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ParticipantWhy would Goodell protect Ray Rice and the Ravens?
IMO, you’re missing the point and asking the wrong question. He wasn’t protecting Ray Rice and the Ravens. He was, or so he thought, protecting the NFL and it’s image.
ParticipantI’ll state another way – with this crew, as a fan, I wouldn’t worry too much about this poor tackling unless it becomes a trend. If it’s prevalent in the next game, it’s a trend.
To break down, probably too much so:
Young, inexperienced players think more and react less. it’s difficult to get into that ‘zone’, some call it ‘flow’. You’re looking, reading, processing vs reflex and reacting. Throw in youth’s propensity to worry about making a mistake, and there’s too much active, concerted, conscious thinking to fully utilize and maximize athletic ability and performance.
In split seconds, you gotta read, process, and then get to the right spot, then flip a switch and go from cerebral mode to BOOM mode and make the tackle.
Another educated guess tells me the tackling was there in the first game because that offense was covered during fall camp. In game two, the players had one week to prepare for a completely different type of offense. Those missing tackles were mostly first year guys, either freshman, or first year playing. They did not have previous years’ game prep to reference and fall back on.
Thus, with game 2 came more thinking, less ‘just play’ing.
It’ll come. Learning curves should be steep, but I don’t think they’re at the base yet. Give it a few more games.
Hopefully, for now, the offense has enough to carry the team. I don’t know much about South Florida, but I’m guessing they’ll be slight favorites. We’ll know a little more about the Wolfpack after game 3, but just a little.
I’ll be estatic if come the FSU game, we can keep it to ‘just’ a 3 TD difference.
ParticipantThe effort is there, if not always the focus. It’s tough to focus when you’re thinking too much. It’s coming, but not before a lot more ugly.
ParticipantNo doubt the defense needs leaps and bounds of improvement. An educated guess tells me too much thinking might have played a role in the poor tackling.
The effort is there, if not always the focus. It’s tough to focus when you’re thinking too much. It’s coming, but not before a lot more ugly.
Participant…it is peculiar that they couldn’t/didn’t find a way to get a looksy at that tape.
Oh, they got a look. Either that, or knew what was on it so made a concerted effort NOT to view it. Plausible deniability. They pursued truth and evidence with the same vigor and purpose as u*nc’s first few rounds of ‘reviews’.
Participant^^ Because he’s an arrogant pr!ck who doesn’t get it. He’s a coward who is not guided by principles, but rather outside pressures. He follows the path of least resistance.
Early on, the status quo and path of least resistance was a 2 game suspension. Rice is not the first player to ever hit a woman. Domestic violence ‘blew up’ as a sensitive issue, so he’s reacting.
What Vick did was worse. What Ray Lewis allegedly did was worse. How many have been killed by drunk NFL players behind the wheel?
Would be nice if the “knock out game” got a fraction of this attention from the media. Yes, it continues. I’d argue it is worse in some ways. But the media sees that as a borderline race issue so it steers clear.
ParticipantThis was a team action, not a league action. There’s a “morality/actions detrimental to the team” clause in every contract.
Then the league suspended him. The CBO gives Goodell unilateral autnomy to act however he deems fit in dolling out punishment.
If Goodell did NOT see the tape before today, he should lose his job for incompetence or
dereliction of duty. Either way, he should be gone. But I have a bias, I despise the arrogant hypocritical pr!ck.tjfoose1
ParticipantI wouldnt read too much into the u*nc transitive property thing, given the matchups and a full season difference.
ParticipantRaven’s claiming Rice lied to them too, that what he portrayed was proven false by the video.
ParticipantYep. Rolled up the corners and let ’em go at it for more 1-on-1, and had the safeties lean more towards run support. You’d think an adjustment like that was obvious, simple, basic stuff… right? Yeah, it is. Would not have been so for the former regime.
09/08/2014 at 5:39 PM in reply to: There May Be Two \"Fake\" College Football Teams…One In Charlotte. (Really) #55796tjfoose1
ParticipantTwo \”Fake\” College Football Teams
You’re not counting u*nc?
ParticipantSo how does additional video of the SAME event, now surfacing publicly, warrant an indefinite/lifetime suspension?
Because there’s a video. Pictures, sound bites, and bumper stickers are powerful. They’re about as deep as the comprehension level of the disengaged American public goes. If just words and facts, the limits of the intellectual processing would not have required it.
