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  • in reply to: Lady Pack COMES BACK – 10 & 3 Beats BC #118127

    Glad so many folks appreciate what Wes Moore and our young ladies have done. They are a scappy bunch…probably not as talented as we have had many years ago, but they certainly are well coached and have a great deal of HEART.

    Wes Moore is refreshing to listen to in the post game comments. He DOES get it….

    in reply to: Gottfried Fired (Officially) #118117

    Perhaps the real casualty in this is Dennis Smith. He really has no mentor or no one to trust now.

    I assume that Coach Gottfried will offer to advise him as his pro prospects start to develop. And I think that Coach Gottfried does have enough contacts in the ESPN sphere to get a good gauge on it. But Dennis has also lost another opinion, so to speak.

    Real bummer for a kid that has played his heart out this year.

    The OTHER thought is that we have now achieved a certain “status”. We are the FIRST Power 5 institution to officially kick off the 2017 Coaching Carousel….I don’t think that is something that we set out to do, but regardless….it has happened.

    Coach Gottfried, when he was totally focused on NCSU and also had the complet support of his staff and also was more of a “taskmaster and disciplinarian” was successful. As his personal issues interfered, it also impacted the overall respect that he got from the team. It is a pity that his talents and efforts were diluted….

    For those that think that there were NO PERSONAL ISSUES that perhaps diverted the Coach’s focus on his job, I guess that you are discounting….

    >>Two major divorces in or near our program:
    >>Four trips to the “Principal’s Office” where the Coach was told to get his personal life together or tone it down as major donors were concerned and took their complaints directly to the AD and the WPC;
    >>One “Come to Jesus meeting”, almost a mutiny by your coaching staff, as your personal behavior as his employment status has a MAJOR impact on their jobs;
    >>The original “comments”, unsubstantiated and Pooh-Poohed here in 2011, from the friends and family that were very close to the Alabama program….

    Gossip? Maybe. BUT the above DID happen. Sidney Lowe “lost the team” when he had similar personal problems.

    The reason that the coach was fired was for not winning and if you look at the timing of his “separation” and the next years outcomes and the ups and downs of the programs, there is a direct correlation.

    I am of the opinion that he now has an opportunity, with his heart issues corrected and a new GF to sort out his life and figure out what his priorities are. And I wish him the best in doing it. But, I cannot realistically look at what happened and wish that certain actions had been taken earlier, when there was sufficient facts to support them….and we would not have dropped so low nor would we have spent (probably) the amount of money that we will spend on “NOT DOING THE RIGHT THING”.

    We DID have some good years, but we also have paid the price for looking the other way…. I hold AD Yow in the highest esteem and she has done a great job for NCSU, but her loyalty to Coach perhaps tainted her vision and I suspect that she would not choose the same course again…. BUT, it is time to move on. Her contributions to NCSU outweigh this situation and she will be totally focused on getting us the best coach.

    in reply to: Gottfried Fired (Officially) #118052

    It’s over…..with little fanfare. This has been going on since Sunday. DY was tied up all day and not at the Women’s game. That was the first telling sign. The second was the snitch, or maybe the planned leak.

    I don’t buy for a second that the leak came from the AD’s office. I think it came from the Gottfried Camp as part of the negotiations over severance or buyout.

    Putting in someone to lead the team as an interim when you really have your sites set on an outside contender does nothing but create chaos.

    If you really wanted to send a message, then you would want Gottfried to jump from the Bell Tower and proclaim on his way down that he was not a good coach.

    He did a good to great job in the beginning and then lost his way via his crotch’s needs. BUT, we were not doing that badly, so we looked the other way. THEN would have been the time.

    His request to finish out the season is not that unrealistic. SO, let it play out. The team does have some loyalty to him, so let them deal with it rather than a “DO IT OUR WAY” traumatic end.

    If they rally and make a run, then we might be able to blame some of it on them as they certainly have NOT shown any consistency.

    Odds are, we will win a game or two and still be eligible for the Brooklyn fiasco….or the NCAA Anti NC HB2 Extravaganza….

    Never planned on going there anyway…..

    All that is left is to speculate on WHO….How’d that work out last time? How many posters, me included, had Gottfried at the TOP of our list or even ON the list?. It was more of a Mark Who from WHERE?



    This team is just not very good at basketball.

