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Participantpak, you are indeed a true liberal, too bad liberals aren’t what they are labeled. You have absolutely no tolerance for any view but your own, and will bash and name call to make your point. If you want name calling HRC is A FELON. She committed numerous felonies over the last 6 years, more than enough that she should be locked up for hundreds of years. A young sailor is spending a year in prison for taking 6 pictures inside a submarine that were no different than areas that were filmed in various movies BUT he signed an agreement that he would maintain classified material in a certain manner. Hillary signed that same agreement. And yet she runs for president instead of leader of the cell block.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantRoo, you continue to amaze me. You can wax poetic as well as many I’ve seen. Thanks for the chuckle this fine morning, I needed that to start my day. Here’s something you might appreciate.
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ParticipantRoo, we purposefully DID NOT ask if the respondent was/was not a citizen. Some locations/clients did have a question of how the respondents felt about voter ID requirements. There were data “ties” or “joins” between the response to that question and others. That’s as far as I can go without divulging proprietary information. I’ll give you a hint though, there “may” be a push for nationwide voter id in the future since even though local election boards control local voting for federal elections that “may” become a requirement.
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ParticipantTo a great many in the polls the number who felt the country was going in the wrong direction was WAY high. Problems noted specifically were basically principles of s oc ia lism and yet when asked if they felt the country had become too soci al istic the numbers wound up about 50 – 50. That statistical anomaly was striking. Most interviewed did not make the connection between the two. You may draw your own assumptions from that data.
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ParticipantI found two words/terms that is tripping the filter on here. S o c ialism and t he p o o r.
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ParticipantI guess I’m on triple secret probation now.
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ParticipantBOTB, this election reminds me of an old episode of MASH. Hawkeye and Trapper were fed up (pun intended) with their food choices. Fish and liver, liver and fish. In the food line Hawkeye commented they had eaten a river of liver and an ocean of fish. To which they started banging their food trays on the tables and screamed “We want something else”. This election was just that. The same thing happened in 1980 and gave us Ronald Reagan. I’m not saying Trump is anywhere close to RR but he was “something else” warts and all. To put it another way it wasn’t that Trump was that great and the waffling of the electorate opinions showed it. It was like two horses coming down the stretch and both were completely out of gas. NO ONE knew that the word deplorable would energize a segment of the population but it did, and the fact that the FBI could or would tote Hillary off and plop her in an orange jumpsuit at any time was just too much of a load to carry. Trump nosed her out in the last 7 days.
In my estimation the wall and the concessions on ObamaCare are pragmatic decisions. Border security can be achieved without the wall all the way across, but currently border patrol’s hand are tied, untying them will go a long way. Repeal and replace was probably always going to carry with it those two provisions. Again pragmatism.
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ParticipantBOTB, to the ones who elected Trump a large portion of them were electing Pence as much as Trump. The thought process on him was he is a Reagan Republican. Say what you want but he does bring some stability to Trump in the eyes of many. The word from many was they wished he was at the top of the ticket.
Paky, quite honestly I wasn’t going for anything except to say for those of us who have suffered through 8 long years of someone who REFUSED to seek middle ground with ANYONE who did not agree with him I am glad Obummer is gone and that his mini female me is banished also. She had nothing to run on except to say she wasn’t Trump. That and the fact that she IS A FELON is why she did not get elected.
This was the election of “somebody else” and Trump happened to be it. She never offered anything in the form of change and most were tired of status quo. THAT is what all of the people who voted for Trump said almost word for word. That and ANYTHING is better than Hillary, ANYTHING. Not my words, DATA.
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ParticipantOK try this one on for size pak… sore LOSERS! CONSTITUTIONALLY Hillary LOST! End of sentence. How’s that for heinously dismissive and derogatory, because that’s exactly what I was going for.
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ParticipantBOTB, the under 30 were in two groups primarily. Bernie got one of those groups and they mostly saw Hillary as the enemy and wouldn’t vote for her. Those are the ones on the streets, and were disenfranchised. If you look at the demographics of the protesters it’s highly young and would seem to be mostly unemployed and urban. The Trump voters would have been just as upset if Hillary had won (evidenced by reaction in 2012) but would not dare to march or riot. As I write this it occurs to me one could draw parallels to the American Revolution with the conservatives being the loyalists. However, the problem with that is the original revolutionaries were demographically all over the place, young to old, rich to poor, and their common opposition was to an authority they felt was treating them unfairly (sound familiar?).
