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KeymasterI don’t know whether I want a good Baylor/UCF game, or a shitty one so I can goes to sleep.
Not hungover, but I did get woken up at 2:30 in the f-ing morning to pick up a kid from a NYE party. Blech.
KeymasterKubiak in TB would be ideal for MG’s development. Kubiak is a fantastic offensive/QB mind. Denver took him in the 7th round the same year they got Elway.
Selfishly, though, I want Kubiak to be OC in Denver next year.
A 6.3 YPA is by no means good (that and TD/INT ratio are the metrics I trust), but it’s acceptable given the direness of the situation in Tampa, and the very good (especially for a rookie) TD/INT ratio. I think you have to give him another year, and see if he progresses. Contrary to the prevailing wisdom, I don’t like this QB class at all. If I were drafting, would wait and take Aaron Murray.
Oh yeah, and backup NFL QB is easily the best job in America.
KeymasterMy father was the fastest reader I ever met. It was a family challenge to find something for Christmas that he wouldn’t finish the same day he unwrapped it. On the other hand, I am pretty slow as well, especially when starting a book.
Plus, being slow is better. Don’t have to rush to find something else to have on hand (I feel fairly naked without a book around that I can read if the modd and/or my old man colon strikes).
Keymaster@Alpha – Ewwwwww, kill it! Kill it WITH FIRE!!!!!
@canine – I kept trying Moby Dick my junior year of HS (after all, we had “silent reading” days in class and whatnot), but I could never get my brain wrapped around it (and I can read and enjoy Cormac McCarthy). Finally gave up and Cliffs Notes’d it. So not just you.
Speaking of CM, if you want to stay up for 72 hours pondering the hopelessness of life…read “The Road.”
KeymasterA pure socialist meritocracy! Doesn’t work for politics, but pretty badass for pro sports.
KeymasterI can’t remember who wrote the three-part TR series that I read (and enjoyed), it was very good. “Nixonland” was a very surprisingly balanced book with fairly sympathic view of Richard Nixon (who was psychologically VERY similar to LBJ), given it was written by an avowed liberal.
It seems like TR was probably the closest American history came to a Churchillian figure. Oh, if he only had WWI or WWII to tackle during his Presidency. He positively broiled with frustration over Woodrow Wilson.
KeymasterOh, and agree with Vol Country on RW vs. PR, but I would add a few extra >s.
KeymasterGuys…we are a young team that is usually greater than the sum of its parts. Our only star caliber guy doesn’t really create his own shot, certainly in the half-court. Our fatal flaw is horrid FT shooting.
That’s a definitive recipe for inconsistency. We will look alternatively great, then awful. Sometimes in the same game. I am still quite confident we will be a mid-range ACC team, with doing better than that more likely than cratering.
Just relax and enjoy the ride.
Oh, and I think the fatigue is more mental than physical.
KeymasterOur best options for “second scorer” (Fran Fraschilla was right about us needing one badly) are Des Lee and Cat. Cat actually has a very nice midrange jumper, he just needs to pull up more so defenses don’t automatically assume he will go to the rim every freaking time he drives. Des can also penetrate and create his own shot.
I would like to see more King Hippo, especially late. I have to think he would be a better FT option than Vandy or Le Nard.
KeymasterPeyPey is the bestest. If you haven’t, watch the “Book of Manning” SEC Storied episode. PeyPey talks about being 10, and telling his peewee coach he didn’t know what he was doing. Archie made him apologize, and you can tell from his facial expressions that PeyPey is still pissed off about it (because he believes he was right). Archie better hope that Elisha and/or Cooper picks out his nursing home LMAO.
KeymasterONE free throw, Cat. ONE!
KeymasterLast thing we want is Vandy on the FT line…
KeymasterThis is the worst we’ve played all year. Easy.
KeymasterLe Nard saves us.
KeymasterOK, now I’m with ya on the refs. FFS
KeymasterThis is a mental thing. Freezing up. Happened Saturday night, too.
KeymasterThis is really, really bad.
KeymasterBeating Virginia Tech should not make you feel like you can play with anybody. They suck out loud.
Speaking of sucking out loud…
KeymasterYup. Merde.
KeymasterWBS not even pretending to defend anymore. Sloppy, but working margin still there.
KeymasterAlpha – that ther’s the name of the methhead villainess in “Orange is the New Black.”
KeymasterI would still pay good money to kick Mack Brown in the nuts.
KeymasterOxford is a beautiful oasis. Outside of that…it ain’t the overall fattest and dumbest state in the Union for nothin’
KeymasterLe Nard with Le Body Control! Mon dieu!
KeymasterCentral PA is like Mississippi with snow. No thanks.