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Participantlosers find ways to lose, no matter the circumstance or situation. we are losers, please football season come quick.
ParticipantI am a born NC State fan and grad., the worst pessimist there ever was as it involves NC State. Three years ago the family and I quit contributing to the WPC because of my constant disappointment in the program. I still have fits of morning sickness in regards to the basketball program but as I sit 36 years old with every minute of those 36 years bleeding the red of NC State I feel with every inch of my body we got our selves a team boys!!! I can not wait
ParticipantLooking at the stat sheet I was excited to see the lack of the name Barber…..until I read why. Sorry
We just need to be patient with Cat. He’s clearly trying to figure out the right way to play, and is struggling with it. If you watched Cat in high school, you would have seen his tendency was to go 150% speed all the time. He would drive and score with ease. Gott wants him to be a facilitator, as well as a shooter, as well as a game manager, as well as push the tempo, as well as drive the lane. That’s a lot to process, but I think he will get there.
It’s been a year and a half, he has become more unproductive as time has passed. I believe you’re the one who informed me Cat was probably the best on ball defender in the ACC…how many turnovers has he created? Duke shot miserably, that wasn’t because of Barber. Finally others on here are stating their distaste for watching Cat “run” the offense.
ParticipantI sincerely have learned every team from UNSUX to even us is filled with ignorant fans. For the person who said anything negative about Trevor Lacey’s performance tonight you sir are ignorant…he had a very productive defender in his hip pocket all night. For you people making comments about Cat and Anya not showing up I have only one question…WHEN HAS CAT SHOWED UP. Last week 4 points 4 assists 4 turnovers, yet I was chastised and told what a great defender he was….if I may..”probably the best on ball defender in the ACC”. May want to check Mr. Paige’s stats on that. Our offense is unproductive, boring and predictable with Anthony Cat Barber playing the point. Yet Gott and almost all of you are in love with watching paint dry which is a perfect comparison to watching our offense with him running it.
Anthony Barber…5 points tonight!!!holy sh*t he stepped it up!!! 4 assists and yes 4 turnovers, Marcus Paige…23 points (leading scorer) 5 reb’s 9 assists. No, no, no..calm your self down, I’m only comparing the two because Cat’s offense is obvious but his defense is the tops in the ACC…right? I’d almost rather wear any other teams t-shirt if we are going to continue with him running the point. A lack of point guard is the reason we lost and will lose….again if Anthony Barber continues to be our point guard.WE HAVE DEZ LEE SITTING, SITTING yet he has proved he can play D and distribute the ball. Gott must be in deep with the Barber’s
Participant<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>PackofMac wrote:</div>
4 points, 4 assists and 4 turnovers is hardly huggable, I do hope he continues to find his confidence. As much as I personally am frustrated by Cat he is without a doubt a talent, I want him to succeed. Great win, tar holes coming in…LETS GO!!!And he’s probably the best on ball defender in the ACC.
Participant4 points, 4 assists and 4 turnovers is hardly huggable, I do hope he continues to find his confidence. As much as I personally am frustrated by Cat he is without a doubt a talent, I want him to succeed. Great win, tar holes coming in…LETS GO!!!
I didn’t realize what I said was so hard to understand…ok, I’m just looking for conversation so I’ll try again.
Russell Wilson: nc state graduate, 3 year player
Russell Wilson: media constantly depicts him only as a Wisconsin Badger
Me: complaining, stirring conversation about how would it be if he went to UNC.
Me: realizing this conversation in general is old, putting a new twist on it.
Me: Nevermind
ParticipantI can’t speak for anyone but myself but I do not need to be told UVA’s rank or the fact that we hung with a team that highly ranked. Trust that I am as basketball educated as you are, probably more so in knowing that I AM NOT COMPLAINING BECAUSE WE LOST. I am complaining about the style in which we lost and the style in which we play….period. If any of you watched the game and honestly enjoyed watching our offense then please do not let me offend you, but from a x’s and o’s standpoint, from the standpoint of good team basketball our style of play and decisions made are what makes these games sickening for me to watch. Please spare me/us with the ra ra go team go garbage. Facts are I like Mark Gottfried, I want him to work out but some of his coaching decisions are absolutely head scratchers at best. I have no personal feelings about Anthony Barber, he would make me look like I have no legs on the basketball court if I played against him however he is either uncomfortable, lazy, stupid or just not that good. Whatever it is he does absolutely nothing positive for us at this point….bench him. That’s all I have….
ParticipantBennet a masterful defensive coach???? You got that tonight? His kids defended a team with no point guard, with absolutely no inside game….which really doesn’t matter because our guards refuse to get the ball to them. He coached against a team that throws the ball away WITHOUT any defensive pressure applied…. I’ll reserve my praise for Bennet when he shuts down a HALFWAY complete team, we are a one and a half man show.
