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ParticipantPak, I already know the answer to both of those questions and the results would still be overwhelmingly NO especially if the second question was worded “Do you support the rights of LGBT persons to use the restroom that matches the gender they ‘self identify’ with?” That has been from the start the sticking point with the whole mess.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantWulfpack, the point is this, and the crux of the argument is THIS. SELF IDENTIFICATION. Protective laws are based entirely on this. Constitutional laws are based on this. To be included in a protected class your have to PROVE you are a member of that class, and self identification does not hack it. Without a hard and fast rule about whether or not someone belongs to that class anyone can claim it and membership cannot be established. I cannot claim to be an American Indian without genetic proof. I also do not have the skin of a Black so I’m not in that group either. So by that token I cannot claim protections of laws passed for those classes. Self Identification is not sufficient for proof of inclusion in the LGBT community, AND that is the legal side of the bill that was passed. Like it or not the legislature can claim their law is constitutional on those grounds. Go ask a REALLY, REALLY good lawyer (like my cousin who I helped put through law school).
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ParticipantThe plumbing regulation is prescribed by the bill (if you had actually read it you’d know this), your birth certificate says what your plumbing is, and if the plumbing changes the birth certificate can be changed. And accordingly for the “I identify” there is no requirement that you dress as the “other” gender. A guy can be dressed as a guy and walk right into a women’s bathroom with no impunity. That’s madness, and I’d like to know the opinion on said HB2 bill from the wives of those saying the bill is bogus. My guess is you wouldn’t want your wives or daughter to give their opinion. And I’d also venture to say that if they do agree the bill is bad they are in a very meager minority. A significant majority of women HATE the idea that they may have to share a public bathroom with ANY man. Ask ’em, I DARE you. Pay for a public opinion poll on the subject. And as you’re doing that tell me why NC is not the only state that has just such a law and more so why other places that have passed such a law allowing for “I identify” to either repeal it or are considering repealing it. AND also why the Obama administration and school districts who have adopted the Obama edict to file suit in Federal court to block it. No matter what you say women and parents in general see it as an assault on their safety and sense of decency. Too bad this board doesn’t have more wives on it. for you guys reading this, poll your wives on it and let them answer this discussion. I know what mine has said over and over about this, and she has LOTS of friends and they all detest the idea of sharing their bathroom with who knows who. Call it intolerant if you want but it is how the greatest majority of the women folk feel, and THAT is why they passed the bill, lawmakers understood and respected how the women feel about this. You detractors so far are all guys who don’t give a rip if a woman ventures into the men’s room.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantOh yes, intolerance is what we are when we look after the welfare of a much larger group of people at the expense of the wants of a very few, and they are a very few in comparison. Face it, the intolerance comes from the few who want to impose their will on the larger group. It’s more than obvious that you cannot fathom the fears imposed on women by allowing predators to hide behind the “I identify” mantra. If there was a way that could determine who is who in that particular class then the fear could be minimized. But it can’t, the only possible way to identify is by birth certificate, and for that the plumbing has to match, and THAT is all the HB2 law does. You want to use that bathroom, the plumbing has to match.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantNo, a male is not allowed in a female/women’s locker room/bathroom. YOU MISS THE POINT because all you can see is your side of the picture, or should I say your liberal bias side. If you’re so liberal why is it that you continually try to force your ideas upon the rest of us. LET US have our views. In this case HB2 is one the said of the majority. And there are no civil rights at stake. NONE!
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantThe crux of the bill stated in order to use a facility of a certain gender you must have a birth certificate proving you are indeed that gender. That’s pretty clear to me. And it’s something I can live with as well as everyone else since it’s been that way for a VERY LONG time. An Pak, for the record, one of the first things that happened in these United States when Seattle passed a similar law allowing those “identifying” was a guy marched into a women’s locker room at a pool and undressed completely. There were young girls there for swimming practice. wanna know what they did about it? NOTHING! In spite of protests from concerned parents, NOTHING. THAT is where Charlotte’s bill could have taken us. Houston “had” a similar bill and repealed it due to what were termed as complications with situations arising for passage of the bill. that’s the politicians way of blowing off the fact they screwed up.
