Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI just realized I opposed what the great Bill On The Beach Wrote.
Be easy on me for I know not what I type
Participantrebound…jesus christ you guys. WE LOST AT HOME TO WAKE FOREST. WE LOST TO BOSTON COLLEGE. There is no all of the sudden great team, Dennis Smith Jr. simply took over the game (minus missing free throws) and we didnt get screwed by the refs. Gott is still a horrid coach. Ted Kapita drops a double double as a freshman at Duke (most over-rated gym in the damn us) yet hasn’t touched the court in the past two games.
I’m beyond thrilled we beat those pricks, but it is still what it is.
I Hate State for making me love them.
ParticipantStateRed44 Gottfried along with mind boggling out of time out play calls has always in my opinion mismanaged his bench. Kapita, Hicks and Kirk can all give minutes if nothing more than to stress opposing players. Looking at what we have Kapita should be starting at C. Yurt7 is playing like we all should’ve expected a bench warmer from Europe to play and Anya…well Anya is doing what he can checking in at record weight. This team doesn’t deserve this or any further threads/posts this season.
01/21/2017 at 4:29 PM in reply to: Your “It’s Not Danny Manning’s Fault But I Still Don’t Like Him” WF Open Thread #115121PackofMac
ParticipantGiving up 90+ cost us the game. DSJ cost us the game. Not being able to make a mo fo free throw cost us the game. Keeping what very well is arguably the worst coach in the conference cost us the game. But seriously, almost every play is reviewed. A phantom elbow is reviewed, are shoe strings tied is reviewed, are referees counseling wake forest players enough is reviewed so why in gods name is such an important mother fuc*ing play not reviewable???????
I HATE myself for watching that shat. I haven’t watched this crap in three weeks and never been happier.
01/21/2017 at 3:30 PM in reply to: Your “It’s Not Danny Manning’s Fault But I Still Don’t Like Him” WF Open Thread #115025PackofMac
ParticipantWe can/should go 9 deep. KAPITA, HICKS, KIRK all just sitting. Meanwhile, Collins abusing Yurt7 because, well as I said months ago YURT7 is not an ACC caliber player. Dont worry, GOTT is to GOTTdamn stupid, stubborn or something to sit his ass. Kapita, while yes a foul machine could atleast stay with Collins. Adjustments, changes, defense or offense….not our Coach’s specialty.
01/21/2017 at 2:03 PM in reply to: Your “It’s Not Danny Manning’s Fault But I Still Don’t Like Him” WF Open Thread #114967PackofMac
ParticipantWelp, which Wake Forest player that averages 2-5 points a game gonna make 10 3’s today???? My vote is for the goofy ass white kid.
ParticipantAdventuroo I apologize, I googled some “other” ridiculous list. My bad
ParticipantHow’d you leave Wake Forest off at #2? Whole lotta talk firing our own guns forgetting about the smallest school in the ACC is #2. So considering that along with the fact numerous other ACC schools are ahead of us or at least in the rankings I’d say Debbie is about average.
ParticipantGood fun game to watch. Still, WAY too many wide open 3’s especially out of set plays. Transition defense is where simple sloppy play will surrender open 3’s but continuous great looks out of sets is ridiculous.
Oh….FCK Puke and Tippy the Tripper. K has become the arrogant pompas ass he has always been considered. Complete sell out for the W
ParticipantNo offense intended to homosexuals by identifying Grayson Allen as one of them, I wouldn’t want to lump that pile of douche with any society.
ParticipantRick is 100% right, no other comment here comes close. Rat is bailing just in time to #1, not endure any blame to Dukes pending lack luster ACC performance and #2, prematurely reinstate GAYson Allen.
12/28/2016 at 8:45 PM in reply to: Rider?? I Barely Even Know Her!! Game Thread (7:00, ESPN3) #113162PackofMac
ParticipantIf you work for a network who’s acronym is 6 damn letters just shut the f*ck up. First four out, eat a d***
ParticipantPack97 that place hasn’t seen 25,000 people in it since the Deacs were good those three years under Grobe. No need telling me or informing me of facts found on google, I’ve been there first hand for the past 39 years being my dad is an alumni. Only started attending games in Raleigh since high school, college and beyond.
Besides, if 25k were there any of the non mentioned years 20,000 of them were in visiting team colors.
ParticipantI’m also in Winston and those “folks” are probably more shocked Wake has a team considering about 2500 attend on Saturdays. Anyway, talk about a gift no one wants! Jesus, makes black socks and fruit cakes seem like a great gift!!!
ParticipantThe published letter is fantastic and serves as a great display of just how much class and integrity Coach K has. I tabled my hatred for the K we see on the sidelines after I watched all the video clips ran a million times now during and around the Jimmy V Classic and after watching the 30 for 30 and anything else Jimmy V that all usually include excerpts from Coach K all describing his admiration for Coach V. The true and best V speech was the one he delivered at halftime in Reynolds when he had the crowd sing along with him and simulate the band playing the “GO PACK” song, now that’s a everlasting tear jerker.