ParticipantIf I’ve said it once on here I’ve said it twenty times. Anthony Barber has no business being on the court. He has proven that when out there and its been proven when he wasn’t, is. Pitt game, so following that blowout in which he sat quite a bit we follow it up with him playing almost all of this game???? Really???? This is why I complain about Mark Gottfried, this and the ridiculous out of time out calls. We f-ing are atrocious running out of time out or dead ball plays. Trevor should run the point exactly like the Pitt. game. We made Uva look great when in fact they are a mid 25 team at best. I am disgusted with the fact I sat and watched another perimeter dribbling exhibition.
12/31/2014 at 8:29 AM in reply to: Bad defense. Bad offense. Bad. State lays egg, loses 76-60 #67494PackofMac
ParticipantThe abilities of Mark Gottfried as a head basketball coach should have been questioned from the first out of time out play that ended in disaster some four years ago because thats a constant. Free throw shooting, consistently bad, random line-ups, horrible defense…all signs of a coach trying to figure his players out.
Why is anyone surprised is the best phrase on here. I now believe with every inch of my body our football program is finally on an actual tangible upswing, that came with the right coach. Our tradition, facilities, fans and financial support have always been there. Basketball should be no different. Anyway, lets all just enjoy the rest of the bowl games, catch some of the pack 9 when they get going in the spring, basketball will be an atrocious bust
ParticipantA student athlete transferring to Yale of all places clearly has his future mapped out and what a path that will be for him. This is an obvious case of a young man preparing himself the best way he’s sees fit to pursue a prestigious education for a career that will inevitably end up more likely in a court room than on a football field Sunday afternoons. No need for anyone on here to feel shunned or whatever else, this was not a football decision and other than missing his talents on the field has no reflect on NC State football. Quit bitching and crying like a bunch of school girls and wish the guy well.
ParticipantPretty sure Yale doesn’t accept Swahili as an elective….Tarheels need not apply. Good luck to Mr. Hines, will sorely miss seeing him blossom wearing the red and white next year.
ParticipantYes, Bo Hines transferring to Yale.
ParticipantWell, well, well, hot damn well…..the tarholes and visor get made to look like the mess they are while the PACK look like a legitimate threat to the elite of the ACC next year. What a great Friday night!!!! I wish we wouldn’t have dug into the Carolina Panthers playbook and put them solidly away in the fourth but regardless of score, we dominated the game. Lord have mercy, I can not wait for next season!
ParticipantProbably the best look we have, love it. I wish we could fast forward through basketball season and get to what should be a highly competitive wolf pack 2015 football team. I know it’s early but there is absolutely nothing to suggest this basketball season will be anything than a pain in the back of my neck that persists for months. Enough about that group, GO WOLPFACK FOOTBALL!!!
ParticipantAnthony Barber (by coach’s decision) is our point guard…that means at this point in his career he has got to know how to at least handle a pressing team. He failed miserably at it and looked like a D3 player playing against a D1 school. So now we know: Anthony Barber can not play in the half court offense, does not distribute the ball the way a point guard should and can not play against a pressing man defense. You fools on here keep being optimistic about him, I’m officially over it. Hey, nice free throws while I’m on him.
Participantcoach13 get used to wandering where guys are…Gott’s rotations have not and I have no reason to believe will ever make sense. I love every one of them but until Cat develops more confidence or consistency and until Lenard….well lets just stay focused on getting Cat over that hill. MORE DEZ LEE
ParticipantThis is about the fourth game where it is very obvious the positive impact Dez Lee has when he is on the court. It has perplexed me why he has not been on the court more.
ParticipantBad loss, this is however what we do. Lenard Freeman would struggle playing for UNCG. We need a good quality big man to help out Mr. uninterested Anya in the paint. Pussy Cat Barber needs his little ass in the litter box while Dez Lee runs the team. As far as Im concerned from a coaching standpoint Gott can sit in there with him while Bobby runs it from the sideline. I will not rant buy I am now convinced Mark Gottfried’s coaching abilities are subpar. WTF ever
ParticipantAdventuroo and everyone else here….thank you. I must admit myself after a round, or two, or three or….well you get it, of beers and replying to countless texts from friends who don’t exactly love the pack I found myself seeking refuge here at statefans. I read you guys daily, have said some stupid things and been chastised for them but internally loved every second of it. GO PACK
ParticipantYes, very true…I guess my indirect question is directly to the University. It makes my face blood red to log into and see countless texts, tweets, instagrams what have you about Coach V. while knowing that our institution “black balled” him years ago and oh how now they want to celebrate the man. I don’t know, it’s just hard to watch
Participantthat song has meant more to me in my 36 years than any other song. I know no other lyrics than “go to hell caroline”, my wife helps with keeping the song original with my two and three year olds. You better believe they learn the “correct” words from dad at every football game. GO PACK!!!! DESTROY THE DEACS
Participantyou have the same ad on a unc blog spot/site??? Go pack??? looks like you want to profit off the holes seeing your pic of the “pro” unsux team. key master, get them off this group off. I can make more original shirts than this anyway