Forum Replies Created
03/22/2017 at 5:15 PM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #121635
ParticipantI took Bermuda OUT on about 15acres back on the Sod Farm… Easy…
two crops of wheat and beans… back to back…
sh#t WILL NOT grow in the shade…Now in the yard… the best you can do is … when it’s just getting going is to mow it low at 3/4? and hit it with roundup…then till it up and put the fertilizer and SOM in… then cover it with the Zoysia sod… just make sure… no hole and no gaps…
IF the Zoysia is tight… the Bermuda won’t make it back up to the top…
Otherwise, Most Bermuda in Zoysia occurs when the MOWER leaves the stolons on the top and the stupid sh#t grows down…
I’m going to do a combo of Zenith sod and seed. Since I’m doing it myself, I have not decided on how much of each yet. My thought is to really cover the worst areas with the sod like you say, but I do want to experiment with the seed in the side and back yard and I don’t get that much bermuda in the back…It’s more of the crap blowing across the street from one of my neighbor’s that started this. He killed his fescue and put in bermuda and I’ve been fighting it ever since. I thought about mixing seed varieties with Zenith and another one that grows roots even deeper.
Tell me about the soil test. I’m not far from the Clempson office in York, SC, but I have not had one done…I’m not in a huge rush because it’s too cool and too windy right now to deal with spraying Roundup. Will probably start spraying in a couple of weeks, wait a couple of weeks to see how that’s working and hit the other places again before starting to till. It will probably be mid to late May before I actually start sodding and seeding.
———————-Stick, I can get you a good discount on a good soil test… better than the ASCS – 1979 versions…
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantThe fraud exists with the ACC Commish!
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03/21/2017 at 7:34 PM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #121571highstick
ParticipantToday is the 1st day of Spring on the Calendar…
Time to step it up a notch although the night time temps are gonna be up and down for another couple weeks…________________________
OK… Got everything in those beds with the “Free Dirt”…
about 100lbs of mineral compounds and 200lbs of SOM && OM per cuyd…Need some study heat and a little rain to get that cooking…
Will test it again and let ya’ll know what really happened…
Wanna start planting those around 4/5-4/15…An experience/knowledge with this stuff that Supersod recommends that you lay down before the zoysia sod or seed? Looks like a mix of fertilizer/compost to me. And thus far, no yard man messes with my yard. Wonder how much an illegal would understand anyway of the “wash your freakin’ mower Jose!
Stick…You’d better lay that Zoysia sod tight as a manhole cover and push the sh#t out of it to keep that ‘mudagrass down…
I’d put 2lbs per 1000 sqft of MAP on the ground before laying the sod… plus your lime and NPK… Then hit it a couple of times with a weak batch of liquid N as soon as you get new growth… gonna take 5 nights in a row at 60*F+ before anything happens on tops… but the roots will start growing as soon as they hit the ground if installed correctly…Then tell your yardman he fired if you don’t see him washing his mower BEFORE he mows your yard…I’m not prematurely jumping the gun on doing this though cause I’m gonna spray and kill, and kill, and kill bermuda and then till and rake, and may kill again…
________________________RT … are those ‘maters of yours “Red” yet ???
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
03/17/2017 at 8:12 PM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #121009highstick
ParticipantMy horticulture experiment this year is to convert my front yard and side yard with Zenith zoysia.. I’ve given up with this fescue and bermuda intrusion!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
03/17/2017 at 8:11 PM in reply to: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread…. #121005highstick
ParticipantThat’s field corn…
But three Springs ago it was 23*F on March 27-28 up and down I-95…
I’m not saying ya’ll Big Boys don’t know what you’re doing…. but you still you got to get it out of the ground, regardless of the weather…
Last year in New Hanover County, I planted sweet corn every two weeks from early March until 1st of June…
Didn’t get a stand until the 3rd planting… due to the fact that we had April in March and March in April…
Not that I had any input or responsibility, but my old bacca farm bosses used to feed treated corn to the hogs, we’d Q ’em, and I’m still alive.
Last year was a freakin’ disaster with the weather we had…So hot, blooms wouldn’t set, etc. Anyhow, I’ve been cooking up a bunch of “Kentucky Thoroughbred manure compost” all winter. Will see if there’s anything left in a couple of Keeneland race ponies!
Now… that was all UNTREATED seed, which was required by the “Organic” rules and regs…
There’s a reason why you don’t see “Organic” roasting ears in the grocery stores…
Also had something going on I’ve never seen… In places there was whole rows of Corn with female flowers and NO male flowers, and on each side both flowers… which ain’t too good….