I’m a member of a church with a very large contingent of military and that fits me because that’s part of who I am. We’ve had an event going on this weekend and it’s funny to me some of the comments I’ve heard. Most know some of the things I do for a living now and when I asked for comments on supposition of current events after the election it was uncanny the responses I got. Mind you, I had a pretty good idea what would be said. Most are Trump supporters, I’d say 80 – 90% of the military are. Unscientific yes, but the mindset of who joins the military has not changed in over 200 years. My question to most was “If the protesters were to somehow attempt to overturn the election would you be able to take up arms against those who would defend the results by taking up arms”. Most said they would be joining in defending the election results. One was particularly pointed. He said “The results were determined in accordance with the constitution, I took an oath to defend the constitution, I will not follow orders of the commander in chief (Obama) if I cannot resolve those orders to be in accordance with the constitution”. One of the other guys standing there at the time emphatically said “EXACTLY!”. For the protesters it might be a good idea to “know your enemy” before they push past that imaginary line in the sand. Our surveys bore out some deep underlying fear that some could try to take actions that would undermine the results of the election if they were not willing to accept those results.
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ParticipantNOPE, the mantra was “Make America Great AGAIN”. That rang true in one very important type of voter, the one who has been hurt the most by bad trade deals, loss of jobs security, and ObamaCare costs. Who did that hurt the most? Those who make the money that makes America work, the WORKING middle class. Job loss (I personally know that one, laid off after 18 years with a company, to send my job overseas), health care costs skyrocketing because the middle class gets no freebies, AND the perception, true or not, that illegal aliens are costing US, the United States taxpayers, a very high percentage of our taxes.
In short, the Duck, for all of his warts, appealed to one thing, Make America FAIR AGAIN. Over and over we heard that story more than any EXCEPT in the northeast and west coast. Look at the county by county results. Take away the top 30 metropolitan areas and Clinton got clobbered. Those areas alone were 80 some percent of her vote. Those areas (burbs included) gave her over 30 million votes. Throw California out and Trump beats her by 4 million in the popular vote. Hillary made one very fatal mistake amongst quite a few others, a bag of deplorables. The backlash from that one statement was heard over an over and it energized the opposition.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantThanks so much Roo for your kind words.
As for specific data on the election there is a great deal still being analyzed Roo, but I can say this, Trump’s numbers came from 3 groups, all 3 would be considered old time voters, not old timers mind you. These were people who who are tired of others not even attempting to pull their weight in the world OR want to horn in one an “inside” deal without putting in the chips necessary to be in on the deal. It’s called fairness. Hillary was seen by this group as someone who really didn’t “EARN IT” as the old commercial went. AND she was considered as someone who committed high crimes and everyone who should have been taking her to task winked and elbowed. Trust me on that one. The question for those who answered that she should have been charged felt she should have already been in the pokey. Even those who claimed they were voting for her said she dodged a bullet and may not be so lucky when all is said and done. Lastly, there were the Demos who were fed up with the Clintons. That group is larger than you think. MUCH larger, to the point the wheels could come off that Demo bandwagon in the future if the Duck does what he said he’d do. The data is there. Just ask the New York Times, they are getting blistering letters from subscribers.
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ParticipantBOTB, the face to face changes quite a few dynamics for the pollster. It is easier to get specific target groups, the questions tend to be more simplistic such as rate on a scale of 1 to 10, participants are given a coupon for their time and tend to be more engaged, and the polling is done at supermarkets. EVERYONE has to eat so you get a much better cross section of the statistical population (within the selected polling area). The data is still being sliced and diced for this year for accuracy but in 2014 it was determined to be well under 1% which is tremendously better than the 4% tolerance. I’m not at liberty to discuss specifics of methodologies or results. It’s not cheap but accuracy never is.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantTuesday night I watched with great amusement as the “ones in the know” became the fools. I’ve been “underwater” so to speak for the last 2.5 weeks as our data crunching was in full tilt boogie. I’m only going to say this once, there were people who knew The Duck had a very good chance of winning. One of them was Jim Goodman. Look back over the polls. WRAL had Trump taking NC by 7 late in the race. He won by 5 with Johnson taking 3% which was not accounted for in WRAL’s poll. Goodman knew it, and there was no one who believed that poll.
The Donald’s team knew by Sunday they had to only pull one card for an inside straight with 4 possible cards to fill it, Penn, Mich, Wisc, and Minn. Minn was the really long shot. Penn was the biggie, and when Ohio came in as strong as it did for Trump they know Penn was no longer a long shot. There were polls out there that knew this could happen. The data was there it was just contrary to so much other supposedly good data. The difference in the sources of data were the key. Face to face polling was by a factor of more than 5 more accurate than any other types of data in this election. IPSOS used those methods in the 2014 elections and they were almost dead on target (under 0.5% error) in over 85% of the races nationwide, they were inside 1.5% error on the rest. Reuters bought them out after that election and promptly decided they could do the same thing with IPSOS formulas in phone polling. They were wrong. They weren’t even close. While IPSOS predictive formulas were highly accurate they could only act on the data they were given. Reuters did not account in the accuracy of face to face polling. And as Forest Gump would say “That’s all I’m going to say about that” except there were people who knew this election was going to be much different than prognosticated. The data was there the supposed experts just didn’t know where to look for it.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantHUX IS A PIECE OF CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ParticipantRoo, as a long time Jerry Clower fan that is my favorite. Played his bits many a time on the 1000 watter AM I began my career on. It was block formatting so that worked from time to time. FUNNY, FUNNY stuff and nothing vulgar in it. For another great one the “woman liberator” could easily fit the QB. I have regaled many of his bits from time to time when the situation was appropriate. He played defensive tackle for Miss. State. His story about playing Clemson is rip roaring funny. Thanks for the morning chuckle, I needed that. One of my favorite expressions “Grave yard dead.”
