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07/10/2014 at 9:01 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53540
ParticipantI find it interesting that comparisons of equivalency are being made between a private citizen and one that holds one of top positions of power in our government.
07/10/2014 at 8:54 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53536tjfoose1
ParticipantPalin got the last laugh though. She turned all the attention and attacks into a multimillion dollar industry, pivoting out of public office and becoming a hybrid policy advocate and Ann Coulter-light provocateur.
07/10/2014 at 8:35 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53533tjfoose1
ParticipantSarah Palin > Hillary Clinton
One hitched her wagon to a misogynist, riding his coattails to her position as she enabled and provided cover for his actions.
The other started out on a city council and rose through the ranks on her owm merit and accomplishments, challenging and defeating the political establishment in her state. Then she took on the oil companies, and won again, reforming the state’s oil industry.
Once she was named McCain’s running mate, her political career was over. As an attractive woman with a husband and family, who also happened to be the nation’s highest rated governor by approval rating, she was a poster child for any feminist group… except she was conservative.
She was the ideal that the left tried to fabricate Wendy Davis into, that is, before the lies behind the facade of her manufactured image came to light.
As any Alinskyite knows, Palin had to be destroyed. Rule #5 lead the charge. Because she a living refutation of the leftist cries of the sexist right, like Clarence Thomas before her, she had to be destroyed.
With no experience dealing with the coming onslaught from an antagonistic, activist, biased national media, she didn’t have a chance. Attacks from the status quo GOP establishment, her DNC opponents, the national media, and the Chicago machine doomed her.
Perhaps she should have shed a tear and played the sympathy card and sexist card like Hillary?
Speaking of “being a man”, I’m not sure if Obama is more girly than Palin, or if Palin is more manly than Obama.
07/09/2014 at 4:29 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53462tjfoose1
ParticipantWe don’t always disagree paki, you’re not always wrong 🙂 . Sometimes I just provide ancillary and background info.
My politics differ from Turley’s, but when it comes to the law, the man has my utmost respect. The man’s reputation is well earned.
07/09/2014 at 12:10 AM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53437tjfoose1
Participant07/09/2014 at 12:06 AM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53436tjfoose1
ParticipantThanks CD. Thanks freshman.
That reminds me… anyone have recommendations for Raleigh area general practicianers that give self pay discounts?
07/08/2014 at 9:45 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53431tjfoose1
ParticipantThanks CD.
That reminds me… anyone have recommendations for Raleigh area general practicianers that give self pay discounts?
07/08/2014 at 9:39 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53430tjfoose1
ParticipantI don’t think you can impeach a guy just because you disagree with him.
Tell that to Andrew Johnson.
For the record, the “high crimes and misdemeanors” ofthe current President long ago exceeded Nixon’s. That’s according to respected and renowned liberal George Washington University law professor Jonathan, not me.
“Obama Is Really The President Richard Nixon Always Wanted To Be”
“Obama… has succeeded to a degree that would have made Richard Nixon blush.”
“The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid.”
This from someone who voted for him twice and still supports his policies. It is his methods and tactics to which he objects.
07/08/2014 at 9:07 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53428tjfoose1
ParticipantSelf employed, so I’m already receiving the full benefits of the ACA that keeps getting pushed past the next election for most of you.
Premiums have more than doubled, deductible has increased over 50 percent, network greatly reduced, and all copays eliminated. I now pay 100 percent out of pocket until my deductible is reached.
07/07/2014 at 11:15 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53367tjfoose1
ParticipantSmug? No? Sure comes off as condescending and patronizing, but ok, Ill take your word for it on that one CD.
07/07/2014 at 9:06 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53358tjfoose1
ParticipantMormons going “WTF?”
07/07/2014 at 8:56 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53356tjfoose1
ParticipantThe smug douche is patronizing you. It’s something he does to feel better about himself. A feeble attempt at self stroking. Don’t feed the troll.
07/06/2014 at 5:28 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53303tjfoose1
ParticipantWe’re leaving out a whole lotta things for native Americans to be offended about…
in the RED? Really?
RED light district
RED herring
RED tape
the rather timely, RED card
Who’s the racist pig who chose the WHITE flag as the global symbol for surrender?
