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  • BJD95

    Nobody can hit outside of 2 feet, should be a fun game to watch.


    I guess people must actually watch that “This Is Us” tripe if they’s re-running it at 7pm tomorry??


    in reply to: Watching the Carousel Develop #118586

    ^ Agreed. Plus, the Klucker would surely have a hard time recruiting, whilst the Jihadi wouldn’t be able to travel with the team to any of those cool holiday invitational tourneys…

    in reply to: CFN PreSpring Ranking #118583

    Yeah, I am fine with our other tailbacks. Honestly, we didn’t seem to miss a beat with the other guys in the game (at least at 95% capacity). Tocho was just sort of there.

    The kicking…ay yi yi. And Coach Dave needs to work on his maths.


    Honestly, all Yankees look alike to me.

    Except for V and Cowdog, naturally!!

    in reply to: Watching the Carousel Develop #118573

    Interesting especially about Indiana and tOSU both possibly NOT making any moves (at least forcibly). I hadn’t heard Brownell’s seat was hot, I figured with the football title everything was sunshine and lollipops in Tigger-land.

    in reply to: Watching the Carousel Develop #118548

    Oh, Roo talks in riddles sometimes. I only use MG to mean Gottfried. No idea who he means as “MG” there.

    in reply to: Watching the Carousel Develop #118542

    MG should be easy enough.
    DES = the Nose.

    in reply to: ACC BB Update for 2/20 #118541

    True. At some point…somebody gotta get in. But they need 3-1 down the stretch just to go 7-11. A split puts them at 6-12 in the league, and whilst I think penalizing teams for losing records in tough leagues is more than a bit unfair…6-12 is maybe a bridge too far even for me.

    It would be very Clemson and very NC State for us to beat them.

    in reply to: ACC BB Update for 2/20 #118538

    yeah, that Dook game might be make or break for L’Orange. I still am amazed that Clemson stays even in the conversation. Think State could easily beat them (which would end any of that).


    I got an A in my Soil Mechanics class, at least I think so. My brain is pretty leaky now. Sure it weren’t one of my two shameful Cs, at minimum.

    My grass always came back to life without watering, and without obsessive compulsive leaf-raking. People in the suburbs nowadays are just cray-cray. Let nature be nature. Plenty of grass in the woods, ain’t there??

    in reply to: Watching the Carousel Develop #118535

    Roy DID want to stay in KS. I can’t get the details of what was said on the golf course, but I have to think the heartstrings were pulled wrt Dean’s illness and how much it would mean to him to know the program was in his hands.

    With Arch, it’s less sentiment and more the pull of his makeup/ego…how tempting it would be to come back to town at a time of great change in the ACC, and become the new King of Tobacco Road. If YOU believe you have what it takes, you don’t sit around and hem and haw about “but what if I fail.”

    He understands just enough of the history and the passion here to know he could build an empire if he does it right. If his wife and daughter are on board, and STATE DOESN’T STATE IT UP, I think it will happen.

    in reply to: Watching the Carousel Develop #118523

    One could also look at the likes of DePaul – it used to be able to count on a pipeline of kids through the city Catholic leagues, but with the boon of TV (and now internet) coverage, your friends and family can see you wherever you go. And the Demons have been garbage for the better part of 20+ years.

    in reply to: Watching the Carousel Develop #118522

    I mean, at the top, recruiting is already so nationalized I wonder if it’s a factor at all. But it does mean you can’t just have a “fallback” stock of local products to pick and choose from at will, similar to how Nebraska and Oklahoma stacked their football rosters before there were numerical limits.

    It’s gotta sting for IU fans to see Purdue making a little noise, with Notre Dame and Butler already having established decent profiles.


    ^ It’s good and natural, man!! Plus an older gentleman needs to save his back for more worthwhile pursuits.


