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02/21/2017 at 10:23 PM in reply to: Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread #118740
ParticipantNo wonder the world is leaving us behind in Math and Science…..
02/21/2017 at 10:19 PM in reply to: Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread #118738Adventuroo
ParticipantBUT….we will be at the BEST….6 and 12. We are 4 and 12 NOW (after the GT win). How are we going to go BACK to 11 losses?
02/21/2017 at 10:10 PM in reply to: Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread #118724Adventuroo
ParticipantI’m not a NEW MATH person….but we have a 18 game Conference run. We are 3 & 12 now and have 3 more (I think that is 18).
How is it we are going to win 2 more and give up 2 losses?
5 and 13 would be more like it……UVA has to be totally frustrated….even though they will be in our house for Senior Day. I hope Anya razzes Gottfried during the presentation…
02/21/2017 at 9:53 PM in reply to: Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread #118692Adventuroo
ParticipantThink Double Technical on the bench….then one on somebody wearing RED in the stands….
YES, we do have the opportunity to waste a double digit lead….
02/21/2017 at 9:46 PM in reply to: Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread #118684Adventuroo
ParticipantInteresting…..and am NO ref expert….other than spending many nights in a HI Express…
Refs look like they are not really calling this close. Lots of slaps and contact under the GT basket and we did not get whistled.
HOPE they keep doing that.
What do you guys think on that?
Also seems that GT’s shot selection and percentage is about as good as Duke’s. We are doing better, I think, on D, but we still let a lot of balls go up….uncontested.
02/21/2017 at 9:33 PM in reply to: Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread #118662Adventuroo
ParticipantAnya was the biggest cheerleader as they went into the half. He was all over a couple of the players for how they closed it out. He has a heart that matches his stature. Pity he is the brunt of a grudge issue.
02/21/2017 at 8:25 PM in reply to: Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread #118606Adventuroo
ParticipantI fully understand why GT can’t hit feces….Coach MG has on a Blue shirt….and a Lime Green tie. The last time I thought his outfits were weird was with my old Sony Projection TV…..and the bulb was bad. I HOPE that my Ultra 4K TV ain’t going “south” on me and that what I saw was what I saw….the team is bedazzled by it.
You are, as usual correct….but sometimes being unbecoming when the issues are clear….are difficult.
Right now I don’t give a Rat’s @SS who the Refs are or their political posture….as long as they blow non-partisan or fair whistles. However, we sure could use all the help we can get…
Right now, a 6 point lead is sweet….and I am not hissing or booing MG…
Gottfried is still in his blue shirt….with a lime green tie….that part of his personality will always be a mystery to me….as is WHY we are paying Jim Harrick a consultant’s fee….
I agree totally that only the lunatic fringe should be concerned….on BOTH ends. My point is that Stevie and Greggy and certain of our sport and entertainment “stars” and owners have decided that the fact that they excel in rebounding or making gazillions entitles them to opinions on certain issues that transcend us mere mortals.
I personally like it when the politicians were the only ones running around like idiots in costumes and selling “their ideas”. YES, there have been sports personalities and entertainers and influential folks supporting political issues since the days of Ben Hur. However, the country today is very divided….much more that it was 8 years ago.
Seems like the MSM is now chastizing our president for NOT having an NCAA Bracket. I guess since he has not called a BLM supporter an idiot and then invited the BLM guy and the NON-BLM guy that the BLM guy hit over the head with an axe handle to the WH for a “Beer Summit” is proof that we have chosen the wrong leader.
Look how wonderful the ethnic factions are getting along with 8 years of proven leadership. One would question why the vast majority of Americans have stated that “Ethic” relations are WORSE now than in 2008. Yogi can fill in the numbers, but all the polls that I see indicate that even those that supported HRC and are of the BLM persuasion say that THINGS are worse….not as bad % wise as the OTHER side….but STILL say that things got WORSE in 8 years.
