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  • in reply to: Game Thread: Pack Football in Tallahassee #92292

    I hope all the FSU fans get tendinitis

    in reply to: Game Thread: Pack Football in Tallahassee #92289

    Everyone is getting a chance to pass….same results


    Struggle of play and struggle to watch.
    Cat certainly had some issues and 4 or 16 was generous. He has to step up his role as a leader or someone else certainly needs to be anointed. I know its difficult to ask someone to be a leader that’s not accustomed to being outspoken…. it looked like Rowan was more instrumental as a leader than I expected. And hopefully Henderson is a link that hurt more last night than we realize.
    On to Football baby! Beat FSU


    Congrats to Gott for the raise, I hope we continue in a positive direction! Looks like he may “earn” his money. It’s going to take a few games to develop rotations and confidence.


    Getting whitewashed by William while Mary watches! I should revise my ACC league finish (after the 1st regular season game :))… I think Pack is 3 of 20 shots..

    in reply to: ACC Media Picks Pack Roundball 8th #90909

    Yep, looking at Basketball because I’m not very optimistic about the outcome on Saturday…..

    WOW, so I guess “what’s his name” was that much of our offense?
    Anyway…… I disagree with the mid level projection and hopefully every 20 years, I’ll be right!!!

    in reply to: Game Thread – Wolfpack Football in Blacksburg #90268

    Well, atleast playing on Friday didn’t screw up 4 hours of a Saturday!!

    in reply to: Game Thread – Wolfpack Football in Blacksburg #90262

    Right now the Wolfpack offensive mindset is kinda like waking up from a drug inducted sleep only to see Bill Cosby lying beside you………

    in reply to: Game Thread – Wolfpack Football in Blacksburg #90256

    Certainly such an unimpressive coaching exhibition since we finished the pre season. Maybe DD was trying to help F Beamer save face for such a dismal start in Blacksburg?

    Also, can someone tell JB to take off the ankle weights!! He looks so slow even in a shotgun setup! Knew we were doomed when all three ESPN announcers picked the Pack to win.

    in reply to: Game Thread – Wolfpack Football in Blacksburg #90225

    I think we could be a competitive FCS team…..
    Each year, same old useless offensive punch.

    in reply to: Game Thread – Wolfpack Football in Blacksburg #90214

    When does “next year” actually artive?

    in reply to: Game Thread – Wolfpack Football in Blacksburg #90195

    Last 3 offensive series, 3 points …VT finally bust one and now we can go to bed with visions of basketball in our head….

    in reply to: Offense sputters, State loses 20-13 #89825

    I don’t think so Jacoby, was as ineffective as I’ve seen…but I’ll give him a Pass!

    in reply to: Offense sputters, State loses 20-13 #89824

    Suppose to read:
    What DID I see….but you get the picture

    in reply to: Offense sputters, State loses 20-13 #89821

    What do I see today in NC state….
    Nothing, absolutely a disappointing lack of offense!!


    ^ was suppose to read : develop the talent we have as in the PAST….


    When I was typing I couldn’t think of JJ’S name…..flushed it from my memory.
    But I recall when there was a pass down low, four guys would drop their head and run to the defensive end..LOL.

    IF our coaches can develop the talent we have as in the pass couple year’s, we could be interesting to watch. Maybe not a sweet 16 but who would have predicted that in ’15…..


    Personally, and I’m probably in the minority but I think the one stint with GP would be a set back for Anya and Abu…. I think the ego’s would be issues. I jus remember the problems created with our previous one and done center…..


    Not that this is a surprise to most (and not worthy of MacArthur Park), I think I read that Ingram is making his selection Monday with ESPN coverage.
    I believe the odds are in Dukes and Kentucky favor.


    Read all 7 pages of the Lacy and KW decisions….and personally wish them the best. I also think Lacy would have been better served by staying one more year but he’ll probably make more money than I do so what do I know. Go for it and don’t look back.

    My experience is with high schoolers, they pretty much hang around and not much declaring or transfering. Gott makes the big bucks and assumes the big kick in the butt if he fails! Personally, I think he’s doing a pretty good job dealing with 20 yr olds! Do any of you have kids in college…..think about it….LOL

    in reply to: How SWEET it is!!! #81984

    I don’t ordinarily drink following a Wolfpack win but when I do, it’s Bombay Dry Gin!!! GO PACK.
    By the way, my bracket has the Pack advancing beyond the sweet 16!!!

    in reply to: How SWEET it is!!! #81891

    So happy for Des Lee and Lacy and all the packers! Congratulations Wolfpack Nation!!


    Hey guys, I don’t want to diminish the importance and focus today on basketball, but did you guys see the nice piece on the wrestler, Kevin Jack, freshman from Danbury Ct (espn). Briefly, he was going to redshirt this year but started wrestling in Feb due to an illness of a fellow wrestler, qualified for NCAA, advanced by defeating 2 ranked wrestlers to the semi final round where he lost to a 3 time defending champion, but still earned All American honors. Also, Nick Gwiazdowski is wrestling in the finals tonight for his second straight National Title. GO PACK…..
    Sorry for making this post in the basketball area but thought it would add to the “Don’t Give UP” blief….. (plus I didn’t know how to send to any key bloggers).

    in reply to: BeeJay Anya to the rescue!!! #CardiacPack #81061

    No pressure with Nova, they are suppose to be the best in the bracket…..and Nova shot lights out tonight. Maybe they used up some shots.

    in reply to: BeeJay Anya to the rescue!!! #CardiacPack #81057

    Yes…Yes, I groaned when Lee and KW were inserted into the lineup but I don’t mind “crow” lol

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