Never did figure that out exactly, nor did my ‘experts’….
——————–Un-irrigated corn can be tricky in the best of years…. you got to get an inch of rain twice… when it just starts to tassel and ’bout 10-14 days later… the rest of the crop you have more flexibility….
If you don’t know how to farm, it don’t make a damn what’s on the bag!
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ParticipantMiller wasn’t gonna happen, either one of them because of DY…You’re gonna have to show me proof that she even asked cause they’d say “Hell NO”…
So she took the easy route cause she’s coasting to retirement!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantSo how does this affect recruiting?
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantSay what??
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantI just want to track “tail numbers’ one more time!
Haven’t seen this “probation situation”! That would almost be hilarious! We could declare outright war on Swofford and have some fun!
Come to think about it, we might even find the guts to get out of the ACC and tell them to “FU”! Forget the money cause Swoff’s violated the terms of the agreement anyway!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantEvery time I see the “goat/the Ram/whatever”, I have mixed emotions…I hate the Holes and everything they represent, but I do have friends who couldn’t figure it out and went there…Enough said about academics…But I had(and he’s deceased now…thus the past tense) that was a Raleigh native, in fact, a neighbor of Coach Case when he was growing up…But, he went to Carolina cause he was from the era that State was more technically oriented versus liberal arts. He majored in History edjemakasion, but was a pretty damned good tennis coach…He was a friend of my wife before we met and we developed a pretty good relationship for a State & Hole Fan. Wasn’t the same weekend, but I was helping him move a desk from his Mom’s house to his house back in the day with DT and Walter Davis. I knocked a light fixture out and it hit me just above my eye and I was bleeding like the proverbial stuck pig. We went over to the Old Rex, I got stitched up and we beat a path to his house to watch State beat Carolina.
Anyway, back in the early 2000’s, when I moved out of the SC swamps, he kept bugging us to go the State-Carolina football game every year. I finally acquiesced and I think the first game we went to was at State when Rivers was the QB…Won the game so I was happy…The next year, he insisted that we go to Carolina and I witnessed the “infamous no fumble” call. I cannot remember which year it was though because he’d drag us to eat at the Ram’s Club to eat before the game…The first time, I was clueless about “what the Ram’s Club was” except for a bunch of Hole donors…I wore my NC State hat inside and got all sorts of nasty looks…I did actually know a few folks and we exchanged jabs about the game. But, then this freakin’ goat is standing over my back shoulder while I’m eating…None other than the Hole Goat Mascot. We screwed around, I was laughing, and it wasn’t until later that I really figured out that “he didn’t want me in there wearing my NCSU hat”…Seriously, he was pissed, but I didn’t understand cause his face was covered…
And now here’s where the story goes wacky…the next year, the young fellow who was the goat decided to walk somewhere at an out of town game, and was run over by a car and killed…I hate the goat, but not the young fellow who was killed. From what I understand, he was a really good kid…Makes me feel a little strange every time I see the mascot anymore.
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantFirst person I ever fired was a female who was an incompetent carryover from my prior managing partner..Everyone knew it, but I gave her adequate conseling…She was “clueless”…But I did the late Friday afternoon deal and it took me over an hour to get her to understand it was “her” Nice gal, but very change resistant and that was not gonna happen!
When a competitor hired her, I got a big chuckle…
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantHere we go again, newbies…As I’ve always said “until the mindset changes”, the rest is irrelevant…Same old crap as suggestions…
Glad I have not committed to WP Club this year…Been there, done that with Sendek and NOTHING CHANGED…Have at it DY.. The ball is in your court!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantIt is a sad day when I have to acknowledge that this board had become just as stupid as Packpride. But then, most of you can’t figure it out or distinguish what I’m saying…
How much longer do we put up with the BS “upline” or do we just fold the freakin’ tent!
Hodge, Burleson, hell, you couldn’t bring back Case, Sloan,and V to put up with the nonsense!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantIs Willis Casey’s ghost still in charge of the Athletic Department? He was cheap and all I’m seeing is more of Lee Fowler “fucilities”.
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantThere are some old farts on this board.
Yes, and most of us are not only old, but brilliant!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantI have a copy of the 3rd edition(1975) of Diseases of Tobacco written by Dr. George Blanchard Lucas, Professor of Plant Pathology at NC State. It’s taking up room and I’d like to give it away. I cannot remember specifically, but think Lucas gave it to me at some even when I did my one year stint in tobacco seed breeding back in 75-76.
