Forum Replies Created
ParticipantEverybody has a different recollection, or perhaps an interpretation. I thought it was Marshall who talked glowingly about how it would be such an honor to compete (But not WIN) against Roy and Mikey and spoke about them in hushed tones…..perhaps getting a thrill up his leg.
That did not go over well with AD Yow as she wanted someone who felt that he could COMPETE and BEAT either of them.
I MAY be wrong about the individual as he was never “publicly” named, but the consensus was it was Greggory….
Others with more info or a better memory can chime in…
ParticipantDavid Glenn is the CNN of fake sports news. Has same creditability as Donna Brazile.
At Valentines Day lunch with DW of 51 years at Amedeo’s. They had not named a booth after MG. Interesting the DO have a Wes Moore booth. Mg is somewhere in the JV area. Going to put up a “Watch this Space” sign.
Sat in the Reynolds Booth. No subliminal messages or news on new coach, other than it seemed to be relaxed and at peace.
MG only coach, I think, in the PNC era to LOSE at Reynolds. Speaks volumes.
Do not hold breath for a late afternoon presser.
ParticipantRead an article this morning about the CEO of Toshiba resigning due to cost overruns and improprieties in their accounting and delaying their annual report and also having to sell a major division just to make it through the end of March…
He said…”I apologize for any inconveniences that I have caused our stakeholders…”. Don’t know if we will get a similar presser from Coach Gottfried….but did find this interesting…..
Samuel Roback (@Weathermansam77) _ Twitter_files
ParticipantMaybe it goes like this….
Mark, going to be in the area towards the end of the week. Want to have lunch with you. Annabelle and her covey of attorneys are traveling with us and will be there. Do you have a favorite restaurant?
Mark responded….. Yes, love to Deb. Jimmy V’s Osteria and let’s do an evening meal. Tony and Gary and their crew will be with me….
Bottom line, you call in HR and the Lawyers (if they are at another site). Then you take the accused out for lunch. When you come back, you are alone and you post the notice….”Johnny DoNothing, a fine and upstanding individual with a long and storied career of serving our fine organization has decided to make a career change and seek other business opportunities….”.
The old line was….They (Management) came to town. They took out the Plant Manager for Lunch on Friday and NEVER brought him back. I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count the times that happened….usually I knew in advance and understood WHAT was coming down.
One time in particular, one of our Managers attended a conference in Chicago. One of the Purchasing Agents, a really HOT looking Blonde, was at another conference in Rockford, Ill. When our Plant Manager turned in his expense report, he stayed 3 nights in his hotel, but stayed a few days afterwards and flew back when HER conference was over. The girls in accounting did NOT let that little item go unnoticed. They contacted the HR Folks in the Home Office….who then contacted US in the Division Office. The deed was done. There was NO reprieve or “Don’t do this again…”. He was summarily dismissed on Friday and had to explain to his wife and family WHY he was fired. He got a divorce about a year later and was last seen mowing yards driving a 20 year old truck with a 30 year old Craftsman lawn mower on a beat up trailer ….
ParticipantOK…logic should be used here…but rarely. Personal take on this….and CD and others that have some inside knowledge should chime in.
Fact…The decision WAS made this weekend to fire him. NOW, as the execution (Bad choice), that is multi-faceted. IF he has publicly (not for us but observed by folks in the inner circle), been out carrousing or hitting the bars or whatever, then DY DOES have some ammo for a “settlement”. NO IDEA if she has CURRENT, as she should have used his issues to pull the pin two years ago. There was ENOUGH then for his “morals” clause. BUT, now, it might just be…”Pay UP and Don’t Gripe”. Yow is NOT one to give up on any negotiation edge. SO, there WILL be some negotiating…my bets on Yow.
