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ParticipantI am not a conspiracy guy…
I’m not either, but the brazenness of this group is hard to deny. When I first heard about the KH on the shoes at the ACC Tournament, I honesty thought it was satire. And don’t think for a moment it was only those 3.
How many blantant, obvious fouls have gone uncalled? This isn’t a highly visible, marquee game, so then feel they can get away with it, because they can.
They pick and chose their spots, but the bias is there. They’ve studied our tendencies, after all.
ParticipantAnd another push and no call… and another, and another…
01/26/2014 at 2:07 PM in reply to: A Shuttle-like Ship Partially Developed at NC State Will Fly To Space in 2016 #38430tjfoose1
ParticipantHow about one way tickets for Bieber and Miley?
ParticipantThe Karl Hess fan club. Solidarity ain’t just a cold war born trade union in Poland. What do we expect? Might makes right.
ParticipantI don’t agree with blasting in on the interwebs, but unfortunately, I’ve heard the same thing from not so disconnected sources.
Participant^^ That’s why we watch from the stands and couches. Acceptance is healthly. Gallows humor is therapeutic. As for wallowing…, there’s only one stick-in-the-mud here. 🙂
ParticipantYup. a pig we are, but I’ve learned to accept it.
ParticipantSherman tries to have it both ways, and it just doesn’t add up. It looks a little phony, imo.
Sherman’s story is an impressive one. Much worthy of admiration.
Sherman isn’t the player he is because he’s the fastest, strongest, or most athletic. He’s the ball player he is because of his intelligence, work ethic, and passion. He’s an emotional player who has to play that way to play his best.
The interview was a result of nothing more than that. Catching an excited, emotional player seconds after he made the play of the game to send himself and his teammates to the Super Bowl. Emotion, excitement, and vindication… against a player with extended history, and a former coach he still claims blackballed him.
Completely understandable. Blown out of proportion. The press just doing what the press does.
ParticipantWho said anything about banning a word?
It was a rhetorical question. An extreme extrapolation based on previous actions of the “word police”.
you’re crazy if you deny the existence of racially coded language.
I don’t.
But “language” is more than just the spoken word.
Just because Melissa Harris-Perry says “Obamacare” is racially coded language for the “N” word doesn’t make it so. It doesn’t make everyone whose uses the term a racist.
Just because some punks inject racial overtones in their use of “thug”, that doesn’t make the word itself a racial term.
“Boy” can have racial overtones, depending upon how it’s used. Doesn’t mean the word itself is racially charged and everyone needs to shy away from using it.
ParticipantI saw that 30 number and had questions myself. If and when this staff starts partaking in such shady practices as referenced above, they need to be called out. But unless or until they do, I see no benefit to supposition or conjecture.
All scholarships should be honored. Period. And that’s not a White House “period”.
If a scholarship athlete leaves the team willingly, w/o pressure or prodding, then so be it. And I certainly don’t want to see any medical hardship cases pop up playing at another school.
ParticipantJust more bastardization of the language by the ignorant. Most probably have no clue as to the word’s origins.
How many words are we going to ban?
Just because some Hawaiian dumbass claims “pineapple” is a derogatory racist slang term because “that haole” called him one, doesn’t mean I have to stop using it to refer to a tasty fruit.
“Thug” is a word in my lexicon, I have never used it with any regard to race.
I’m a Sherman fan, but he’s wrong in this case. He’s unknowingly bought into the PC agenda. It’s not the word, it’s the intent of those using it.
The basic twisted logic behind this isn’t far from the same used by those who want to prohibit the displaying the American flag, because some might find it offensive.
ParticipantI would say that timing is not coincidental.
If you think buying a hybrid, plug-in hybrid or battery electric vehicle will save the planet, think again.
Anyone who thought it would was either lazy or naive. If you bothered to do 15 minutes of research, you’d already know this. Throw in the cost and impacts of manufacturing hybrid car components, running, service, and maintenance, and the disposing of waste and old components, the ‘green’ footprint of hybrids is actually greater than that the standard ‘evil’ petrol powered automobile.
The real power in the Green movement isn’t about the environment. Van Jones wasn’t made the… hold on, got to look this up… Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality through happenstance.
Just like the ACA, just like the EPA, just like the DHS, just like the NSA… the real power in the Green movement is about just that.. power and control.
ParticipantStop being rational
01/24/2014 at 6:54 AM in reply to: 2014 NC State Football Schedule is Out with Quick Thoughts #38230tjfoose1
ParticipantACC with a NatChamp?
It took awhile …but…Not THAT long, seven seasons (1999).. at least not when considering the last time NC State won a conference title.
01/24/2014 at 6:47 AM in reply to: 2014 NC State Football Schedule is Out with Quick Thoughts #38229tjfoose1
ParticipantFergusWolf, I’m with you 100%, IF this becomes a pattern with our CURRENT coach. I’m giving a pass for 2014, and a provisional one for 2015. POI: NC State play Notre Dame in 2016, at CF.
ParticipantThe only rivalry games to me that don’t make sense are Miami/Pitt and BC/Syracuse.
Those are Swofford rivalries. He knows best.
Personally, I think it should be Miami vs ND, let Pitt play WV (as they should) to re-establish the ‘Backyard Brawl”, and that leaves Syracuse and BC. Not sure of the historical significance of that ‘rivalry’, but it makes sense as they are regional and fellow former Big East’ers..
