Forum Replies Created
ParticipantBull SH*T foul call! Their player flops off the ball. I’m trying to not complain about officiating but the fould discrepancy is NOT regressing to the mean…getting wider. 1 & 1 for the Vols coming up at a pivotable moment on an off-the-ball foul….
ParticipantWe have played 4 freshman extensively and are 10 point dogs to put things in perspective.
ParticipantRegression to the mean this half. Everything (minus 4 awful turnovers) went perfectly for us.
ParticipantI would take Warren out and let him calm down. He’s tense and forcing it appears obvious from my perch.
ParticipantEverything almost went perfectly for us (minus 4 unforced errors, all on double dribble/traveling calls). They haven’t hit and our freshman are careering on both sides of the ball. This is the type of skill set I was hoping they could bring. Both Anya and are bigger/longer than Richard who never could play good D. CJ was a 3 who played 4, lackadaisically. Our guards are quicker laterally and can play better D.
Expect regression to the mean and a close game. We could still lose this.
ParticipantMark is making a mistake by not playing and developing Anya. He’s been more than serviceable during his time in games and does that blockhead really think we will get through the ACC without our rotation of bigs not in foul trouble?!! Why not get Anya some PT now before the duke and UNX games when half our starters have 3 first half fouls???
ParticipantIf you notice officiating the chances are good the refs did a piss poor job. I noticed. Almost cost us another game.
ParticipantWhy didn’t he just go to his home school – ECU???
ParticipantTrivia question: when was the last time we had a winning season without a future starting NFL qb behind center?
Our QBs have masked how putrid the talent obrien brought in. He’s the one you should direct you anger towards.
ParticipantNick makes 5.5million now and is being offered 7million in his extension. Texas has a larger athletics budget but they spend much more money on non revenue and basketball. Their fans are much more rational and hence less passionate. The notion they can simply outbid Alabama is false. Alabama AD would disband the soccer and swim teams and Wall Mart fans and alumni would sell their virgin daughters before being outbid.
ParticipantI hope Abu grows some more hes undersized like Howell. To play good defense we need comparable height to the elite programs.
ParticipantThat sample is too small to have any significance. I think the 4 seed is most advantageous.
I want a rematch against Miami. Do not think they are good enough to sweep us. I’d also prefer delaying any game against a blue and refs.
05/15/2012 at 11:38 AM in reply to: UPDATED: Orange County DA asks SBI to probe UNC-CH academic scandal #39338packalum44
Participant^ Its not even that hard to get into their MBA program. There are 20-25 higher ranked MBAs and ranking is EVERYTHING in MBA programs.
05/14/2012 at 8:24 PM in reply to: UPDATED: Orange County DA asks SBI to probe UNC-CH academic scandal #39307packalum44
ParticipantSo what are the chances that the SBI follows through with this?
ParticipantGlennon made some nice throws. One in particular was on a rope, went right over the linebacker’s head and hit the receiver in stride. Wilson could NOT have made that throw, he’s too short and doesn’t have the NFL arm strength of Glennon.
Glennon’s worst throw was a screen and he zipped it over the tailback’s head. First game jitters – too much testosterone. He also threw into tight coverage but had so much zip on the ball, D-II corners couldn’t pick it off. That will change.
In summary I saw a talented QB who held the ball too long, in part because his receivers and o-line did him no favors. Neither did Bible’s play calling, but I get the fact that we run all vanilla against D-II. Wake will be a much bigger test, but we have nowhere to go but up. We couldn’t have played a worse game and still won by 20.
02/08/2009 at 10:28 PM in reply to: ACC officials embarrass league, spark (Jamie) ‘Luckie’ comeback #35331packalum44
Participant“#2. Noah has no more of a clue as to who would be a good fit coaching this Univ. as I do, who would take it, or if it needs a new one for that matter.”
I don’t think there is a question of whether we need a new one or not. I’d much rather have most folks on this blog search for a new coach than our current AD.
02/08/2009 at 7:48 PM in reply to: ACC officials embarrass league, spark (Jamie) ‘Luckie’ comeback #35304packalum44
You are dead on. I get sick of people who buy into this negative perception of NC State. Many times, its our own alumni! Can we steal coaches like Barnes or Meyer from better schools??? Hell no! And we shouldn’t expect to although a charismatic AD would still have a shot! But we should have landed Calipari and our plan B should have included coaches from both smaller conferences and other BCS schools that are lower on the totem pole. Just like recruiters have to be able to spot talent, management must be able to do the same. We failed because our leaders are piss poor managers and couldn’t spot talent if it hit them in the chin.
Teams I wouldn’t expect to hire away a coach from:
Duke, UNC, Syracuse, UConn, Louisville, FL, Texas, Kentucky, UCLA, Kansas, Ohio State, Michigan State, Arizona…maybe a few more…that only leaves us with several hundred to choose from. Poor us is right.02/08/2009 at 7:33 PM in reply to: ACC officials embarrass league, spark (Jamie) ‘Luckie’ comeback #35297packalum44
ParticipantFor those who are judging Lowe’s coaching from a game by game perspective, I think you guys are missing the big picture. More important is how the coach develops players. None of these players seems to get any better. They have no confidence. They under-perform. Their talents are not maximized. The substitution patterns are bizarre. We expect and accept losing.
I generally make a point to not take stabs at a person’s intelligence, but if you guys pay attention to Lowe’s interviews, it jumps out at you that this guy is not very articulate and offers little insight. His grammar is poor relative to other people who make 7 digits. His thoughts seem to be scattered at times and he contradicts himself. Plain and simple, he’s not very smart. He’s in over his head. He just doesn’t get it. I blame Lee for making this hire. If I interview Sid Lowe, I notice these tendencies within 5 minutes and kindly thank him for his time.
02/08/2009 at 7:02 PM in reply to: ACC officials embarrass league, spark (Jamie) ‘Luckie’ comeback #35291packalum44
ParticipantIf we got the cold shoulder from the coaching fraternity for “running Sendek out of townâ€
Ridiculous. When UNC runs out Guthridge and Daugherty I don’t remember anyone feeling sorry for them or the coaching fraternity giving them the cold shoulder. Sendek took a large pay raise to go to a school where his skills would be more suited and the fan base can be happy with being a bubble team. No one gave us the cold shoulder. We just have a pathetic AD.
02/08/2009 at 4:59 PM in reply to: ACC officials embarrass league, spark (Jamie) ‘Luckie’ comeback #35244packalum44
ParticipantThis is not where I expected us to be 3 years ago. If someone said to me this is where our program would be in 3 years if we hire Lowe who would accept that? I still don’t think we have bottomed out. As long as Lowe is at the helm, we will keep sinking. I don’t think we truly grasp how bad a hire this was…I don’t think we accept it.
Talk about cognitive dissonace…the fans have it wayyyyy more than the players. Here’s how it works….
fan watches a game. fan is hopeful we will play well. team plays horribly, we suck. fan’s hope is so strong that fan will not let himself believe we suck as bad as we actually do. objective spectator knows how bad we suck. ncsu fan’s hopeful/optimistic emotions contrast so sharply against reality…sucky team/coach….fan must get his disconnected emotions in line with reality but how???? oh, well fan realizes that Lowe is new to college. ok. give him time. fan thinks we need more talent to compete. yea. fan says that college bb is a gaurd’s game, we don’t have any. fan already feels better. fan’s hopeful emotions now make sense to him. fan is happy again. fan writes check to WPC.