    The results would lead one to that conclusion, however, some of the OTHER ACC coaches, OTR, have said that NCSU, with its talent, should have easily been in the top 5 (ACC) and have no issues getting into the tournament.

    I would suggest the following rephrase….

    This team is just not very good at basketball due to the lack of coaching.

    Last night’s game, as well as the entire season, has repeatedly shown that the team has talent, however, there has been NO effort, from the coaching staff, at playing defense. We are as bad on D as we were in the first of the season.

    Bobby Lutz may not have been the Defensive Guru that sometimes he is made out to be, but we obviously don’t even have any semblance of having a defense now…and Lutz’s departure was a Coach G decision and his replacement(s) were not hired for their DEFENSIVE acumen.

    That is my take…and I really feel like the coaches have let down the team as well as the fans and it is time for a change.


    Luke DeCock suggests that “Gottfried deserves action and NOT left dangling…”.

    I really did NOT think that Gottfried would be “Relieved of Command”, but it appears he does not have any “COMMAND” left.

    I guess we will see….but I suspect that fans might be booing him on Saturday, but you NEVER know.

    If anyone has any REAL info or insight….it would be interesting.

    Mikey did NOT look happy (or very spry) tonight even with the win at UVA. He looks like he is in pain.


    Mosley and overpaid 80 YO consultant decked out in light Blue.

    You can’t fix stupid.

    Need a FOIA request to see how much Harrick is being paid. That ought to be grounds for unethical act and negate a buy out.


    I’m still pulling for Pack, but 20 @ 10 to go seems inevitable


    Refs got money on the spread.


    Time for RW to….
    THINK & DO…
    The Extraordinary……
    Return our MBB to its former, pre Monteith, greatness!


    I can’t believe that there are 122K watching…..much less voting. Obviously more Walmart UNC goobers.


    I’ll pony up a bottle of Black Crown for a legitimate copy of the LETTER or a valid link.

    Even CNN has more journalist credibility and would not publish such fake news.

    Show me the LETTER!


    Smith only taking NBA THREE’s. At least there is some life forms on the court. ORW gonna start working Zebs.

    Play on like Gott’s job depending on game


    Gottfried did not have a clean light blue shirt. GF ain’t domesticated.

    Does have red tie.


    Anya actually got down the court quickly, but didn’t have enough stamina to jump or put up a hand.

    TK on schedule…Foul in first minute.

    We are doomed. Gottfried speech did not work. More Combined TO and fouls than points


    Is the pool still open on when lead goes to double digits as well as the halftime deficit?


    Baby sitting. Betty than being at game.

    Did put on some red and logo items.

    Obviously not pulling for UNC, but somewhat apathetic.

    Probably only one of you that feels that way.

    Go Pack. RIP.

    Whoever is at game, field report on ratio of Red to Blue.

    Also intensity of BOOS when GOTT is introduced.

    in reply to: Mark Gottfried Fired #117670

    Thanks for the catch on the initials….it WAS the #11 seed….that took him out on the first round…then they got taken out (Miami?).

    in reply to: Mark Gottfried Fired #117668

    Bear in mind that Shaka “shook down” VCU every year (including our foray with him) for MORE MONEY. As I said, the Alumns kidded about VCU wanting them to farm out their wives and daughters for extra cash on Broad Street on Saturday night (and afternoons).

    When Smart went to Texas, he had a “Similar” to Gott First year. Made the dance as #6 seed and got knocked off by #11 UNI (Doerens old stomping grounds).

    This year they were PreSeason #3. The 12 is actually 10. They are next to dead last and got beat last night by OU, WHO IS LAST.

    Not defending Gott, but we did come out better….only time will tell. We need an O & D man this time….rather than a O huckster.

    Not advocating bringing in Ricky Barnes or any of the “Past” Usual Suspects.

    STILL wonder WHO let the cat out of the bag? If you knew THAT, then maybe this whole thing would make sense.

