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  • in reply to: Bye week NCAA football thread #107102

    The gun free zone thing IS FUNNY! And yet scary because there is someone running for president that would dare take away MY RIGHTS, the rights given to me since the BIRTH OF THIS NATION. The right to bear arms and protect MYSELF, BECAUSE SHE WON’T DO IT! And she would also dare to hide behind people who would be armed. The ultimate stupidity is she would expect protection by those who have arms but then she IS THE ULTIMATE IDIOT.

    AND she should be in JAIL, then we can be protected from her by people who have guns.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Bye week NCAA football thread #107098

    TAT, THAT is funny!

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Bye week NCAA football thread #107084

    In the majority of the cases the police were justified in their actions. Michael Brown comes readily to mind. He was a thug. And Obama chose to make him a martyr with absolutely NO EVIDENCE that he was anything other than a thug who would have killed others had he not been stopped by deadly force. And he was just one of many. And yet Obama did not call out the rioting and destruction as stupidity among those who were doing it. No, his narrative with no proof was that the shooting was wrong. Even when it was proven he was wrong he didn’t admit it, and when others after that time have been proven wrong he has ALWAYS been on the wrong side.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Bye week NCAA football thread #107077

    As one who grew up in what would be considered the bad times of race relations I saw the worst from those in power in the south. For the most part very few instances of blacks doing bad things, and most of the bad came from whites. It was ugly.

    The one bright side of this was Dr. King, and I’m sure were he alive today he would be calling out the Black Lives Matter movement as not only being un-American but racist within itself. He would also take exception to the race baiters within our country. Personally I’m tired of those who just bi-ch about things and have no constructive solutions. And burning neighborhoods, and rioting and destruction have no place today. And I lay 99% of these problems at the feet of a president who refuses to take ownership of a problem that he created.

    In almost every case he has been on the wrong side from the get go and has not taken ownership of the negative effects of the stand he took. All by himself he has greatly contributed to the highly negative environment in our country today. Not one of his programs or things he tried to accomplish has had any positive effects for this country. And Obama Care will go down in history as the most deleterious programs our country has ever undertaken. Within two years it will be absolutely broke and no insurer will be participating.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Bye week NCAA football thread #107060

    She should have resigned long ago. She was employed to do a specific job. The law required her to do that job and she didn’t. And while I was at it I’d fire Roy Cooper too, for gross negligence in running his department AND for not doing the job he was hired to do. He should have been impeached long ago. And he should not be allowed to run for governor. If you don’t do what is REQUIRED BY LAW in one job you should not be able to have another job.

    As for the Walmart workers they were hired to decorate cakes. What a customer wanted was NOT racist, WAS NOT nasty or repugnant. If they didn’t want to do it they should have informed their supervisor and let them handle it. And if I were their supervisor I would have given them the choice, do it or you’re fired. There are things that come up everyday that I don’t want to do in my job but it is not my call, and if the boss says “do it” I have two choices, do it or get fired. If it’s not ILLEGAL then I have no grounds to disobey AND keep my job. And just because I don’t like it is not LEGAL grounds. What the Walmart workers did was actually Illegal in refusing service with no legal grounds. And firing them would have been easy since they brought disgrace to their employer. There would also be one NFL QB out of work if he worked for me too.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Bye week NCAA football thread #107057

    I just read an article about workers in a Georgia Walmart refusing to make a cake for a Cop’s retirement. Walmart is trying to walk it back and fix their problem after the word got out over facebook. If I had been the manager of that Walmart there would be 3 people without a job THAT INSTANT. AND if they went looking for unemployment I’d have fought that on the grounds that they didn’t deserve it due to an act that was discrimination.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Bye week NCAA football thread #107049

    Go, no you don’t BUT you can’t do anything that can be taken as a threat and you sure as heck do not pull a gun OR make it look like you are. And DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. You may not go home (depending on what you’ve done) but you’ll live through it.

    As for Pitt, Canada lost that game. First 3 and out with 9 to go I thought to myself “Canada is going to lose this game”, and he did. Geees man, run one jet sweep instead of straight up the middle, and this game is over.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Fall gun and garden thread #106836

    I just checked my settings and that email addy is valid. I haven’t seen a new email from you yet but it is gmail so… also cut and paste the email addy. there’s TWO s’s in a row there.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Fall gun and garden thread #106834

    nope. When did you send it? I don’t use that email address much, but if you resend it I’ll check it out and reply.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: The Dominion That Is Old – Open Query #106757

    Be careful there, don’t want this place to be like Erwin on a Friday night.