Jimmy V became a national, global legend most recently for the fortitude he showed while fighting cancer and the awareness his legacy and V foundation has brought to cancer research and funding. His LEGEND is the fiery Italian who took a group of no-body’s and turned them into National Champions shocking the world all the way. His basketball legend is the Coach at NC State, it is our uniforms you will see in every clip of Coach V doing the unthinkable on a basketball court. It should be our uniforms you see every god blessed year in the Jimmy V classic but you won’t. State should be a constant in the tourney but we’re not. I’ll never understand, I choose not to watch the tourney any more.
ParticipantFirst and the most obvious, this game nor the other non conference pre conference games mean crap as it relates to how many wins losses we will have in conference play. If we play a school larger than your local community college during the pre conference schedule we will lose.
Dennis Smith Jr is good, and that boy knows it. I haven’t seen a player bark and scowl at others like he does in a long time, now for due reason, he’s just learning the frustration of being associated with NC State athletics.
I can not believe how piss poor we are rebounding the ball and I can not believe King Hippo is exactly that. This is the same ole’ dog and pony Gottfried show, no defense, horrible base line plays and bewildered what the f*ck out of time out plays. I was really hopeful Kapita would have a big impact, and I think he will in time. We are just missing another big who can actually play. From what I saw in the two pre-season games, Yurt will be nothing more than someone to absorb some fouls.
We are NC State, yay
ParticipantSorry to add more but just got a chance to watch Dave’s post game comments on the field. Coach getting choked up twice…..well damnit choked me up. Let’s go win whatever bowl and see what next season brings.
ParticipantAs soon as we rolled back in the driveway in the furniture capital of the world, well was before all the jobs got shipped to China, I dragged out the red flood lights, lit the house up red and donned multiple “S Block” flags for my democratic delusional UNC alumni neighbors. While doing so I thought those thoughts that used to make me want to vomit, what if, we were this close to a one loss year. I never allowed my brain to take that in but damnit we were. Now, I still attribute many of those losses to lame ass coaching, piss poor clock management and all things Doeren. That being said, really, just really who are/would we bring in here next season. It’s that simple, who? Tell Dave to let his OC do his thing and stay off the head set. Look all I know is Ass Hat Fedora is somewhere texting the media, friends, douche club members and anyone else who’ll listen about how great he is and that LSU, Texas are beating down his door. Problem for that clown is everyone is starting to notice, he hasn’t nor won’t win a damn thing at UNC nor anywhere.
ParticipantI’m gald these pole smokers are fired up about beating the pack basically without a center, without a bench and without a leading scorer. I’m also glad my ass sat and watched another referee show, 2 with four at the 15 minute mark…..BJ fouls out with 3 other players with 4. Now for the other side, the tech on the big guy from Creighton was ridiculous. I wish the ref’s would realize THEY ARE NOT WHO WE ALL TUNE IN TO SEE, YOU ARE NOT THE SHOW.
Defense is and always will be the same, I think however with a full squad our offense overcomes that this year.
ParticipantIs not nor will not ever be an appropriate time to cheer for UNC…ever. I’d rather the pack somehow win in Chapel Hell on Friday (not gonna happen) putting another gloomy cloud over what they thought once again was going to be a championship season. I’m excited as hell about helping Dave pack, I’m just not very excited or optimistic who we’ll actually be able to lure into the coaching position.
ParticipantI like a spoiled drunk brat ran my mouth here as I’ve done before after too many fat tire’s last week. I’ve been scolded here and realize I deserved every key typed…..that being said holy cow. Just like Gott with his sneaky grin towards the end after a DSJ dunk….GOTT D*MN I’m excited. No Rowan, No Kapita, No Turk (ehhh) yet we have kids like Johnson and BJ step up and play. 4-5 tremendously talented perimeter players with 4-5 legitimate interior kids…this will be a more pleasant year than those in the past. From the most pessimistic fan…I give in to optimism.
ParticipantAlbert Einstein and his definition of insanity clearly defines us all. NC State and all it’s athletics repeat the same behivior (mind boggling under-achieving shat), losing or looking like losers and we all expect greatness the following year.
year in year out, wash, rinse, repeat. A turd looks like a turd, a diamond isn’t gonna shoot out of any of our butts. Save this for when we make the tourney. I’ll be glad to go back and read my NEGATIVITY.
ParticipantBig kid from Turkey fouled out in about 20 minutes of playing time with 4 points, zero blocks and a couple of rebounds. Very few if any blocks when a Barton kid made it in the lane. Very talented fun to watch offensive team, the tell tell will be as it always is, on the defensive side of the court. With the limited size we have I hope we score 90+ every game.
ParticipantSection 23, row N, first four seats on the aisle sat four very nice young men, all Florida State fans. Nope I didn’t sit behind or near them, they bought my tickets. For the first time in my life I felt completely good with the decision. In my opinion that type of hideous activity is EXACTLY what Yow and the rest of the crew need to see.