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ParticipantUmmmm, not to be contrary CD but SELC is an advocacy group. While their purpose may be admirable a charity they aren’t. Just sayin’
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantWell their 3 “charities” aren’t at all! Just my opinion. Lots of REAL charities that could use REAL money this Christmas. None of those 3 do ANYTHING to ease the suffering of those less fortunate from my perspective. If you want to go really neutral on them though give to a local no kill pet shelter. Two of our dogs have come from there and they are wonderful. We’ve had many dogs over the years but those two are truly special. My Mrs. reminded me of that when I shared the content of this thread.
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ParticipantUmmmm, Rick, is that anything like the last 4 (or 5) times that it was for real? Or did I completely miss the sarcasm due to being in a festive Christmas mood. If that really is true then Santa Baby I believe in you.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantEasy peeezy lemon squeezy. tell them you gave (make it past tense) to the toys for tots or the Salvation Army (true charities) and if they don’t like your answer then simply say “so you call them up and tell them you want the money back to give to …”. Or better yet just send them a Christmas card with a note in it that you gave to one of those two “charities”. Then if they don’t like that say “oh well it is a charity that does good work at Christmas time”. Personally this year I’m giving to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. That one would be hard to argue with.
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ParticipantThis recipe got me to thinking about others from my youth. Thought I’d share my favorite Christmas food memory. My Grandmother made these only at Christmas and they were wiped out in short order. I made them two days ago, took them to work and they were an instant hit with lots of people wanting the recipe. This recipe makes a small batch. A 9 X 9 or 8 X 8 pan is perfect. Double the recipe for a larger batch. I’m pretty sure my grandmother made triple batches (I had 13 cousins).
Butterscotch Brownies from The Joy of Cooking, 1964 edition
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Melt in a saucepan: 1/4 cup butter
Stir into it until dissolved: 1 cup brown sugar
Cool these ingredients slightly. Beat in well: 1 egg, 1 tsp. vanilla
Sift, then measure: 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
Resift it with: 1 tsp. baking powder, 1/2 tsp. salt OR
use 3/4 cup presifted self rising flour which is what I did.
Stir these ingredients into the butter mixture.
Add: 1/2 to 1 cup chopped nuts (I used walnuts)
Pour batter into a greased 9 x 9-inch pan.
Bake for about 20-25 minutes. Cut into bars when cool.When I made them I put the butter in a large flat bowl and melted it in the microwave, 30 seconds or so and stir until all the butter is melted (something my grandmother would have loved). Then added the ingredients to it and mixed it all up in the bowl.
WARNING: These things are habit forming.
Smarter than the average bear
Combine sugar, syrup, salt in pot over double broiler pan of water…
that won’t work without the 2/3 cup of water.Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantBOTB, think about it, marshmellas ain’t nothin’ but pure sugar puffed up (my grandma’s recipe had powdered sugar in the icin’ and that’s probably the only difference). In this case I can easily see them bein’ interchangeable.
13OT, been to Meadow many times and they DO have great food. If’n you get down that way before new years you can see one of the best Christmas Lights at what is called the Meadow Lights. the train ride is only 2 bucks and the country store has candy blasts from the past for stuff I ain’t seen since I was a youngun. I bought two bags of squirrel nuts. YUM!
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantRim shot!
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantAnd for those from the coastal plain in SC the pot would have chicken bog in it. My home town has a festival every year in October called the Loris Bog Off, 2500 bucks for the best pot.
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ParticipantBass, my grandma used to make me that EXACT cake for my birthday which is in Feb. Reading it took me back to shredding the coconut for her with one of those hand cranked cone shredders (I wish I still had that thing). I could almost taste it as you described it. Tall eatin’ right there. As Jerry Clower would say AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! She taught me to make pecan pies (pronounced PEEE can, not pucahn, I have no idea what those are). She always added something to them that she never told anyone and the secret went with her to her grave. I’ve been searching for over 40 years for what it was that she added. Mine are good but her’s were better. Last but not least were her butterscotch brownies with walnuts at Christmas. I’ve been thinking about those since Thanksgiving. The great memories of my youth. Simpler, easier, happy times.
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ParticipantUmmm VaW, is the diet Sundrop to offset the high fat content of pounds of BBQ? I had a friend in the Navy that would eat M&Ms by the large bag and wash ’em down with diet Coke. His nickname was Chumley, wonder why? LOL.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantRoo, I’ll see those oinks and raise you two. Ivey and Vivian’s baby boy loves liver hash on rice, Yum. I never could acquire a taste for head cheese though but then it might be the name that tripped me up. Speaking of yum, Y7 appears to be “the deal”. Completely different team when he’s in there. GO PACK! And BTW, UNX lost a heart breaker and hopefully the dump on the hump will be even sadder today, lest I digress.
