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Participanttfooose you are too trusting, lol!
ParticipantI think you are right, Alpha Brissett is pressing a lot.
ParticipantWow this defense is different in a good way
ParticipantGoing immature but when I hear Maquis Williams I think of queff (sp?) Sorry to the ladies here.
ParticipantIts based on watching them scrimmage this summer and what I have read. I am not going to paint myself in corner on that question. You can improve quicker on defense much faster than offense. I respect your opinion on the matter. I can say you might have a better point of view. I guess we will both see very soon. I enjoy good banter back and forth.
Tip my hat to you.Gowolves
ParticipantRick, You can believe what you want. At the end of the year you may be right. I played basketball in HS and middle school. I am sure you have played the game a lot. You know the game as much as anyone. All I am saying that one player can ruin what you are trying to do on defense. If that person doesn’t commmit to playing the best D he can then you are always trying to cover their ass. Then the guy you were guarding goes for twenty points. The casual fan doesn’t realize that was because he had to help out on a kid that was always out of postion on D.
ParticipantRick, Nobody is saying they were good on defense the last few years under Gott. I will even admit that his teams in the past more often than not lacked good defense. What I am saying is this team just seems to have the desire to play defense based on a few games at towards the end last year. Also seems like from the interviews the players have given so far this year is that they want to commit to playing good D. I know proof is in the pudding. I guess I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt.
You cannot understate the lack of defensive skills V-burg and Lewis. One bad defensive player on the floor can completely destroy what they are trying to achieve.
When I say thet you don’t have to be good to play defense I mean individually not the team. I also mean not good as in scoring twenty a night and jummping out of the gym. That’s just semantics.
Yes Gottfried has never had good defenses. I am basing our expected improvement on what everyone else has said. Based on Lewis leaving and Vandenberg gone. Good team defense is only good as it’s weakest link. Both of them were weak. Now one could argue we still played bad defense when they were on the bench. Thats probably true. Just watching these players develope over the summer.
I guess I am being an overly optimistic Pack fan.
By the way I never said they have played good defense in the past. Please correct that.
“We are not even top half of the country at it despite your beliefs.
ParticipantRick, The results don’t necessarily mean they don’t spend time on it. Maybe it’s not enough for you. Maybe they do need to spend more time on it I don’t know. More than anything this coaching staff has to find a way to get these kids to WANT to play good defense.
ParticipantStill at the end of the day the desire dictates how successful you will be. Learning how to box out is not difficult. Its not hard to slide QUICKLY over to help on back side defense. It’s not hard to hustle down the court to help in transition defense instead of dragging up the court hoping you can cherry pick a sweet dunk for Sports Center. Yes there are basic fundamentals. Ball and your man in eye sight at all the times. Once you get that down everything else is gravy.
I compare good defensive players to good coaches who were never that good when they played the sport. Usually there is a direct correlation between how good an offensive player you are and how good you are at the defensive end. Not being a smart ass but have you thought about that for second? Sure there are exceptions but how often is that true.
I think this team has the chance to be good at defense I really do and you are right show me first because your track record has shown otherwise.
I believe the coaches feel that defense is important. They wouldn’t be coaching at this level if they didn’t.Gowolves
Participant1.2 Jig, basketball defense is not that complicated. Most of it is effort and athletic skill. Two questions you have to answer, Are you quick? and How bad do you want to be good at defense? Now the desire can help overcome the athletic short comings but only to an extent.
Yes there are schemes to learn and “how to’s” to learn. Like how to defend a on screens and stuff like that but it’s more about the desire to be good at it. I think freshman can be good on defense if they have had it drilled into them when in HS. That is the one area where they can get them on the court early if they are not a lights out shooter or can jump out of the gym. Just my opinion.
ParticipantDefelct et negare. That is their new motto. All we need to do now is photo shop that on their emblem for the university. Anyone have experience with photo shop?
10/29/2014 at 9:14 AM in reply to: In the Eyes of a State Fan, Wainstein Offers Redemption for Media #60106Gowolves
This is the first time I have heard that the Pack was involved in this scandal. Been a fan for 40 plus years and always thought it was just UNC.
10/28/2014 at 12:57 PM in reply to: In the Eyes of a State Fan, Wainstein Offers Redemption for Media #60075Gowolves
ParticipantRyebread, Certainly you don’t believe this is a academic issue? This would have NEVER been concocted if not for the plight of the student athlete at UNC. And I use the term student-athlete very loosely. I do agree it spills over to the accreditation process but that’s because of the non-athletes who got involved and the length of time this fraud was going on.
10/27/2014 at 5:40 PM in reply to: In the Eyes of a State Fan, Wainstein Offers Redemption for Media #60045Gowolves
ParticipantYou know all along people on this site kept saying oh nothing will be found when it was confined to the football program. Then it spread a little. Some more informtion came out and everyone still had this ho hum mentality. The prevailing sentiment was one that nothing will ever bring down the sacred cow. Still people believe that UNC is too big to fail. I have myself beleived these thoughts at times but every time I think they are done we get more damagaing information come out. VA82 is right to some extent that unless there is a smoking e-mail then maybe nothing will move Roy out the door. The thought I have is if enough people complain at both the local and national level then he will be forced to leave. Can they fire all the coaches? Roy, Silvia, and Fox all told to leave? That is a bit far fetcehd but one or some of those will be the fall guys(gals). If it is left to UNC we all know who he gets a reprieve. There were a lot of unanswered questions after the Weinstien report. Those questions are not going away. They didn’t stop trying to get answers in the early days of this fraud and I thinnk the ones that care have a whole new set of questions that need answering.
ParticipantBeej, did you play soccer as kid?
ParticipantThat was perfect.
Participantwilson is taking heat because he is supposedly is not black enough and is too chummy with management. How dumb is that!
ParticipantSaccoV, Would that be horse hockey?
I do think nothing will happen but for the sake of argument how can the NCAA do little to nothing. This is the very ideal of what the NCAA supposedly stands for. The backlash from a lite punishment will neuter the NCAA forever and this autonomous movement will gain more steam. They have to send a message that this crap can’t “happen everywhere”. If they don’t schools will be more brazen to cut corners when it comes to educating the student athlete. No matter what people say administrators love the money(and publicity) that a successful AD brings. You are not putting that genie back in the bottle and the money is only becoming more grotesque.
ParticipantYeah our friendly 99.9 was commending Roy for being the smartest person in Chapel Hill. I guess that’s like being the tallest midget. I do think he was trolling though.
ParticipantCD, forgive me for not throwing a parade for Williams and his ability to predict the future. I hold him responsible on some levels. He has known Smith for years and the circles they travel are not that big. For someone to come to him and point out the clusters in these classes that he didn’t know about already is bullsh@t. How many years went by before he started to make sure his players were no longer taking these bogus classes. As he supposedly stared pulling back and telling his advisors to get them in other classes he still had at least one in them. One is too many. I’m not saying anything will happen to Roy but I have heard enough of his good old boy crap to to know he is selling a load of crap.
ParticipantThe only problem I have with this report is how it goes out of it’s way to protect Roy. It’s easy to throw past employees and former coaches under the bus.
ParticipantIn my opinion it is not a whitewash. I think this will do some severe damage. Of course what do I know.