Forum Replies Created
ParticipantWe weren’t ready. Oh well. Back to preseason expectations.
ParticipantIck. Was hoping they wouldnt use Watson like that.
Don’t think our defense can handle both run and pass from him.
Correction. It cant.
ParticipantIck. Looks like the Dantzler in CF concerns were legit.
10/03/2014 at 3:46 PM in reply to: Where Does NC State Football Go From Here? I’ve Got Some Questions for You #57848tjfoose1
ParticipantWith the caveat that my responses are expectations (not guarantees) based on what we’ve seen thus far, and that most of the questions are subjective, with a baseline expectation. I’ve found my expectations and definition of ‘reasonable’ can sometimes vary widely from those of some posters:
Will NC State be emotionally ready after a hard-fought FSU game?
Yes. Team appears to be ticked off and eager, not despondent. I attribute this to the coaches and the coach/player relationships, the team culture being cultivated, and the player leadership provided by Brissett and others.How will the young NC State team handle a hostile Death Valley? May effect them early, as they adjust to the noise and ‘atmosphere’. If so, I don’t expect it long lasting.
Will the offensive line be able to hold of Clemson’s experienced front 7? Will Clemson fake injuries? I expect the OL will hold their own. Neither side will dominate overall, both will dominate in stretches.
Is Deshaun Watson that good or was UNC’s defense that bad? He’s good, potentially great. But not THAT good. u*nc’s defense (and intra-squad division) played a big roll in that gaudy performance.
Can NC State’s defense make enough plays to keep the pressure off of the offense? Define ‘pressure’? The offense is expecting to have to shoulder a large part of the burden, going in. I expect something similar to last week’s game from the defense, but with the performance factor shifted higher. I’m expecting/hoping our D coaches can throw in a few things to exploit the inexperience of true freshman QB. Watson ain’t Winston. The defense will make their plays, but so will Clemson. I’ll put the over/under of Clemson points at 34.5. Pace of game, number of plays is a factor.
My biggest conern is Watson running the ball. Both from designed plays and scrambling. This has very very bad potential for the Wolfpack. Flashed of Woody Dantzler in CF bad.
Will NC State be able to score 40+pts for the 5th game in a row? Yes, assuming NC State is permitted to dictate the flow w/o excessive injuries. Basing this not just on the quality of offense, but on the expected number of plays from the offense.
Participant16 years old, 6’1″, 206 lbs. While not completely ruling out DB/rover, unless we’re looking for the next Kam Chancellor, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say we just signed an LB. Or if he’s got hands, maybe even a WR. Heck, I’d even go so far as to say maybe even a DE, depending upon frame and remaining growth.
ParticipantThe above is the true test for the team I referenced earlier in the week.. when I wrote it was not Clemson.
ParticipantFSU wore our OL down and came from behind to win.
Ummm… not 100% exactly true. The OL wore FSU’s DL down, at the individual player level. But then FSU faked injuries to catch their breath and/or switch out with subs. If you’re a DLineman, it’s not difficult to go full speed 100% effort for ONE play… That’s what they were doing. Faking injuries on the 2nd down play so they could be fresh on 3rd. Then they gave all they had for that one play. They’d be spent after, but they were then rolling out for the punt return team. If State converted, they’d sub out, or if couldn’t, wait for the next 2nd down play to fake another injury.
ParticipantAre you going to sit back with lots of cushion and rely on the front 4, or are you going to go after the quarterback? The safeties and LB’s aren’t great in coverage. Let them come after the QB a little more, that’s all I’m saying.
They have been. They’ve rolled up the corners and bought up the safties. They’ve straight blitzed, zone blitzed, and shown blitzed and backed out… at about the right frequency.
Participant<lockquote>Why don’t we let the straw man rest in peace.
Imagine if Dorothy and the Tin Man had that attitude. Geesh, only in Obama’s America.
Wait… being cognizant of where I am, let me be clear (see what I did there)… that last sentence was a joke. For those who don’t get the reference.
ParticipantI WANT a win, but more importantly, I just want the team to “show up”. I want the coaches to highlight by contrast the massive failure of the previous coaching staff in this area. TOB’s consistent inconsistency of roller coaster performances was a big indicator of the gap between players and coach.
The coaches is were it starts, but the players have to finish it. I want the players to show me they understand the effort and mindset required to become champions. Strength of body AND strength of mind. Lay it all out, for the guys next to you, for your coaches on the sideline, and for yourself. In that order.
Mistakes with effort are not to what I’m referring in the above. I’m looking at preparation, attitude, effort, and in-game focus.
Show me that, be dialed in, and win or lose, the rest will follow.
ParticipantNot buying the blame on youth and inexperience.
But that’s what it is, that and lack of speed in the back 5. Our best cover guys (skill wise) have average speed, and that’s being generous. None are burners.
Coaches and time can continue to improve savvy, positioning, technique, and recognition.
But there’s a low ceiling on the speed. Nothing the coaches can do about it, in-season.
Here’s to hoping true freshman QB got a false sense of confidence and bravado from the fluffer that is the u*nc D. Coaching could possibly exploit his inexperience, but everything shown and read to date says this kid ain’t your typical true frosh in decision making.
Obviously he is not in skill set.
But repeating what I wrote after ladt week’s game, the true test for the team and coaches, at least in my eyes, does not come from Clemson this week.