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ParticipantWorks for me Bill.
McC, I can still hold out hope. I don’t have many years left, but MAYBE this could be the turn around many of us have hoped for. Where is Ronald Reagan when you need him? I digress.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantSorry McC, this has nothing to do with parties or being a shill, it has to do with survival of our country, plain and simple. I’m a taxpayer, I’m also fed up with Progressive (soci alistic) focus that feeds the principle of mediocrity of the masses. Obama care was a disaster from it’s beginning. The up front platitudes of what it would accomplish is now looked upon as pure fantasy (which a great many knew it would be). To those who pay nothing it’s great, but step over that threshold and stand by. Personally I would have rather seen those without coverage who really can’t afford it be covered by Medicaid. Also illegal immigration is killing our country (and the repubs are just as much to blame as anyone). Trade agreements that send our jobs overseas sits squarely in their laps by my account.
A SHILL I am NOT! My thought processes on the things wrong with our country may make it seem like I’m a republican but I’d fire at least half of them right now. By that same token I WILL NOT agree with anything of a soc ialistic focus. Call me an a hole or whatever but I’ve worked all of my adult life. I started “working” at 11 cutting grass in the summers to have money to go to scout camp and to get clothes in the fall. I’ve never depended on anyone to take care of me and as long as I am able that’s the way it will be. I’ve saved up for the end of life times also. Now, I know there are those who do not have it easy, trust me from the time I was 13 to adulthood my grandmother and I had it pretty tough, many times more month than money, so I know precisely what that is like. But deep inside of me is the thought that if you want to eat you need to work unless you absolutely cannot. Plain and simple. it’s a complex subject and there are no easy solutions, but what we have done over the past 50 years has NOT worked. I remember all too well the promises of the great society. It’s done nothing to raise people out of poverty and in many cases has created an environment of greater poverty. It has also created more fatherless homes which has it’s own penalty on society.
I look to other nations of the world that have taken on progressive agendas and they have simply not worked. Marx was 100% wrong (see principle of mediocrity of the masses that I already stated). This country was never founded on those principles and any other direction than 100% non progressive is foolishness. There is not one society that has ever existed in which social istic principles have ever resulted in greatness or long term success. PERIOD! No matter what you expect to accomplish the great society does not work for one simple reason, the haves look upon the have nots with great disdain and only one of two things happen as a result. If the haves continue to be taxed or forced to care for the have nots eventually they will find a way to circumvent it or join the have nots and eventually there is no one to produce the wealth that it takes to care for the have nots. That is human nature 101 and that principle will NEVER change.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantActually, the republicans have the house in part because of some very effective gerrymandering combined with political polarization.
WHAT? The Dems in almost every case of what they considered gerrymandering had that overturned in their favor. You cannot admit the truth. DEMS LOST because they did not have a clue! Hillary won the popular vote ONLY because of 7 cities vs the rest of the country. Take those away and she loses by 8 million votes. THAT alone is more than reason enough for the Electoral College. Those cities contain the greatest percentage of those who get the highest amount of freebies. Take away federal funding of NYC and see what kind of ghost town it become in a hurry. The majority WANTED CHANGE.
Obama care is killing middle america wage earners. IT is a TAX, plain and simple. Tell me how a family of 4 making 60 grand a year BEFORE taxes can afford 400 per month for health insurance with a deductible of 5 grand. That’s 10 grand for health care. And those are REAL numbers. I work with those people. More and more entities with health care for their employees/retirees are defunding to some degree how much they will pay next year. This is hitting retirees especially hard. And you really think we want more of that? Kill Obama care and illegal immigration is what got Trump elected more than anything else. Get a clue pak. Obama promised hope and change we can believe in, he did NOT have a clue.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantThat we were tired of Obama and his dictatorial leadership style and elitist progressive ideology and didn’t want four more years of THAT? Think about it pak, that’s why the Dems lost control of the House and the Senate in the first midterm in 2010, and why they made no gains since and this time they lost the white house too. The people who pay the bills were FED UP! The fact that you don’t understand it is THE IRONY.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantAnd THAT IS the problem McC. For those who live our lives and do our best to live by the rules it galls us to no end for those in power to thumb their noses at the rules. AND THAT is why Trump won. Those who are tired of that crap said “enough!” Will Trump be any different? I have no idea, BUT I know Hillary would be the same as the last guy only worse.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantIf I’M TO BE BELIEVED? I just stated what is a matter of legal record. Sworn testimony before Congress. You can watch it for yourself. I didn’t make this up for my own purpose. And it’s not “apparently”, it IS fact. I dare you to watch it pak and then to swear you know Hillary didn’t lie, refute the truth, her persoanl email server contained classified material and she LIED ABOUT IT UNDER OATH. Multiple times she lied about it. That evidence is insurmountable. Like the old saying “if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a duck”. To refute that is madness, and yet there are people just gullible enough to think she didn’t .
