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ParticipantAnd BTW… I sitting here watching only because my generator is running. Duke power at it’s finest.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantThree yards and a cloud of … mud, rain, water, yuck. Hey I’m pretty sure EVERYONE would take a 3 – zip win.
Smarter than the average bear
Participantwhich will mess up alot of sweet ‘taters
Botb, most of the taters around here came out of the ground over the last two weeks. The rain is setting in. Gonna be a frog strangler today from the forecast now. As the old salts would say, batten down the hatches.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantSounds like a perfect conversation to me CD! I remember the UConn game in 02 I think. Military appreciation day. F-14 flyover before the game and I heard ’em but never saw them. Wet yucky day, but tomorrow is going to be a monsoon like the Cuse game in 98 if I recall the year correctly. I think I’ll take my snorkel and goggles just in case. The ark may still come in handy.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantUmmm… Roo, currently the projected path for Matthew, aka Madeline, was going to bypass NC and then meander around offshore. I guess after bypassing us he won’t be able to make up his mind. YMMV.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantMan, if you trail out that model far enough it has that thing circling around and heading back where it came from around Haiti. NOT TOO GOOD!
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantI think they have an ark in Kentucky now, see if they will rent it out for the weekend
Toucet, THAT was funny! I’m not entirely sure that boat will float, but it would be worth a try if all else failed.
Smarter than the average bear
Participantlooking “like Hurricane Hazel came through”
I’ve never heard anything like that… NOT!!! Growing up I heard the exact same thing repeatedly.
Hugo did the same thing 150 miles to the south of where Hazel came ashore. One side of my family were primarily from 100 miles above Charleston and 70 miles inland and they got hit hard. The Francis Marion National Forest and Sumter National Forest which collectively contain a great deal of lands in South Carolina from Charleston to Georgetown to the Santee Lakes was completely wiped out by Hugo. 10 years later there wasn’t a tree in that forest taller than 20 feet whereas prior to Hugo most trees were at least 100 ft tall. Most areas in the forest could not be accessed for many years after that storm.
My best friend in the Navy had a 30 foot sailboat tied up at the Charleston Marina. It wound up at the bottom of a pile of boats 40 feet high, 150 feet deep and 500 feet long. There were well over 400 boats in the pile. from wikipedia.. As of 2015, Hurricane Hugo is the most intense tropical cyclone to strike the East Coast north of Florida since 1900. When I moved back there in 1993 there were people who still wore t shirts that said “I survived Hugo”
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantRoo, I remember that. Spent some days on the radio myself. McArthur Park and Layla were my go to potty break songs. Cosby’s best bit ever for me was 200 MPH. Hysterical. BTW I knew what a cubit was/is.
As for the cows all too familiar with the faucets having to be turned on everyday. They tend to get most uncomfortable and inhospitable if you neglect them. Dumping it was a shame but without refrig it’s the only choice.
The wife and I rode out hurricane David in 1979 in the house I grew up in. I wasn’t old enough to remember Hazel but my aunt told me it was close to the same, she was 18 when Hazel hit. I thought thunder claps were going to tear the roof off more than once and the wind was horrendous, it was scary. 14 inches of rain. Caved in the roof of the place my wife worked. Two idiots drowned trying to surf as it was coming in.
Most of the prognosticators now say Matthew is due Saturday evening into Sunday. Much rather it be daytime if it’s going to hit. Prepare and stay safe everyone. Games can always be played another day.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantCD, I was 8 months old when hurricane Hazel hit 20 miles from my home (it came ashore at Calabash, NC). For over 20 years people talked about that storm and it’s destruction. The only thing left standing in Myrtle Beach was the Ocean Forest Hotel which was demolished only a few years ago. By the time I was a young boy of about 6 or older you could still go places and see the remnants of that storm.
It’s also odd that 20 years ago Fran hit and people around here still talk about that storm. I had family that were without power for up to two weeks. Hurricanes (in this case a his-i-cane … old joke from when hurricanes only had female names) are NOT to be taken lightly, and quite frankly this one scares me and I’ve rode many of them out. Preparation is the key.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantSorry Paki, a church is NOT a public entity. Remember the separation of church and state thing, it works the other way too. However ALL properties of NCSU ARE public entities. Paid for in part or in whole with government funds. If any entity within that collection of entities allows one point of view to be expressed through the first amendment then they must make provisions for any and all views to be expressed OR they fall within the “equal protection under the law”.
