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Participant“Klubot” is absolutely a craftsman on the mound. He has so much in is quiver. The Cubs will face him at least one more time(Game 4?). If it goes seven then again in that game. Don’t know if they have an answer for him. That said seeing a pitcher that often eventually the tide changes.
ParticipantIf it goes seven the Indians will win. The Cubs have to win game three. Just my thoughts.
ParticipantSo Louisville is wearing glow in the dark cleats today for a noon game. Riiiight.
ParticipantRutgers picks up a first down midway through the fourth quarter. N.C. State remains the only team since 1990 to go a full game without allowing a first down. Michigan leads 71-0 with 7 minutes remaining.
We have this cool stat! Tweeted by Dan Murphy tonight.
ParticipantGo, no you don’t BUT you can’t do anything that can be taken as a threat and you sure as heck do not pull a gun OR make it look like you are. And DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. You may not go home (depending on what you’ve done) but you’ll live through it.
As for Pitt, Canada lost that game. First 3 and out with 9 to go I thought to myself “Canada is going to lose this game”, and he did. Geees man, run one jet sweep instead of straight up the middle, and this game is over.
I agree just saying things are different. If that guy got out of the car with a gun then he is at fault. I have my C&C and the instructor told us repeatedly that day if we got pulled over for any infraction was to put our hands on the top of the steering wheel and leave them there until the officer tells you otherwise.
A black man shouldn’t have to anything different than any other person when getting pulled over whether he has a conceal and carry license or just a normal scenario.
What bothers me the most about these incidents is that they are all lumped together. The situation in Charlotte and the one Oklahoma are two different situations. The man in OK didn’t deserve to die. The scenario in Charlotte was brought about by poor judgment by the deceased. If he had a gun and got out of the car like it is being reported then the family has no one to blame.
This anti-cop movement has gotten out of hand. It is really worrisome. People have no clue what the job entails and the stress it takes to do the job.
ParticipantAgree there alias. That was pretty much my point…you break the law you will get caught, no matter how petty you think it is…and when you are caught, yes sir and no sir is all that is necessary.
Of course, just a weekend ago, I saw a black man pulled on market. No idea what he had done, but he wisely had both hands open out of the car.
Do you have to put your hands outside the car when you are pulled?
ParticipantI put A1 and goldfish on my lite turkey dogs and wash it all down with a room temperature Michelob Ultra.
Thanks, I just spit water through my nose. Totally ruined my tofu dog. 🙁
ParticipantGot this Beretta Silver Pigeon about two years ago. Love to shoot it. Got a really good deal on it used.
ParticipantFire Hux mid-season! Don’t care how it looks.
ParticipantTurner is playing unbelievable right now. Rookie of the month for August. Had a stretch of eight straight hits which tied the ML record. Hit two home runs last night including a walk off. Dude is on fire! Stealing bases at will. In the zone.
Year: 2016
AB: 223
R 39
H 77
HR 8
RBI 30
SB 21
AVG .345
OBP .365
OPS .925Gowolves
ParticipantI would never use the SR9C as a carry gun, way too heavy and big. Trying to conceal it is a JOB.
With regard to the Glock triggers I’ll say this, I’ve never had a problem with any of mine and I’ve shot IDPA with it and I carry one EVERYDAY. I have lots of friends that also carry them, and none of us have ever had a problem. Also, lots of LEs use them extensively. The trigger takes a VERY specific pull to engage. Consider I have put ghost triggers in every one of my glocks and that’s a 4 lb pull and it is smoooooth. My carry holsters are the blackhawks that has a retention on it with complete trigger guard. I’ve done very fast draws one saturday a month for over 5 years shooting tactical competitions and never had a problem. I’ve also never seen anyone with a glock have a problem either. If that trigger system on the glocks was unsafe they wouldn’t be the #1 handgun in the world. Just sayin’
I agree. Some people like having a safety mechanism. It’s a preference.
Yes the Sr9c is heavy no doubt again it’s a preference. I don’t know if I could deal with the weight issue. Came close to buying one but backed off. It’s a nice gun though and shoots great.
ParticipantWell Roo, I have a Ruger SR9C and my wife stole my SR22 (best 22 out there IMO, it will shoot any 22 you put in it). For many years I refused to buy a Glock until I kept getting my butt kicked at IDPA matches with the guys shooting glocks and I gave in. Now they are my favorite. I have a 17 that I’ve become very accurate and fast with, and that translated right over to my 43.
I am just having a hard time getting past having no safety on a carry. I know that is what you need when seconds count but I worry more that I would make a stupid mistake. That is why I have not been able to get on board with glocks.
Rick, that’s a valid concern. My uncle has probably 15 different hand guns. 3 or 4 are Glocks. He has been around guns all his life and it took him a while to buy one. I also have a Springfield XD40. I have been looking at the latest Springfield 9mm. It’s really nice. Also Ruger does make a nice conceal and carry nine mm. It’s the SR9c. It is a heavier gun for conceal and carry but size wise its good. If you like a little heavier gun then this a good one. Nice trigger pull.
As someone mentioned above the Sig P938 and they are right its a nice gun.
