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ParticipantTOB last season. 4-4 with a win against #3 FSU. That statement is highly highly up for debate.
Had TOB been allowed another year he would have been lucky to win even one game. We had no QB, and a dearth of talent. It was REALLY bad. And since he refused to recruit there was no prospect of it getting any better. Negative momentum is the best way to describe it. Death spiral is probably dead on, pun intended. The writing on that wall was pretty dire.
We happened to be eating out last night and sitting next to a couple at another table. I had a NC State shirt on. The couple struck up a conversation with us (me primarily). Turns out the couple was Howard and Lynda Baum. Howard has been the statistician for Wolfpack radio since 1967. Part of our discussion turned to the prospects for the upcoming seasons. Howard made the comment that the excitement level in football, and men’s and women’s basketball is at a level he hasn’t seen in 30 years. This came from a guy who does numbers. We wound up sitting there with them for an hour after we had finished eating (ignoring our wive’s discussions of course since Howard and I were talking numbers of all kinds and in all places, not just State athletics). It’s hard to find someone as into “numbers” and statistics like I am. For me it was a most enjoyable evening, the wife had fun talking to Lynda too so it wasn’t a complete wash for the ladies.
Smarter than the average bear
Participantwish we could have picked up 2 more that inning. Gonna need everyone we get.
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06/02/2017 at 10:03 AM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #122875YogiNC
ParticipantNASTY! Here’s one of the best things I’ve found on them.
Personal experience with centipede way back when was not too good. Friend of mine swears by Bifen for grub worms and fire ants and he said it works on the todes too, but that article doesn’t mention it. I have no idea why he would think it worked on todes too but he is a State AG graduate.
Smarter than the average bear
06/02/2017 at 6:53 AM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #122869YogiNC
ParticipantHere is a link to an outstanding article on what chemicals work for different types of grasses to control weeds and other grasses within the preferred grass you want.
Smarter than the average bear
06/01/2017 at 1:41 PM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #122859YogiNC
ParticipantYeah, but those first few days were killer! I don’t miss that or the stinky locker room. Nuf Said!
Smarter than the average bear
06/01/2017 at 5:13 AM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #122845YogiNC
ParticipantStick, without a doubt the best stuff I’ve ever used for weeds is metsulfuron. Many different brands. I have 4 acres and a 16 oz. bottle of the stuff has lasted me for 3 seasons (this being the third). It ain’t cheap though but it kills the weeds with no negative side effects that I’ve seen. It is designed specifically for turf. And as a benefit it kills bahiagrass grave yard dead which I’ve never seen anything else that does that without negative effects on other turf grass. A greens keeper at the course I love to play the most told me about it many years ago. Needless to say that course has no weeds.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantBOTB, take one guess where my nickname came from. And I’m probably about 3 years younger since mine came about in 1963. Unfortunately two guys named Koufax and Drysdale mowed ’em down in quick fashion, proving you can’t win when you can’t score. 4 runs in four games, I kept thinking “how can Mantle and Maris not even get on base”. My grandfather, a Yankees fan, was none too happy.
Smarter than the average bear
04/26/2017 at 7:40 AM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #122543YogiNC
ParticipantTractor, last year I planted more corn in a much smaller plot and I was able to keep it watered with about 20% of what I’d used in previous summers and had twice the yield of summers where I could not water enough. For me raised beds was THE way to go. Companion planting and I could keep the weeds out easier, had better yields overall with much fewer plants. I had romas running out of my ears. This year I’ve reduced my mater plants by 40% just to give my cukes more room to grow. At my age easier and smaller is better. I also gave away a lot of veggies to my more elderly neighbors. Most offered to pay but that would have destroyed the karma. Besides, the smiles were more than payment enough.
It was funny though, all of them were wondering what the heck I was doing with the raised beds at the start of the season last year. It didn’t take them long to remark how much I was getting out of such small spaces. I’ve seriously considered selling my disc and hiller. Both are pretty much useless now, I’ll never go back to row cropping.