The fact is laws are made primarily to protect a class of people, sometimes that class embodies everyone, sometimes it’s a very restrictive class. The “identifying” portion of bills designed to allow transgendered people to choose which facility to use is the crux of the problem with those bills and the directives of our President. To get protections afforded by law establishing whether or not someone is in the class first and foremost. Example: I cannot claim to be an American Indian, a protected class with many benefits, simply by claiming I “identify” as one. I have to have PROOF that I’m a member of that class. I am sure if you could PROVE that all people who claim to “identify” as transgender were in fact a member of that class then the fears would be somewhat lessened for the women folk. That is NOT the case however and any DUDE who claims otherwise is delusional. You would still however have the problem of a man undressing in a locker room with women and young girls. For those who are complaining about how WRONG HB2 is I’d love to poll your wives and daughters on the subject. My guess is they would be overwhelmingly against it. The problem is guys, as usual, cannot “identify” with the fears and trepidation that women fell on this very subject since a woman coming into a men’s room would not come close to creating the hubbub that the opposite happening would.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantSo TAU, the greatest MAJORITY of the fine people of NC are ridiculous because they don’t want a LAW that makes it LEGAL for pervs to be pervs? The ones who ARE ridiculous are the ones who feel that everyone else is stupid when they cannot see how their “wants” override every one else’s RIGHTS. My wife and many like her abhor the fact that anyone would want to pass a law that makes it legal for ANY person to make a claim, with NO PROOF, that they are in a certain class of citizens, and then take advantage of said law to perpetrate what is today a crime. If you can’t see that side of it YOU are ridiculous. No, you can’t stop a perv from going into a women’s restroom and exposing himself, BUT today it is against the law, which in and of itself is a sort of protection from it happening. What you are wanting makes that legal and takes away all protections and therein lies “the rub”. Why not just abolish all laws since they cannot offer any protections to the citizens. Hey, make it legal to steal or commit murder since people do it anyway. You would say THAT would be ridiculous, and yet there is no difference between that and removing the protections set in place for women to feel a MEASURE of safety in the women’s room.
As for the economic fallout, my wonder is why these people singled out NC when plenty of other states have passed the same laws (and some localities have actually repealed the LGBT bathroom laws they put in place for the obvious reason, it was ridiculous in the first place). No Tau, sometimes the majority has the RIGHT to rule. The opposite brinks on anarchy. The HB2 law infringes on no one since everyone has the RIGHT to use a restroom, and the law does not take away from that. It does however put in place protections for those who view their right to use said restroom in said measure of safety and decency.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantWait, wait wait, THE WOMEN’S restroom is the one they converted? That’s that’s that’s bigotry, ummm ummm what’s the word I’m looking for???? STUPID, yep, that’s the word. Proof positive that they know the women do NOT want to go to the men’s room BUT the men (some pervs thrown in) want to get into the women’s room. Geeees.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantTau, do you mean that my wife is being ridiculous because she doesn’t want some pervert who claims to identify as a woman wants to go into the women’s bathroom with her and expose himself? That is the flip side of this discussion that NO ONE that wants the bill repealed has yet to give an explanation for. Does someone’s “right” and I use that term loosely override my wife’s RIGHT to protection under the law? The ultimate problem is allowing for those who “claim” to be of certain sex without having the plumbing to match (which is what the bill stipulated) to do whatever they want and damn the rights of others who feel threatened by their actions. Do they have the “right” to use a bathroom, of course, BUT they can use the bathroom which matches the plumbing? Of course they can. They have been doing it all along and I beg for proof that they have suffered because of it. Anything else, as you would say, IS RIDICULOUS, and infringes on the rights of a much larger group. The few who claim their “right” cannot expect the many to give up their “right”. That ain’t the way it works, just because you “want’ something to be your way doen’t mean you have the right to it. I “want” to win the lottery and get 100 million, do I have the “right” to it? NO!
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantThere is only one perspective for ANY man (and “identifying” as a woman but plumbing of a MAN is STILL a MAN) to be in a woman’s bathroom, and that is just wrong. It is lunacy, and BO (that’s before Obama, or just plain stinky, take your choice) this would not be acceptable. Common decency says it’s not acceptable. A woman’s RIGHT to feel safe and secure while going to the bathroom TRUMPS ANYONE ELSE WHO FEELS they are being treated unfairly. Sometimes the MAJORITY IS RIGHT!!! PERIOD! And my bet is if it was put as a national referendum there would be no question.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantWOOPS, Houston we have a problem. Wikileaks just exposed the rigged system in the DNC that effectively banished Bernie to no chance what so ever. Anyone out there still believe Hillary is not the most corrupt person ever to run for President much less be president. I find it mildly amusing that she worked on the committee to impeach Richard Nixon and here we are 44 years removed and she is infinitely more corrupt than Nixon ever came close to being. And before those of you start blasting me about Trump prove to me he ever lied before congress OR intentionally transmitted classified information over a non secure system AND LIED about it. I had clearances. If I had done that I’d be making small ones out of big ones at Ft. Leavenworth doing 20 years, Case Closed.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantHow many of you who have daughters would want some dude who “claims” identifying as a woman exposing his “junk” to your daughter in the locker room at the local pool? While the bill had some other tag along stuff in it that wasn’t kosher in that discrimination could have no suit status, the crux of the bill is to protect your and MY women folk from any and all “pervs” that want to claim they identify as a woman just to gain access to women’s facilities. Sorry but that is just human decency. You want to be a guy going into a woman’s bathroom with my wife or daughter you are gonna answer to me, law or no law. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. You go into that bathroom with her you better have the correct plumbing or I may fix it so your plumbing matches. Political correctness has gotten out of hand. AND all those performers who backed out of contracts…I’d OWN Bruce if it was my contract he backed out on, law or no law, that is failure to perform in contract language. He had no standing in that dispute, HE’D LOOSE. And the triple damages would take a large chunk out of his wallet.
Smarter than the average bear
Participantwhich just got weaker today
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantChristie and Junior hit it out of the park. Time to give Hillary an orange jump suit.
