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Keymaster^ She will get absolutely roasted on these pages by me if she pulls that shit. No matter how smoothly he tries to sell his snake oil. I ain’t buyin’.
I don’t like cheering for Wahoowa, but to be safe, we need Tony’s boys to past the Sea birds.
Methinks our ACTUAL next coach has a very tough 2nd round matchup ahead of him, we can AND WILL cheer for him to win, and he will likely fight his ass off and come up just short, then we can hire him and there will be much rejoicing.
Tough row to hoe for Will Wade (2B) to make the Sweet Sixteen as well, though 2A (Holtmann) has a very realistic path.
KeymasterVandy not only got a bid, they got a 9. Several slots away from the “danger line.” Total losses means SQUAT, classic “correlation v. causation.”
And the “eye test” really matched up nicely with the numbers, I thought.
KeymasterNIT put UNCG in Syracuse first round. BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Only thing better would have been making Cuse go on the road to play in the Coliseum. I’d have gone to see that.
DELICIOUS. The one and only time I will root for Wes Miller.
KeymasterKS and Nova were Top 2 overall seeds, but got super-hard brackets. Not good enough for ratings, I guess. CBS wanted Zags, Holes, UK.
Wake clearly had a better resume than Cuse. And was a better team by the eye test, playing much better down the stretch. You lose 5 against THAT non-conference schedule, have an 81 RPI and lose your first ACCT game? Cry me a freaking river, dude.
KeymasterI guess Clemson is technically an NIT bubble?? Or fairly solidly in having beat our sorry asses twice?
KeymasterWahoowa over Flavour of the Month by 20.
KeymasterThat Wake/K State winner could make a nice run.
Pot odds play for East Coast office pools is AZ all day long.
KeymasterMaybe it’s because I am on my 3rd beer in 30 minutes but I like calapari. He has a bit of V in him
I almost typed the same. Even with the teevee box muted…it came through. He fit us SO WELL, and he plays the game for what it is, and makes no apologies, nor puts up a FALSE FRONT about it. He would have caused K to retire, and Ol’ Roy to die. I’m glad he’s still out there, sticking a thumb in the eye of the tilted snout crowd.
KeymasterI love how ALL these CBS idiots are putting Gonzaga into the Final Four. How electrified does that cheese need to be, exactly??
In other words, “You’re out of your depth Donnie!”
KeymasterJust from pot odds alone, ‘Ville will be in most of my Final Fours. And the Holes’ road is just too damned easy. You could even make an argument for Duke, FSU, or even ND.
KeymasterTotally DSJ’s fault that Duke didn’t get the one seed.
YAY, we accomplished something this season after all!!
KeymasterI love how ALL these CBS idiots are putting Gonzaga into the Final Four. How electrified does that cheese need to be, exactly??
KeymasterSo…that game is in INDY. If anyone is in the general vicinity, do turn out and wish the Millers well. 😀
KeymasterIf the talking heads can only whine about Wichita St seed, then this Selection Committee must have done a great job.
Agreed. One of the better overall jobs I can remember.
KeymasterNo issues with any of the selections. The MVC is shit, and so is Syracuse.
KeymasterND, FSU and Cuse not called yet. Looks like Cuse is OUT.
Called it as soon as I seen SC.
KeymasterOMFG, you peeps have to show up and cheer your asses off for Arch. Make him FEEL THE LOVE!!!!
KeymasterBreeze for Holes and UK, and the Holes will murder them. Made for TV.
KeymasterArch V. Scary Wheat!!!
/and he will be available after the first weekend, UK is matchup nightmare for them
KeymasterCould the Holes’ bracket get any easier? JEEBUS
KeymasterLouisville has a pretty soft ride, assuming Meeeeeechigan was just on an adrenaline high from the plane crash.
KeymasterPurdue a 4, Iowa State a 5?? That’s some bullshit. Cyclones MUCH better.
KeymasterCoach Andy’s Trojans got in. Big ruh-roh for Boeheim.
KeymasterWOW, the East is a freaking BEAR.
KeymasterND chucks up a bunch of 3s, eventually they started missing. And Duke made their clutch shots down the stretch.