Goodell is a coward, but I don’t think that has anything to do with the Raven’s actions in this case.
Yes, it was the only move for the Ravens. Ironic, from the victim’s perspective. Now she has an unemployed husband. I don’t think that’s gonna help too much.
Participant1) Discipline, we’ve been much better with penalties, and that’s with freshmen playing.
2) S & C, clearly several steps above TOB
3) Offense, we’re balanced in a way that we haven’t been in a long time
4) 4th quarter attitude, this team wants to win, and they’re learning howAll of those (If this lovefest continues w/ paki, we’ll need to start talking politics), with emphasis on 1, 2, and 4. 1 and 2 are closely linked, and buttress 4. As I mentioned post game, S&C staff is team MVP thus far. Three, IMHO, is more a product of the offense, the opponent, and how the game plays out, as opposed to just pure ‘coaching’ ability.
Absence of prideful ego and stubbornness: Can see it in game strategy, in-game adjustments, and relationships with players and coaches. How often did we see TOB and staff stick to something that clearly wasn’t working because ‘they knew better’? They were going to stick with it, or go down with the ship trying to prove it. Think back to last Duke game and the way we telegraphed our defense almost every play. If TOB did make adjustments, it was usually only at halftime. Think back to the D adjustments to a 4-2 that were finally made (late into the season, against UVA) that maximized the effectiveness our personnel, only to go away from it later and move personnel because it wasn’t ‘their’ defense and what they wanted to do. I think prideful stubbornness was TOBs #1 failure as a coach (I referenced this in the recent thread discussing Wilson’s departure). It played a role in almost all of his shortcomings. The stark contrast makes it easy to see.
Chemistry/team building/unity: DD and staff also do not insinuate blame to players. There appears to be a organic cultivation of ‘team’, leadership, and accountability. There appears to be an emphasis on carrots, and a use of sticks when needed, not the other way around. The Jarvis Byrd situation is a good example of this. When RW and Irving were here, it was more of ‘the coaches’ and ‘the players’, and RW and Irving more or less handled the players. When there was no one to take on their roles when they left, you saw the results. With DD and staff, it’s not “the coaches” and “the players”, it’s “the team”. Stop by and watch any practice, you’ll understand.
Game day dynamics: Watch the interaction between players and coaches, on the sideline as well as pre-snap with players on the field. There actually appears to be engaged communication, feedback and adjustments, as opposed to stoic ‘just do what we say’ attitude. I referenced this in the post-game thread, then actually heard DD reference it later in his press conference.
We have a team. Not a group of coaches and players.
From the results, I’m assuming the staff effectively conveys this to recruits.
And what Rick said, per the “low bar hurdle” comment. As far as I know, I’m the first to make such a statement, but I’m not really going that far out on a limb given our last 3 coaches.
ParticipantLovie is irrationally loyal to his starting QB’s. Glennon did a good job under horrible circumstances last year. Sitting this year will help him in the long run, but he’d be much better off with a veteran like Hasselbeck on the roster as opposed to McCown. Too bad Denver didn’t trade for him.
09/08/2014 at 12:37 AM in reply to: Carolina Way: “ignoring unethical & immoral activities until forced to respond by the media” #55768tjfoose1
ParticipantThe forums seem to have suffered a recent rash of hemorrhoids. Since WhoCares hasn’t been back for a while, I’m starting to worry about him. Hope he didn’t bump into the business end of a Preparation H tube.
ParticipantBiggest stat of the game to me? 1 penalty for 5 yards… One turnover, and 5 total penalties means they are not beating themselves, and just that change alone means I see improvement.
Exactly. A huge indicator, a very telling point, especially when considering the number of freshmen that are getting playing time. One of the reasons why I wrote:
I’ve already seen enough on the field and from his staff to know he’s definitely the best head coach NC State has had since Sheridan left after the ’93 season.
ParticipantIt’s speculation, but I think if the Wolfpack was not facing an offense from practically the opposite end of the spetrum of week one’s opponent, we would have seen improvement.
Instead, it was an offense lead by a smart talented veteran QB running a spread offense against an inexperieced back 7 with an underperforming front four.
Coaches were pretty much stuck with sticking with the base D almost exclusively. I remember only one or two blitzes when it was obvious they were going to run.
There was coaching from the sideline during presnap, but without experienced veterens on the field, that was about as exotic as they could get with the ongoing adjustments, given the circumstances.