Fact….the team was NOT told about this. It would be so TOTALLY DUMB (not professional) to bring in the team and say….We fired him. Don’t TELL ANYBODY. Like a bunch of 20 YO’s can keep a secret in today’s “post everytime you f@rt” social media. It would NEVER happen that way…..UNLESS you were planning on yanking him and putting in an interim. SO, all the speculation about the leak coming from the team…THAT would only happen IF Gottfried (or an assistant) HAD been told and he, in pure despair and desperation, blurted it all out. He does NOT strike me as the type that would do that.
NOW, did AD Yow meet with him and they DISCUSSED what was going to happen? I don’t KNOW. She MAY have told him that it was over. She may have hinted at some compromise on the buyout. HE may have discussed it with someone…..and in a TOTALLY Bizarre, scenario, HE IS the source to stop all the “negotiations” and hang with his contract. THAT is PURE speculation….as others have also done. I don’t doubt for a minute that HE could be the REAL instigator of the LEAK….
There have been a LOT of posts about the Team’s Psyche and also whether the team had ANY respect for him personally or perhaps his staff. I can believe that. The last blow-up with Anya, did not, I THINK, gain him any points with the team. The TEAM DOES seem to have thrown in the towel….not totally, but certainly not going out and “winning one for the Gipper”.
FACT…I sold my 4 Champions LTR’s this AM. I saw seats all around me on CL. I decided that I did NOT want to go to a game where the bulk of the fans were well heeled (and the prices were considerably MORE than face) UNC fans chanting and making a show. That happened in the Cuse game, prior to their addmittance. There were minor skirmishes and some of the fans were actually called by Bobby Purcell and admonished for selling their tickets. I had ONE person apologize to me and my family as he did not realize how rowdy some of his family had gotten until the calls started coming in. THAT is a real shame….but it is a FACT. I will be at the ND and UVA game to support the team….but UNC…NOPE.
The scenario is not playing out like a carefully planned event…..quite the contrary. BUT, one way or the other, the deed has (will, shall?) been done. What happens and who we get? THAT will consume more bandwidth than HB2 repeal…
I am NOT betting a fifth of Crown Black on Archie. BUT, I will tell you, when WHOMEVER is introduced, DY will say, smiling, HE (FIB) was our TARGET all along and we GOTT the man we set out to get and he will make us a TOP 25 program.
ParticipantMark Few…
Couple of good “Goonies” or maybe some of Red Reddington’s “Persuaders” from the Black List. You would need to kidnap his family and hold them hostage. Then you implant a chip that would release a deadly toxic substance in each one should he NOT continue to be our “gainfully employed coach”. Don’t know what Red pays his people….but if we had THEM, we probably could convince Mark Few to come to Raleigh.
Short of that, I don’t think there is enough money to attract him….he seems fine with his Left Coast lifestyle….
Participantabsolutely NO inside info or any sources that are not on the “highly trusted” INTERNET. However, as posted yesterday, Debbie Yow was NOT at the VT-NCSU game. She rarely misses an appearance there, sometimes for just a brief first half, but she is always there and is at the table on the baseline of the Team’s side….with FULL eyecontact from team and coaches.
Michael Lipitz, her second in command was at the game.
What does this mean? Absolutely nothing, but it was “telling” and many of the regular Ladies fans noted her absense…
Time will tell….Time will TELL…
There is NO truth to the rumor that he will join Roy (Ray?) Cooper’s staff and help lobby for the complete abolishment of HB2 and also for unisex dressing rooms in NC for all NCAA sports to show that we bear have NO discrimination towards members of the “physically opposite” sex that want to dress, shower and participate in team activities based on their gender identity (at any moment in time and subject to fluxuation).
Let the Flight Tracker sniffing begin. Murphy has pulled PIG 1 out of the Data Base and his kids or brother got rid of their toy.
I don’t know about Lowe’s guys being told early. The meeting between Lowe & Yow took place on a Tuesday. Rumors flying on Monday. At the last minute, Yow pulled pin on Lowe’s radio show at Crabtree. It was always there and had a pro Lowe contingent. Moved to studio.
Yow commented that Sidney was such a gentleman and professional. She said he controlled the meeting and took a lot of stress out of it.
