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06/28/2014 at 4:21 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53063
ParticipantI wonder if someone can name a wholesome American thing that has been taken away because of the loony bin PC leftist secular marxist regime.
The American Flag. Schools, houses, Fire Stations, uniforms, municipal locations, etc all across the country.
And you still haven’t changed your ethnically offensive username so you have zero credibility in this discussion.
06/28/2014 at 4:19 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53062tjfoose1
ParticipantSo the UND Fighting Sioux is offensive because it degrades its namesake, the Sioux, and Native American in general.
But the Elon Fighting Christians was offensive because it exalted its namesake, and was thus insensitive to non Christians.
Just like the Ole Miss Rebels was offensive because it paid homage to its namesake, and thus, the confederacy, and thus slavery. Had to go 3 degrees on that one.
While any team named Warriors disparages its namesake, and thus indirectly, native Americans.
Got it?
So was Paul Brown insult himself when he named the Cleveland Browns?
I know Bob Johnson did, when he named his NBA franchise after himself. But I don’t think that was intentional.
06/28/2014 at 2:32 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53057tjfoose1
ParticipantAnd it continues.
Acts of honor and respect turned into slurs by the PC left.
Imagine how disrespected the families of individuals must feel when specific ships are named: USS Nimitz, USS Reagan, etc. What a disgrace.
In then United States today, the namesApache, Comanche, Chinook, Lakota, Cheyenne and Kiowa apply not only to Indian tribes but also to military helicopters. Add in the Black Hawk, named for a leader of the Sauk tribe. Then there is the Tomahawk, a low-altitude missile, and a drone named for an Indian chief, Gray Eagle. Operation Geronimo was the end of Osama bin Laden.
06/26/2014 at 11:39 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53040tjfoose1
ParticipantSo how do we go about getting Planters to change their racially insensitive name? It’s long past due.
06/26/2014 at 8:05 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53026tjfoose1
ParticipantDon’t forget about the potato offenders.
06/26/2014 at 7:47 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53024tjfoose1
ParticipantNigeria. Nice one, Wuf’
06/26/2014 at 7:45 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53023tjfoose1
I Find the user name “pakfanistan” offensive. It mocks an entire ethnic group, and possibly a country.
Can the mods please look into this and get the insensitive twit that uses it to change it.
06/26/2014 at 7:37 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53022tjfoose1
ParticipantIt’s time for all short native Americans living in Spain to unite against the oppression!
OH… MY… GOSH… Would you look at that!… Holy Cow Batman! That’s all kind of intermingled exponential insensitive offensations going on.Can you imagine how harmful this would be if you were a short Native American living in Spain?
And look at that company name, “Planters”… I know what that means. Planters owned Plantations. Yep, You see it now…. We all know what that means.
Hey wait a minute… wasn’t Jimmy Carter a peanut farmer? Ha, all this time Jimmy’s been an incognito racist. Who knew.
Oh that’s right, Incognito is the name of that bully Miami Dolphins player who used racist and homophobic slurs.
So Jimmy is a racist and a homophobe. Wow.
I don’t know how anyone can live in this cruel insensitive world.
06/26/2014 at 3:04 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #52983tjfoose1
ParticipantThe Native Americans were here ten thousand years before the British arrived.
Before the British, true. But if you keep up with the science journals, you know that accepted ‘history’ is getting rewritten all the time. European remains have been found along the Eastern seaboard that predate the accepted date of native Americans by tens of thousands of years.
But that’s irrelevant. Native Americans were hardly peace loving utopians. The fought, killed, and warred with each other. Those that won turf battles took the land.
That doesn’t mean Native Americans didn’t get a raw deal from the white man. I find it ironic though that those more so aligned with the PC argument are also more in line with a liberal inclination when in comes to politics. It wasn’t white people that lied and screwed the red man out of his lands, it was the government in Washington.
The same government many of you want made ever more powerful, the same government responsible for true oppression forced upon native Americans living on reservations.
Typical. You bitch about words but defend the source of true oppression. Give em bigger sticks and stones, but dammit, take away those hurtful names.
