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  • in reply to: Big Four S16 streak snapped #49468

    This insistence of the PTB at promoting the Duke-Cheat rivalry as the end-all-be-all has diluted the product to the point that we are where we are today. Not only have they cheated other conference schools out of a chance to be successful, their officiating “tendencies” have left the blue boys soft come NCAA tourney time.

    It’s not really surprising that neither team made it far this year if you look at their teams. The Cheats are a one man show in Paige. McAdoodoo is hot garbage, I mean, has there ever been a player that was a three time All-ACC selection that did less on the court with more talent? And Duke died by the three like they have so many times in the past. There is no denying that Parker is a great player, but he is not a carry the team type guy. Hell for my money Hood was better all year, yet Parker is a finalist for the Naismith. ACC propaganda at its finest.

    in reply to: (12) NC STATE vs (5) SAINT LOUIS Preview #48244

    So their game plan is to try and stop Warren? If only every other team we’ve played all year had thought of that!!

    in reply to: UNC-CHeats still hiding information #48142

    And the sun also rises.

    in reply to: Xavier feels they got a good draw #48021


    in reply to: The Official Bash J*ff G***dman Thread #48016

    Just like to take a moment to say eff you to Jeff again. Haters gonna hate.

    in reply to: 8 tourney teams fall below grad rate standard #47467

    Let us not forget that it was Heels that led a major push to adopt these standards, knowing full well that they would never run afoul of them because of the system they had(have) in place.

    in reply to: VT says farewell to Johnson #47354

    Seemed to me his hire was just a desperation stopgap to keep from losing all of Greenberg’s recruits. I see a Greenberg type coach as being about the best they are going to do there, and I’m not sure who is out there available in the current landscape that fits the bill. Seems harsh to give the guy the hook after only two years, but it was probably inevitable with a new AD coming in wanting to make their own hire.

    in reply to: And The Bubble Bursts…(Major 3/18 Update) #47346

    ^Yup Alpha, agreed on all points.

    in reply to: And The Bubble Bursts…(Major 3/18 Update) #47321

    The fact that SMU was ranked prior to the last week of the season means nil. They shut the bed their last three games. Don’t do that, and they are in, and we are having a discussion about our seeding in the NIT. Their losses dropped them out of at-large status and back into the group of teams vying for the last spot. At that point, all the relevant stats about who they played, etc. come in to play. If they win a few games in their tourney, then their strength of schedule becomes moot. As opposed to falling into that group, we played our way up to it, and obviously projected a more attractive option to the committee members. Had we been left out, I’d be sitting here writing that we should have won more games when it mattered. That’s just how it goes. This is not some unprecedented event like the pundits would have us believe, the committee has made it clear over the years that if you want in, play a decent schedule.

    in reply to: And The Bubble Bursts…(Major 3/18 Update) #47256

    Did any team receive an at-large bid with less than 20 wins? That would seem to be the primary difference between your last four teams that were vying for the two spots.

    If, as some have reported, it was down to State and SMU for the last spot, then State clearly has the edge based on the committee’s historical tendencies with regards to schedule strength. And regardless of what they say publicly about the end of the season not mattering more, I would like that had SMU not shut the bed in their tournament, they’d be in.

    in reply to: The Official Bash J*ff G***dman Thread #47235

    Jeff Goodman strikes me as the type of guy that sells people cocaine laced with deworming agent.

    in reply to: The Official Bash J*ff G***dman Thread #47221

    Hadn’t seen that tweet. What an asshat.

    in reply to: The Official Bash J*ff G***dman Thread #47215

    I’ll admit that at least a portion of my excitement at getting the tournament bid was knowing that asshat would be eating his words. He admitted in one tweet that he was wrong about our tourney chances, but AFAIK he has not apologized to TJ.

    As for Doyel, he has gotten better WRT State fans. I think that is mostly to do with the fact that his stature has increased and he no longer needs to troll State fans for webpage clicks.

    in reply to: WOLFPACK IS DANCING!!! #47185

    I was a person that didn’t think that the Central loss was as bad at the time as most everyone seemed to think. With a young team, that is exactly the type of team that I expected to beat us early in the year. Good for them for winning their conference and helping us out some.