Who knows where the process is today. Her absence from Reynolds was very evident.
ParticipantLadies had an upper 20 point margin for most of the second half. Let it sag a little at the end. NEVER any doubt. Final was 85 – 71 over VA Tech. Ladies now 9 & 3 versus the REVERSE for the HVV.
Nice to see a WP team HUSTLE and ENJOY playing and work as a team. Nothing really outstanding….just shot above 50% and probably above 40% from 3 PT and over 70% from FT line. Out rebounded. Had less TO’s. God….what a formula for success.
Got to hear Old McDOnald and sing the Alma Mater. GOOD OUTING…They travel to BC on Thursday. BC down 59 to 37 against #12 Louisville with 4 to go. BC always gets really READY for State. Seen them come in and lead and then lose. BC coach has a LOT of enthusiasm….
ParticipantLadies up by 22 at halftime despite
a foul issue.Great crowd.
Some joy in Harper Valley.
ParticipantI vote for the HARPER VALLEY VAGRANTS. Although the team is a product of the coaches.
At the Lady Pack VT game.
A D Yow NOT in attendance….Which is a rarity. Who knows. 50% is better than a court case and litigation.
ParticipantFrom an assistant MBB coach. Lutz and his “ex staff”…if you read the resumes of the original coaches, Early and Moxley were Lutz guys….
Lutz and the Ex-Lutz assistants had a “come to Jesus” meeting with Coach over his off court prowling. No idea if Dunlap or the other UCLA guys were involved. It was NOT pretty. AD Yow jumped in and called in FOUR folks. One was HC and the other was a former NCSU Player of esteem….and THEIR wives. She read the riot act to them and things cooled off a bit.
Fast forward….things went south as to Gottfried’s marriage, as well as the former NCSU Star’s Marriage….TWO divorces.
During the 2015-16 season, there was a major blow-up (at least 4 or 5 times) during practice between Gottfried and Lutz. Shouting matches that shut down practice. The following comes from an email from Lutz.
thanks for the kind words. Gottfried fired me. Debbie kept me on until I was vested (later in 16) in the NC Retirement system, then I was cut loose.
Gottfried appeared, in the Reynold dedication, to have a younger Trophy GF in tow. His AFib issues corrected. He lost weight. WHAT has happened since then to his focus and his GF relationship…I have NOT a clue. His GF and an assistant coaches wife DID create a little scene at the PNC this year also…so WHO KNOWS???
It is DRAMA like this that keeps the program from being focused….It DOES seem like the staff and the team have totally fallen apart and that each is just going through the motions until the end of the season. The Anya incident and Dorn and Smith’s comments are pretty telling….the WP MBB Family is NOT a happy place.
DY hired Gottfried, and I am SURE….as was Elizabeth, that he promised to be faithful…..but HE crossed the line. I know that DY has personally had him in several times and told him to “cease and desist” (I was told of at least THREE incidents).
Maybe she should have just fired him the first time it was obvious that he was back up to his old tricks…
BUT, he was winning at that point. His first year extension was an automatic for the Sweet 16. The raise at the beginning of the 2015/16 season…..GOD ONLY KNOWS????
No idea WHAT will happen. I think he will be gone, but would not bet a fifth of Crown Black on that.
Really feel sorry for the players who have not been coached as they should. We had a plethora of talent, young in some cases, but not coached in basic Defense. Lutz might NOT have been the defensive guru he was paid to be, but look at us THIS year versus in the past. THERE is a pattern….
Bringing him back is NOT an answer. Whoever comes in has to bring in THEIR own folks….that is the way it is. Gottfried hired Lutz and Lutz’s assistants to hit the ground running….and it worked for awhile….but THEN Gottfried lost focus of his role as COACH and it has been ugly eversince….
ParticipantThis ought to be good for some serious venting and flaming…..but consider this…
We “HAD” Shaka Smart. Shaka was considered as THE prize catch from the Atlantic 10….much as Archie has taken over THAT role now. VCU is 3 time larger than Dayton….