    Ummm, if Triton is playing at home then Erwin is hoping (hoping being a relative term here.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Fall gun and garden thread #106087

    Wuf I cut down over half of my okra last week because I couldn’t keep up with it anymore. Even with that I’m getting a ton every time I walk out to my garden. Great for give away. I did grill some the other day, yummy. After seeing my aunt with Alzheimer’s I’ve come to the conclusion the hell that it is is probably worse on those who have to care for them than it is for them. But everyone who gets it is different. The difficulty is in not being able to get a true definition of what it’s like for those who have it. My mother is showing early signs of it and I’m not looking forward to that.

    As for the Desert Eagle, hmmmm. Ain’t no way to conceal it, and if you open carry you could scare the crap out of a lot of people, me included, and I have my own on my hip, just not nearly as big. LOL. If’n you’re getting it just to shoot it, point of curiosity… Have you priced the ammo? That alone is why when I bought my AR-15 I got both the 5.56 and 22LR bolt. I can shoot a big gun with cheap ammo vs. that 5.56 stuff which is TRES expensive. 45 ammo is much more costly than 9mm and 22 but 50 cal is way up there. My cousin has a DE and he can go through 100 bucks of ammo just getting warmed up. WOOO!

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Fall gun and garden thread #106077

    I had romas coming out of my ears but other varieties seemed to struggle also. Had quite a few plants that just died. I had chalked that up to not getting much natural water (rain) in both July and August (less than 3 inches in each month) and I had to water quite a bit which was easier in the beds. Some of my cukes growing in the same beds died too but my yield was high there until the lack of rain set in.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: ECU #106074

    Decoder ring… out of a cracker jack box? You know those things are like gold. They sell for big bucks on Ebay. For that price you’d think they actually work. but then it is CD that we’re decoding.

    Just kidding CD.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Fall gun and garden thread #106073

    Stick, I have a Bersa Thunder 380. Great little gun (double naught 7 knock off). As for 22 versions of something else I have an AR-15 5.56/.223 that also came with a 22LR bolt. Great for taking out crows in the pecan trees in the fall. I’ve considered the 22 version of the Bersa too, just never shot one.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Fall gun and garden thread #106061

    Tractor,the sad thing is more and more are coming to that conclusion. It is a sad narrative for our country when 90 year old grandmas think they need to arm themselves for their own sake. Over half of our seniors group at church have gotten training and have their CCW permits. There is a shooting range across the road from my house and many of them practice there regularly. If someone had told me 40 years ago I’d see this in my lifetime I’d have told them they were nuts and yet here we are. By the same token 40 years ago an American President resigned because he lied about a bunch of his bungling buddies breaking into the office of his rival in the election. Mrs. Clinton was part of the committee that was responsible for his undoing. As Paul Harvey used to say “That’s the rest of the story”. I’m truly fearful for this time in our country’s future.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Fall gun and garden thread #106056

    Tractor, I live out in the sticks between two “rural” type cities/towns down south of Raleigh. Two years ago there were some meth heads doing their brew in the middle of the night out in the middle of the soybean field that is behind my house. The dogs went out in the fenced in yard for the final potty run of the night and heard ’em. Two calls and 3 minutes later there was a posse rounding them up for the constabulary. The deputies found 5 of us holding two of them sitting down with their “equipment” and we never fired a shot or touched either one.

    Could I get help were someone to break in on me? Yes maybe, but I may not be able to call anyone in time, and for sure they wouldn’t get there in time. That’s what happened to the couple that were beaten. If someone breaks down my door now no matter where I am or my wife is in the house the minimum that would get fired in seconds is a 22 or 9mm with some really nasty bullets. If I’m in bed by the time they get to me they will get a 12 gauge, 5 shots as fast as I can pull the trigger. In my wildest dreams I never thought my life would come to the point where I felt I needed to be armed for my own protection BUT that day “arrove” 5 years ago, and I would not hesitate for even a half a second, by then it may be too late. Would it disturb me to take the life of another? Yes, definitely, BUT it’s not just my life I’m protecting.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Fall gun and garden thread #106051

    LOL CD, in terms of self protection I’m not sure how much a thug would appreciate a sawed off 9 iron, kinda like crocodile Dundie. “That’s not a knife, this is a knife”. And I REALLY wouldn’t try to bring a bottle of Wild Turkey and a 6 inch knife to a bear fight but then you are one upon which legends are made.

    As for owning weapons I never owned a handgun until 6 years ago. An elderly couple a little over a mile away were overcome by two thugs that invaded their home, beat and robbed them and almost killed them. My wife convinced me for us to both to take classes and get our concealed carry (a friend of ours teaches pistol self defense, he’s an army sniper and one of the top 5 in the world, but now retired). I never thought I’d enjoy competitive shooting but it’s a blast. At the same time is has honed my shooting skills “just in case”. As for competitive shooting my friend is also one of the best in that too. He’s placed in the top 10 nationally for the last 8 years. It’s a wonder to watch him compete. He could easily put 10 holes in ya before you could pull yours out of your pocket, LOL.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Fall gun and garden thread #106038

    I would never use the SR9C as a carry gun, way too heavy and big. Trying to conceal it is a JOB.