Program wise, we’ll get another good data point for our coaching staff evaluation metrics.
Team wise, I’m expecting a confirmation of excellent player leadership. Overall, anyway. Defense still needs someone to emerge from the crowd. Quality character group, but even quality needs leadership.
ParticipantA fellow USAA’er right here.
ParticipantPretty cool
“At last Saturday’s football game versus Florida State, an ultra-high resolution 360-degree fan photo was taken between the first and second quarter. The Interactive Photo – presented by PNC Bank – and powered by Blakeway Worldwide Panoramas and Fancam – allows Wolfpack fans to find and tag themselves, share with friends and win cool prizes! The image is billions of pixels in size making it the largest photograph ever taken at Carter-Finley Stadium!”
The NC State Wolfpack Gigapixel – presented by PNC Bank – can now be viewed here –>
Participant“Coming back to bed from a late night pee, I slammed (at
decent speed, for no good reason other than liking sleep) into the doorjamb, right between the eyes.”You know that’s not your fault, right? You need to sue someone.
ParticipantDon’t be so rough on DG. Even leaches, pond scum, and cock roaches have a purpose.
ParticipantI’m with ya.
ParticipantLove the back-and-forth between DD and Jimbo. Stoke it.
Watched DD’s post game presser. The man wasn’t just upset with the loss, he was pissed, and expressively irked with FSU’s tactics. It’s gonna eat at him for a while. Love it.
Quite the contrast this group is giving us.
ParticipantI don’t have a problem with the fake injuries. If it isn’t against the rules it’s fine and the rules will adapt.
Faking an injury is against the rules. It falls under the delay of game umbrella. Problem is, as the rules stand now, it can not be proven.
ParticipantIf you go down with an injury you shouldn’t be allowed back on the field until the next series. Simple as that. And Jimbo’s comments, I’ll let him slide. At least DD is standing up for his guys unlike some of the other gutless coaches we have had in the past.
I’ll let Jimbo’s comments slide, because he’s defending his program and players. Love that DD does the same.
I don’t think Jimbo ‘coached’ the players to fake the injuries, but I don’t think he actually believes all of those ‘injuries’ were as they were portrayed. Parsing words so he’s not lying, as a technicality, he may also consider being ‘gassed’ as temporary cardiovascular injury – break it down to the cellular level and all that, with cells starving for oxygen, etc.
I like what was suggested the other day, I think by Grey. That is, apply rules similar to what is used in hockey. If the offense is playing up-tempo, and not substituting, and there is a defensive injury, only the injured player can be sub’d out. And he must stay out for the series and/or X amount of plays.
Heck, we now have a replay official… if this crap continues, maybe add a medical official. A doctor who examines the player in such instances. Yeah, I know. Prolly not realistic, but I like the thought.
Participantwe are nowhere near close to having Clemson or Fl State talent. We will have to out-scheme and out-coach the 2 best coaching staffs int he ACC.
That’s questionable. Certainly those programs currently have the best talent, but coaching STAFFS, I’m not so sure.
Put those 2 staffs at any number of other conference schools and they don’t look so shiny.
I’d take Duke’s or NC State’s over Clemson’s a heartbeat. Probably a number of other staffs too.
ParticipantThere were a few plays Saturday that we had in 3 LBs. First time I noticed that all year. It appeared to be in response to their running success late in the game. Didn’t stay in it long.
Wonder if that’s a tip to future options or an anomaly. If we switched to a 42 this year due to personnel, we might be switching back to a 43 next year for the same reason.
Participant^ You forget Lutz, unless you mean only head coaches.
09/29/2014 at 9:19 AM in reply to: UNC ‘Supervisor of Morale’: This guy is SO STUPID that I have to post it #57582tjfoose1
Participant^ the temper was due to your complete ignorance or complete disregard and belittlement for the subject matter referenced by your callous idiotic comment.
Mods- this ass deserves no warning, no second chance. His salutation above seals it. Boot this ass, now. He’s garbage, a total POS. Pease let me know if you plan to let him stay so I can find a new home for all things Wolfpack. If you don’t understand why, talk to ‘Stick.
ParticipantIf the media isn’t mentioning Doeren, then he’s not succeeding. That’s he’s being mentioned this early following a 3-9 ACC winless season should be an affirmation to those still doubting his abilities.
Yow locked in Franklin early at Maryland before the country knew his name (it was Maryland’s folly to let him go). I doubt she’ll hesitate to do the same here when the time comes (assuming it does). But if this team keeps it up, she won’t be able to do it so inconspicuously.
Doeren is not Edsall, he’s not Petrino; he’s not making the promises and commitments he’s made and bolting after year 2. He’s not leaving Brissett. He’ll be back next year, so at an absolute minimum, we have 14-15 months. Yow will know by season’s end 2015 the right move to make. Let’s hope we have concerns to put to bed after next season.
If you’re still worried, don’t forget the Wisconsin job opened up while Doeren was here. If you insist on finding a reason to worry, you can look back to Northern Illinois, but then, those were entirely different circumstances.
09/29/2014 at 6:36 AM in reply to: Let the recruiting gates open – Reggie Gallaspy come on down! #57574tjfoose1
ParticipantWhat does he have to do to be a ***** rated back
He’s “too slow”, just like they said of Emmitt.