My point is that we (as well as any NCAA school) does NOT need a coach that has a stated agenda or political opinion. SOME, of course do…but most are smart enough to keep their politics to themselves.
There has only been ONE coach that was permitted to have a very liberal philosophy and to openly go where no coach had gone before. He was the guy that they named a dome after in Chapel Hill. There are (deep dark secret) a LOT of UNC alumni are NOT of the LIBERAL penchant….and they are some of the most generous and well heeled (PUN!). They ONLY forgave him because he kept winning and bring prestige to their fine university.
Popovich and Kerr are totally, IMHO, over the top and would NOT represent a University, that is supposed to have FREE SPEECH well. SO, I would NOT support either of them….regardless of their BB or Political prowess…
I also will take a small wager that if you dug deep enough into some polling data that NCSU, despite some of our positions, is basically a conservative school….and if you employed an overt and outwardly BIASED (either way) coach, that you WOULD lose support and you WOULD have repercussions. That is LIFE.
There is also one of the “supposed” tier II coaches that has supposedly (I have NOT done the due diligence) tweeted and retweeted positions that are decidedly LEFT of where the line is at NCSU. I would think that such WOULD be a consideration (what priority or what level) in HIS review. AD Yow has indicated that we will review the coach’s “background” more thoroughly this time. Their expressions on social media and/or their involvement in political issues as well as their “Good Moral Character” WILL be taken into account. The “Firing for Just Cause” clause is about as ambiguous as listening the Roy (Ray?) Cooper and Tim Moore (or whoever) “expound” on WHY HB1 Will or WILL NOT be repealed. If there was more “definitive” codes of ethics or conduct in a coach’s contract, then maybe we would not be in the mess that we are in now.
Same could be said for UNC. SOME of the coaches and their staff SHOULD have some accountability for the “Marvin Tweets we got BLING” fiasco as well as the AFAM situation. To DATE, the University has chosen to opt for the Ostrich posture..
On to the game….Kerr and Poppy AIN’t COMING….because they will NOT be considered….and you can take THAT to the proverbial bank….
02/21/2017 at 5:46 PM in reply to: Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread #118580Adventuroo
ParticipantThere used to be an old saying….”Houdini could not escape from New Jersey….”. That is more appropriate that “Houdini could not escape the traffic delays in Atlanta…”
Have NO prediction, nor, other than we win, insights into the game. It is what it is.
The Yahoo Link was a hoot….don’t know how prophetic it will be. IF you read the comments, they were also interesting.
Seems like there is ONE person out that that would entrust his well endowed, young and beautiful daughter to the duo of WJC and MG…with absolutely no hesitation…
Probably someone who’s wife made his dress up in a pink vagina outfit and attend the “We Want Respect” march where they profanely defamed everyone, flouted their god given gentailia as a Weapon of Mass Destruction and also proclaimed that “they got NO respect” when dressed up with Vagina hats, gloves, full body costumes, etc.
Off the PC Soap Box….let the Game begin…WRAL is pre-empting some of their MSM drama and drivel and will carry the game, LIVE, at 8:00 pm.
I did NOT mean to cause folks to miss key job deadlines and put their careers at risk. THE INFAMOUS MG was supposed to be MJ as in Nike Swoosh also of Hornets and Car Dealer fame and the KID that actually left DES (Dean E. Smith) EARLY for the NBPCIA (National Basketball Politically Correct and Inept Association).If NCSU does hire Libetards Stevie Kerr or Greggy Poppovich, then there WILL, I suspect, be a small (Numbers…but MEGA in terms of $$’s Donated to the WPC and NCSU Athletics) uprising. It will peak about 9 on the Richter Scale and Dr. Woodson’s incoming texts will be X-Rated.
That WOULD make for some interesting introductions at the PNC. The Snowflakes that had Play Doo Doo counseling are NOT the usual crowd that shows up at the PNC. Really would be a hoot….just to sit back and watch the fireworks….
We need to get Yogi started on this one…..he could have a ball with it….
