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ParticipantThe SEC is still far and away a superior league. The competition and pageantry in that league is incredible. But FSU proved last season an ACC team can go the distance and go head to head with the SEC, and win. Clemson is a program that has shown they can do it as well. GT’s win is a bit of a head scratcher. I assume the Dawgs were down that Mizzou beat Arkansas yesterday. A Petrino coached Lville program is going to win a lot of games and should be able to compete with the SEC’s best soon. Again the ACC is not remotely close to being as deep as the SEC but the top of the league has shown they can compete, and win.
The SEC is still far and away a superior league. The competition and pageantry in that league is incredible. But FSU proved last season an ACC team can go the distance and go head to head with the SEC, and win. Clemson is a program that has shown they can do it as well. GT’s win is a bit of a head scratcher. I assume the Dawgs were down that Mizzou beat Arkansas yesterday. A Petrino coached Lville program is going to win a lot of games and should be able to compete with the SEC’s best soon. Again the ACC is not remotely close to being as deep as the SEC but the top of the league has shown they can compete, and win.
The SEC is still far and away a superior league. The competition and pageantry in that league is incredible. But FSU proved last season an ACC team can go the distance and go head to head with the SEC, and win. Clemson is a program that has shown they can do it as well. GT’s win is a bit of a head scratcher. I assume the Dawgs were down that Mizzou beat Arkansas yesterday. A Petrino coached Lville program is going to win a lot of games and should be able to compete with the SEC’s best soon. Again the ACC is not remotely close to being as deep as the SEC but the top of the league has shown they can compete, and win.
Agreed on that…I’ve been scratching my head, clawing my nads, and worse since the Aggie game…Somebody forgot to recruit, several forgot to coach, and it was a setback…particulary today when you know Dabo couldn’t coach himself out of bed in the morning..It will be interesting with the Cocks, the Gators, etc to see how they can rebound…I’m not sure about Georgia though…they have a hard time keeping people on the field and out of jail.
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantOoops…I forgot about Lewisville and Ky Jelly..not that either are relevant in fooseball.
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantSeriously Rick…Clempson beat a very weak defensive Gamecock team that was exposed in the opener against the Aggies…did Clempson beat them that bad?? NO…And GT beat Jawja and I’ll remind you that the Gamecocks beat Jawja with Gurley….Whopppeee….Now Florida gives the No 1 ACC team a fit…who I might remind you got beat by South Carolina with an extremely poor defense…
So to recap, the ACC teams beat 2 teams that a very weak defensive team(aka the Gamecocks) also beat and “just barely”…And jut how many SEC teams has the Wolfpack beat?? I really think some of you guys have gone “to the reactor on campus and have had your brains fried”…
I was pulling for both teams today, but I’d say a lot of ACC fans have a “little penis complex”…It didn’t get bigger today.
Give me stats that make sense if you want to refute…I still say State should tell Swoffy to shove it and move to the SEC so we can play “big boy football”!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantGood news for uNX, AFAM has declared this game to be an “A” for the Holes.
Why? Because of the “No Show”??
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantOk, if you guys are ok with the cameras, can we put them back up to hand out “red light” tickets?? I’ve got mixed feelings…I see the cams on the vehicles is a way to monitor both the behavior of the police officer and the traffic violator. I’m not sure about all of the body cams though…
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
11/28/2014 at 6:50 PM in reply to: Tim Peeler on Jimmy V: “What Have We Gotten Ourselves Into?” #62715highstick
ParticipantWas in Raleigh two weeks ago on Friday and my wife and I rode over to Oakwood Cemetery to visit her parents’ grave sites. V’s is just a “stone’s throw away” and I always ride by it when we go there.
Cool line, “V had a dream, while Dean and Roy had a scheme”! I’m going to have to use that one more often..
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantHell, the Gamecocks will pay to keep Dabo at Clempson! The Cocks might lose on Saturday, but it won’t be because of Dabo’s exceptional coaching skills!
You guys don’t understand that “Dabo” is short for “DAnny BOy”, aka Danny Ford! Think about it…
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantI thought you threw Ramses in the trash can after you’d finished?
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantJeez…I don’t give a rat’s ass if you’re nude, just win the ball game! Granted, I won’t watch it if you play nude, but that’s a different issue!
Maybe Women’s volleyball?
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantWell, if some of “the engineers” on here who have it all figured out would have ventured off and taken an elective in Criminology, you’d all be able to “understand it”…
Flashback to 1967, I’d just finished a fast pitch softball game at Ft. George G. Meade, Md and we’d headed to the local pub in uniform(softball, not olive drab) afterwards…Hadn’t been there long and a newscast came on the TV about MLK being killed…Next day, we started hearing rumblings about sending a group of us that were assigned weapons to go to DC because of the riots…Without freakin’ ammo! The small group raised so much hell that the order was quashed immediately. Damned if I was gonna go down there without ammo and with a rifle that had not been zeroed in a year! Sure hope they are not doing something stupid like that with these NG’s from Missouri..