Smarter than the average bear
04/26/2017 at 5:30 AM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #122541YogiNC
Participantwell CD, supposedly the borers have the highest affinity for that particular type of squash, and yes, I’ll probably plant extra just so hopefully I’ll get a few before they get squashed (pun intended). I’m going to try something different this year, fewer squash plants but replant in the middle of the borer cycle to minimize their effects.
Smarter than the average bear
04/25/2017 at 11:27 AM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #122533YogiNC
ParticipantI had just finished updating my 40 ft long raised beds Saturday with 2 X 6 sides. Last year they were just mounded and I had to mound up the sides to keep the water in. I had hoped putting sides on would alleviate that problem, and then the monsoon came. 8 inches yesterday, 2 today and finally it’s moving out. Haven’t had a chance to see them yet, hopefully they didn’t spring too many leeks. I was hoping to get smaller rains until I could see where potential problems are. Oh well.
This year I’m planting 300 hills of corn in those long beds, spread out over 3 plantings the stagger the crops coming in (and be able to freeze as much as possible). Few other things I’m doing different this year. Putting up a 30% shade for the maters, got me some blue hubbard squash for sacraficial plants for the squash borers, and dropped a shallow well for irrigation along with a collection system for rain off my shop. Want to make sure I keep the corn well hydrated along with other stuff in the long beds.
Smarter than the average bear
04/12/2017 at 7:01 PM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #122414YogiNC
Participantstick, you ain’t got that many years on me. I do like my pede, but to each his own. It’s hard to say that pede needs much maintenance at all. You can just about ignore it and it will still grow. I’ve had zoysia in two houses and it works but it takes a long time to get “in” comparatively speaking.
Smarter than the average bear
04/12/2017 at 5:41 AM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #122398YogiNC
ParticipantWhen I saw paspalum I wondered what the heck is that? BAHIAGRASS! YUCK! I hate that crap, and there is only one way I know of to get completely rid of it, cimmaron plus! Works wonders. I can’t think of anyone in their right mind who would actually plant that darn stuff. It’s ugly as heck, throws up foot high shoots in less than a week after mowing, invasive as heck. UGLY!
I repeat, for the lowest maintenance centipede. It ain’t called the lazy man’s grass for nothing. Grows from sod or plugs, very low fertilizer requirements. Drought tolerant, low growing (rarely gets over 2.5 inches high), small seed shoots. If you feed it low amounts of K and iron it will green up really well. The Tif Blair variety is really a great looking grass. I used 5 pallets of sod to get 4 acres growing in 3 years to crowd out bermuda that my wife talked me into initially (she didn’t have to mow said 4 acres). Two and half of those acres only get mowed every 3 weeks. Oh, and I have almost no weeds.
Smarter than the average bear
04/10/2017 at 2:02 PM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #122384YogiNC
ParticipantBOTB, that’s why I do centipede, can let the grass grow for two weeks and sometimes three if really dry. Doesn’t need much N and de-thatch every 3 years and you’re good. And it runs like crazy, not like muda, but still good enuf.
Smarter than the average bear
04/09/2017 at 9:19 AM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #122374YogiNC
Participanttractor, back in my radio days I got a job down in south GA. When I showed up the station manager assigned me to cover a court case in town. Seems a deputy and one of his friends had attempted to castrate a feller that had told the revenue agents where the deputy and his friend had some stills hidden and they had taken exception to his actions. This was 1975. The manager saw disbelief on may face and as I started to ask a question he cut me off and said “No, I’m not kidding.” I told him that sounded like a bad movie (Dueling banjos came to mind). That day I started looking for a job elsewhere and I was gone in less than a month.
BOTB and CD, we got down to 35 this AM but no frost thankfully. My apple tree is full of blooms!
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantGiven the choice between Jed and a possum I’d take the possum, gravy and all.
Smarter than the average bear
03/27/2017 at 9:54 AM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #122042YogiNC
ParticipantFrom UGA, alternative to fusalade
Acclaim. When Acclaim was applied at 0.18 lb ai/A in four applications, common bermudagrass population was reduced from 35 to 23% after the first year. When the treatments were repeated on the same plots the second year, the population was reduced to 3%. During this period, zoysiagrass density increased at the same proportion common bermudagrass was reduced. This data shows the importance in using a program for suppressing common bermudagrass over a 2-year period. Small amounts of common bermudagrass left in plots after treatment for 2 years will grow and expand if left untreated during the third year.