06/26/2014 at 4:20 AM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #52943tjfoose1
ParticipantThanks LRM. Knew Holliday was from Georgia but didn’t know the history of huckleberry line.
Damn. I meant to include a reference to the U-Boat wolfpacks but forgot.
The Seminole Tribe of Florida actually officially sanctions FSU’s use of ‘Seminoles’. The tribe takes pride in it. Once the Seminole Chief told the PC police to back the f’ up, there was little they could do.
History factoids. The Florida Seminoles never surrendered. Pretty sure only Native American Tribe that can make that claim. They frustrated Pres Tyler and retreated into the Everglades. Tyler gave up and unilaterally declared victory in the Seminole War.
The very name of the tribe, ‘Seminole’, may one day be made to be a racial slur for those looking for offenses. It derives from (a corruption of) cimarrón, a Spanish term for “runaway” or “wild one.”
06/25/2014 at 6:50 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #52936tjfoose1
Participant^ Edit. Actually, I’d like to change that. I think “Dogwoods” would be better, tying in the historical canine aspect with the State flower.
06/25/2014 at 6:36 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #52935tjfoose1
ParticipantI think it’s well past time that NC State come out with a public apology. Aside from having red as an official school color, obviously mocking Native Americans and Firemen, the institution has at different times in its history, used Aggies, the Techs, the Red Terrors, and Farmers as names for its athletic teams. That’s a whole lotta offenses going on from just one school.
And to top it off, the current “Wolfpack” was created out of anger when an alum used it in a derogatory comment about misbehaving NC State football players. Intent is important, more so than results, or so the national media tells us when dealing with national and foreign policy, so I find this highly offensive too. I bet PETA ain’t too happy about it either, along with Snoopy, Rin-Tin-Tin, Lassie, Huckleberry Hound (He’s still upset about that line in Tombstone), Goofy, Astro, Mr Peabody, and Underdog.
Come clean, NC State. Admit your sins and repent! It’s time to change one more time. How about the “Opaque Generic Flowers”?
And what’s with this pink color from the school’s past? It was obviously a misogynistic attempt at mockery for the future breast cancer awareness movement from a time dominated by men who subjugated women.
ParticipantTrees are people too.
ParticipantPlug and play replacement for BSW.
I find your use of “B” in “BSW” offensive. Anyone got the 800 number for the US Patent Office complaint line?
ParticipantI didn’t know Sarah Jessica Parker was a dog show fan.
06/21/2014 at 1:25 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #52806tjfoose1
Participant^ Is there a joke in there somewhere about CD and a Cali beach bunny?
06/20/2014 at 2:16 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #52787tjfoose1
ParticipantThere are multiple public high schools
in the heart of Indian Country in Oklahoma who have
“Savages” as their nickname.I thought someone would have mentioned this by now:
Oklahoma is Choctaw for “red people”.Oops. What are the Feds gonna do about this injustice!
06/19/2014 at 7:03 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #52762tjfoose1
ParticipantPS: Dietz’s Native American heritage is now under question, but yes, the intent of the name was to honor him and his claimed heritage.
Most today, not all CD, that find it offensive do so because they’re told it’s offensive.
06/19/2014 at 6:53 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #52761tjfoose1
ParticipantForgive the typos and autocorrect misfires. On phone and can’t edit.
06/19/2014 at 6:42 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #52760tjfoose1
ParticipantI don’t care how you slice it, the term Redskin is a negative term towards a race of people.
You apparently have a limited knowledge of cuttlery skills and historical context. Native Americans referred to themselves as “red”,”red skinned”, and “red peoples” before us “pale faces” did.
But I guess they, like the 90% of today’s Native American population who do not find it offensive, were just too damn dumb and ignorant to know better. Just like them Irish Catholics and Christians, per Notre Dame and Wake Forest. And let’s not forget about the BLACK Knights of West Point. I wonder where they keep their white hoods.
It’sca freakn color, used simply adjective. With all the countries ills, you’d think over sensitive panzy asses would have something more important to worry about… like how about the actual living conditions on government managed reservations. Those might be a little more important than the freakn name of an NFL team named so to HONOR Native Ameticans.
This bs is what we get with the nullification of survival of the fittest andva subsidized gene pool.
