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ParticipantIt’s not like we are gonna contend for a Championship for the next two years…
Really? Whether or not we’re competing for a National Championship, I still want to beat the ‘Noles, or as they’re known in Gator country, the Criminoles.
I think having Winston behind center makes that less likely, all things being equal. So, “This can’t be good news for any of us.”
ParticipantI’m pretty sure most got the joke. Was half expecting to hear from a few who didnt, or at least from the extremes of the PC police, as highstick evoked with a San Fran comment a while back.
Participant“I’m proud that I will earn my degree from such a great university.”
02/07/2014 at 2:22 PM in reply to: NC State Baseball – 2014 Pre-season accolades and ESPN televised games schedule #39950tjfoose1
Participant02/07/2014 at 1:36 PM in reply to: NC State Baseball – 2014 Pre-season accolades and ESPN televised games schedule #39947tjfoose1
ParticipantMy post that appears to be blocked referenced those calenders, provided a link, asked if anyone knows of something comparable for baseball, and finished with the below:
Seems to me such calendars should be provided by Annabelle and her bunch, and prominently displayed and advertised on A simple task, practically cost free, to COMMUNICATE and dispense schedules of all NC State sports. Her title is “Assistant AD/Communications”, after all.
But, why expect her to step out of character now.
Maybe there is something official out there like that, maintained and managed by NC State. But if there is, I’m unaware of it.
02/07/2014 at 1:33 PM in reply to: NC State Baseball – 2014 Pre-season accolades and ESPN televised games schedule #39946tjfoose1
ParticipantOk… there’s something screwy going on with the posts… some showing up, some not. Does statefansnation has some kind of block/ban on providing a link to the gogoraleigh website that maintains google calenders for NC State basketball and football?
Those calendars can be integrated with various calender apps.
ParticipantI saw the tread title and my first thought was, “oh, that should go over well”.
Participant^ I’d take the over.
For clarity, the “genius” comment was sarcasm. I’m a football guy, and readily admit to being a basketball novice, knowing nothing more than the average fan, maybe less.
ParticipantDang it, posted the below on the wrong thread. So much for the ‘genius’ option.
*********************************************************************************From looking at the schedule, 5-4 or 4-5 is probably a rational, objective, expected baseline half way through conference play.
Then it’s on, with the second half starting with Miami and Wake, before heading to Syracuse. My way too early and little informed projection has that game as our touchstone.
Pure genius at work.
Or something akin to the blind squirrel thing. I prefer the former, but more likely that latter.
ParticipantFrom looking at the schedule, 5-4 or 4-5 is probably a rational, objective, expected baseline half way through conference play.
Then it’s on, with the second half starting with Miami and Wake, before heading to Syracuse. My way too early and little informed projection has that game as our touchstone.
Pure genius at work.
Or something akin to the blind squirrel thing. I prefer the former, but more likely that latter.
ParticipantAfter all…you can’t fall off the floor.
But if you could, and NC State fan would experience it sooner or later.
ParticipantI think 1/3 to 1/2 half of the top 15 in NC is unrealistic until we have a FSU/Clemson type reputation.
Yep. But considering the number of higher division football programs in NC and the proximity of the SEC, it would be difficult even with that reputation.
ParticipantNo, I completely get that your entire waking existence revolves around spouting ‘Obama sux’ at every possible opportunity.
Sad. Obama’s not the problem. You still don’t get it. My first such comment here in about 6 months. But yeah I’m done. Some got the analogy, some didn’t. Apologies for getting your panties in bunch.
Participant^^ I always remember watching MNF with my dad whenever I hear that. Only time I got to stay up past bedtime on a school night, if I could stay awake. Good memories.
ParticipantThat’s so ridiculously unrelated I don’t even know how to respond.
Like a fish not knowing it’s wet, I didn’t expect you to understand.
Maybe you should step outside of your bubble every now and then.
That’s funny, on so many levels.
ParticipantI see ’44 is still on his piss and vinegar binge. Dude needs to buy himself a blue pill if he’s that bad off.