I, TOO, also can’t quite determine the identity of some of the acronyms or the names for the players…
From my memory banks, the UNC deal was pretty clear. There was a coaching (and massive “program reputation….continuation” crisis in AFAMville. There was NO heir apparant. MG was not gonna come back. Phil Ford still had too much dust on his halo…..there was NO ONE to pick up the pieces.
Dean had hand chosen Gutheridge to “do right by him” and increase his retirement income. MD had come in and played the “arrogant child” card….and things were NOT happy. Dickie Baddour was a figurehead and a “Yes Sir….that is wonderful Sir….” to Dean and also the UNC BOT (reference THEY hired the Butcher and told him about it…). Meanwhile DB had irritated Larry Brown, one of Dean’s PICKS. It was a total disaster.
So, the Dean took over. ORW would NOT turn down Dean. It was a done deal after Dean “pointed out” that his beloved UNC, who had provided him an education…and while he was a coach, Dean arranged for survival money (Roy was the Bicycle Guy….he would transport a copy of Dean’s TV show to the Asheville TV Station early Sunday AM….get to visit his mom and also get a nice allowance for doing it….). SO, how was ORW gonna turn down Dean.
THAT is how, I remember, THAT went down. It was the PERFECT scenario….even to DES going to the airport in his Yuppie Volvo and picking up ORW and welcoming him back and then taking him to the DOME for his incarnation.
We did a really POOR parody on that with Sidney. It never made Broadway.
Today, we have someone that loves NCSU as our AD. NOW, she is a tough cookie….and if the “You are a grad, your wife is a grad….your kids can be grads (for free)….” scenario has any impact, she will use that.
At least we have the semblance of some Alumni loyalty. That is better than it was before.
There was a LOT of “stuff” going on Saturday night after the WFU rout. There was MORE serious stuff going on all day (after church) on Sunday. Let her play this out. She will do what is best, IMHO, and we will be better off.
Firing Gottfied was also a bit of a sticky (emotional) wicket for her. BUT, her comment….”Gottfried will, I hope, always be my friend….but I had to fire him for not doing what I hired him to do….”.
I gave up getting psychological dirt on folks after the Daniel Ellsburg caper fiasco, so I won’t Check out your mental state.If you watched the flyers game Saturday, you would know that THEIR PNC Arena was sold out @13,000. That was probably about 25% more than showed up earlier at OUR PNC.
Do some googling. They have a loyal fan base that actually shows UP after they purchase tickets.
ParticipantBUT, we are Number 1. WE FIRED OUR GUY FIRST…..lets not lose site of this distinction….
I suggest we light up the Bell Tower in PINK….yes, it could be a Trump Protest….or it COULD be a sign of giving Gottfried, the PINK SLIP….
Anybody got a pool going on WHO will announce that their school is going in a different direction? I longingly look forward to the Talking OAT’s going ape feces and finally moving on to someone else….
If Matta is fired, will OSU immediately hire Miller so that we will not be in the running. I thought that Matta was of the same cult and cloth as the revered Coaches K and ORW….
ParticipantIf folks think that Debbie is a Dumb Ass, then they obviously have no real world experience or have never had to manage departments or multi-million dollar projects or deal with the public and a lot of levels of “Administration”….plus supervising the cockiest bunch of employees this side of Hollywood.
I suggest that folks read this.
I also suggest that they pull some of the posts from 2011 and also keep up with the facts. Debbie Yow was working on a solution to our issue last Saturday NIGHT….she was NOT at the Lady VT game and she never misses a game. She was putting her plan in action. Don’t KNOW who she met with? That is irrelevant. I still think that Gottfried was the leak source as a negotiating ploy.
He KNEW after the UNC game that she was on the warpath….he is NOT one to grovel….but he did.
Also, please be reminded that Shaka Smart 100% committed to us in 2011 and then, after his lawyers and our lawyers did an overnighter in a Richmond hotel room. When they called Shaka the next morning to tell them what was in the LOI, he hedged and then his wife said NO. Maybe some folks think that she should have been smarter and got a blood oath from a 6 month PG wife.