Makes you wonder though, if the agitators are ever gonna quit agitating and let race relations in this country cure itself? I sure don’t feel like I did in the early 60’s, the late 60’s or whatever. There’s a group of people out there that don’t want the divide to ever be bridged! What say “ye Al etal”???
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantHoly crap,…everyone wants to be Bob Lee or Cowdog!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantBill, are you limiting this to NC or including the “rest of the civilized world”?
Funny, but I’m having a hard time with some “Packpriders” who don’t understand that you cannot discuss corruption at UnC and ignore the “politics”? Or has the NC Voter become so hung up on voting “Yellow Dog” that they don’t get it?
Jeez, I saw too much “junk” with NC politics when I “dabbled in tobacco in the 70’s for a while”!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantAre you guys not embarrassed that Queens is on the schedule? Why not Hardbargers? Or does that place even exist anymore?
Just go ahead and get out of the ACC and go as low as you can go! Makes me want to “do things in a trash can that I used to do when I was a “young and dumb fresh and soph undergrad”!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantWell, as a native of NC, but now living outside and damned glad I do because of the screwed up politics in NC, let me give you my view:
1. One party system in NC, yep the Dem’s and the Yellow Dogs will vote for Dems no matter what the policy, what makes sense, etc.
2. A second party gains control once every gazillion years and tries to “overcome”. They are wrong to “overcome so fast” because they know their time is limited…i.e. “the Yellow Dogs” will gain control again so make “hay while the sun shines” or something like that..
3. NC is now a blue state and all of the pundits finally get it…you’ve been sucked North to Maryland and Virginia and probably rightfully so…
But you moan and groan about how the Heels have dominated the state and the ACC, but you roll over and take it in the backside! But if you say anything about the “fraud on the hill” as relates to politics, you shout the messenger down because “no politics are allowed to be discussed”..
Sticking your head in the sand and refusing to “discuss” is the reason that my native state is…………and you can insert what your feeling is…Right now, I’d say “the leaders of both parties are horrible”…You guys actually thought Pat was a “conservative”? Did you not pay attention to Charlotte politics??
I hope you can get it fixed up there…I’d love to retire to the NC mountains, but not with the politics and tax system in NC!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantRoy can’t remember anything, Dean can’t either, Swoff’s a liar, and everyone else cooperated! Hmmm, has there ever been anyone honest over there! But the big question is does anyone with a vote care????
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantI’ve had that one in the back of my head for a couple of days…there’s a lot of ways that they could, and should be, zapped!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantWhen it “walks like a duck”………………..
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantWhy, Plywood? You could wipe out all of UnC and no one would notice or give a crap except for a few fools that sold their souls. I’d even bet if you nuked Chapel Hill, no one would give a rat’s behind except for those who bought and drank too much Kool Aid. Too big to fail? No, just banish them to the Klondike north of you!!!!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantLink to the Final Wainstein Report – pdf
Curious why it’s dated October 16th, but just being released today almost a week later.
Damage control and coordinating lies before it was released!!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantYou forgot the obvious part…They fired the wrong guy when the fired Doherty! He was messin’ with Dean and Gutheridge’s scam!
You guys really must have quit paying attention some time ago?????? If it’s this bad, you can be sure the whole truth has still not come out!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantCD, I just posted something on a site about Lou being “unintelligible”…I said I know one of his players that must have “learned from Lou”…
Please save me this weekend…I have to go to a wedding with a bunch of Holes…I will not be there long!!!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantNone mentioned above have “won anything”…Are you kidding me??
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
09/26/2014 at 7:39 PM in reply to: UNC ‘Supervisor of Morale’: This guy is SO STUPID that I have to post it #57029highstick
ParticipantBecause of this I will say this one godblessed time so listen up. All of you are stale, crotchety, old buffoons who have literally no idea what it takes to impress a HS football recruit now.
“Meet me somewhere and I’ll shove your ass up through you tiny brain!”, little weeny…Say Agent Orange again and I’ll cut your brain out alive and show it to you! Your lack of common sense must be reflective our you lack of parenting!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantYou are certainly wasting a lot of your time if the “80 per cent” is true. You must totally ignore basketball, baseball, and bass fishing to get to that high a percentage.
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!
ParticipantLet’s zoom the camera on K sometimes when he has his lip curled and it’s an obvious “F” bomb!
"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!