Remember, we HAD Shaka…It was his hormone charged PG wife that killed the deal. No SPECULATION. Pure facts. His agent/attorneys and our ours spent all night in Richmond hammering out his “LOI”. Then around noon, his wife said..”I ain’t going”. Shaka languished around Richmond for a few years….
AT UT, his first year 20 – 13 or .606 and 11 – 7 in conference. Gott’s first year 25 – 13 or 0.658 and 9 & 7 in Conference
Shaka, this year, his second, is 10 – 15 or .400 and 4 – 8 in conference.
Gott’s second year was 23 – 12 or .658 and 11 – 7 in conference.YES, after the second year….it has been a a death spiral. BUT, my point….Shaka was considered to be THE NEW and UPCOMING COY. He was pursued each year and each year VCU called on more of the alumni to prostitute their wives and daughters to pay his NEXT Salary increase….which is what has happened at Dayton.
Don’t know if Shaka will recover nor do I know what his talent pool was compared to ours. BUT, the results are NOT what we would have wanted….and we would be griping MORE and MORE.
This is NO, ABSOLUTELY NO defense of where we are now…nor might it be an “indicator” of what Archie would do.
All it is a historical review of WHAT HAPPENED….and a comment that we need to do a THOROUGH evaluation of WHOM we hire. Shaka SURE LOOKED GOOD and he had all the moves and personality. The EYES of Texas are upon him now and it ain’t, at least this year, a pretty sight….
It PROBABLY will take a $3 Million Buyout for Archie to get out of his contract….based on the typical ratio of Guaranteed to Total pay. YES, we can probably double his Salary…. YES, it will cost us an additional $2.5 Million to get rid of Gottfried. We also need to kick in another Million PER YEAR to upgrade the Assistants salaries.
Changing coaches, which I am TOTALLY IN FAVOR OF, will NOT be a petty cash deal. We need to make sure that we have the BEST qualified candidate(s) NOT the sentimental favorites…
ParticipantI had the H3X…Lots of bling. It was OK. Lots of low end torque. Did not have the V8.
I always had folks admire it and comment…Almost as much as my C5 convertible.
It is probably more off road capable that the current round of SUV. Obviously a high rise 4×4 full size PU has more. But those puppies have 6 as the first digit.
We take 5 on vacation and Hummer back seat ain’t that wide.
Loved owning it. Noisy, but cool. No regrets in trading for Yukon.
I towed, at least monthly. 20 ft ski boat and a 10 ft utility. The rear fender flares made it the most difficult vehicle I have ever had to back a trailer with. I have been backing boats since 1963 and trailers since the 70’s. That includes owning 3 pop up campers. So that is a condemnation. The rear spare and swinging TG add to the frustration. Extremely small rear view area.
Have towed with 2 cars, 4 SW, 7 SUV. Delivered cattle in 5W horse trailer for many years driving several PU that my File had, so I have a few miles of towing and backing.
ParticipantMaybe he will leave with his 400 still in tact. Sure would be fitting.
His downfall started with his off court issues. That also set up the breakdown between he and Lutz. DY tried to intercede when the rumors started with a former WP great’s spouse.
No idea as to the truth, but found out recently that the couple also got their divorce.
Really a major stain on our program. Other AD’s have stepped up….Re Dino leaving WFU. This should have been addressed years ago. It has only festered and finally really started to impact program. Time for a complete exorcism.
ParticipantLocally, (Raleigh area), TWC has it on Fox Sports South HD. Channel 318. Not certain if it should be watched live or taped or just ignored.
The “writers” say that Ken Pom has it around 13 in favor of WFU with WFU in the mid 90’s.
WRAL reported that BJ traveled with team. No input as to whether he is still on suspension and will be a Cheerleader or a Player.
No comments as to WHAT precipitated the suspension. DW still thinks it was a Gott Temper Tantrum, similar to last year with Lutz, when the reality of the situation sunk in.
