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ParticipantThe pork chop sandwich at Snappy sucks.
La Cava-downtown Salisbury NC
Northern Italian in nature. Expect to dine for at least 1 1/2 hours. If you want it faster take your sorry cul de sac a$$es to Olive Garden
I must agree to all of this.
Born and raised in Mt. Airy. Snappy ain’t all that – has turned into a tourist attraction more than a place to get good food.
The last time I went to church at La Cava, I ate so much my stomach couldn’t take it. I mean that in a good way, relative to La Cava, but was a bad way, relative to me.
Also agree with McCallum’s comments here and on other threads regarding the “Honey Monk” in Lexington. I wouldn’t be surprised if our paths have crossed on more than one occasion over the years, but certainly not recently. I’m pretty far off those beaten tracks now.
Good analysis of the kicking situation.My use of the word “scared” was only in keeping with the title of the thread, and not meant literally. Wise had better not be scared of anything or anyone – otherwise we had no business getting him and will be no better off.
As for him coming from a D-2 school, yeah, that kinda concerns me – I would rather he had those kind of stats kicking for a P-5 school, and sincerely hope he does that well for us. The average player at a P-5 school is bigger (taller) and more athletic (better jumper) to block kicks than the average D-2 player, so that is the only basis for my concern – not Wise’s psyche.
ParticipantI would imagine Clemson’s special teams’ guys – particularly the ones they put on the line to try and block kicks, will be substantially bigger than those of Carson-Newman’s opponents, and Mr. Wise is likely to be more scared of that, than Clemson will be of us (and him).
ParticipantI was just on the ESPN site, checking random stuff. Thought I’d check the RPIs of the final four teams just out of curiousity. While checking that, I also saw that UNCW was 27. Given the school and caliber of players they had this past season, there’s only one reason I can think of that they could achieve a 27 RPI….
ParticipantI agree with StateRed44 – If Keatts can consistently bake us cakes that are as good or better than Gott’s best, and not burn any of them as Gott did a lot these past 2 seasons, I think all of us – even the naysayers here, will be happy with him. Stop worrying about $hit we can’t control and just expect him to give us the damn cake!
ParticipantNo whizzing from me. I like him. However, I didn’t want him because he had only been at UNCW 3 years and they are in the CAA, which proves nothing about his ability to compete with the big boys. I had hoped this time would be different, and we could attract a “bigger-league” coaching candidate, but we couldn’t, and that’s NOT DY’s fault, contrary to what the naysayers here like to continually post – ad-nauseum. (spell-check says that’s wrong – I don’t care) So I think we got the best guy we could get, and I agree that him having been a winner everywhere he’s been is a plus, and will fully support him to get the same job done here.
ParticipantAll you negative Nancies on here need to stop concerning yourselves with the ingredients and the oven temperature, and just wait for the cake. I just want the damn cake. Keatts has been a winner from DAY ONE – he’s won everywhere he’s ever been. Not many coaching candidates can say that. As I posted on another thread, I was all-in for Archie but he didn’t wanna come, so we’ve got Keatts and we need to support him until he proves he can’t give us the damn cake!
ParticipantI was all-in for Archie. Archie apparently didn’t want our job. That’s fine, as I think there was probably some “Sendek factor” that helped his decision, as in the possibility that if he had a down season somewhere along the line, we, the fanbase would start the comparisons and start calling for his head. I know how we are – that absolutely would happen.
So we’ve got Keatts. I’m good with him. I’ve googled everything I can learn about him, and he’s got a good background and pedigree. I think we all will be pleased with him in the long run, and he has my full support. I can’t wait for you regular posters here to start providing us info as to current player retention, new recruits, and expectations for the next season. I’m excited – more so than I thought I would be.
ParticipantFor those of you liking Moton, and other coaches at small schools who are doing a great job, I’ve got a little reminder for you – Back in the 80s, there was a coach at a little school called East Tennessee State University. Y’all have heard of them – they’re playing UF in the Dance tonight, and they have a good basketball tradition. They did in the 80s too – even beat our beloved Jimmy V’s Wolfpack one season. The coach of that team? A guy named Les Robinson. I think y’all have heard of him too. We were so impressed with Les, who was also a Wolfpack alumnus, we hired him. Successful at a smaller school, Pack alum… perfect. What could go wrong?