    GOTT a feeling that we will NOT pay GOTT the FULL settlement (over 3 years) of 2.52 Million (that is the EXACT amount…if you bother to read his contract). Wonder why the Press doesn’t have time to read a N&O Write-up?

    in reply to: Mark Gottfried Fired #117637


    Good POINT on our past “performance = compensation” history. IF (memory is always tough) I recall, Norm Sloan left OVER money. Willis Casey, who is and should be immortalized, was a cheap (FIB). He would not give Sloan a raise and Norm painted himself into a corner. Same deal with Jimmy V. Casey played Jimmy V like a trout securely hooked. Jimmy V’s psyche was “compensation”. If you read ANY of his books and also the books written about him, he was the perfect Harold Hill. Always had a “boys band” scheme. In all fairness to him, he did have a family and that family was not exactly “low maintenance”. The reason we made him AD, I THOUGHT, was to justify more money for him….which was inevitably, along with his speaking gigs and other “outside interests” his downfall.
    Many of the managers talk about being “trapped” when he wanted to talk about “how to make a million” and that he would often give impromptu whiteboard lectures and also give out very pertinent and confidential aspects of his net worth and his endeavors.
    SO, wisely spending our resources and NOT being so cheap, in the long run, hurt us.

    FINAL NOTE….this is FACT from a direct email from Lutz. The articles that are coming out today seem to dance around the 800 Pound (it would be racist to say Gorilla) in the room. Lutz was FIRED. He made NO bones about it and was NOT subtle in telling anyone that. The reporters keep “hinting” that our defensive failures (spelled LOSSES) are the result of NO DEFENSE and the “new and improved” system that the new guys brought in ain’t worked.

    Gottfried bet the farm on “staff changes” last year when his offense failed and blamed Lutz for the season. That was his ONE last straw. Debbie Yow let him made the call….you have to believe that. BUT, she also has enough basketball savvy to see WHERE the issues are. He is NOT a good manager nor does he have a loyal following nor does he have the respect of the team. Think General Custer.

    We will (should) go after a coach with a well rounded approach. Archie certainly fills that bill….but God only knows if we are in the running or if he has issues about coming back.

    The Emeritus approach that someone suggested would be an interesting twist…but don’t know if Dr. Woodson is too caught up in the “PC Thingy” of being “Respected” by the NCAA, who is about as biased in the opposite direction, as folks accuse Trump and us Deplorables of being today.

    in reply to: Mark Gottfried Fired #117610

    This whole thing reminds me of the FIRST coaching search. The “parking lot” favorite was Mark Few when Sidney was fired. That “learned body” of individuals were the folks that frequented the High Dollar Donors Tailgates at the ACC Tourney in Greensboro. How’d THAT work out?

    Same deal about Coach Doeren. The consensus at the LAST home game was a big donor push to relieve Coach Doeren of command, REGARDLESS of the results from that Saturday or the UNC game and that we would “move in a new direction”. How’d THAT work out?

    I did hear a few stock tips from both groups….but had the common sense NOT to chase those either. Talk, especially fuel with some fermented beverages and wanting to be considered as an “insider” does not always correlate with reality.

    NOW, some of the comments about the past issues within the MBB program have been confirmed by “independent” sources, so not all the gossip was speculation or rumor.

    I read Goodman’s comments late last night and then he obviously pulled a Trump and shot off his mouth today as he was getting more “input” or needed to “trend”.

    It is interesting to speculate about WHOM will be pursued and WHOM will be interested. BUT, unless someone talks to Sean or Dad, all other sources seem a bit “overrated”.

    I still want to know WHO spilled the beans about this past weekend’s events. If you guys can pin down that source, then it will be a great “deep throat” as to what is happening.

    I can see NO scenario where chit chatting with Mark Armstrong did any good. You GOTT to wonder if the GOTT camp was not the source. Debbie Yow is probably more concerned about “plugging her leaks” than Trump is over the Flynn debacle.

    Maybe the poll ought to be changed to our “record” for the rest of the season…or how far we go? Offer a prize….

    ORW will obviously come out gunning for the KILL. The personality of the officiating crew will also have some influence. I often think that sometimes they feel sorry for a team or they don’t want to hear ORW’s berating.

    Maybe the UNC team will decide NOT to play as a protest of ORW’s HB2 Support. Maybe he will bring Wanda and his daughter and GD and let them shower and mingle with the team to show the NCAA that UNC is ready to comply with their “new world order”.

    In less than 11 hours, we will know if Coach has done a Jimmy V number on the team and then the speculation will be as to whether he can repeat it on Saturday.

    If you caught the Mike Brey interview after the ND game, he walked right through the locker room to the Coaches area and left the team there, with a parting shot about…”You guys need to figure out what you want to do….I’m not going to waste my breath….”. He did, I think, then come back and get them focused. Whatever works….

    in reply to: NC State Issues Statement on WTVD Report #117559

    My apologies to Marshall. I thought he was the one that DY rejected for his attitude. Sometimes when we discuss things (not that we EVER do) Ad Nauesem, then facts and the names just start to blend.

