Caleb should have stayed in Edinborough……
Thanks for the warm welcome JW. New to posting on the site but not new to reading it and certainly not new to sports in general. I, too, enjoy having fun at our rivals expense and have especially enjoyed watching the gift that keeps on giving over the past few years. My point is that sometimes I feel like we are mired in consciously or subconsciously comparing NCSU to those whiny, liberal, self serving, chest bumping high brows and I just wish we would set our sights higher.
Thanks ansu87…….
New to the site and I share many of the feelings posted but I tire of spending our time and energy with what is being done or not at our “sister” university. We would be better served, in my opinion, to taking care of business in Raleigh and being the best that we can be.
GO PACK and Go to Hell Carolina.