Why is it a WHITE ball that all you rich, upper crust, capitalistic pigs hit around at the golf course?
Where do pigs go to protest their association with capitalists and police?
The Chinese are upset about YELLOW Fever and YELLOW journalism.
WHITE noise, really?
BLACK market? Depending upon perspective, that could be taken several ways.
BLACKball, BLACKlist, BLACK ops, BLACK .death.. BLACK tie?
in the BLACK?
And Pandorans wanna know how they got associated with being sad and sexually frustrated.
We just getting started on this cultural and ethnic offense stuff.
07/05/2014 at 2:59 AM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53292tjfoose1
</youtube>07/05/2014 at 12:57 AM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53291tjfoose1
ParticipantIt was only $2, and that’s Johnny, not Abe.
</youtube>07/03/2014 at 12:51 AM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53220tjfoose1
ParticipantAny tips on how to understand COWDOG? Would a little Swahili at UNC do the trick? I’ll try anything at this point.
CD has occasionally given me credit for correctly reading his lingo.
I think the key is, at least in my case, is already sharing, or at least being familiar with and understanding, the basic perspective and idea behind the post.
I understand his post because I’m already thinking the same thing, or have experienced, or have at least considered, the message he’s conveying. I could be wrong, but from one convo with him, I think we may have had similiar upbringings, or at least fathers with similiar experiences and outlooks. That might be part of it.
So I think I have a sort of Rosetta stone. Without it, I’d be lost.
Apologies ‘DOG, per the thought comparison. 🙂 I know we part ways on certain subjects, but for the most part, you provide a good validation check.
06/30/2014 at 7:40 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53143tjfoose1
ParticipantThe conflating of NCAA rules with a trademark decision
If you fail to see the relation, and that the two are simply different fronts of the same movement, then I owe you an apology. I didn’t realize what I was dealing with. You should be commended for how far you’ve progressed. Congratulations.
06/30/2014 at 7:35 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53142tjfoose1
Participant…and the assertion that this president has done anything unprecedented is disturbing.
I know you often engage in discussions here without first informing yourself, apparently, this is yet another example.
SCOTUS and its unprecedented full dozen 9-0 decisions against the current President for his over reach of authority and disregard for existing law disagrees with you.
This will be yet another, if Snyder pursues it.
But you know what they say about opinions.
06/30/2014 at 2:27 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53115tjfoose1
ParticipantI think the whole kerfuffle is rather silly, especially when juxtaposed against issues that truly harm Native Americans, like the denial of private property rights on reservations and their abysmal federally managed health care (of which ‘annual’ funding usually runs out after 6 months) .
My ire wasn’t raised until the involvement of the Feds and their unilateral decision on what is ‘offensive’ to justify what I consider an illegal action and dangerous precedent. Was this a trial balloon?
This is the same government run and administered by individuals who consider it settled ‘fact’ the conservatives hate the poor, the Tea Party is racist, those who oppose the President do so because of his skin color, and that CO2 is a toxin that they have absolute power to regulate and manage.
The government’s prime and most basic purpose is to protect the rights and property of its citizens. Trademarks are a mechanism created to protect intellectual property.
In this case, not only is the government using a unilateral determination of what is offensive to abdicate their most basic responsibility of protecting property, but it is publicly denouncing the right to that property based on ‘feelings’, real or not, justified or not.
Dangerous. Very dangerous.
06/28/2014 at 6:19 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53078tjfoose1
Exactly the response I expected, to the word. You’re smug narrow view blinds you from the bigger picture.
06/28/2014 at 5:02 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53072tjfoose1
ParticipantIt’s so easy to get their panties in a bunch, those who eschew logic, history, facts, results, and reason for feelings and intent.
06/28/2014 at 5:00 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53071tjfoose1
ParticipantIt’s hilarious that you think “Redskins” is a term of honor and respect
Hello? McFly? Show me where I wrote that’s what I think.
06/28/2014 at 4:46 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53068tjfoose1
ParticipantIt’s hilarious that you think “Redskins” is a term of honor and respect
Show me where I wrote that.
06/28/2014 at 4:31 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53065tjfoose1
Participant06/28/2014 at 4:28 PM in reply to: U.S. Patent Office cancels Redskins trademark registration #53064tjfoose1
Participant -