ParticipantJeff Gravely reports that BJ WILL travel with the team….no other comments about status, PT, dressing out, etc…
ParticipantI would look at a 2013 Chevy or GMC (or the Tahoe/Yukon). That is BEFORE GM redesigned the platform. The Truck was redesigned in 2014. The full size (on the same chassis) SUV were still OK in 2014. Have a 2014 Yukon and love it. Decent milage and good acceleration. Does what I need it to do and can be flat towed behind my MH. Driveline is solid. Has enough creature features to be fairly up to date. NOT as complex, electronically as my wife’s 2014 Caddy ATS CUE system or my 2016 C7 Corvette My-Link.
There is really NOTHING I do not like about the Yukon. I have owned SUV and 4X4 before they became the “in thing”….starting back in the 80’s. Owned three Explorers, a Navistar (International) Scout II which was a BEAST of a 4X4….best one ever made and tough as all get out.
I have owned Blazers and S-10’s and my last one was a Hummer H3. I hunted and used them in the woods and take them off road when we travel, so they are not your “Cars” SUV’s. The reliablity of the GMC is great.
ParticipantFollow up. Wife wondering if there was a Gottfried tantrum like last year with Lutz when the finality of the season came crashing down?
ParticipantJust curious…..
Did not listen to the Radio Pre-Game or to Gottfried’s radio show, but saw comments about it.Is Anya STILL on a day-to-day-to-Game-Day basis or was this a one time deal?
Was it a “discipline issue based on insubordination”?
Was it a lack of effort in practice?
Was it a “tale of the scale” issue?
Just curious….not letting him play is one thing, but he brings a lot of emotional and motivational energy to the bench…
Thanks for catching the incorrect spelling of complementary. It was NOT a COMPLIMENT but a COMPLEMENT.
Nothing I wrote, unless it was very obvious, was intended as a joke.
I believe that the following sums it up. If you differ, then I will leave you with the reasoning for such.
1. combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or another.
“three guitarists playing interlocking, complementary parts”
synonyms: harmonious, compatible, corresponding, matching, twin; MoreIf you watched the Presser on Lutz or read the articles, Bobby’s coaching career, as well as his success, at UNC-Charlotte were part of Coach Gottfried’s strategy to bring in a team that could work together….so that he could hit the ground running. The following summed it up, at least to me….perhaps not you….
That, IMHO, is a “Canned” response. I typically do 5 or so emails, annually, with AD Yow. That response is not her style or prose. I can also tell you from experience that if you push back a couple of times and disagree with her logic, she will calmly and quickly shut you down (almost becoming defensive…such as “in the overall scheme of things, this is not a big deal so We need to move on…”.
The fact that she has left the door open is interesting. It MAY be that there is too much chatter to just keep ignoring the 800 pound primate…..who knows.
Thanks for sharing.
Participantthanks for the comments on Lutz. Lutz was initially billed or introduced as a solid “compliment” to Gottfried. Gottfried was a detailed (to the minute scheduler and motivator) student of Wooden. Lutz was a more versatile or all around coach and would fill in the voids so that our program was well rounded. Early on, Lutz was running the defense and it he was typically the first one to jump up when we went on D. Later on he was assigned the Scout Squad and also promoted. I only have some feedback from an assistant coach as to what transpired in the 2015-16 season that got him fired. I did understand that he and some of the other coaches were not too pleased with Coach’s personal trangressions. Others have detailed that more.
My point was NOT to bring back Lutz. It was that the “cut nose off to spite face” logic and decision was not the correct one. It also seems to me that instead of the brilliant multi-faceted coach that will compete one on one with Mikey and Roy and the rest of the ACC, our program is lead by someone that now has major limitation and the top 25 status will never materialize.
This year, with the talent and also two major personal issues resolved (AFib fixed and Divorce/New GF), Coach Gottfried should have been able to focus totally on his job. YES, weaving in two new coaches would be a challenge, but they have failed to focus or prepare the team. Our lack of defense puts undue pressure on the offense. The other coaches also have come up with simple defenses.
