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ParticipantNever pull for unc EVER.
Rooted for the Soviet national team against them in 1989.
I must have mellowed a bit. I do recall having a for sure “conference” with several beautiful unc undergraduates on multiple occasions but my comments on their school stopped the “conference” before anyone was properly registered. I only offer up fingers and yells now days, Georgia fans stand in awe of my hatred for the heals.
ParticipantHoosiers was on yesterday.
I watched it.
ParticipantRacism by any other name is still not going to go over well. All waves of immigrants have eventually melted into the masses and this is how we have progressed. You are sounding like Steve Bannon.
Who are you accusing of racism?
If you are lobbing it at me, I could care less but I would ask that if you are accusing me please supply the burden of proof. In our culture the burden is on the accuser not the accused.
Define “progressed” if you would. That is a pretty open ended comment, covers a pretty wide amount of ground.
As for sounding like Steve Bannon, all I can say is thank you. I suppose the contra sounding would be that of John Podesta.
ParticipantIs this not exactly what one finds today, if one looks closely, in the Hispanic, Korean and Vietnamese and other communities among us?
Their cultures and ability to form civil governments failed in near total. I remind you they moved to a 1st world country, European in culture and origin, not to some undeveloped wilderness.
They have their ethnic identities which I support just as I suppport ethnic identity for any group. It is a reflection of a healthy sense of group and culture. They stick together because they must, whites in the US (regional identity aside) have been educated to believe it is racist to support your community.
Burritos and sauerkraut are not reflections of diversity when mass consumed. They are only treasured by a culture based on consumption and cultures of consumption are non cultures.(see modern US culture, zero value)
ParticipantIf you are a person of science then you realize there are no indigenous people.
Everyone came from somewhere thus native peoples here are the same as everyone else.
I would not use the word proud. Multiple segments were sold into indentured servitude following the 2nd Jacobite Rebellion, were placed on plantations in Maryland and Virginia then moved south to be with like peoples. My values are the values of my culture which is a culture that was not encouraged nor discouraged by the central government. The people that shaped North Carolina, hacked it out of the wilderness, formed it up, civilized it and advanced it were largely left to their devices. That is not the case since the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 which the federal government has used to make itself the master of untold millions.
A culture that is self reliant, has cohesive family structure, and finds its value outside of civil rights edicts is a culture and a people which can stand alone. The federal government is not interested in a self reliant people of any sort, it needs servants willing to do its bidding and be its canon fodder.
Your point is not missed. I’m simply telling you that the multicultural notions of fiction like Coming of Age in Samoa are vehicles for cultural relativism which in the end provide the narrative needed by the central state. Character and the formation of character are culture based.
Participant“We are a nation of immigrants”
Pure and unadulterated rubbish.
If you buy this non-sense then everyone, everywhere except east Africa is an “immigrant”. The above mentioned notion is the same propaganda stuck at the base of the Statue of Liberty thus turning it from a symbol of “liberty” to one of endless, faceless immigration.
But the above slogan, a nation of immigrants, is largely contradictory to left wing sentiments. Race and cultural attachments are seen as bad for whites yet the above slogan links every person to their place of origin and ancestory. So it asks that Europeans, and there has been a history of just who qualified as “white”, disavow their traditional loyalty while at the same time arming new immigrants with a steadfast loyalty to their group. The winner in this contest is the state (federal) because it determines who is a citizen instead of the people in the communities which organized the states which gave basis for the federal government through THEIR respective ratifications of the constitution.
This is cultural Marxism at its finest. Further, any study of Boasian anthropology would tell you precisely where this drive to discredit the traditional and rooted culture arises.
ParticipantMel Watts was appointed Sec of Interior by Regan.
James Watt was made secretary of the interior.
Mel Watt was the representative from the NC 12th congressional district. Despite having a degree from unc and Yale, Watt is little more than a pimp who looks like he would enjoy a nice suit, good shoes, a warm place to crap, something to screw and a feather in his hat.
(Regards to Earle Butts)
Participant“Wendy’s on Kildare Farm Rd”
The destruction of much gut flora.
ParticipantThe word hypocrisy comes to mind.
In what manner?
I’m pointing to the historical and structural underpinnings of a society and culture.
ParticipantYou boys have yet to realize the basic Rousseauian nature of the other side.
I doubt they realize the basis for their positions.
Back to the coffee.
ParticipantJust win baby-Al Davis
ParticipantI’m going to have some coffee.
ParticipantPak is more than welcome to let it fly in my opinion.
He has his views, they are his, so be it and who cares.
Now I hope Mike Pence does stand in the way of true love or noodles:
ParticipantAnd I would further note that Trump’s non interventionist foreign policy positions resonated.
The vast majority of people in BOTH parties are tired of the endless meddling and disrupting of other societies.
Nothing good ever comes of it.
ParticipantIt’s because we suck.
Your daddy must have been a pistol because you are a son of a gun.
