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ParticipantFruit cake myth: Leonard Bernstein composed a song about uneaten fruit cakes
Fruit cake fact: the limit within the sugar supply drove the development of fruit cakes
*the Cowdog, my sarcasm meter has no limit. It was just getting warmed up.
ParticipantSodomy and usury, hand in hand.
Roll back sodomy laws, roll back financial regulation = a terrible screwing*
*not that I would know
ParticipantIt’s legal because of the 14th Amendment, nice try there Buck Rogers.
The Supreme Court wiped out the laws of sovereign states based on, as evidenced by your citation of slavery, section 1 of the 14th Amendment.
ParticipantAmerica never was great.
In fact if someone came into a room telling you how great they were you’d announce them to be the biggest asshole in the world.
Just leave other folks alone and mind your own business cause you know sodomy is legal because of the sins of slavery.
ParticipantAnd those good natured southern states just fighting for what makes America great…
Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery– the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.
Off the top of my head I can’t guess which Fireeater you cited, I could frankly care less but maybe you’d do well to see if the 14th Amendment was actually adopted on the “up and up”.
But beyond that you are saying, so girls that think they are boys should use the boys rest rooms in BFE because a bunch of yankee traders sold blacks captured in tribal warfare to groups of capital investors in the large alluvial soil areas of the southeast 200 plus years ago?
Or sodomy is protected and men can marry men and women, women because of slavery?
Far fetched for sure, insane without a doubt.
ParticipantI have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn.
Any takers?
Psalm 146:3McCallum
ParticipantAre you an introverted engineer or an extroverted engineer?
I know the difference BTW.
ParticipantNo fruit cakes
ParticipantYou are quoting the wrong Italian when it comes to the constitution.
I call it reality not defeatism and if you have failed to notice, the federal government NEVER cedes or reduces its impact, power or control.
ParticipantThey certainly are exclusive terms.
John Randolph of Roanoke spells it out plainly.
The 14th Amendment gives the central government unlimited power. That unlimited power comes from section 1 of the 14th Amendment, in the name of making access equal the government can trump any and all pre existing laws or precedent.
What you are raising hell about is the slow evolution of the republic from one “of liberty” to one “of equality”. That is the Jacobin spirit of the French, not American, Revolution.
The initial effort to blunt this evolution took place with the legal secession of the lower southern states in 1861. The upper south followed only after Lincoln indicated he would violate the sovereign states by applying powers never granted him by the states or the constitution.
It’s over Yogi. The only thing that can preserve and protect local liberty of the respective people, the states, is the disoloution of the union.
ParticipantFruit cakes and penial failure, oh my at the Christmas treasures the Lord doth provide!
ParticipantFruit cake myth: the green candies are from China and are laced with lead
Fruit cake fact: the typical shelf life of a fruit cake is 15 years
Must be all that fruit cake you’ve ingested.McCallum
Please don’t drink all of the kook-aid.(yes I know they actually drank flavor-aid)
You sound like a party shill.
Most people don’t care about sacrifice, virtue and all that Homeric(as in the poet not the tv character) stuff. They want something to eat, something to screw, a comfortable shoe and a warm place to crap.*
*credit to Earl Butz
ParticipantPrayer from a heathen!
Now that’s progress!
ParticipantIt doesn’t matter if she lied.
She is powerful and she has powerful friends. They aren’t going to do a damn thing to her because THAT IS THE DAMN WAY IT WORKS FROM THE LOCAL LITTLE LEAGUE TO DC.
Forget it and worry about something worth a flip like reruns of Hogans Heros.
You suck Troll for watching the crap. Just step away, it means nothing and should have no impact on your life.Why look at me. I’m a straight white male, exercise daily, enjoy the random tobacco product, manage finances for a bunch of Methodists, own three chain saws and I’m a Sagittarius. I’ve got the world by the balls so why would I want to make myself feel bad because those a-holes in Raleigh couldn’t hire dean smith to play dead?
ParticipantWhat a country of fruit cakes.
ParticipantThe US pumped $5 billion into the Ukraine in an effort to destabilize the pro-Russian government.
Was that before or after Russia illegally annexed/invaded Crimea?
Before. Jennifer Nuland, ambassador to the Ukraine, admitted the effort on Wikileaks. She is the wife of Robert Kagan who was one of the architects of the invasion of Iraq. The US wants a weak Russia and the Russian annexation of Crimea was a hell’va lot more lawful than our invasion of Iraq.
Don’t think for a second those Elton Johns in DC are a bunch of weak little innocent lambs.
No dirtier bunch of son of a bitches on the earth than the federal government.
ParticipantDo you really find that funny?
Why hell yes I found it funny then and even more so now.
Maybe I should have given the old bat a lecture on tolerance and inclusivity but since all humor hasn’t been sucked out of me (analogies intended) I figured I’d just leave her the hell alone to her opinion and her search for a damn fruit cake.
George Orwell had the lifeless, humorless nature of the ultimate state in mind for certain. He just missed it’s Elton Johnish masculinity.
ParticipantI dwell in the past as bad as anyone. I typically lay claim to having should have died on a hill in Pennsylvania in 1863 but NOBODY lives in the damn past like State College folks.
I look like Terry Sanford, Hillary and Obama compared to all the wallowing I see in the 70s and 80s.
ParticipantAround 2001 I was looking at some property around Bear Creek down in Chatham County. A small car pulls off the road, a little old lady rolled down the window and yelled,
“We are looking for the fruit cake place”
I asked, “what is it called?”
She says, “it is the home of the supreme fruit cake”
I retort, “where are you from”
She says, “Hillsborough”
I respond, “did you come through chapel hill?”
She says, “yes. But we were told there are fruit cakes down here”
I roll it back at her, “if you came through chapel hill then you passed Carrboro right?”
“Yes”, she snapped.
“Lord knows that place is filled with fruit cakes so you missed an easy stop”, I said.
“And a bunch of damn queers too”, she hollered.
Southern Supreme Fruitcake: