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It is difficult to sometimes make a point or write in a manner that does not cause a trigger or offend a snowflake….
Here is the post again….edited. CD or other Master of the Universe….DELETE the first one. I really thought the little jab was innocuous….and really was NOT trying to highjack this post…..just a little “current events humor”. OK…?
So, Rye or others….take the following and comment on it….it has been sanitized and WordPress let it be posted….
This is a bit of a repeat….but it deserves some attention here.
Factoid of the day…..The ACC NOW has 7 Teams (I did not count…this was a line on WRAL) in the TOP 25. So we are the Daddy Rabbit in the Power 5.
Factoid of Yesteryear….circa mid summer, 2016. NCSU picked to finish SIXTH in the League….but those all powerful and all knowing and high IQ and intellectual giants….the Sports Media.
Conclusion. IF the sages were correct and we WERE Number SIX…then we would be EASILY A TOP TWENTY FIVE. Thus, AD Yow would have accomplished another of her goals….for NCSU MBB to be a TOP TWENTY FIVE, with consistency….assuming we could write off LAST YEAR;s program.
We WERE NOT. SO, we failed to accomplish one of her STATED goals or expectations….publicly well known in 2011. The miscreant that let her and US down did NOT meet his job performance standards.
It WAS time for that…”Come into my office and CLOSE THE DOOR….” conversation…..which she had.
AD Yow said….We WILL BE, consistently, a Top 25 Program….we AIN’T, so she pulls the pin on the individual charged with doing that….
ParticipantSaw that several times today, CD. Didn’t bother to click or read.
Does it bother me that a person with a stronger frame and more muscle mass and different chromosones competes in a different gender sport? Sure…..but not to the point of reading about it.
What I thought should bother folks is the fact that great athletes who have worked hard and trained are having the rules changed on them from a PC society. BUT, if the Great State of Texas is OK with that….when the EYES of the World are upon them….and THEY don’t care….far be it from me to even think about commenting.
I liken this to determining that a 5 person BB squad has an average height of 6′ 4″. But their opponent tonight is way less than that. SO, you give them an extra person….so that the average team’s height is the same. SO, you have 6 on 5….but they are statistically the same size….so it is even. That is the PC way of looking at it. Will the NCAA allow THAT PC rule to become a guideline….
Does it bother me that an entire girl’s volleyball team now dresses in the equivalent of a basement broom closet….even AFTER the school put in a NEW Uni-Sex Area for the TG Male that wanted to participate? YEP. But the Courts (Indiana?…you can google it) said that the Lad (Laddie?) did NOT have to use the TG facility….even though the entire team and the parents were really upset and they finally fled after tiring of his naked, still male, body.
All I can say, is what I have stated before…..if Adam Silver and the NCAA, ACC, NFL, NBA and the WNBA and whomever REALLY believed in FULL TG Rights, then we ought to have only ONE large locker and shower facility….and every stadium should have only TG/M/F accessible bathrooms. What’s good for shaming NC ought to be put into practice for the folks that are living in glass houses.
That is the extent of a rant from me….you might ask old Roy (Ray) Cooper’s office what THEY think…and send this to all members of the NC GA and see what they think.
I really don’t have a clue….and frankly, my dear CD, don’t give an earthen or concrete structure that is designed to hold copious amounts of Aqua Pura behind such….about it. NC gonna do what NC gonna DO and the Polls (Yogi might chime in) say that NC does NOT want the OPEN potties in the state….despite what the Mayor of Charlotte thinks.
I WONDER….and this is a question for you and others who obviously are following it….what impact this might, if any, have on the Up Yours (OPPS….bad choice) Legislation (similar to HB2) that Texas is considering….Don’t know. We need a Yogi type in Texas to give us info and facts….not fake news.
Wonder if the Rev Bully will show his support for TG folks of his flock and demand that ALL NAACP affiliated places of worship open up their potty facilites. He has launched an assault on the NC Economy because he believes that the NCGA is (fill in the blank) IST….and that HB2….as Old Roy (Ray) Cooper said is an affront to the Civil Rights gains by Dr. MLK, Jr.
Now, you think that I make points and connect dots across the vastness of space….try that one on. IF it can be logically explained, I will listen and consider it….
Let us know what the consensus is after you contact the above folks…and they will NOT do anything that causes them to lose 0.01% in their favorability polls… their stated profession is POLITICIAN….
I await the results of your efforts…and thank you kindly for bringing this to our attention and also flagging the post so that I actually read it….
Time for my nightly pain pill….Good Night said the Night Man….you can check out any time you want….but you can NEVER leave this place….
ParticipantIf I have to explain all the hype and fake news about Coach Gottfried by the press….read the N&O article…with some obvious errors….then I will not take the space and bandwidth to do such.
The trusted press (media, print, internet, ESPN, etc.) only use situations like ours to write “stuff” and that usually is not pieces of work that will qualify for Pullitizers…
I guess that my reference to the incompetance of the press related to current events as well as the coverage of the firing of Coach Gottfried got lost or maybe went over a few heads.
Sounded good….looked good…but not everyone got it. Will try again.
Perhaps we can agree on everything up to the comparison….OR, do you or others feel that the press has fairly portrayed our situation and that ESPN has NOT taken cheap shots at us?
Maybe I missed something in the logic and the numbers….
I’m ready for a few jokes…even about me….as we need some humor at this time. I am really pulling for Clemson to FIRE Brownell just so that we are off the “They FIRED their Coach” pedestal. Sometime a premature “firing” does leave others wanting MORE….or so I’ve heard….
ParticipantThis is a bit of a repeat….but it deserves some attention here.
