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Alpha Wolf
KeymasterDouble bonus the rest of the way in.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterPitt 80% in the 2nd half. Hard to overcome that.
When you have players stepping out of the way to avoid the foul, it is easy to shoot 80%
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterWhen’s the Spring Game again? Might be NC State’s next win.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterNothing wrong with being a slow reader, especially if it is for pleasure. Each to their own.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterIt could have a college ball effect both ways as Schiano is supposedly who Penn State want.
If Johnny Football is available, though, the Texans will almost have to pick him.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterSometimes, as a State fan, I feel like Scooby Doo trying to pull the mask off of the bad guy.
I just long to hear “I would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you kids!”
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterWith any luck, Nyang’oro’s lawyer call up some of the muckety-mucks involved in this and makes them testify under oath and in open court. Then s/he can ask some very difficult questions with the prospect of perjury hanging overhead. Will the Ivory Tower types love dear old Carolina so much that they are willing to risk some hard time in Pound Me In The A state pen? I’d love to find out.
Also, personally, I think that USA Today’s Eric Prisbell has a lot of the information already, and it is my hope that he is working on a book that will finally blow the doors open on this story once and for all.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterAnother reason I am glad I have SXM.
College Sports Radio is worth its weight in gold, as is the soccer channel and of course all of the play by play for different sports.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterI was thinking of sending over my copy of this to BJD. FWIW, it’s the fastest-selling non-fiction book ever:
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterBarber needs to get stronger finishing his drives.
He also needs to see open men and get them the ball. Like a freshman QB, he’s locking in on a certain receiver and missing the rest of the court. We saw that in the OT against Central, where the kid from Charlotte would be wide open but Barber never considered passing him the ball. We’re seeing it now where he can’t seem to get the ball to Vandy, and prefers to pass around the perimeter instead. I think he’ll get better as the game slows down for him, but right now, I think it is a blur in his mind.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterA lot of owners think they know more about football coaching and management than they do. They also have NFL teams as their toys, because they got their money through other means. Snyder, the Browns owner, the guy who owns the Jags and Mark Davis of the Raiders all come to mind. Jerry Jones too, but he knows a good little bit about football because he played in college.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterMy thought on post-game interviews: if Gottfried tells you how he really feels, he’d be excoriated for throwing his team under the bus. If he covers up for them by reverting to Coach Speak, he’s not being honest. Sounds like a “can’t win” kind of deal.
Thing is, I don’t give a flip what he says in post-game, that’s mostly for people driving home from the game. What I do care about is what he tells the team and the other coaches behind closed doors.
Look at this way: remember after State lost to Duke a couple of months ago in football, and Dave Doeren said a lot of positive things in the post-game radio interview? From other reports, after the game you could hear him yelling at the players in the locker room from twenty yards outside the door. Obviously, what he said and what he knew and believed were different things.
You can bet it is the same for Coach Gottfried.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterAround the 15:00 mark of the second half and leading by a dozen or so, our team decided to take the rest of the night off. They stopped working on offense. They started flailing on defense and not working through screens. I guess they decided that they had already won the game.
WBS was sent in obviously instructed to put some energy into things on the offensive end, and he tried, but the rest of the players, TJ included, didn’t seem all that interested.
They let the other team whittle away the lead and even gave them a chance to get ahead…fortunately, they just weren’t talented enough to do it.
That has to stop. Basketball games are forty minutes long and a 12-15 point lead ain’t much when there’s more than two minutes left on the scoreboard.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterI like Gott’s cool demeanor with a young team BUT sometimes you gotta get in these guys faces and get them riled up…
Normally I would agree with you, but ask yourself if you wanted Buckets even more riled up than he already was.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterBuckets is going to need to learn how to keep his cool. You can bet other ACC coaches saw that display at the end and will instruct their players to try to get into his head and take him out of his game.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterIf I see Barber short-arm one more free throw I am going to scream. fundaMENTALs!
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterWin or lose, this is going to feel like a loss.
I got a bad feeling about next month. This team is not playing cohesive, focused basketball and the little temper tantrum Buckets just threw worries me deeply.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterNC State has some problems with fundamentals.
Blockout out, footwork, you name it.
It’s like they are panicking.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterLucky they bricked both of those. And now…end of game scenario time. Can the Pack get a bucket it needs?
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterCat goes one on three again in heavy traffic… and doesn’t get the foul called… –
We want him to drive, and when he does, he’s getting little help and no calls.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterWolfpack Sh*t’s starting to get real.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterWarren continues to take 3?s
Yeah, he’s working hard to develop an outside shot to show the Association scouts.
Alpha Wolf
Keymaster62-52 under eight to go.
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterGYST Pack!
Alpha Wolf
KeymasterCentral PA is a living hell. I know, my former company is headquartered in Harrisburg and I used to have to go there a couple of times a year.
I called it “Pennsyltucky.”