    My cat killed his first lizard of the year today, so that officially marks my Spring (since I went townhouse and am a broken hull of a man who no longer can stand any yard work).

    in reply to: Watching the Carousel Develop #118515

    Yea. I am not going to read anything good or bad into tweet.

    And I am pulling for the flyers.

    If Arch comes here – great, he is my a1 candidate. If not there’s others. What has made these job searches disasterous is the hires after the big fish turned us down:
    Sean Miller and Marshall were available in the Lowe search.
    Archie was available as was Lon Krueger (I think Dana Altman may have been available as well.)

    Have a plan – execute said plan, unless it’s something you drew up on a bev napkin at the Angus barn.

    Yes, and also what Wulf said right below you. These guys all run in the same circles, as do their agents. You get 1 A-Lister, 1 backup option, then 1 “rip cord.”

    Having the right backup option (and it’s not necessarily just “hindsight is 20/20” looking back on our whiffs, yours truly profiled Lon Kruger and was surprised at how good his resume was once I scratched past the surface) is absolutely critical, as much so as playing our cards right with Arch, Papa Miller, and Morgan.

    in reply to: Watching the Carousel Develop #118511

    They will show up at our hockey arena when Arch wins games – or at least COMPETES – with a team that doesn’t mail it in 2 times out of 3.

    Heck, Fresh Market miraculously had strawberry rhubarb pies tonight (THANKS, global warming!!) so I think the stars must just be aligning favorably for a change.

    ALSO – let this be an official Politburo decree. It is BAD JUJU to cheer against our hopeful future king in the dance. A mere silver lining when he becomes available to talk to us. But THIS corner of the wolven interwebs shall be free of negative energy toward his side’s performance, which no doubt means a lot to Arch.

    in reply to: Watching the Carousel Develop #118503

    I am ready to welcome the new King and Queen of Tobacco Road. After Arch does well (but selfishly, not TOO well) in the dance.

    The more I think on it…a troll job would just be too mean. Has to be a bat signal sent out by a confident young lady. We could use some confidence down West Raleigh way…even swagger, I dare say.

    in reply to: ACC BB Update for 2/20 #118476

    Count me in also on the “hoping for FSU but not expecting” train. I need to keep that in mind when I set my brackets, though maybe I will adopt their “best case scenario” in my #3 office entry in lieu of an NC State one.

    But as in all things, “hope is not a strategy.”

    And Notre Dame is just poop. They used up their Irish luck last season.

    in reply to: Watching the Carousel Develop #118459

    Morgan Miller tweet
    Arch’s wife isnt helping our collective heartburn over the situation. I expect a well measured and coherent response to her post from Wolfpack nation.

    I don’t speak Twitter, but I got a semi from that. Been saying from Jump Street that Mrs. Arch will surely be the deciding factor. NC State is a very good job. Ohio State is a very good job. What makes Mrs. Arch the happiest?? I think Arch himself (based on the profile of his makeup and his ego) would lean wolven anyway. So even if Papa Miller loves tOSU, I think Mrs. Arch is the “3rd vote” so to speak.


    Agreed. Even though I am generally sympathetic because I think this is the best way to build a winner here. But you have to show results within a reasonable period of time, or recruits stop buying what you’re selling, and the bottom drops out.

    in reply to: Watching the Carousel Develop #118436

    The maths also works for me, as long as the square root of negative 1 is involved! :p

    in reply to: Watching the Carousel Develop #118415

    Every Duke grad I know thinks it will be Brad Stevens next. Otherwise, it will be who K designates.

    The Holes have no clear successor but as one of the Top 3 jobs, they will get whoever they want (as long as they don’t repeat the foolish “family” notion).

    Phil Ford would have given his left nut for our job, but…Phil Ford.


    I can’t argue with that. Fully agree the cupboard was bare, and had no issues with the winless ACC season as a result.

    I did expect the rankings to have progressed a little better by now, but those are inexact, and if results follow on the field the next few years it will be water under the bridge.

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