I hate to admit this BUT years ago some of my money went to UNX. I helped my cousin attend law school there. He graduated #1 in his class. There have been many times that money has resulted in lots of “free” advice. I was discussing this very topic last night with him. Band directors everywhere are jumping on a very slippery slope. Too much taxpayer assistance for grants and such that mucks up the picture. Being able to “perform” with the band “could’ become a reality if some would choose to pursue it.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantRoo, did you fire off an email about the band? The pie rat band REALLY caught some heat.
Here’s something no one has considered in all of this “posturing”. Those of us with opposing views could demand to be heard on that same stage during a like time frame with a like audience. I mean it’s OUR right too isn’t it? If those in leadership allow one view don’t they have to also have to allow an opposing view equal time and stage? I mean MY right is just as valid as their right.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantThe US smoked the Euros. Phil and Sergio had a great match.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantRoo and BOTB, either one of you guys remember being around DDT? Nasty stuff. And who would have thought asbestos would be a bad thing? The elementary school I attended had ceilings made of the stuff. The roof was corrugated steel with a blown layer of asbestos exposed inside the rooms. I’m not sure how the stuff didn’t become airborne but the claim is it wasn’t a hazard. The county can’t demolish the building due to removal costs but “it’s not a hazard”. Me thinks that may not be completely true. I was on a submarine that had asbestos insulation removed for the reactor compartment which was roughly 30 X 30 X 40 and it took months with guys in special suits with forced air and them stuffing it into triple bags. Not a hazard, yeah right!
On another subject I just ran across this. You all might get a chuckle.
His MajestySmarter than the average bear
ParticipantAm I on triple secret probation?
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantIt must be terrible to be a closed minded bigot and a supreme jackass at the same time. You and Trump would be great brothers in the KKK.
THAT is one of the most bigoted things I’ve heard in quite some time. You know neither personally and yet because they hold differing views THEY are the bigots. NOT! I have seen the liberals slowly become the non-liberals. By and large as a group (stereotyping here) they hold no one’s views but their own to be correct, and stomp on opposing views by assigning labels to them that are most unsavory.
Let’s put a true label on Mrs. Clinton, the HMFIC of the liberal movement at the moment. How about FELON, Perjurer, contempt of congress, and I can think of a few more terms of which she should be wearing an orange jump suit with the letters DOC on the back. Go ahead, deny that the liberals standard bearer is not guilty as charged. And just because she got a pass from the FBI as ordered by Obama and the AG is no excuse. If I or any other “normal” citizen had committed just one count of loss of classified material we would be in jail. The standard is “equal treatment under the LAW”. It didn’t happen.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantCarter wasn’t the reason for the interest rates being as they were Yogi.
Carter suffered due to the end of cheap oil which was the result of our unwavering support for Israel.
I never said he was the cause of the rates but that he didn’t do anything to fix the problem. I was working at a radio station in south Georgia during the election of 76. I knew very little about him but I was asked to cover the local elections for the AP. I was at the county seat where all the results for the county came in. I spoke to a great number of people that night and I was amazed that Carter even took the county considering how much he was disliked among the workers there. One man said “mark my word, he’ll be the worst president in our life time”. At the moment I thought that was a very odd statement coming from someone from his home state but then I was young and foolish. It was a first and last moment for me.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantPak, you didn’t live through the outrageous inflation, sky high interest rates (people actually bought homes at 15%, cars were near 20% even with good credit). He destroyed the moral of the military by holding raises to 10% under inflation, soldiers and sailors could barely feed their families. The nail in his coffin was the Iran hostage situation. All in all the views of his presidency by most of those of us who lived through it will only be topped in terms of Yuck by Obama. I never thought anyone would top Carter but the last 8 years have for me.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantAll Trump did was say what the most of us were thinking, the establishment didn’t have a clue. Reagan did the same thing in 1980, the only difference was he was running against Carter who most of us could not stand.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantWhen they built I95 waaaaaay back when it displaced ALL in it’s path from Maine to Florida, most families got pennies on the dollar for their land (same happened with I 40, and I know of at least 5 farms that were split in half down around Benson).