    With regard to the Glock triggers I’ll say this, I’ve never had a problem with any of mine and I’ve shot IDPA with it and I carry one EVERYDAY. I have lots of friends that also carry them, and none of us have ever had a problem. Also, lots of LEs use them extensively. The trigger takes a VERY specific pull to engage. Consider I have put ghost triggers in every one of my glocks and that’s a 4 lb pull and it is smoooooth. My carry holsters are the blackhawks that has a retention on it with complete trigger guard. I’ve done very fast draws one saturday a month for over 5 years shooting tactical competitions and never had a problem. I’ve also never seen anyone with a glock have a problem either. If that trigger system on the glocks was unsafe they wouldn’t be the #1 handgun in the world. Just sayin’

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Fall gun and garden thread #106029

    Well Roo, I have a Ruger SR9C and my wife stole my SR22 (best 22 out there IMO, it will shoot any 22 you put in it). For many years I refused to buy a Glock until I kept getting my butt kicked at IDPA matches with the guys shooting glocks and I gave in. Now they are my favorite. I have a 17 that I’ve become very accurate and fast with, and that translated right over to my 43.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Fall gun and garden thread #106024

    It’s a nitron model, night sights, extra mags and holster, original box. Black. Hogue grips. 450.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: Fall gun and garden thread #106022

    Rick, I own a p238 and 938. I also own a glock 43 (9 mm version of the 42). I love my Glocks, all 5 of them. if you want either one of the Sigs I’ll make you a good deal on them, the 238 was a daily carry until I got the 938, and now I carry the Glock 43. I have extra extended magazines that hold one extra round for both of the Sigs.
    As a matter of preference the .380s were bought for my wife. I prefer the 9s for the extra bit of fire power. I also like Glocks because after market parts are easy to find. The Sigs are really good guns though and you can’t go wrong with them, and until Glock came up with a single stack 9mm they were my go to gun for concealed carry.

    Smarter than the average bear

    in reply to: ECU #106010

    Need a Fall gun and garden thread on here

    My Carolina Reapers are just coming in. I guess I need to start a thread on garden results. Mine greatly exceeded my expectations.

    As for Saturday I’d greatly enjoy a repeat score from last week (in our favor of course). A larger differential would be even more fun. My company is doing survey work before the game and at the half. They won’t let me wear my State shirt. Something about being neutral or other such nonsense. Oh well, they can’t stop me from cheering, LOL.

    Smarter than the average bear


    After seeing the holes get “hosed” to take a minor quote from the fans of the dumpster fire, I knew that crew would have their panties in a bunch. I’d really love to see us beat them this year if nothing more than the comic relief of those pin heads exploding. The conspiracy theories alone would be funny reading if you didn’t know those idiots were being totally serious in their assertions.

    Smarter than the average bear


    just for the record on FCS teams:
    Virginia lost to Richmond (who lost to W&M last year but eventually beat them the second time around to eventually take the FCS championship). It was 30 – 7 early on but wound up 37-20.

    Other FCS teams (from CBS sports):
    Winner: Good FCS teams. Hey, who says all FCS teams are cupcakes? Washington State found out — for the second season in a row, mind you — what happens when you schedule a quality FCS opponent, falling to Eastern Washington 45-42. In the Big 12, Iowa State yet again fell victim to good Missouri Valley Football Conference teams by losing to Northern Iowa 25-20. Even South Dakota State gave TCU a run for its money before the Horned Frogs pulled away to a 59-41 victory. Overall, FCS teams remain at a decisive disadvantage in the win-loss column, but every year a few top-notch FCS teams show the gap between them and the big boys isn’t so big.
    Those aren’t my words, pundits who make their living knowing and talking football.

    Smarter than the average bear


    Yes, State was supposed to win. Yes they won, but I also remember when one of CTC’s teams lost to the freaking ZIPS. If we had gone out there and lost to the Tribe and had been ugly doing it like that lost to the Zips was then gloom, doom, despair, and the sky is falling is all that would have been heard. The flip side of that is we won a game against a team that is not the typical real cupcake from the FCS. They are a really decent team, even if it is FCS. Should we have won, Yes, but some of us saw things we were pleased about and expressed it. And by the same token this world has become so cynical that a FAN (look up the meaning of the word) cannot be happy about what they feel are improvements over recent past performances without being blasted for their thoughts because someone else thinks they are stupid. And God help us if we take exception to the blast. Rant over.

    Smarter than the average bear

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