VCU also spent all night raising $$’s lure him back.
Smart’s first two years at TX are miserable. He DID go to the Dance last year. Lost his PG. Was supposed to be #2 in the Big 12 and is fighting to keep from being in last place.
Gottfried had a good run. At the PEAK, he reverted back to his old ways. THAT was when he should have been pulled, but he swore up an down that his personal issues would NOT interfere and that it was something that needed to happen.
You will also note that his second team was a fiasco from a chemistry and he lost control of them….was inconsistent in discipline. THAT shows up.
If you want to email Debbie, be prepared for a response within 45 minutes….regardless of the time of the night or weekend. There is not, I think, one other AD in the league that will answer her fans that quickly. She may NOT agree with you, but she will get back to you.
If there are procedural issues or a facility problem, she copies the right staff member and they KNOW to investigate and resolve it as she WILL follow-up.
She is a task master and is a tough cookie.
She has taken charge of this and now will go about the search as it should be done.
Don’t snipe at her based on gossip or ineundo….it is a TOUGH job and she has improved us beyond belief. I, for one, am confident that she will NOT let our MBB issues go by the board. She WILL make a good hire….maybe not someone that we all “think” is the best coach.
GW of MD fame was an @$$hole….worse than any UNC fan. She hired James Franklin to replace the Fridge. She told GW that he needed to find some fire in his belly or retire as his “I have a ring” was not enough and he was just being slack. He did not like that…as it was the truth.
Other than the EPSN Gomers that were buddy buddy and carousing buddies and also “charmed buddies” of Gottfried, there is no defense for what has happened. OF COURSE his friends will put the best spin on it.
It is what it is….and if he runs the table….great. Otherwise, his record for the past two years will be worse that Lowe’s and he was fired.
My rant….others will differ….
We are DOING FINE. We are one of the FEW schools with a surplus. The MD issue was a no win. Fans were mad and alum was split. NO attendance. Nothing improved. IF you read the reports, she did IMPROVE the bleeding…almost had it stopped. BUT, she also expected performance and the “good old boy” network leaned towards GW and the Fridge.
Read the article. She is committed to fixing this. This, FWIW, is NOT something that the WPC can fund. UNLESS some big donors step up and assist with Gott’s buyout, there will be some issues….coming out of reserve. If you look at our attendance numbers, Gott did NOT kick up Herbie’s numbers….barely an increase. He DID stop the Lowe bloodbath.
IF you want to know about our finances, email a question and I can assure you that you WILL get a response and an answer….but be prepared to deal with FACTS….
Let us know what she tells you when you question how she plans to bail her fanny out?
You can ALSO do some googling and get our NCAA reports….they, and every other school’s financial reports (50 odd pages) are out there. DO some reading… and ask her…I think it would be informative…
ParticipantAlso heard the “No Offense to the NCSU Job, but Dayton is the mecca of BB….” BS.
I WILL say this, the PNC crowd of 13K at Dayton did look pretty impressive. I have watched a LOT of ACC and other P5 Conf games were there was about 25 – 50% in attendance.
Miller’s contract runs through 2023 and was just “re-upped” last year.
Here is a blurb from the DU AD….
UD would not reveal Miller’s current total compensation, but outgoing UD President Dan Curran indicated that the popular coach has received two raises since his pay was bumped to $1.16 million two years ago, after the Flyers advanced to the Elite Eight in the 2014 tournament.
“It’s been increased appropriately,” Curran said. “He is where Shaka was.”
Curran was referring to former VCU coach Shaka Smart, who was the A-10’s highest-paid coach before he took the University of Texas job in April 2015. ESPN reported at the time that Smart made $1.8 million in his last year at VCU.
UD wants to keep Miller the highest-paid coach in the A-10, Curran said. The Flyers have a 78-28 record over the past three seasons and are 115-55 in Miller’s first five seasons.
