Forum Replies Created
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterBrissett’s play has steadily declined since the first quarter. Bad throws and bad decisions have taken over.
Matt Canada is also the QB coach. Must have made some adjustments for Brissett too.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterMatt Dayes has not been handed the ball in the second half.
Good way to adjust away from what was working, Matt Canada.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterComing off a bye week, I think State wins late.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterI opened a front page thread for games today. Now if I could figure out how to merge this one with that one.
In the meantime, enjoy this one again Gowolves. GGMU!
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterMy preference is always to hire coaches with proven track records building and sustaining programs.
Bo Rein didn’t have that, and he was the best coach in NC State football history.
Alpha Wolf
Keymasteralthough Michigan going to whip #1 down to size come Nov 28
They probably won’t be #1 after Michigan State gets ahold of them.
As for Michigan, they’re going great right now, but let’s not put too much into curbstomping Maryland. Maryland is a mediocre ACC team playing in the Big Ten.
Alpha Wolf
Keymaster“Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.”
That should be the official motto of NC State football: the more things change, the more they stay the same.
I for one am no longer buying the “building a program” crap, we’ve been “rebuilding” for 35 years and 7 head coaches. We are what we are, and that’s just not very good and without any sign we ever will be.
Like I said in the game thread…we’re the Glass Joe of ACC football.
Alpha Wolf
Keymastermost do not appreciate the effects of Thornton’s loss.
I certainly do. And I have to give Dave Doeren props for cutting him, even though it really hurt the team.
I personally am sick and tired of schools that give their athletes free passes for anything they do just so they can win.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterIt’s really seeing former walk-on/backup NC State quarterback and alum Dr. Jerry Punch reporting from the sidelines at Clemson today.
Jerry is an official Great Guy™ in my book.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterSeems to me that after State ran up a 145-29 yards gained advantage in just the first quarter, Virginia Tech DC Bud Foster figured out Matt Canada’s offense, and then held it to 125yds for the remaining three quarters.
Which underlines the lack of a Plan B.
After watching the game in person, I find it very odd that Brissett was taking sacks in the pocket until late in the game when he showed signs of the escapability he had last year. I am convinced that he had been coached to complete his checkdowns, which he is very slow at. Once he mobilized himself, he opened space in the VT defensive backfield that had not been there all game.
And THAT should have been Plan B going into the second half. That it wasn’t is damning.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterThe video game character who best depicts NC State football:
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterWent to the game in Blacksburg.
Kudos to the VT fans, they are great.
Rotten tomatoes to the NC State team.
LOL at those who were comparing Brissett favorably to Wilson and Rivers.
He has the escapability of Wilson, the speed of Rivers and the decision making and passing skills of Marcus Stone.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterThis game reminds me of the Syracuse game a couple years ago, where a less than average team came in an manhandled a WTFPack team that didn’t look very interested.
As always, our defensive brain trust refused to make adjustments until halftime. We were lucky to still be in the game at that point, as our DB’s, Eggo, Pop-Tart and Melba were getting toasted with regularity. Everyone in the stadium could see the passes coming, except for our coaches and Eggo, Pop-Tart and Melba. The three of them never bothered to turn around to see at all to look at the incoming passes.
Exactly what the fux would you guys be calling from the booth today? Huh?
Certainly not two off-tackle QB keepers…in a row. Especially after the first was one yard loss. Predictably, the second was…a one yard loss.
Did we run a jet sweep to extend the defense all day?
And really, with it 4th and 1, with the game on the line, throwing a five yard deep toss to Matt Dayes was…dumb.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterWell, at least we know it wasn’t one of Fats’ rental cars, and I guess he wasn’t strapped and with a bale o’ weed.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterIf only the local media pursued the academic fraud at UNC with the same vigor that they are pushing this story…
Seriously, interviewing a 23 year old man’s parents about a minor accident, no matter who it involved?
Alpha Wolf ?@PackInsider 2m 2 minutes ago
Shadrach Thornton is practicing todayAlpha Wolf
KeymasterIt’s not how minor the moped wreck is, it’s leaving the area, especially knowing you’re a high profile guy and knowing you’re probably already on your last chance with your coach. And…it’s not exactly a good sign that this won’t happen again.
I’m convinced that the special treatment Chuck Amato gave TA was the beginning of the end of his tenure. His players had a really hard time taking him seriously as a disciplinarian when he was letting TA get away with all of the small indiscretions he did, both on and off the field. If Doeren lets Shadrach slide with this latest ‘little’ thing, what’s he telling the rest of his team?
09/29/2015 at 9:25 PM in reply to: SMU Banned from Post-season, Larry Brown Suspended Nine Games #89408Alpha Wolf
KeymasterThey ought to be taken away in handcuffs for defrauding the taxpayers of this state.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterDuke did beat a ranked team, which of course will get them more attention. Shame we don’t see them this year…thanks, John Swofford.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterAnd thus ends a nearly perfect sports day.
United back atop the table, check.
Chelski failing to win, again, check.
State tying their second highest TD mark, check.Alpha Wolf
KeymasterThat’s 8 touchdowns. One more and we tie the second best all time record:
9 vs. Navy 2002
9 vs. W. Carolina 1990
9 vs. Duke 1992
9 vs. Murray St. 2009Doubt we’ll match the most ever record though:
15 vs. Hampton 1919
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterI wonder if the Pack cheerleader picture was made by the guy who used to sit in the front row of Section 2, where he spent most of the game trying to take crotch shots of the cheerleaders. It was really…sad.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterWake Forest trying to come back from the dead in Winston Salem… 31-24 a little over two minutes left and they recovered their onside kick to get back the ball.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterI bet we had 30,000 more than this at the Spring Game:
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterGiven that Carolina has had attendance problems going all the way back to the Mack Brown era over there, one has to wonder — why have they given up the support of those lovely pine trees by expanding their stadium twice since Mack went to Texas?