Coaches played it smart and fell back to their clear strength. Numbers and conditioning.
It’ll get better. Also got some pre work in on the basics for the GT and Clemson games.
ParticipantAss hats all around. Clueless whiney bitches.
If you did not expect an offensive shootout early, with the ‘Pack pulling away in the 2nd half, you have not been paying attention. No worries, you’re just the average mouthy fan. But if you’re gonna make asses of yourself, I’d suggest a contemplative pause to reflect if you really truly know wtf you’re talking about.
If you can’t see the MASSIVE increase in talent that DD has brought to the program, you can use your blindness as an excuse for your clueless ignorance.
If you can’t see the improvements in play and scheme, you’re forgiven, for they are subtle and not readily visible to a layman’s eye.
That said, the DL was manhandled early. Pathetic. Other than that, the game went pretty much as expected.
Youth dominated defense going from facing a triple option offense (GSU put up 83 pts this week, btw) in week 1 to a passing spread offense in week 2. An offense lead by a Sr QB who won the Walter Payton award last year.
Our defense has no established leader and no true veteran in the back 7 for others to look to for guidance on the field of play. Essentially a trial by fire of the masses. And our starting nickle back has yet to play. It was gonna be ugly. It will continue to be ugly through the first half of the season.
Last week 20 freshman played, 50 total 1st or 2nd year players. I expect similar numbers from game 2. That has an effect on execution. That effect is magnified by the lack of veteran leaders in the back 7 of our D.
Most reasonable folks were expecting 5 to 7 wins this year. No matter how much ’44 moans and whines, that’s still the case.
As I mentioned in a previous post above, the jury is still out on DD, but I’ll go on record now and say I like what I see. I don’t know how successful he’ll ultimately prove to be, but I’ve already seen enough on the field and from his staff to know he’s definitely the best head coach NC State has had since Sheridan left after the ’93 season.
ParticipantThose bitching about the win deserve far less than this squad. Clueless whiney bitches.
ParticipantPlayed out pretty much as expected.
Jury may still be out on Doeren, but the S&C staff have already proven themselves keepers. They get the MVP for first two games.
ParticipantWho is Russillo?
I rarely listen, but he does have a certain douche quality.
One hint – he spells his name Ryen. Remind you of a certain light blue type (he’s a Vermont grad, close)?
There’s these (link button insertions not appearing):
ParticipantAnd, to be fair, we also win a lot more games with Glennon under center for the TWO YEARS that he was eligible to start than we would’ve in Russell’s one remaining year plus whomever would’ve been QB after Russell left (as it wouldn’t have been Glennon).
Ah… but that’s the rub, assuming this was all occurring in a vacuum.
Was TOB too lazy to recruit other QBs? What QBs did we not recruit because TOB was counting on Glennon in 2011 and 2012? What QBs did not commit because Glennon was on the roster in 2011 and 2012? What other players did we not sign because of a ripple effect? What players did we sign in their stead?
What players that signed elsewhere would have been attracted to NC State by a Wilson lead 2011 Wolfpack team? How many of those would have signed on with the Wolfpack? Would it have mattered, given that staff’s recruiting ‘vigor’?
Too many variables. Take the bird in the hand and go from there.
ParticipantIsn’t this racist?
I mean really. It’s Red AND White, you know, promoting unity of us palefaces with redskins. But this is a Black OUT. Why we gotta insinuate and exclusion of black folks? Is this a promotion of segregation? Why can’t we have a White OUT, or Black IN?
Participant* Not only was RW not committed to spring football practice at State…but he was NOT EVEN COMMITTED TO PLAY ANOTHER YEAR OF FOOTBALL ANYWHERE. Nobody even knew if he was going to ever play football again.
* RW didn’t even decided to play a final year of college football until the middle the summer before the season started. What the hell were we SUPPOSED to do?
Statefans, if those statements were 100% accurate, my opinions would be completely different. I acknowledge your statements are what was publicly reported in the press, and not refuted.
Let’s just say RW was a class act through all of this. He showed more class, more restraint, more respect, and turned more cheeks than I think I would’ve been able to do.
Participant… oops. I wasn’t finished.
TOB had to prove HIS QB, HIS ways, HIS plans, and his methods were superior to the QB he randomly lucked into, by accident, left to him by a failed coaching staff… One for which he had to change his strategy and classic offense.
TOB was stubborn that way. Trust me, I know stubborn.
Plain as day to me.