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantI bought my wife a compact 410 by mossberg just for that purpose and she can blow ’em away. She calls it her snake charmer. She can pump out 4 rounds in a hurry. It’s a sweet little gun.
I had a Browning sweet 16 semi auto when I was a teenager. Should have never sold it. Browning has come out with a new and improved version of it and I want one bad.
Wuf, the concealed carry for the DE was a total joke. You’d have to have some mighty big britches to hide that thing. But target practice with that IS mighty expensive. My cousin went through 200 bucks worth when he first bought his. That’s way above my shooting budget.
3 years ago when ammo went through the roof I started stockpiling too. Now that it’s dropped back some I’m not quite as aggressive with it but I’m still putting it away “in case”
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantPer title: My answer, with 10 games still on the board is, hell no, I haven’t quit. Why would I, post September 10th?
Thank you CD. I’ve tried to let the dust settle a bit before posting. I knew very little about the new hire for HC at ecu but as soon as the pundits started talking about his pedigree I knew we were in a dog fight. Say what you want but he was the receivers coach for some of the best in the game, the BIG time, the Pittsburgh BY God Steelers. In case you haven’t noticed he coached some of the very best in THE NFL. Watching the ecu receivers run their routes said it all. And yet slowly as the D began to cover better (remember this is only the second game of the year) they began to shift the tide. My guess is ecu is going to be a lot better than everyone expects, and they have offensive weapons and offensive coaches who have been in very successful environments. Give credit where credit is due, they were better than State in terms of personnel and coaches, and yet they just did win.
Were mistakes made? Yep, but last time I checked this is a game played by younguns’. Mere boys a couple of years back. And say what you want but DD did not lose that game, the team lost that game, collectively. Even the refs had a hand in it’s outcome. My first thought as the game ended would be SFN posters with their hair on fire. Wanna read some hair on fire comments? Check out the monkey boards for Clemson. The tiggers fell 3 spots in the national poll and you’d think the world had ended, AND THEY WON. Georgia fell 7 spots and they won. TCU and Oklahoma State lost and they paid. OK ST paid much worse, they lost to the refs, but they should have not put themselves in position to lose.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m 62, played on a state championship football team, and lived high school football in a football be all end all town. I’ve had my hair on fire more than once (state teams included). But at the end of the day the question I find myself asking is “does the result change anything that matters in my life?” Saturday afternoon I had a glass of wine, cooked myself a prime grade rib eye from costco (they have REALLY great steaks), and thought to myself “I’m still alive (a good thing at 62), I’m relatively healthy, that steak smells terrific, nothing anyone else does can extend my life one minute, and I’m not going to let anything anyone else does that does not directly affect my well being take away my joy of life”. To put myself in a tizzy over teenagers (and some older teenagers) not living up to expectations is not something I’m willing to do anymore. I’ll be a fan, I’ll pull for them, I’ll scream loud at the refs if they screw up, but when the horn sounds that game is over. If they win and are successful I’ll be happy for them, and I’ll support them win OR lose, but I won’t tie my happiness or joy in life to them. I’ve come to the conclusion the life I have left is just too short to do that. Of course YMMV.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantIf Obama care continues to tank like it’s currently doing then the Donald hangs that noose around Hillairy’s neck and dems everywhere get whacked along with her.
Trump by 3 in general, by 4 in NC.
Mac pull out a close one at 1.5
Burr cruises at 5 – 10And let’s not forget wikileakes is waiting in the wings with some juicy stuff just itching to be dumped. It could be nasty for the dems.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantHmmmm, the mad hatter in Rawlee vs. the hat on the hump. I’m not totally sure bringing Les is more to state would work, that dude has been drinking way too much swamp water down in the bayou. Zika anyone?
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantI guess some of the boosters are planning on digging up Bear Bryant. Oh wait, I hear Lane Kiffen may be available.
There comes a point in this madness (and it is madness) where unrealistic expectations overrule reality. In the absence of Sabin Les did pretty good. Heck, a lot of SEC programs were moderately successful. The problem with Sabin is he has a monster of a brand in Alabama football. Ain’t many programs out there that have the clout that the pachyderm with the big A has. I see lots of wanna be’s taking their respective shots and always coming up short for a long time to come. The Tide is gonna roll through the SEC and national championships for many a moon, and as the old saying goes “ain’t thing one anyone can do about it”. The rest will always be playing for second.
Smarter than the average bear