“We want him at the top of the A-10,” Curran said. “We want to make it so he financially isn’t questioning marginal jobs in some of the larger conferences.
So, Miller is probably around $2 Million and Gottfried was at $2.5, Guaranteed, with two cars and a large, VERY LARGE, incentive package (40%) for both athletics and scholarship. The comments that we need to be in the $3.5 Million range are probably NOT that far off…
We WILL see what transpires…
ParticipantI need to write Debbie and request that Anya get TWO letters next week. He gets his Senior Award and also gets an Honorary Cheerleader Award. He is up and cheering. Obviously NOT gonna get PT today.
Markell looks good…..Dennis has tried a little bit TOO much.
9 points down with 1:31. Ain’t gonna happen….or at least it is highly improbable…
ParticipantThe comment about “How much talent we have had and how upsetting to the Administration when they leave…”.
Call the GOVERNOR and Maggie Spellings and the BOG. Time to FIRE Randy and Debbie….ESPN has declared that all the talent leaving NCSU is the FAULT of the Administration.
Telling that you can NOT attract an audience at 6:00 with your premier “Sports” program and then hype it up with all sorts of “celebrity” interviews. Sort of like the “All Star Celebrity” NBA game last night….like I give a Flying Fornification about seeing the “Hollywood Elites” and the Overpaid Social Scientists of the NBA…
Mike Brey got the word….the ND big Donors have bet on the spread.
ParticipantBetween the leadership of the UNC Grad that is running ESPN….
The PC overdrive state that they have gotten into….
The stupidity of some of their recent “moves” like firing a seasoned announcer for using the “term” GUERRILLA Strategy (of which there is a well known BOOK) to describe the play of one of the Williams sisters and then summarily firing him a few days later, even after it was understood that he did NOT say “Gorilla”…and he is SUING…
The fact that ESPN is dropping subscribers at the rate of upwards of 10K PER DAY….
The fact that it ONCE was a real money maker for Disney and NOW they are considering “spinning it off”….
No WONDER we are hearing what we are hearing.
I guess that MG thought that his longtime friendship with Debbie Yow would get him ANOTHER pass.
Give me a BREAK….I hate to say this, but we ought to play up to our worst expectations just to get the talking heads to shut up….
They are now worrying about folks clicking OFF and not watching the remainder of this game….
We ARE on the FLAGSHIP, ESPN, today.
ParticipantToday’s storyline, per the ESPN Fraternity (even the female’s) is POOR OLE GOTT….he was DONE WRONG….
Notice that Gottfried is wearing his light blue shirt. Half or more of the “suits” on our bench have light blue shirts.
No offense to my old “index”, it is telling that none of our coaches really “got it”. Lutz was the only one…and where is he now?
ParticipantThis pretty well sums up where we are headed. I feel much better (and that took a lot) after reading this.
Debbie Yow will not let us down. We tend to forget all the GW noise during our last search and the fact that Shaka’s wife was the wildcard and killed the deal. BTW, he is now 9 (out of 10 in the Big12) this year….and was supposed to be Number 2, according to ONE pre-season press poll….only behind Kansas. SO, all in all, I think we were, for the first 4 years, better off with Gottfried.
Here is an interview that really defines the lady and her approach.
In some cases, she is a “Trump” personality with more polish and savvy….
If we keep it closer than 10 points today, that will be a real victory for the team….and also maybe to Gottfried. Just a whole lot TOO LATE…
If we win 2 of the last 5, it will really surprise me….but if he pulls a Jimmy V and motivates them and they do well….wonder if we could salvage an NIT and WOULD WE TAKE IT?
Chew on that one for a while…Let the ND game begin. Mike Brey is a K underling….so maybe we can use the magic that we used on Capel to frustrate and befuddle them….they escaped recently and will probably come out like the GS Warriors and set NEW records for the PNC…lets HOPE NOT…
Anybody that bets on this game probably would bet on an instant replay….
