Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI’m assuming there’s a “wet out” tonight?
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Participant“Expand”!!!!! Lol!
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ParticipantSame water, different rocks was my saying driving down the California coastal highway from Carmel…At least the views were pretty…baseball season has not been!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantSo Danny played for Larry Brown, right? Hmmm! Honed in basketball skills and knowledge of how the “Carolina Way” works…this could get interesting!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantWonder if Charles will say the same to Jordan? That would be hilarious to watch!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantSome of you guys have forgotten the pledge to “never speak the sucker’s name again”! Booooooooooooooooooo!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantCan I say “ditto”, Dog and Triple P without sound like I’ve listened to too much Limbaugh? I think a lot of folks lose perspective of that…”Everybody does it” does have a lot of truth in it and you would have had to had your head in the dirt to not see “things” when you were in college(no matter where you went). But, what scalds me is that Carolina appears to have set up this scam as the “norm” and has viciously protected that system for years. It goes beyond just a few players, professors, coaches, etc. It’s permeated NC politics(right, left, and center) for years.
I am in awe of an athlete like a Terry Gannon who could handle the academics, the athletics, the travel and practice commitments” and could excel in all. Many of us might do one or two well, but not all. To bring kids into an academic/athletic setting and have extremely high expectations is a tough situation. With proper guidance from the university and commitment from the student/athlete, it maybe be workable in many cases. But when a kid without the “academic tools” is thrown into a system w/o guidance and proper assistance from the university, it’s almost impossible. UnC apparently had no stomach to provide that guidance, they just paid lip service to it and claimed they were the best, when in fact, they may be one of the worst!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantI am absolutely appalled at the guys on Pack Pride. I was “on the road” most of yesterday after I’d seen this. Last night I drilled down to one of their posts that had the Amazon(I think) link to the book…I looked at the “reviews on the website” for the book and didn’t even get past the 3rd or 4th review written in 2006. Looks very much like that paper was “plagiarized directly from a couple of the reviews of the book”…One of you that know how to work the “plagiarism software” should try it to verify.
I thought the PP sleuths were smarter than that…Or maybe it’s just 2 or 3 and the rest say “Yea, man”???
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantBSME….I just send a PM to the PP mod asking for a “prayer for judgement” on your behalf or at least clarification if your ban is permanent or temporary. Not sure if he’ll respond though..Since I don’t know your PP username, I can’t even identify you to him so he can review your involvement with the posts. I told him if he needed that, I’d try to get you to PM me and I’d relay to him. I’ll keep you posted if anything transpires. Sounds like your request would be reasonable as I’d venture to say that most of us don’t read the posts from other sites that we link that closely, nor do we even consider the lengths that some of these posters would go to cause trouble. Talking trash is one thing, threats are another!
While I read SFN, I normally post on “that other site”. Old habits die hard. *** I am not posting today to bash PackPride. There are a bunch of good folks there.*** If you read PackPride, you have seen my posts over there. I enjoy reading/posting about NC State & our sports and I really want to see uncch clean up their act. Something that they have refused to do during the past four years.
I usually post on Scout’s PackPride site, On Friday I copied a “comment” from a N&O reader – that person is an employee of the State of North Carolina. At no time did I in any way attempt to identify the N&O commenter as a Scout poster. A moderator also posted the same information when he quoted my post. Others actually linked the N&O poster to a Scout poster, thereby IDing the Scout poster by name and job – ***something that I did NOT do.***<br>
I guess someone- in an effort to fix an actual problem got heavy handed with the ban-stick and banned me as acceptable collateral damage or just didn’t take the time to read what I wrote/posted.<br>
Since I am banned from Scout and cannot send PMs – I cannot use their website to privately ask for a review. There is NO indication of the timeframe of the banning – be it permanent or 30days or ???<br>
I have the actual post that I made, and there is no known violation of Scout terms of service.Go Pack – How about our National Champion Wrestler – Great job Gwiz.
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantGA, I think if they’d stayed away from the Facebook photos and maybe some unverified phone calls, nothing may have happened..but I know this dude’s boss and I hope she kicks his royal backside for being so stupid…My gut is that the State guys that work over there are smarter than that…
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
Participant^ Internet feud. The person with the most gigabytes will win.