ParticipantI’ve been rolling it around in my head, where someone said they voted for Trump because they were tired of being called ‘-ist’.
Meanwhile, Trump called Mexican immigrants rapist and drug dealers, called for a return to racist stop and frisk policies, has Mike Pence as VP who signed the RFRA which allowed discrimination against LGBT people and shut down Planned Parenthood whichhelped set off an HIV outbreak, and has Steve Bannon in his administration who is an alt-right antisemite and racist.
Curious way to demonstrate you’re not ‘-ist’.
Incidents of rape among the waves of Central Americans heading north these last few years (green lighted by the Obama administration, the immigration that is) were common as they would be when large numbers of women and children lack male protection. The drug lords are largely Mexican since the vast majority of drugs come through Mexico as evidenced by that country’s extremely high murder rate.
Stop and frisk was aimed at the most violent sections of the cities in question and those populations were and remain largely black(statics you would be wise to note).
As for the attacks on Pence and Bannon, whoppity do.
Clearly the Democratic Party needs to offer something beyond calling people names, support for massive 3rd world immigration, and the extension of the 14th Amendment into the facet of every life on the planet.
The party failed to address clear areas of concern with globalization and the impact it has on the middle and lower working classes. It failed to address the clear downward pressure on wages if MORE unskilled and skilled workers are introduced into the population via immigration. Simply insulting people because they are white and non college educated is not going to make them jump in line and bow at your feet. Were it pointed out that Clinton was strongest among non college, non high school educated blacks such observations would have been hooted and hollered out of town as racist despite its factual basis.
The Democrats have a serious problem with whites in the US. Mind you not so much with the deracinated, rootless cosmopolitans but the average every day white man and woman has no place in that party and it tells them so in every way possible.
ParticipantLet me pour some of my 40oz on the ground in honor of the majestic Troll.
Peace out
ParticipantEnjoy the diversity.
ParticipantI watched Hoosiers last night.
If you are all that and a bag of chips (which they ain’t) then these games should be cakewalks.
In the famous words of Harry Morgan describing the 1981 Brutonville Middle school girls AND boys basketball teams, “dey ain’t got no brains”.
ParticipantLet this be my first notice to watch Hoosiers.
ParticipantI must say that rthomas44 has made my morning.
The pure state of “up yours” is a wonderful refreshment compared to the endless bantering about finding common ground and working together.
The Greeks, prior to being watered down by so much Turkish blood, had it fairly right. Once you get beyond 5,000-6,000 people government is largely unresponsive, tyrannical and ineffective.
ParticipantAgain pragmatism.
One of the issues needing pragmatism is an enumerated power, the other is not.
ParticipantTrying to remember who signed TARP.
And Gramm-Leach-Bliley was a team effort.
Hope you like filibusters since Republicans are going to have all three branches of government here shortly.
Filibusters are fine. In fact I love the hell out of them because they DENY democracy. It is sweet music to my ears when I hear a politician claim that certain people are keeping the, from “getting things done”.
Republics protect minority opinion through political structure not government edicts.
Should the Democrats filibuster the effort to reintroduce Glass-Steagall?
Would you support that?
ParticipantNot your best effort if I’m honest.
Ironic that everybody is supposed to fall in line and go along to get along after 8 years of nonstop obstructionism.
Republics have built in political institutions for the very purpose of obstructing the gathering of powers to one political body or the other. Any president that would make the bankers whole on the dollar for the economic destruction they lobbied for in the first place (Commodities Modernization Act) should be roundly denied any extra power.
If the Democratic Party had something to offer beyond token civil rights edicts to smaller and smaller segments of the population then they might have retained power.
Just as the GOP caved to the ideology of market principles and American exceptionalism they were roundly rejected in the 2006 Congressional elections and the 2008 presidential election.
I expect, as they should, that the Democrats will use every constitutional device to deny the GOP. Anything that slows the gathering of power to D.C. is a positive thing.
ParticipantThere should be no mercy for the big banks, Wall Street speculation or international finance.
The problem for the left is they forfeited any claims to fighting those entities because they sold out to the clintons in the quest for power. Sanders, one about as far genetically and morally from the origins of American progressivism (always nativist in its true origin), tapped into that traditional understanding and it’s very Jacksonian roots. Trump hit it as well and I believe a realignment is in the works.
The pandering to the masses in the name of civil rights, not self evident and supplied by government FOR the enhancement of governmental powers, or free market economics which supply and bulk banks, Wall Street and international finance both NEGATE the power of the people within their communities to govern themselves. There is a belief among the left and the right (Neo-conservative) that somewhere someone is minding their own business and being left the hell alone. Neither of the aforementioned can stand the thought that people could or should be left alone and they will not stand for it.
And finally, nice to see Deborah Ross sent to the house. Yankee, English major from Brown, unc educated lawyer…….is there anything more detestable to a native North Carolinian of the lower agrarian class?