Luck? Luck my ass. Preparation, effort, intelligence, perseverance, confidence, faith… luck doesn’t even make the top 10 of the reason’s for Wilson’s success.
ParticipantIt went, deservingly so, to linebacker Malcolm Smith who racked up 10 tackles, a forced fumble, an interception, and a touchdown.
Just like the last time the NFL’s most prolific scoring offense in history played in the Super Bowl (Giants vs the 18-0 Patriots at the end of the 2007 season), it was the front 4 of the D-Line that made the difference.
In both games, the front four (alone, without the need of a blitz) generated pressure in the pass rush and essentially shut down the 2 QBs with the 2 most prolific single season passing stats in NFL history.
Everyone on D played their role in impressive fashion, but I think it’s a disservice (a minor one, granted, and not really a big deal) to NOT give the MVP to the D-Line unit as a whole. If rules require it be given to an individual, then a member of the D-Line should have been chosen, with an asterisk noting the recipient is merely a representative of his unit.
I do not know who is responsible for choosing the MVP award, and don’t care to take the time to look it up, but I’m guessing it is the media. This selection shows lack of understanding.
It’s obvious why Smith was chosen – because he performed the most visible part of arguably the most impactful play of the game. Notice I did not say he “made the play”, because he did not. Cliff Avril made the play. If any one individual has to receive the award, it should be Avril.
Soapbox moment over. Awesome defense all the way around.
Congrats ‘Hawks! Congrats Wolfpackers! Congrats me for my Vegas bet last summer!
Participantthey cant really come out and call Levine a liar
They can’t? Are you sure? Well, maybe. But they can certainly say she misunderstood, wasn’t in position to know all the facts, was misguided/mislead/misinformed, watched Fox News, is a racist, or wants to starve little children and push grandma off a cliff.
And no, political comments are not off topic here. The u*nc scandals, or lack of action on them, is all about politics. It’s all the same thing, same mindset, same philosophy. Just a different arena.
ParticipantIt blows my mind that all of this stuff can come out, and the NCAA twiddles their thumbs.
Really? u*nc is clean. Dane Kane and the N&O’s are corrupt peddlers of lies. Haven’t you been paying attention?
Given the White House’s “truth” and the accompanying twiddling of thumbs on Bhengazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, spying on reporters, AG lying under oath about James Rosen, Sebelius demands for payment from private companies that the HHS ‘might’ regulate, Solyndra et al, Lisa Jackson and “Richard Windsor”, the forced purging of “noncompliant” military leaders, and the firing of “noncompliant” IG’s, to say nothing of the disregard for the separation of powers and the exclusive right of congress to legislate, I’m surprised that anything would blow your mind on something as trivial as the lack of NCAA action on corrupt collegiate athletics.
Good thing we all know that, like Dan Kane and the N&O, Fox News is to blame for all these “fake scandals”. Well, and George Bush too. We’re lucky Eric Holder knows the real scandals are with Dinesh D’souza and Mark Basseley Youssef.
ParticipantI’ve seen better.
ParticipantSeason ticket holder here… I’ve missed the last 3 home games due to work commitments. A pattern is emerging. I’m starting to wonder if I should take this personally.
ParticipantReally? Why? Is UW that desperate for attention and relevance this weekend?
I guess Seattle’s OC isn’t enough for them, or more likely than not, the guys who put that up are clueless Walmarters who aren’t even aware that a former Badger QB is Seattle’s OC.
01/28/2014 at 7:12 AM in reply to: A Shuttle-like Ship Partially Developed at NC State Will Fly To Space in 2016 #38785tjfoose1
ParticipantIn my lifetime, nothing has done more to build common ground among a very diverse people/nation than NASA and the space program.
Well, I guess that kinda explains why Muslim outreach is now one of NASA’s “foremost” tasks.
“When I became the NASA administrator, (President Obama) charged me with three things,” Bolden said in the interview which aired last week. “One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering.”
ParticipantThanks Alpha. Hadn’t seen those. I wonder what review-before-broadcast procedures have been put in place.