On PP, that equates to “post counts”..Those guys are so lazy that they never even consider having original posts…99 percent are “reply” which posts the same crap over and over and over!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantEvidently someone(and I won’t name who except to say it was a State employee posted something on the N&O website and was so stupid he posted his name, State department, address, telephone number and probably his mother’s bra size)…Obviously a UnC homer spouting off about how State was wrong, the Holes were “holy”, yada, yada. Not sure who posted the original because I missed all of it until today..anyway, it appears some other posters got too enthusiastic and posted pictures of the kid’s family from Facebook, threatening phone calls, etc. Somebody must have started calling Scout, the mod said he was called at 3 AM, and they pulled the entire thread…The mod did go back and clean it up this afternoon and deleted the offensive threatening references. Not sure what the N&O may have done..
While I want to see “justice done”, there are some folks out there that could be recruited for lynch mobs and would say the heck with DNA evidence. The ones who think banners will come down need to have some meds..
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantHeck, Bill, we can all be pricks…BSME, I’ve been following that whole process this afternoon on PP…I quit posting too and even changed my log in name so as not to tempt me to post. Lots of good stuff there, but a ton of those “pricks” who think “nonsensical post counts” mean something.
If I’m reading it right, everyone who quoted that link(whether intentional or unintentionally may have gotten banned because of Terms of Service…The mod over there is taking a bunch of heat right now..Evidently someone or one’s took that link further and posted pictures off of the guy’s Facebook page of his family, telephone calls threatening him, yada, yada. Granted, it seems like the guy must be an idiot for posting his work affiliation in the N&O post he made. Makes it worse to me because of “who he works for”…I hope Mrs. Wood “scalds his baby blue butt”!
Keep me posted during the week…I don’t mind doing a PM to the mod to stick up for you…not that it will do any good though…I can log back in under my old name since I never was banned…I was just on the verge of blasting a bunch of idiot State punks for acting like folks from IC…
BTW I picked up that link to the HBO special over there today..and the mod has reposted the entire thread after deleting all references to the UnC fellow that were posted. Looks like you got caught “in the web”…I’d totally agree that the folks who started posting personal pictures of family were “way off base”, but he sorta left the door open for them…He might skate on whining to Scout, but I’ve got a feeling his job is on the line for being a complete fool.
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantHBO Special this week…If the link doesn’t work, go to Pack Pride…
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantI need to correct the link, but will be back in a moment with the edited link..
HBO Special this week…take a gander at the clip above…
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
03/23/2014 at 12:31 PM in reply to: Byting college BBall’s decline + Sunday’s Tourney preview & open thread #49336highstick
ParticipantIt started declining long ago…a long time ago! At least the Harlem Globetrotter games are funny!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantI almost posted something this morning about Tuesday night’s game being the first thing I’ve seen in some time that makes me think that they might be breaking my “Missouri Attitude…i.e. “Show Me”…Glad I didn’t cause ST LOUIS, Missouri showed me and I would have been premature…
Damn it! My “first team to 60 theory didn’t work and we went stone cold dead at 59 points tonight”! It was all over at that point in the game!
Oh, well, time for an MRI tomorrow and continuation of baseball season!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantAlso Roman Gabriel on the diamond.
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantJim Donnan..FB and tennis.
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
03/03/2014 at 8:19 PM in reply to: Is TJ Warren the best basketball player we\'ve had since David Thompson? #43956highstick
ParticipantLexington? Is that in Pickens County?
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
03/03/2014 at 8:18 PM in reply to: Is TJ Warren the best basketball player we\'ve had since David Thompson? #43955highstick
Your ‘Cocks are sticking it to those pussycats from Lexington….<br>
Must be fun during roundball season living south of Hwy 76/74 with all those high quality games in the SEC.Roundball? A baseball is round and I don’t have to put up with Swofford, Roy, or any unnecessary BS…What is basketball, Bill? Except a game that has been ruined! Play it by the rule book again and I might pay attention!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
03/03/2014 at 8:14 PM in reply to: Oh look, Technician suddenly has time to write articles! F' OFF! #43953highstick
ParticipantCan you “edit” on here anymore??? So I can fix my “fat fingered” posts??? And not get a D in English 111?
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
03/02/2014 at 5:25 PM in reply to: Oh look, Technician suddenly has time to write articles! F' OFF! #43802highstick
ParticipantI’d like to know how hold the writer was when I was living in Riddick Stadium!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
03/01/2014 at 7:08 PM in reply to: Is TJ Warren the best basketball player we\'ve had since David Thompson? #43707highstick
Participant…rick deleted this one….
…rick deleted this one….
…rick deleted this one….
Bill, that’s because you are not on the list!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
03/01/2014 at 7:07 PM in reply to: Is TJ Warren the best basketball player we\'ve had since David Thompson? #43705highstick
ParticipantYou beat me to it on Kenny Carr…
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!