    I’m getting a big kick right now at how pissed Joe Lunardi is that we got in. Crying that SMU should have gotten in, and that he didn’t even have us as next four out. Guess what Joe, kenpom isn’t the end all, be all when it comes to tourney selection. Neither is the BPI stat that ESPN seemingly just made up for no reason several years ago. I think more than anything Joe is just upset that whichever member of the selection committee it is that feeds him his info mislead him. Stats are good, and can be useful, but as I’ve tried to tell you guys all season, watch the games with your eyes and you will see what this team is capable of.

    in reply to: The Official Bash J*ff G***dman Thread #47051

    Hey Jeff, I got my team to the tournament, can I be conference Player of the Year now?- Signed TJ Warren.


    Unfortunately, the biggest personnel matchup will be one we don’t have any control over- which three stripes do we get? We know that Swofford would like to see Duke get a number 1 overall seed in the dance, so it will be an uphill battle. Gonna need some role players to continue to step it up if we have any chance.


    Any crazy superstitions out there people will be doing for the game to ensure a Pack victory?

    Remember, “It’s only weird if it doesn’t work.”

    My only thing for games this years is to not listen to the announcers. I play music during the game instead. Oh, and drink good quality bourbon, can’t forget the bourbon. I don’t know if those things really qualify as superstitions, but it helps my enjoyment of the game immensely.

    in reply to: ACCT to Brooklyn in 2017 #46036

    I’m fine with having the tournament in NYC every now and then, but the arena is going to be barren for those early week games. I know there is a strong contingent of Pack fans in NYC, and of course Cuse, Duke, and Cheat will have their fans there. I just can’t see teams like FSU or GT having good showings. How long till we see a midwestern venue to appease the other new additions?


    I hope the team is prepared to play 5 on 8 the rest of the way. No way we get a fair shake tonight with the possibility of another Duke vs. Cuse match-up in play. The guys are going to need to play defense with their hands behind their backs, and even that might not be enough (see TJ’s fourth foul last night). I know we could win in a fair fight, and I still think we can win tonight, but the deck is going to be stacked against us for sure.


    The great thing about this years team has been Gott’s willingness to plug and play when it comes to inserting players into the lineup. I like running 9 guys deep (not that we have much of a choice this year), and being able to experiment on the fly to find a lineup that works against any given personnel grouping. Every player on the team has proven their worth at one time or another. Dez had some great games early in the year, and is a spark plug who can really pick up the team when he is on. Turner had a monster game when TJ was out, and like most shooters, the more he shoots, the better it gets. Tyler and Cat both bring different strengths to the floor depending on matchups. The bigs have all had their moments, and for a group of four guys with little to zero experience, they have been very serviceable.


    ^ He said he voted for Brogdon for POY. We still don’t know which coach didn’t vote TJ for first team All-ACC.


    We are underdogs according to Vegas, and Larranaga didn’t vote for TJ for POY. If I were Gott, I’d be using both those factors to hammer home some motivation for the guys. TJ needs to get nasty this game. It will be physical on the inside, so the bigs need to keep their composure and not pick up silly fouls (easier said than done, I know). We can win this!

    in reply to: The Official Bash J*ff G***dman Thread #45489

    Fair and Parker are both good players, but Fair’s season was pedestrian at best, and Parker was at times not even the best player on his own team. Though I am pained to say it, Paige is the only other player that at times carried his team to victory in the same way as TJ, but he only got a couple of votes.

    in reply to: The Official Bash J*ff G***dman Thread #45428

    Could very well be him. He looks a little cross-eyed in his ESPN picture. But I’ve never heard him speak, and will never if I can help it. The only thing I watch on ESPN outside of live sporting events is Highly Questionable, Around the Horn, etc. in the afternoon after work. I can’t even stand to watch SC anymore. I’ve even taken to watching all Wolfpack games with the sound off and music playing. It has increased my enjoyment ten fold, win or lose.

    in reply to: The Official Bash J*ff G***dman Thread #45408

    I watch games, a lot of them, I don’t look at stat sheets or boxscores. I know what I see with this years team, and it’s not a bad team. And I know what I see with TJ, and it is the player that had the best season of anyone in the league.

    Amazing that a thread for the sole purpose of bitching about a stupid troll reporter can turn so quickly. Let’s get back on track here.

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