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ParticipantNo hope for our secondary—someone (coaches) need their job performance reviewed. No excuses for such poor out of position playing. Clemson had people open by 20 or more yards. It happens every game.
ParticipantSad to say but there seems to be no desire to win–coach better wake up and make the necessary changes—predictable play calling, poor line play and no defense won’t cut it.ll Is basketball all that the top guns care about??? You get what you pay for.
ParticipantDon’t know what our problems are but there doesn’t seem to be any team effort–just one on one offense and NO defense. I have not been a CAT fan but I now am convinced he has the all the talent to be top notch. Maybe all he needed was a don’t give a crap attitude or maybe the coach kept pushing him to be more aggressive. Either way, I was wrong about Cat—he can get it done in a big way. He just needs some talent around him or better coached or smarter players.
ParticipantDon’t know why this team is so up and down but it appears the problems could be: 1) no creation of plays at point guard 2) no established starting lineup 3) poor game preparation 4)poor shot selection and so on. Bottom line, all the responsibility of the coach. Have seen State coaches from Case to Gott. The best in my opinion was in order Case, Sloan, and Valvano. Case and Sloan had terrible tempers but a fire in them to Win. Valvano had the X factor-he could win with less talent than the competition. Don’t pretend to know the coaching decesions needed for this team but Case, Sloan or Valvano would. Gott has to start making some corrective changes or recruit some 1 and done atheletes OR he is going to be on a real hot seat in the fans eyes and possibly by DY.
ParticipantMost encouraging news I have heard in 20 years. If Doren keeps this recruiting like this we will see the results on the field. If we become relevant in the football world let’s don’t repeat the past and let Doren leave for another school because of our lack of salary—PAY HIM AND HIS STAFF FOR POSITIVE RESULTS. Money isn’t the only issue but remember Holtz and Rein—people who left for whatever reason but I suspect money and lack of commitment from the top were part of the reasoning for their departure. We then proceded to hire a bunch of faillures (excluding Sheridan). Again—lets don’t repeat the past experience.
ParticipantThis team has made a lot of progress but to me evserything slows to a halt with Barber at the point. He dribbles to much, rarely penetrates and appears to be trying to do too much by himself. Not sure what his role should be but I don’t think he is the answer at point guard. I hear all the praise about his speed etc but after watching many games I just don’t see any real progress. I believe he would be better coming off the bench even though we have few other options for a starter replacement. He appears to play scared/tight.
ParticipantWhy—-I did for years until I realized the futility
ParticipantI see more negative comments on the coaching this week–like I have been saying over and over—we must hire a proven “name” coach or remain a doormat. That takes commitment from the top plus $$$$. Evidently we have neither.
ParticipantHope Yow knows what she has with this football staff– especially the defensive side. We obviously must continue to upgrade the overall talent but the team plays out of position, the secondary is slow and plays too far off the the receiver, and I see no the field adjustments made by the staff. I think we might be in for another long miserable time wasted on another so so staff. As I have said for years—-FOOTBALL AT STATE IS IN SUCH A FUNK IT WILL TAKE A PROVEN COACH WHO CAN RECRUIT TOP ATHLETES TO EVER MAKE US COMPETITIVE. After watching 55 years of the same old crap I am just frustrated at our pretending to be a first rate program.