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantI only state facts, in sworn testimony by the Director of the FBI to Congress. If you’d like I can post a link to the testimony in question where Congressman Goudy asks Comey 6 direct questions about Hillary’s testimony before Congress to which Comey answers that Hillary’s answers were not true (she lied to Congress, and one of her lies was that she had mishandled classified information). That’s a minimum of 7 felonies right there, and doesn’t include the fact that she had evidence destroyed (her emails that she did not turn over) that was under subpoena, another felony. These ARE FACTS. Undeniable FACTS. Which make her an unindicted felon, but a felon none the less.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantAnd YET you had no answers for the rest of my post. The comment you referred to was a tongue in cheek retort. What about the rest of the post? I see your buddy Harry Reid has called for Comey’s head. Careful what you wish for there Harry, the Clinton Foundation is still fair game. RICO charges could even drag you in.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantToo bad they can’t dig a few people up, literally. As far as Hillary, yep, the FBI FOUND it, Obama and Lynch put the fix in. Prosecutorial rules were NOT followed. They all knew if a grand jury had been put in place Hillary would have been indicted and would have thrown the election into disarray. Did you not plainly hear Comey’s testimony in front of Congress? Six (6) times he testified that what she had said to Congress was a lie, and one of those lies was that she had indeed failed to secure classified material. That one thing alone has convicted many before her even on ONE count, and she has multiple counts. Face it man, she IS A FELON. She never admitted what she had done and you can’t either. You are just as complicit as she is.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantThe RICO stuff would be a harder pardon since even if he were to pardon her for past acts there are things that continue to this day with the Clinton foundation. While Trump had his moral lapses to date there hasn’t been anything criminal that comes close to the Clintons both as a group and Hillary independently. There is a far cry from issues that may be moral/ethical of nature vs. purely criminal acts. Say what you want but Hillary can count failure to secure classified information, destruction of evidence, obstruction of justice, perjury to congress, contempt of congress, and conspiracy to name a few (multiple counts on many of those) and these are all easily provable. Heck, Comey proved a great deal of them in his testimony before the house committee on her email server problems. And ALL of the counts are FELONIES. And say what you want about the actions of others BUT that still doesn’t mitigate her actions, period. But Johnny does it doesn’t hack it in a court of law.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantThe FBI KNOWS it, there clearly was EVIDENCE against her and yet they did not do what is normally done in ALL cases, to wit:
They did not seat a grand jury.
They did not follow standard procedures for an investigation
They did not subpoena witnesses.
They did not seek warrants for investigating evidence.First and foremost she should have been indicted on destruction of evidence, WHICH SHE DID, and there are emails that prove there was collusion to do that. What she should also be indicted on is RICO, enterprise corruption. If I were her I’d skip the country but then again her buddy Obama is going to pardon her. But then that may be why no one has gone after her on those charges yet. You can’t pardon someone in advance.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantNot so pak, if you commit a felony by normal standards (others who did the same thing and what they were charged with … See OJ Simpson) even if you aren’t convicted you are in that group. What she did was a felony, because of who she was she got a pass. I can give you a ton of names of people who did the same crime to a much lesser degree who were convicted AND spent time in prison (which she may still get charged and convicted, one can only hope). So just because she got a pass does NOT mean she is not a FELON. Trust me, had you done it you would be in prison at this very moment. It was egregious.
Smarter than the average bear
ParticipantTAT, This is the ultimate game. For all the marbles, football and BBall is chump change. This is a discussion about what really affects us, non spectator, WE are in the game. For quite sometime we have seen the shift to progressive and those of us who feel that is REALLY the wrong direction we are ready to see change. For those on the other side of the fence there is massive weeping and gnashing of teeth. Time for them to sit down and roll with the flow like they’ve told us to do for the last 8 years. It’s our turn to sit at the big table.
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