09/03/2016 at 10:12 PM in reply to: Our Event Is About to Begin! Please Stand By!! Game Thread #105950Gowolves
ParticipantGreywolf seems to know what all the posters are thinking when he says the Pack exceeded all the posters expectations. How do you know that? Did you take a poll?
Getting a little snarky aren’t we? All you have to do is read the comments in the threads to determine that the Pack exceeded expectations in this game. I think I see the problem: I say “the Pack exceeded most posters expectations” and you hear “the Pack exceeded all the posters expectations.”
Both of you are not wrong but I am not going to buy in just because you two think everything is rosie because of a win of a top ten FCS team.
Damn Yogi, I didn’t know you think everything is rosie because of a win of a top ten FCS team. Gowolves seems to have a reading disability.
Now you are just being asinine. If you want to be pissy that’s cool we can do that. You buy the company line and that’s fine. I don’t think you have ever been critical of the pack and if you do its with some exception. You two think that because we beat a ranked FCS team this gives some inclination that this team has what it takes to be good. IT MEANS NOTHING! Other than we have more talent than them. Damn have none of you learned anything the last few years. These games mean very little until the conference games begin. I bet you watch the NFL preseason with he thought if your team does well it means the team will have a good season. Look at the Patriots preseason record and tell me how important it is to win those games. And no I am not a Patriots fan.
Keep drinking the kool aid.
09/03/2016 at 8:02 PM in reply to: Our Event Is About to Begin! Please Stand By!! Game Thread #105938Gowolves
ParticipantAnd we all sang the praises of Georgia Soutehrn struggle and ultimate win. How did that season turn out? Look all I am saying is that we can’t read too much into this win. You know that as well. I didn’t say at any point the Pack played bad. What I am saying is it can be fools gold by reading too much into wins like this.
Greywolf seems to know what all the posters are thinking when he says the Pack exceeded all the posters expectations. How do you know that? Did you take a poll? Look we are splitting hairs here. Both of you are not wrong but I am not going to buy in just because you two think everything is rosie because of a win of a top ten FCS team.
09/03/2016 at 7:07 PM in reply to: Our Event Is About to Begin! Please Stand By!! Game Thread #105935Gowolves
ParticipantYou can have the arguement. This is not worth getting into. You are not getting my point.
09/03/2016 at 3:21 PM in reply to: Our Event Is About to Begin! Please Stand By!! Game Thread #105928Gowolves
Participantit’s not a matter of atta boys, you can say what you want but the Tribe beat the FCS champion last year in the regular season and just did loose to them in the semifinals. They gave Virginia all they could handle too. The top tier FCS teams can and do beat good FBS teams. Wanna bet how many times DD told the team not to look past that team? W & M are far from vastly inferior. That’s disrespecting the Tribe and in turn disrespecting how good that win was.
It’s all semantics. I am not putting the Pack down. What I am saying it’s about what we do in the conference. The Pack did what they were expected to do. You and Greywolf have a wealth of football knowledge and even more so the Pack. I feel like I do as well. My point is let’s wait before we make broad statements about how good this team looked. We saw last year how the cupcake schedule played out. I do think this team is better because of experience. At the same token it’s a new offense with a new QB. The tribe is not the same team from last year. They had some injuries coming into this game and had a few more during the game. Cautious optimism is all I am saying.
09/03/2016 at 12:51 PM in reply to: Our Event Is About to Begin! Please Stand By!! Game Thread #105922Gowolves
ParticipantI’m not so sure the vastly inferior moniker fits. The Tribe is a pretty darned good team even if they are FCS.
I’m sorry dude but it fits very nicely. I’m going to wait before I start handing them the atta boys. Not saying they didn’t do some good things Thursday night, I’m just not ready make any proclamations about this team.
ParticipantRon Cherry sighting in Ireland. Giving the Irish the business and washing it down with some Guinness.
09/01/2016 at 10:46 PM in reply to: Our Event Is About to Begin! Please Stand By!! Game Thread #105882Gowolves
ParticipantApp. blasting TN off the line.
09/01/2016 at 10:30 PM in reply to: Our Event Is About to Begin! Please Stand By!! Game Thread #105880Gowolves
ParticipantFrazier! Who would have thunk that?
09/01/2016 at 10:17 PM in reply to: Our Event Is About to Begin! Please Stand By!! Game Thread #105875Gowolves
ParticipantI get we are not going to see everything. Also want to see them try some things that will be needed later.
09/01/2016 at 10:11 PM in reply to: Our Event Is About to Begin! Please Stand By!! Game Thread #105868Gowolves
ParticipantI want them to go down the field. I can only recall four passes that traveled over ten yards beyond the line a scrimmage. The Pack will need that in their bag of tricks when the down and distance dictates it.
09/01/2016 at 10:05 PM in reply to: Our Event Is About to Begin! Please Stand By!! Game Thread #105863Gowolves
ParticipantWTF! That was a dumb call
09/01/2016 at 9:56 PM in reply to: Our Event Is About to Begin! Please Stand By!! Game Thread #105857Gowolves
ParticipantAlready, I don’t like this color man.
He can f-ck right off with the ECU talk.
Somebody needs to tell him it’s not a rivalry…WHEN THE STATE LEGISLATURE FORCES YOU TO PLAY THE NIMRODS!!!!!!!!!!Yeah he doesn’t hide he likes the purple dong.