For the record, I had a top secret NATO clearance. To get that I had to sign a statement of understanding for the FBI. I have all ideas she did too simply because that’s the way it works. My bet is that thing is sitting in Comey’s desk and the gag order in place about the investigation prohibits anyone in the FBI from releasing that information. But then again she is Hillary and the rules don’t apply to her so she could have blown off the FBI and not signed it.
But she did lie under oath to Congress which is a felony.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantSaid in my best Yogi esque voice, we could easily be 7 and 5 unless we go to a bowl and lose 9, at which time we’ll be 5 and 8. In other words I have NO FREAKING IDEA!
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantYou can get some deer fencing on Ebay for a pretty good price. It’s sorta like the netting I use for my trellis which I got off ebay. The trellis is just 6 inch netting and 1/2 inch conduit with pvc fittings screwed in. It works pretty well, you could use conduit for corner posts for a fence. Think about this too, raised beds take up less space so smaller fence. My problem was with bunnies, I just decided to spot them the peanuts.
RR ties were ~12 bucks at Lowes. Those things ARE VERY heavy. As I had said earlier I’m a very old dog and have always done the row garden thing. This worked so well I’m never going back to rows, too many advantages for me vs. the old way. We had 2 inches of rain yesterday in 45 minutes, my yard and neighbors yard were flooded, for the garden it was just a good irrigation. I am in the process of planting another crop of corn. I’m pretty sure I have time to get it in before it frosts.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantSorry, it’s really my wife’s facebook page. Here’s a link to shared photo album
We had a nasty storm today, laid over all my sunflowers and pushed my tomato trellises over some too. Winds were 44 mph and 2 inches of rain in 40 minutes.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantSorry guys, here is the direct link instead of the link to our facebook page.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantHere’s a link to our facebook page, photos of my garden are on there.
The Sunflowers were volunteers from last season, I didn’t have the heart to pull them.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantAshe, with regards to companion planting here’s what my long beds (40 ft) have. Two rows of corn down the middle spaced 12 inches apart and 12 inches from each other forming a zig zag. Down the middle of the corn I planted pole beans, cantaloupe and watermelons. On the outside between the corn and the edge of the bed I planted peas and peanuts (the damned bunnies ate almost all of the peanuts). 6 inches from the side edges I planted zucchini, yellow crookneck and white scallop squash. I’ve had very little crabgrass in those beds and what does grow has been long, spindly and easy to pull. The peas and the pole beans have run up the corn, the squash shades everything and my major foes have been carpet weeds and bunnies. The weeds I can pull, the wife refuses to let me shoot the bunnies. There are various beneficial flowers planted here and there. It’s the 3 sisters on steroids. My garden has never produced as much as this one has. I’ve had veggies running out of my ears, and I have rarely seen bugs or the evidence there of EXCEPT a few squash borers. They were easy to destroy. 4 o’clocks have kept the beetles at bay I think, none to be found on the tomatoes or cukes. I’ll have to check out the H-19 as I have had more than a few blimps both of the cuke and zucchini variety. I have more than a few zucchini plants that are monsters. I got 5 off one and 4 off another the other day.
Thanks for the tip about Azomite, just have to find it near me.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantSorry, not on packpride. I’m going to take some pics today and post them on my facebook page. I’ll pass along the page addy then.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantBill, I can’t imagine trying to apply what I’m doing to a very much larger scale. As it is what I’m doing is way larger than the common concept of raised beds since my smallest is larger than most and my big ones are 5 times larger. I felt I had to do that in order for the corn to work like i wanted it to. One thing that I would probably do for 7 acres is planting everything in black plastic. I have a brother in law that farms flowers. Yep, flowers. He’s doing it on about 8 acres and he plants intensively in black plastic. I also have a neighbor that does yellow squash in black plastic.
For a personal small garden what I’m doing is a much better solution that what I’ve done before. For anything over 1/2 an acre doing one crop of a specific veggie in black plastic seems to make more sense. It does great for my brother in law. They have a contract with Lowes foods and Whole Foods in the triangle and they sell A LOT of flowers.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantThe straw is still decomposing. I fed the cardboard a lot of nitrogen (which is to stuff that you need to decompose carbon… i.e. cardboard). It went pretty quickly BUT the earlier you get it done the better. The straw really tended to be the sponge that holds the water. I’ve pulled up a few of the corn plants that are finished and there is a lot of straw attached to the roots and it’s pretty moist. There are things in how I did it that go fast and others go slow. I figure it will probably take at least 24 months for the total cycle to take place. After the “season” I plan to turn the middle of the beds up a bit to see what is transpiring underneath and to determine if I need to do anything to feed the beast so to speak. I got a pile of hardwood mulch from tree trimmers this summer that I used as mulch a bit that will be mixed in this fall.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantMost of my research on the raised beds wound up being based on the keyhole garden concept which I translated a bit to a standard raised bed. I wound up building the layers of my raised beds like the layers of the keyhole. That part really worked well IMO. Then I applied a good deal of the square foot garden and companion planting thought processes. It’s like combining 3 really good ideas into one. For me I’ll never do it differently again, the outcomes were just way too good. Like i said though I do have a few tweaks for next year.
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