ParticipantPS: And everything Wufpacker wrote in his last post
ParticipantYou’ve been part of a team, organization, group before… Probably been a leader… think about it.
The attitude (remember the 2012 UVA game, even the clueless couldn’t have missed that) and talent problems (discussed ad nauseam on this site) were obvious to anyone paying attention. Why state the obvious only to appear to make excuses and point fingers?
So the question is, why not have our AD make a public declarative statement listing the personnel problems of our football program? Seriously?… That is a real question? Think about that… When stated that way doesn’t it make sense NOT to do so? Do you really want someone on par with Annabelle Vaughn running our entire athletic program? With her PR acumen, she might do something just like that.
But anyway, there are numerous reasons. I’ll list a few:
1. Professional decorum. TOB was fired, so obviously his performance was found to be unsatisfactory. You wish him well and thank him for his efforts, and the successes he did have. You don’t start enumerating his coaching and leadership failures on his way out the door while simultaneously indirectly and publicly criticizing student athletes.
2. You don’t publicly attack student athletes, especially those that remain on the active roster. They are your players.
3. You don’t blame student athletes. To those players that have an ‘attitude’* problem, you give them the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps the problems were with the leadership of the previous coaching staff and it’s policies. You give them a clean slate with the new coach. You don’t call them out and blame them for the failures of the program and the previous coach. They now succeed or fail based on how they perform and behave going foward with the new staff.
To those players who don’t measure up athletically, it’s not their fault. You don’t belittle them. You encourage them. You don’t blame them for being recruited and agreeing to become part of the ‘Pack. You don’t fault them for the inability of the previous staff to sign better talent. They’re are what you have.
4. Assessment period. After a year and a full season INTO the change, assessments can be made. Problem players, depending upon degree, have been put on notice or removed. You are no longer criticizing the current players or the current team, you are making an GENERAL assessment of where you were, how far you have PROGRESSED, and the established GOALS, that by hard work, dedication, etc, are being PURSUED by the CURRENT team (coaches and players).
The current statement from Yow was made in response to a legitimate concern expressed by members of (dare I say ‘prominent’) alumni/fan web page. It was made to the admins of the web page. It was not a news release. It was made a year into a coaching change (not during the transition, HUGE difference).
I think Yow did a pretty good job in her response. Anyone who has read my posts knows I don’t suffer the ignorant AND foolish very well. I have no problems with ignorance (it’s literal sense), but I have a big problem with those who go about loudly professing it. Qualifier – I’m not referring to current company, I’m referring to literal extreme monkey board types that go well beyond.
Now, all that said, if you wanna skewer the athletic department for their methods of extreme fan price gouging, I’m on board! Paying to LISTING to games online when Yahoo provide it for free? Blocking off PUBLIC fair grounds parking for basketball games to force fans PAY for parking closer to the PNC?… I better stop now before I veer off into politics and the federal subsidizing of college tuition as a money laundering scheme to ‘higher education’ sycophants.
*The attitude problems were real, but possibly more of a result of a lack of player leadership than anything else. Or bad leadership. No one ever stepped up to fill the RW/Ivring void. Who’s fault is that? The coaches’ or the players’? Good question.
ParticipantI don’t remember DY sharing that^ specificity upon TOB’s release, nor “coming to DD’s aid” with that specificity during last year’s death spiral (instead, TOB was fired due to “loss of ticket sales”).
And she was right not to do so.
Likewise, I don’t remember any statements declaring or even hinting that there were “bad attitudes” among previous players who needed to be expunged from the team…
Same here.
ParticipantI don’t know BJD. IMO, that team lacks a TEAM makeup and chemistry would probably be an issue. Not ill will, but a lack of meshing skill sets.
Would be subtraction by addition.
06/05/2014 at 11:04 PM in reply to: Additional Non-Conference Football Scheduling information #52531tjfoose1
ParticipantWhat’s the worst that happens, we go to Tuscaloosa and lose?
No. Ask Cutcliffe about the damage that can be done to a team and its season by sending them outmanned and outgunned against a fully loaded Alabama team.
I for one hope we do not play them in the next two seasons.