My point here is this – while I agree with everyone we need an up-and-comer and not a P5 retread, we need to be wary of assuming that just because these guys at these small schools are tearing it up, it doesn’t guarantee success at the P5 level. The wiser choice, IMO, is to go after an up-and-comer who has been tested a little more (a slightly bigger school in a more competitive conference that has played more P5 schools on a regular basis). Show him a blank check, tell him to fill in his price, and GET HIM.
02/21/2017 at 10:30 PM in reply to: Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread #118744saigonwolf
ParticipantI’m just waiting for the first poster to come on here wavering, questioning, did we make a mistake? Bank on it. It’ll happen. But I don’t give a rat’s a$$ – 51 point loss at the Nose Dome – largest margin of victory for them against us ever. 30 point loss at the Joel – largest margin of victory for them against us ever. Those two transgressions alone cannot stand for me. No looking back.
ParticipantGuys like Bilas and the Cheats sympathizers are scared to death of what’s gonna happen when their golden-boy HOF coaches retire. We’ve already seen a glimpse of it with Matt D in Cheat-land, and they’re damn lucky that ole Roy bailed them out. Then there are the times at Dookie-ville when Coach K’s back went out, and his fill-ins were less than stellar, and I’m being kind with that assessment. So of course they’re gonna trash us at every turn in hopes of keeping us down and less relevant than them. I have a feeling their days are numbered, and they know it.
ParticipantI hope someone didn’t spend a lot of time making this, given it didn’t take a lot of time to watch. Not to mention its lack of relevance to Archie the coach.
ParticipantHas anyone besides me thought of the possibility that Yow or someone else in the AD has Morgan’s number and called her to see if Archie has an active interest in being our coach, before the trigger was pulled on Gott? Stranger things have happened. If I was the AD, and knew someone close enough to Morgan to do it, I’d have it done. If she said something like, “yeah, Arch and I have discussed it many times, and he’s pretty happy in Dayton, but I’ll work on him”, it would’ve made pulling the trigger on Gott much easier, not that it wasn’t easy as I see it anyway. I’m thinking the timing of the firing was our statement to Archie, “Here you go – we we’ve got the door open early for you to show you we’re ready for you. All you have to do is step inside when you’re ready.” Now, having said all this, about six weeks from now, Yow will have a PC to announce our new coach and it’ll be some off-the-wall candidate none of us have ever discussed, whom she’ll say was her guy all along. If that happens, she deserves to be lynched.
ParticipantNot everyone wants Archie Miller. He hangs from the Sendek coaching tree, buyer beware.
Give me Archie Bunker prior to Norman Lear turning him into the face of tolerance we saw during the Archie’s Place years.
I had this exact thought yesterday. However, just because he was coached by Sendek doesn’t mean he’ll be a carbon-copy of him. Hopefully, Archie has enough sense to know the shortcomings of Sendek, which were well-documented, and take the best of what he learned (Herbie wasn’t all-bad) while adding his own smarts to the mix. It’s kinda like the possibility of one or both ugly parents producing a good-lookin’ kid.
ParticipantBAMBARD… is what he is. An OK kicker.
Put me in the camp of those who say the quality of kicker we have (or any other position) is squarely on the recruiting/coaching staff. (And I have been a supporter of DD)
I don’t fault BAMBARD for missing the FGs at ECU and Clemson – I fault the coaching staff for him being the NC State kicker, if that’s the best he can do.
This scenario is not unlike the Amato/post-Rivers QB scenario we had. Amato did not/could not recruit a QB of the caliber we needed to win games, and that was ultimately on him.
10/17/2016 at 2:58 AM in reply to: Show Us Where the Bad Howard's Rock Touched You Game Thread #108456saigonwolf
ParticipantTotally concur with Heelh8r…
GPS shows a nut located at the following coordinates:
38°12’21″N, 85°45’32″W
I’ve decided to share my knowledge of the location of this nut, given the performance of our team this past Saturday.
Go get it Dave.
ParticipantI had my reasons for starting that Les Miles thread….