If anyone is interested, let me know.
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
01/24/2017 at 5:09 PM in reply to: Blatant Non-Sport. Should The Donald Push For The Legalization Of Marijuana? #115574highstick
ParticipantHell, even if I could grow a few plants, the squirrels would eat them before they would be consumable for humans. Little B-tards might become even more brazen!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
The PCUSA saga continues…Just waiting to see if this is a “back door” move to bring on a lawsuit at some point. Keep in mind that the PCUSA left it up to the individual churches as to whether they would allow “marriages within the church”. Our’s is opposed, but we’ve got some Hole fans that think we aren’t liberal enough and I’m sure they are wanting to “push the envelope”…
Thus why I’m keeping a watchful eye.
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantMy wife is still complaining cause she didn’t get her 9 inches Friday night! Snow, that is..
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantWent to church, won’t even turn an NC State basketball game until someone can prove to me it’s not the SOS every year. I guess that makes me 2 for 2, but then I find out we transferred in 2 gay guys…I guess since they got married elsewhere, it’s a push…but I’ll be watching very closely!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
If you feel better, then that is good. There is enough stress and emotion for old folks like us so we need to explode every once and a while.
I was there from 63 to 68, so that gave me 5 FB seasons…and a couple of field trips with my HS Band to Riddick.
I looked up earlE’s record. It was much better than I remembered. However, the standard line in Riddick my freshman year (1963) was the 3 Yd’s and I do remember seeing the infamous strategy 3rd down Quick Kick many times. You are more familiar. I did NOT but one FB game in ’64 as I was working on the weekends at WRAL save a homecoming. I don’t remember much about that….except my old GF & I getting plastered and (fill in the blank). She was my DW’s of 51 year’s good friend. It gets really complicated after that….and time and privacy do not permit more.
Then for the rest of my NCSU career, I was focusing on studying….having pulled a 0.33 my Fall Sophomore semester…and did not attend in the spring….thanks to Banks Tally turning down my appeal.
BUT, I did do better and was an honor roll student for my Jr and Sr years. Funny thing, when you’ve got a beautiful and great skirt in the next room, you do NOT have to go out and chase….My wife recognized that certain conjugal rights were to be rewards for studying..
I DO have vivid memories of the Houston Game in 1967 and was in Reynolds for a Glenn Yarborough concert. He let us listen to the game from a transistor radio and left his mike out at intermission and called out frequently for an update. I have seen a LOT of live performances over the years and the finesse that he showed and did not TRY to compete with the game was brilliant. Dionne Warwick got mad when a fan had to go potty and pouted…
Coach Edwards and his players….many of which grace our CF banners and plaques was an excellent coach.
After graduation, I moved to the frozen north and then later to rural (They still have Yankee and Rebel soldiers in the Poetcasi Swamp fighting in the 70’s) North Hampton County. I saw them once deer hunting and they wanted to trade for my rifle…
SO, I sort of tuned out and when I moved to Statesville and later, Sanford, I started to attend to games…I also was an avid deer hunter and my fall Saturdays were sometimes in a deer stand…
Having been a Berry dorm resident for a semester, I got to know, in passing, Amato and Falzano (Sp) and some of the other athletes that had a small PA clan in the basement of Berry. You had to get passes to go through the halls and the dorm counselor would turn a blind eye (to keep from getting black and blue), when a very SLIM (and shapely) “player” would come in with a hoodie….and a couple of six packs. They did special privileges….
I know of other incidents, off campus where I lived, where the football players were treated to the NCSU equivalent of the Sweet Carolines….in a mixed room with many participants….but discretion will not permit any more details….
I certainly do long for the glory days and did not mean to dis EE…
Falzarano…One of the Mafia backfield of 63 of Jim Rossi, Pete Falzaro, Joe Scarpati, and Tony Kozarsky(the only non Italian)…Also responsible for a really weird nickname that I got tagged with when he mistook me for one of his other teammates in the tunnel. “Hey, Turk, is that you?”
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantDear God. They have no clue how to close.
It’s the mentality of their coach. Their buttholes clench.
And overuse of Preparation H makes the “butthole slip and slide” or something like that! I really think they need to be taking Immodium by the end of the third when they are winning!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantHoly Smoke! State wins, Golden Chain reappears! Now if the Cocks can beat Clempson!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantYep, heard that story from you a long time ago, but it never gets old. That 72 game would have been my last as a State undergrad, but I remember the 71 game more vividly!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantIt’s always fun to read how much some of you folks think of Clempson!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!