Can you share the links with us. I found one and it is typically Debbie Yow. She is assertive and positive and makes no bones about what she wants and how she intends to go about getting it.
With all the “noise” of the last search, it is difficult to fault her for the Shaka Smart’s wife was the unforeseen wildcard…..and that VCU really did mortgage the farm to keep him….and did that repeatedly until it was not really a viable financial situation for him. I’m willing to bet that she had a blood oath from Coach Doeren’s wife that she was ready to come to Raleigh….before the lawyers started hammering out the LOI.
AND, when you look at how Shaka has performed at Texas, we probably are better off, for at least the first 4 years with Gottfried…
After that, the record speaks for itself. I feel more confident after reading the following than I have in a long time….
ParticipantAndy Katz of ESPN fame “interviewed” FIRED HC Mark Gottfried during the half of the Valo – Oakland Game…
Gee, Mark, you went to the NCAA 4 out of the past 5 years and also advanced to the Sweet 16 twice. You also recently beat ranked Duke at HOME. Why do you think you were fired?
I guess that AD Yow thought that our wins this year were not adequate and decided to go in a different direction. The league is much stronger. We have a young team and we had some tough losses.
We had a phenominal practice today…probably one of the best of the season. We will play on and see how it pans out….
Neither pointed out that it is almost statistically impossible for Coach Gottfried’s TWO final seasons to match what Sidney Lowe did in his final two seasons. Lowe was 37 out of 69. Gottfried will be pushing it go get to 32 out of 65…. Minor point of course.
All that was missing was…
Gee, Mark, that is really a bummer, but we are looking forward to working with you again and there are a lot of your fans that will be looking forward to getting up close and personal with you as you travel to the games…..Thanks for the interview…..did I ask the all the questions that you texted me?
The gamesmanship have begun….
ParticipantGood interview with Bobby Lutz. He is honest and down to earth and truthful. Says a lot about folks. I would concur, based on what has been said, that he was popular with the players as he treated them with respect and also equality.
NOW, on another subject, here is a tidbit from BobLeeSays comment about the “COACHING SEARCH”….
According to my sources there has been a Wendell Murphy sighting in Wilmington with Kevin Keatts (UNC-W coach). Keatts is a Rick Pitno protege. He has done a great job at UNC-W as they lead their conference and should be in the tournament this year. Would be a great catch for State.
From a long time AAU Coach and Contributor.
I admit to being OD’ed on Political Events and also having no interest in the “stuff” that the Networks are hawking. SO, I rarely watch any MSM crap.
I do mindlessly (a condition that is getting worse) watch a LOT of ESPN and the like’s basketball. Some of it is for insomnia and others are for entertainment.
I, like you, are constantly amazed at the attendance. If you watched the AZ last night, it was like a Reynolds Ladies game. Same for our “sister” ACC schools. YES, Cameron and the Nose Dome and a few other ACC venues are having good attendance, but if you look at the TOTAL numbers, the PNC (sold, not scanned….but that should change as it did when Gott was winning) is like a shining beacon.
I am optimistic that AD Yow, like most of us (Hopefully) DO learn from our mistakes and will not repeat them again. YES, there is the trolling press. Gottfried has a great personality….if it were little less “Charming”, we might not be having this discussion. He does interview well and appreciates the need for the competitive (Twitter, Social Media, Cable, Network, Internet, talk Radio, ad infinitum…) guys to “get in a comment from him”.
He also seems to have taken the high road….which leads me to believe that we will honor, without exclusion, his contract. Money is STILL a motivator.
I am pulling for Debbie Yow….as I always have. She is a tough cookie and a very professional individual….
We, the WPN need to let bygones be bygones….with regard to her ability and also Gott’s past issues. BOTH need to be focused on their future…..and you are correct, her legacy has two positive and striking accolades….OUR Director’s Cup rating and Reynolds. She is working on a third with the WBB program and getting the MBB program back on track would qualify her for sainthood…