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantTrue Chop, many other states/cities have passed almost the same type of law with more or less the same wording. Houston REPEALED their TG friendly law by referendum and yet who showed up for the SuperBowl, the ENTIRE NFL. AND the NCAA didn’t pull games from Texas. Psst… I heard Bruce performed a couple of concerts there also. Too bad their indignation was all for show.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantTexas Rising. Was an awesome Sam Houston. It was one of the best mini series I think I’ve ever seen. Too a trip to San Antonio to see The Alamo because of it. Twister was pretty good too! Paxton really was an underrated actor IMO.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantRoo’s motto is why use 5 words when 500 will suffice.
To use some lyrics from “Up on Cripple Creek”:
We had Spike Jones on the box
She said, “I can’t take the way he sings
But I love to hear him talk”And Roo, I hated the way the last episode of The Blacklist ended. One of my favorite shows. Also was just getting into Training Day and now I’m wondering what they will do since Paxton died. I always enjoyed his work and he made that show work.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantFunny paki, considering neither one of those are political expressions. But more than likely those would be taught in schools that don’t receive federal funding so that point would be moot.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantRoo, just so you know, “we” know (and many others have been informed) that the TG friendly bathroom idea is a no no in the eyes of over 70% of the general voters on a nationwide basis. By gender it’s over 95% in women, all age brackets. It is also a voting concern for the ladies in 2018/2020, and could easily become the #1 concern if other current concerns are taken care of. BTW, there is a shift currently in women > 30 yrs to agreeing with Trump’s policies. How much it shifts depends on the top 3 concerns.
On another note, and you didn’t hear this from me, political neutrality in schools (ALL schools that receive even one dime of federal funding, even research grants) could become the next carrot for continuing to receive those funds. By neutrality I mean no one, not one, from the top head cheese right down to the custodian, will be able to express any political views within the confines of school property or in any public forums or public gatherings. The first amendment stuff doesn’t apply since by receiving federal funds all employees are considered to some degree to be federal government employees and there is already a rule that states they cannot state in any fashion their political views.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantHmmm, Since the start of this BB season I have been mum. I really dislike speaking ill of the dead (as in man walking, MG). I have chosen not to watch any games (as in NONE) this season of any team, not just the pack. I guess Mc’s ambivalence rubbed off on me without me catching his sense of satirical wit. That plus I’ve been busy as heck at the old salt mine. Our business has been really hopping as a result of word of our efforts and results this past political season got around. It has been fun to watch our CEO tout our abilities and hand out kudos to our staff. the end of year bonuses were nice too.
That being said I cannot see our lot improving with any of the names I’ve been seeing posted. Sorry, I just don’t see Archie being the man. Somewhere out there is a great second tier coach, either from the assistant ranks or mid conferences. I just don’t see us being able to land him. The crystal ball is murky. Yow should retire while she is ahead.
Smarter than the average bear
02/21/2017 at 5:25 AM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #118525YogiNC
Participantan older gentleman needs to save his back for more worthwhile pursuits.
Oh, the humanity of that statement. It is the fate of an older man that he at least has his memory of younger days. I’ll leave it at that.
Smarter than the average bear
02/20/2017 at 2:08 PM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #118489YogiNC
ParticipantCooked some turnips from the garden yesterday (delicious) and started some early preps for this season. BOTB, the ‘soup’ sounds interesting. We need to talk.
Last year was pretty good with the raised beds so I’m gonna stick to that this year. Have a few mods for this season including a 30% shade cloth for the maters and a few other companions in the 16 foot beds. Interesting testing from U Texas and UGA found out that works best for July & August.
Doing some rain barrels for water conservation also. Also extending the 32 ft beds to 40 ft to allow a bit more room for corn and melons. Squash planting this year will coincide with preventing squash borers along with Hubbard squash.
Using row covers for early germination also. Had planned to turn two of the raised beds into a greenhouse but that will have to wait til this fall.
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ParticipantSTEELERS! If someone had told me they would kick 6 field goals and not score a TD and still win I’d have said they were mad! And yet, they did!
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