If Swofford had an ounce of creativity, that’s what he would’ve done. He should be working to make it happen now.
Yes, I know ND is supposed to rotate 5 (on average) ACC teams every year, but ND vs Miami has national interest. It is relevant. It would be discussed and promoted nationally. Let Miami be a permanent member of that annual list. Require it of Notre Dame, don’t give them a choice.
Those 3 games are win, win, win vs… meh, meh.
But what we get, once again, is reflective of leadership.
Participant^ Darn. Need to make a tiny edit, but can’t. Delete “regardless of the role you play in it.”
And update DD’s last line to:
“Yeah, we’re meeting the Holt boys over at PR to share 1st hand accounts of Super Bowls. Wanna come?”
ParticipantI can imagine the pitch from DD in the top recruits living room. It might go something like this…
I imagine in the short term it goes something more like this:
Recruit: “I’d like to play against top competition, so the NFL scouts know that I can get it done, regardless of who we are playing”
DD: “No problem, because we are in the Atlantic Division, we play FSU, Clempson, and Louisville every year”DD: “No problem, because we are in the Atlantic Division, we play FSU, Clempson, and Louisville every year. And have you seen us play lately? To impress the NFL, you gotta be on the field. We have plenty of opportunity.”
Recruit: “Wow coach, that’s a top notch schedule. What about bowl games…my pappy doesn’t like to travel, so we need to be on TV so he can watch”
DD: “Once again, no problem, just to make sure we get to a bowl game, we schedule games against the sister’s of the blind, the sister’s of the deaf, AND the sister’s of the taste impaired, plus throw in a I-AA game, and we’re golden.”DD: “Once again, no problem, just to make sure we get to a bowl game, we schedule games against the sister’s of the blind, the sister’s of the deaf, AND the sister’s of the taste impaired, plus throw in a I-AA game, and we’re golden. But once you’re here, you can be a a part of changing all that.
But getting back to the NFL… Come here and show them that you were part of turning around the culture at NC State, that you brought your winning attitude to a program that didn’t win a single conference game the year before you arrived.
The NFL is interested in more than just physical skills and college wins. Ever hear of Jarmacus Russell? Come to NC State where you can show the NFL that you, your hard work, and your intangibles played a significant role turning the Wolfpack into Champions!”
Recruit: “Oh, my pappy doesn’t get ESPN3. Thanks a lot coach, I’ve gotta go though, I’ve got a meeting with an SEC team is 1/2 hour”
DD: “But…if you play in the SEC…all you’ll get is exposure on every ESPN channel, highlight on every (non-NFL focused) program. If you play at State, you get to go the Weiner Bowl”DD: “Great teams over there, no doubt, and if that’s what you want, best of luck to ya. Nothing wrong with hitching a ride-a-long with a good team. Team exposure and winning are likely to come, regardless of the role you play in it. But if you go that route, be wise in your choosing, sometimes those programs can be a little “wascally” in their enthusiasm. Sometimes they get caught.
But if you want to come to NC State and be a central cog in building a winner, to be a central figure, the reason why the Wolfpack wins, then come to NC State young man. You will have your chance. The NFL will be watching.
Hold on one sec, I gotta answer this… Well hello Russell, nice little game you had up there in Jersey. I hear you, JR, and little Stevie Hauschka had a great time. What’s that? Nate says ‘hi’? Oh, that’s great. Well I gotta go, I’m speaking to a nice young man at this very moment about joining the Wolfpack, then meeting Keim for lunch.. yeah, that’s right AZ’s GM, Class of ’96… Yeah, we’re meeting the Holt boys over at PR to share 1st hand accounts about the Super Bowl. Wanna come?”
Recruit: “uh…thanks coach…see ya”
ParticipantNiiiice. 🙂
Did the tarhole respond or just shut up and behave?
Participant…people at Dartmouth recognize that Chancellor Carol Folt is working from her usual playbook. Rather than facing serious revelations head on, she is yet again just running a PR damage control effort.
That explains it. She was the perfect hire.
Though Carol Folt has a glittering resumé of positions held at Dartmouth, actual achievement over the decades has been utterly lacking.
ParticipantI wonder if she’s forgotten that recruits do look at …” who they play?”
Pretty sure she does, CD. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt, anyway.
Given we have 2 built in “Who they play” game every year in FSU and Clemson, I can live with the upcoming schedule. For the immediate future, I’d prefer to lock up a W in obscurity than absorb an embarrassing butt-whupping on national television.
But I do want to see the quality of opponents trending up starting in year 3.
ParticipantSome of you can certainly take a notion and run with it.
ParticipantPresumably CowDog is saying that playing both GT and GS gives us more show than normal in Georgia, which is a pretty hot recruiting area.
I’m pretty sure he’s referring to the similarity of the offensive schemes of both schools. Willie Fritz is coming from Sam Houston State and is bringing the triple option (his version, anyway) with him. Preparing for GS early in the season will help us later down the schedule against GT.
Therefore, scheduling an early game against a presumably much weaker team that runs a similar offense to GT is “excellent scheduling”, accomplishing 2 goals. Presumably gets the Wolfpack a win while helping to prepare against a conference foe, ie, providing a second week of practice to prepare for the basic tenants of GT’s triple option.
Like calling Richard Sherman thug, sometimes things are a wee bit deeper than they appear. I don’t care if we were league favorites. Getting an early game against GS given the circumstances is a Coup.