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantIf the ville is clicking they could easily hang 50 on Bama.
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ParticipantI was out of town for the weekend and recorded the game but came in 5 minutes into the second quarter and my worst fears were happening. I KNEW that was a possibility this week though. That team hung 63 on FSU and gave them one of their worst losses in history (A LOT OF STORIED HISTORY). And now a great many has their hair on fire again. the ville hung 63 on FSU. What part of that makes them hanging 54 on us surprising.
After their poor showing over the previous two weeks, especially with Duke, and our showing against Clemson I was afraid Petrino would read them the riot act EVERYDAY this week. I wonder how many times he showed them that missed field goal. After them losing to Clemson AND seeing how well we did last week against Clemson at home the stage was set. They HAD to make an example, from my perspective we made a few mistakes early on that cost us the chance to be respectable. And in case you haven’t noticed that QB is as good as anybody in college football if not the best, and they have another back that does the 8 yds/rush thing and not all of that against push over competition. The reality here is that team is DAMNED good and should be undefeated with some power wins over really good competition and should be ranked in the top 3. We didn’t have our A game but there are lots of factors in that. If you can’t understand that then you don’t know squat about football.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantBOTB, thanks mucho for the adblock suggestion. works perfectly. Now if only the BB team could work like that!
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ParticipantMy My CD, your usually terse commentary tends to hide your true depth as a man of letters. As one who tried to stick by DD it does seem that he and his charges are rising to the task. Big Red is charging up the backstretch and if the competition isn’t careful he could steal one here. Ask Clemson how lucky they felt last Saturday. A Clemson grad at work who was on the 40 yard line last week said he and most around him almost had to get the paddle treatment to restart their hearts when wide right happened. My bet is the locker room was not dejected that afternoon. DD let them know in no uncertain terms that this edition of Big Red is ready for prime time. Yes they were nosed out at the finish, but so have a great many of strong horses. All they need is one more step and it will be their nose in front at the wire. It could happen this week.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantThanks for the chuckle tex, after today I really needed that.
Smarter than the average bear
10/16/2016 at 7:43 AM in reply to: Show Us Where the Bad Howard's Rock Touched You Game Thread #108430YogiNC
ParticipantSome perspective here from where I sit. I played running back in high school, I also was the kicker (could NOT punt). My first year of varsity my coach didn’t have the confidence in me to kick a field goal from 25 yards the first game of the season. We lost that game by a single point because we didn’t make the first down on the final drive of the game. We only lost two games that year, the first one and the last one. To this day I still feel the first loss was mine. That’s why I worked my butt off. I must have kicked for at least an hour each day AFTER practice, and then throughout the year until the next season I kicked into a big oak tree in my yard every day. In 3 years I missed 2 extra points (bobbled placements), and 5 field goals, one due to block, 2 were flat out of range, and two were just misses. I was a decent running back but felt MY job was field goals and kickoffs. I know that he feels really bad and I do feel for him since I’ve been in his shoes, but the fact of the matter is if you’re not getting the job done something has to be fixed. Like Bass said, he hasn’t been getting it done. It is what it is. He missed point blank (30 yarder in college IS POINT BLANK) for what would have been the biggest point in his kicking career, to knock off #3 in their house. For what ever reason if your game ain’t where it ought to be in whatever position you play you need to FIX IT or turn the job over to someone else.
Smarter than the average bear
10/15/2016 at 5:23 PM in reply to: Show Us Where the Bad Howard's Rock Touched You Game Thread #108378YogiNC
ParticipantI was really hoping I’d get to send Mc that old pair of New Balances for him to eat. Considering how the ville played I say we have a chance against them too.
Smarter than the average bear
10/15/2016 at 5:20 PM in reply to: Show Us Where the Bad Howard's Rock Touched You Game Thread #108376YogiNC
ParticipantWide right from the 30? Sorry BOTB, he missed 2 and got one blocked. Kickers are graded on one thing, makes/misses.
Smarter than the average bear
10/15/2016 at 4:58 PM in reply to: Show Us Where the Bad Howard's Rock Touched You Game Thread #108367YogiNC
ParticipantBOTH MISSES! I’d like to get a better look at what happened on the block too. THAT was maddening. We’d have broken into the top 25 with a win like that.
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