Forum Replies Created
KeymasterBuckets making his first three is usually an ominous sign.
KeymasterI can’t call King Hippo “yum yum” – sounds like a Vietnamese prostitute.
KeymasterDuke can’t rebound for monkeyshit.
KeymasterFrenzy is the only chance we have
Yup, playing it “safe” there is suicide. Know better, Raftery.
KeymasterWould be a flagrant if he wasn’t a Dookie.
KeymasterOn the bright side…just whistled a hand check.
KeymasterI would love for Cat to run into the stands and stab somebody. Looks like he wants to.
KeymasterRaftery on Cook “this kid can go either way.”
Not that there’s anything wrong with that…LMAO
KeymasterSeems like we will finally see the Vandy/KH alignment. Not sure the space/time continuum can handle it. Our perception of reality might be about to change.
KeymasterNo Le Nard? Sacre bleu!!!
I think that seriously will hurt quite a bit. You need all your available fouls for Duke in Cameron.
Good news is we will see planty of King Hippo, and that isn’t just a snide girth-related comment.
KeymasterThey are actually switching the feed for us in North Cakalaky.
SOLELY because Duke is involved, I assure you.
KeymasterWell, my “Gonzo” theory is at least theoretically different than “snarky.” But lots of overlap.
KeymasterPrediction contest!
How many will we be behind, once this UK/TN game ends and the CBS feed switches?
I say 7, which I feel is remarkably optimistic.
KeymasterCriminy, I had forgotten that the MD game was the same season. We entered the death spiral immediately thereafter.
But had we not gone down said death spiral, perhaps the “weave and heave” portion of the HWSNBN era never happens…
KeymasterAfter the home win in ’95, I stepped onto the court and yelled “we’re number EIGHT!”
Naturally, even though we had the rare privilege of being seeded 8th in the Les Robinson Invitational that year…we still lost it.
KeymasterAlthough to be fair, HWSNBN and MG each really did “win” in Cameron, only to be completely f-cked over by the striped branch of the Swofford mafia.
And I don’t make that charge lightly, I very, VERY rarely blame officiating for actually flipping a result.
KeymasterAs I e-mailed some wolven pals earlier today…I have passed the tipping point. I hate THEM more than I like US, and I don’t give a damn whether that’s healthy or not.
Those f-ckers need to PAY, and preferably before they ruin this brave woman’s psyche and/or career.
KeymasterYay, Sweet Dee!!!!!
Maybe make your kids write up a full report on the game, too. That’ll learn ’em good.
KeymasterAn album for good mojo?
KeymasterWake was already must-win for me, so I am just trying to enjoy them in a Gonzo sense now. Jigs’ insane matchup avatars help quite a bit, Hunter S. Thompson would have approved.
KeymasterIt’s too bad for my overwhelming sense of malaise and dread…I would enjoy hearing Bill Raftery announce our game for a nice change of pace. Highly doubt our wolven efforts will be Onions! worthy…
KeymasterSeeing the competition list…not hopeful. Even with a great staff selling us. Georgia is Georgia.
KeymasterBy my “back of the napkin” math estimates…seems like we will be Top 30 at the very least, when all the dust settles. A great testament to this staff’s sales ability.
KeymasterWe ran no discernable offense against Wake, at least the parts I saw.
KeymasterI would LOVE to see Jim Martin strike an immunity deal and spill exactly how he was told to sweep things under the rug. He’s a little soft for the pokey…