Here’s my take on DD:
I fully agreed with and supported his hiring.
I have fully supported him during his first 3 years here, even though I haven’t been happy with results.
My support took a hit after the ECU loss. It took a further hit after I saw the ECU-Va Tech result.
So the turning point, in my mind, comes this Saturday.
Win vs Wake and I’ll step back inside the window. Lose and I’m over the ledge. It’s very simple.We CANNOT continue losing to the in-state schools – ANY of them. The recruiting battle in NC will be lost before it ever begins, as you all know.
Y’all ponder this and maybe you’ll realize the real reason I started that other thread.
Find me a nut…
Y’all sleep well. I’ve got a day of work to finish.
ParticipantBack to dogs and burgers, anybody here remember Oliver’s in Southport?
ParticipantSorry to hear this.
Some of my professional livelihood came from a successful corporate affiliation with the Arnold Palmer brand. He was as great a man as golfer.
ParticipantRegular reader, rare poster from the ‘Nam here…
I don’t eat hotdogs here. Don’t trust these bastards with anything related to food processing – no telling what they’d put in a hotdog. And in the States I only eat trusted brands, but really, who can you trust anymore?
As for condiments, I gotta go with McCallum – mustard, chili, slaw and onions. Ketchup on a HD is kid’s stuff, although I’m OK with it on a burger, for some reason.
And although I haven’t always agreed with things he’s posted in the past, here lately, I’m pretty much in agreement with all of Mc’s recent posts. Fully supported the hiring of DD, but need to see results. Hell, even a blind squirrel can find a nut once in a while. O’Cain’s Torry Holt team beat the once-mighty Seminoles. TOB owned the Cheaters. DD reminds me too much of (cough) Tom Reed, and that ain’t a good thing. Got nothing against DD as a man and how he handles the players, but damn… Find me a nut.
Sorry if the above paragraph should be in another thread, but I had to get that out there (here). But again, not sure what hot dogs have to do with moral dilemmas either, other than what might be in ’em that shouldn’t be…
Enjoy your dogs.
ParticipantIt’s a ad state of affairs for this website that I can post something blatantly wrong ^ and am not immediately called out. As BOTB says, it’s TEN days to kickoff. Are we all that apathetic that no one is reading/posting here?
As for my post – sorry, I looked at my calendar wrong. Shoulda known BOTB wouldn’t be wrong about such matters anyway, and was wondering how in the hell Labor Day could be in August this year. 🙂
ParticipantDon’t know which kickoff you’re talking about, but our Wolfpack kicks off in just 3 days, against William & Mary… Just sayin’
ParticipantI am glad you are finally starting to agree with me.
Haha you know I am just joshing with you, Rick. Just pointing out the difference we seem to judge our own coaches as opposed to someone else. I’d prefer we find the positives and point them out in our coaches and criticize the competition instead. It is easier to find fault than to recognize and give credit for the things that go right. A good example is, I haven’t heard anyone give credit to the coach for made ft’s but all of a sudden it is the coaches fault when they are missed and maybe he shouldn’t have even recruited the guy.
I understand your opinion but everyone is different and just because an opinion is different does not make it wrong or stupid. If I see something good I point it out just as if I see something bad I point it out. IMO constantly blowing sunshine is just as tedious as constantly criticizing.
Besides how boring would a site be if everyone just agreed about everything?
It would be very boring, and the forum would die. I was a member of an expat forum where several members who were dissatisfied with the mods and certain posters left and started another forum site. The problem on the new site was that everyone agreed with each other all the time and there quickly became nothing else to talk about. That site is dead now.
I don’t post here much, but I do check and read the posts here every day. This site is my go-to for all things NC State. But I’ll have to say, lately, it has been waning. Could be the disappointing football season, disappointing start in basketball season, or all the above. Whatever it is, let’s don’t let this site fall by the way-side. I’ll close by making a request to you keymasters: Please add the basketball schedule to the front page as the football schedule was. I loathe having to go on the ESPN site just to find out when our next game will be played.
ParticipantDo you not see, right here on this very site you’re posting on, that most of your complaints are being addressed? Not disagreeing with any of your concerns, but you’re a little late to the party with them.