Against FSU, we had NO offense when DSJ was double teamed. One WOULD have thought, by now, that we had Plan B. I think that Coach Gottfried has finally “seen the writing” and has NO CLUE. His “Offense will WIN” philosophy has proven to be less than stellar. He really does NOT KNOW what to do. He will always remain confident….that we are one jump shot away or one rebound or one less turnover or one less phase of the moon away from being a sweet 16 team.
THAT is what is depressing. NOW, are the hands of time turning quicker or is AD Yow just letting this pot boil over on the back burner while creating her masterpiece, a ranked Women’s Team, on the front burner. I guess we will see…
ParticipantWhen Lutz was summarily fired last year, there were all sort of wonderful comments about how we were going to be SO GOOD because we would have BETTER recruiting. YES, we were short handed on the roster. YES, the new coaches and Gottfried went out and “sold” themselves in ways that Jimmy V would admired.
BUT, no one bothered to ask the fundamental question. Being a Bobby Lutz fan got me some flaming, but being a tough old codger, I survived.
I did not bother to post during the second half as I wanted to really watch the carnage. All I saw from our bench was “What do we do now?” looks. There was yelling….but nothing of a plan.
It has been said before, but worth repeating. Bobby Lutz knew more about the offenses of some of our sister teams than the HC did. He would call the Defense quickly….almost when they inbounded. Gottfried does NOT call an Offense, like Sidney did. Gottfried is a “maverick” of sorts. Give him the ball and he will score….that is his personality and style. He recruits THOSE players. BUT, you need a team to support them. The team needs to be coached. The Scout Squad needs to really provide some “REAL” preparation….but if you don’t understand that….then it is just going through the motions.
Letting someone or a couple “wing it” is a good plan…if they are well coached. IF you have someone that can develop a point guard and an offense that works with a high degree of confidence. We are NOT well coached on Offense.
As to Defense, Tony Haynes made a comment in the pre game. He said that for State to be successful tonight, we needed to play really TOUGH Defense and that would allow us to run OUR offense as we could transition better and also keep FSU offguard.
I sometimes wonder if we shouldn’t pull Tony off the broadcast team and put him on the coaching staff. His X & O skills seem to me to be much better than many of the coaches. We have, effectively, 4 FULL Time Assistants. We have an 83+ YO Consultant that travels to ever game and makes notes. We have a plethora of other SUITS….Young and Old….and I do NOT know what they do.
As to conditioning. Gottfried does get an “A” there. He brought in a great coach. He is now, actually, an Assistant AD, or something along those lines. he has really improved our conditioning as we were always getting minor injuries. This year, we seem to be plagued with Head injuries and you can’t blame that on him. We are really, relatively speaking, HEALTHY this year.
Where is this going? What will happen AFTER the ACC Tourney? WHO KNOWS? It will take a LOT more press than all of us and the BM’s on PackPride getting up in arms to bring about a change. I have mentally written my emails to Woodson and Yow. I am waiting until the last week to fire them off. The ONLY way that something will happen is for enough of the “fans” to complain and for the Big Donors to get disgusted. We are NOT going to “run off” Gottfried. He really has it made, so why would he leave. He will probably go back to ESPN and charm his way over the country. Wonder if he will also work the bars like he did when he left Alabama. If I were his new GF, I would wonder about where he is whilst on the road….His on court style and accomplishments match his off court behavior. It is a GAME. BUT, he does not seem to have the capacity to be a MANAGER and work with a team….
Sorry for the rant….I will repeat my tag….courtesy of Jim Croce
I got them steadily depressin’ mind messin’ watching State play basketball BLUES….
ParticipantIf YOW is serious about making a change, she will pull GOTT’s boarding pass and tell him to get a UBER to his “summer palace” in Gulf Shores. I think the team would pay for it.
ESPN2 is desperately doing their…”This is what NCSU needs to do to get back into the Ball Game….”. Drugging the FSU team’s Gatorade is about the only hope….