Smarter than the average bear
03/27/2017 at 9:49 AM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #122041YogiNC
ParticipantIf this was taking muda out of centipede this would be easy, Poast. Kills muda, to quote Jerry Clower, “Grave yard dead”. Not sure if you could do that before doing the Zo sod.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantBecause I wasn’t lecturing, only stating the facts. The collective WE on any of these boards have absolutely no say in any of this. WE aren’t in charge, WE don’t have the big donor bucks. WE are just noise, and far below the threshold to be heard or taken seriously, no matter how important WE think our opinions are.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantWe just hired a CAA/High school coach
It’s not a lecture, it’s fact. No one on here can even budge the needle to get their voice heard about the coaching hire (that’s a reference to how audio was once measured for the uninformed). The powers that be aren’t going listen to some who is a keymaster on a web discussion board. While DY can and does answer emails from concerned fans at the end of the day someone with the moniker of TheAliasTroll may as well live on Mars, your narrative is NOT going to make a hill of beans to the administration of NC State. If your name happens to end in Murphy and you have a ton of bucks then they listen. Money talks, BS walks. Thems the rules. You don’t control their pay you don’t control their ear, EVER! So, little does it matter what any opinion on here is, it’s just noise, and far below the threshold to be heard.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantAt the end of the day this is the overriding fact in ALL of this. Keatts is our coach and there ain’t thing one that any of the words in this thread or any other thread on this or any other web site that can change that. And you can choose to support him or not and in the great grand scheme of things it will make little difference if you do or don’t. Hopefully he will be successful, but from my observation, whether he is or not will make little difference also to those who are predisposed to withholding their support. Had this medium been around 30 some years ago I’d bet a small fortune that some of these same folks would be castigating Jimmy V to no end for any and every small transgression or decision he made that they did not agree with. It is the nature of this beast and it sure seems like it’s getting worse and worse. It certainly is not progress by any measure.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantRick, if we hadn’t have paid him 2.2M then somebody else would have. Laws of the market.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantThis is the precise reason WE (board monkeys) have no business picking the next coach. As the dust settles no matter what anyone says it’s a crap shoot. Wade would have been a disaster. Mr Shocker? Not at 4 mil and a trashy mouth woman behind the bench. Yeah, maybe UNCW isn’t top tier conference wise but Keatts has proven he can coach. Let’s face it you’re not going to budge a successful top tier like say Bill Self to come to State. Great coaches always come from a lower tier (V, case, sloan) that someone takes a chance on. Gott was what was left at the end of the day, he had some moderate success but when the wheels fell off the ride exploded. Everyday I hear or read something that makes me think one day we may be fighting to hold on to Keatts, but if he IS the fan of NC State that he says he is he may be here a long time.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantA bit pissed as well.
I wouldn’t have a clue what you’re talking about there (sarcastic rhetoric). The chickens at the top have shoved the poop to the HR guys and expected them to shoot it so that the said producers of the poop are protected. No matter how you look at it though it’s still chicken poop.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantOne thing I took away from that press conference is that Keatts intent is to win AND from what his records shows he can and will do that. The ready to do that indication for us as fans is the first game next fall. If we see a lean mean running machine then you can bet it will be GAME ON. I believe they WILL be in shape, real good running shape from the get go. Speed on the court as on the football field can overcome lots of other deficiencies. I saw less that a full half of any State game this season. I could not stand to watch because every time I did all I saw was them standing around on defense and plodding up the court on offense. Heck, one would have thought they were a team of Eeyores, that’s the way they played.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantIām looking to switch.
Sorry McC, I thought you were getting that internally. If they knew where you already are and were not even going to come close why even interview you? Did they think they were going to get steak for the price of a burger? Did the job posting not list the pay/benefits? Did you go through a recruiting firm to set up the interview? If so those guys should have vetted the job offering before you even got there, them’s the rules of dealing through recruiters.
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