    I, again…my memory, thought that we were shot down by Marshall and Smart was the one who said yes….and then NO.

    BUT, regardless, wonder if he is interested NOW or if he now has a “Gary Williams” attitude towards DY?

    The CBS SN announcers are promoting Archie as one of the “Miller Brothers who eat, sleep, drink, etc. MBB…..and have teams with stiffling defenses….” Compared to our situation of having a stinking defense…

    Time will tell whom we court and who actually WANTS to be courted.

    in reply to: Mark Gottfried Fired #117551

    Any truth to the rumor that an NCSU BIG DONOR has endowed a Mental Health wing at Rex?

    Could it be that he vacillated between funding Gottfried’s departure or providing mental health counseling to the disconsolate and long suffering NCSU Fans?

    Perhaps it should have been located on the UNC CH Campus for the UNC fans that are grappling with the issues of “The Great Unpleasantness” or “How to AFAM your way to a National Championship…”

    Weird night in the ACC….teams that are Ken Pom underdogs are handing it to their opponents…

    in reply to: Mark Gottfried Fired #117548


    Should I use an exotic smelling sanitizer prior to opening the bottle?

    Sometimes I wonder about you….other times, I totally know. And, based on personal experience, it will only get worse with age….

    🙂 🙂 🙂

    in reply to: Mark Gottfried Fired #117545

    Interesting comment. Gottfried is a professional at maintaining a “good exterior”. He obviously practiced that on and off court. To me, it is not what he says overtly to the press….aka fans… is what he says to the team.

    If he is really a motivator, then can he totally change the demeanor of the team? YES, if they go out and play the rest of the season like Jimmy V’s guys did in 1983, then all bets are off. BUT, I don’t have that much confidence in them.

    He obviously can “prevaricate” extemporaneously with the best of them….his wife and family can attest to that. NOW, can he convince them that he is being made a scapegoat for a lot of “things that they can not control”? Next, can he get them to believe that they CAN (seemingly without any defensive training) go out and “SHOW” the world?

    I am NOT of that school. I DO think that the FB team has more loyalty to Coach Doeren than the MBB team has to Coach Gottfried. Perhaps it is an equal amount of both loyalty and respect. It would take a heroic effort (and some leadership that we have not seen) to turn the fearless WP into the ferocious PACK.

    Sidebar….if you caught any of the Pitt vs. VT game, did you notice the crowd? The crowd at the Pitt arena is SMALLER (maybe half) of the one that showed up for the Lady Pack at Reynolds on Sunday.

    I have seen some sparse crowds at the PNC, but nothing like what they just flashed up. VT, who just took down UVA the other night is DOWN 10 with a few minutes to go in the first half. They lost Clarke in the UVA for the season….pity. He was a leader and had a lot of heart.

    This is the ACC…

    in reply to: Mark Gottfried Fired #117527


    Coach Gottfried will be coaching tomorrow night.

    Next up…..there will be a SEA of BLUE tomorrow night. There will be BOO’s (there already has been, but it will increase) during the team introduction when his name is called….they will be LOUDER.

    The PNC will probably be around 80% of capacity or maybe more. The businesses that own 75% of the seats in the “bowl” will not have any issue with UNC takers and they will GIVE them away.

    Following CL on both regular and Champions Club tickets. They are selling, at premium prices, and fewer each day. The Champions Club will have a certain Rams Club look about it. Mine went to a “mixed” family, so I doubt that there will be any incidents from my sale. I only hope that the rest is as fortunate.

    The last two home games will be sparcely attended… are available at reduced prices for both of them….

    Reality is sometimes difficult to accept….

    Interesting takes on WRAL about Woodson hiring an “AD in Waiting” and elevating Yow to “Emeritus”. That is exactly what she did with the Fridge. That would be a GREAT way to resolve this.

    Need to chew on that one for awhile….the deed has been done. The conversations were held this weekend. WHO spilled the beans? I’m betting on the Coach’s Agent or someone “next to or close” to the coach. The Coach’s lifestyle (and perhaps his “appeal”) will take a hit. Ditto for the EX Mrs. Gottfried. He may have to sell the Beach House in Gulf Shores, but it is still way “Underwater”.

    Time will tell….

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