Factoid of the day…..The ACC NOW has 7 Teams (I did not count…this was a line on WRAL) in the TOP 25. So we are the Daddy Rabbit in the Power 5.
Factoid of Yesteryear….circa mid summer, 2016. NCSU picked to finish SIXTH in the League….but those all powerful and all knowing and high IQ and intellectual giants….the Sports Media.
Conclusion. IF the sages were correct and we WERE Number SIX…then we would be EASILY A TOP TWENTY FIVE. Thus, AD Yow would have accomplished another of her goals….for NCSU MBB to be a TOP TWENTY FIVE, with consistency….assuming we could write off LAST YEAR;s program.
We WERE NOT. SO, we failed to accomplish one of her STATED goals or expectations….publicly well known in 2011. The miscreant that let her and US down did NOT meet his job performance standards.
It WAS time for that…”Come into my office and CLOSE THE DOOR….” conversation…..which she had.
Reminds me of the tizzy that certain MSM and Fake News Media big wigs are now in….The Presidential Candidate, Mr. Trump, stated certain things that he would do immediately, IF ELECTED….
Then we find out how much hand wringing there is when President Trump, who WAS elected, actually starts (with a few jerks….like a kid learning how to drive a stick tranny) DOING what he SAID he WOULD DO.
AD Yow said….We WILL BE, consistently, a Top 25 Program….we AIN’T, so she pulls the pin on the individual charged with doing that….
Call your next case….
02/27/2017 at 2:39 PM in reply to: Your “something something Thomas Jefferson something something” UVa Open Thread #119277Adventuroo
ParticipantI predict….with no mystic powers…
IF the Clemson Game were scheduled for ESPN, then the Talking Heads, would be bragging about how the ACC has 7 teams in the Top Twenty Five….and how difficult it was for Coach Gottfried to compete with such a YOUNG and INEXPERIENCED team….
Therefore, he was fired for NO JUST CASUE….except the witch hunt mentality of our fan based.
Now, one SHOULD note that we were supposed to be in the TOP SIX, according to those intellectual giants of the media. THEREFORE, we WOULD be a TOP 25 team.
IF we WERE a Top Twnety Five team, the AD Yow would have achieved one of her goals….and thus, no “come into my office….and CLOSE THE DOOR…” conversations.
ParticipantHad a friend that was a very devout Mormon. He would NOT drink iced tea or coffee as it contained “stimulants” as in Caffeine. BUT, he was addicted to Mtn. Dew. Probably drank 3 or 4 per day. I guess he never read the label….or it was NOT called out in the Book of Mormon like coffee (and maybe tea) is.
My favorite (non-alcoholic) Mexican soft drink was a sparkling (heavily carbonated) apple concoction. I would bring a six pack home about every trip. It was made by Cocoa Cola, but if you go through the Coke Museum in Atlanta, you could NOT find it on any of the International Fountains…..
Speaking of International favorites…..when I was in Brazil, I would always have at least one Caipirinha….or maybe two before the meal. picture in Wiki is not the traditional recipe. You needed a mortar and pestle. Cut up several limes and then crush them into a pulpy consistency….then add powdered sugar and make a thick “smoothie”. Add in a copious amount (maybe 2 parts booze to one part smoothie) and pour over ice. The lime kept your taste buds working and the alcohol would knock you on your rear.
Not allowed to have any booze with my pain med schedule….so hankering for a double Crown Royal….NOT a Mtn. Dew….
ParticipantWatched a bit of the GT – ND game. Funny thing….they did a review of the “Kid’s” resume at GT….re the DANCE. Had some SUPER wins and one really BAD LOSS. Of COURSE it was to US….NCSU.
That was the SAME scenario that was used on Dukie….and the WORST WIN (of course Capel was required to wear a RED L for his sins).
SO, Mr. and Ms. ESPN Talking Craniums…..if Coach Gottfried was such a SUCCESS and should NOT have been fired….then WHY do you list NCSU as their “WORST or BADDEST” Losses? Like trying to make sense of the HB2 debate….there is NO logic.
If you did NOT listen to the Ladies Game today, you missed a great game. It was NOT televised, so I caught the Radio on WKNC. That was a Hoot. The announcer was on the TEAM side and very near Wes Moore. You could easily hear Wes “coaching”. Williams made a dumb, late 3 point foul….and Wes yelled out….”Ashley?????” with so much inflection in his voice at the end of her name that you KNEW his meaning. He also critiqued them about fundamentals such as blocking out rebounding. BUT, he was also their best cheerleader and paid them many compliments….of course on the next play, that might be reversed.
Really got, I THINK, a winner here. At least he is going to the ACC with a DOUBLE BYE. This is his SECOND DB…and that says a LOT after Kelly’s missteps…and I LIKED (professionally and also physically) her. He really understands HOW to get talent out of players and keep them motivated and focused. The ladies seem to adore him and take NO umbridge at being called his “Kids”. I hope they go far in both Tourneys….
ParticipantSitton was the role model for today’s Limo Liberal. If you followed the story line…and the $$…
The turning of Dix into Central Park south, Jimmy Goodmon of WRAL fame has been a major drum beater. His son and others with connections are buying up property around the area for up scale housing and other related development.
Guess WHO is being displaced? Hint, they are followers of a certain William Barber. One would think that the right Rev would be upset at his flock being dislocated and also not, if they own property, getting fair value.
But, since the Right Rev has his own freebie TV station, few disadvantaged are a small price to pay for the “good” of the movement…As well as the prosperity of the Rev.
Read the articles extolling the wonderful development…And do some connecting of the players.
That is what Claude Sitton and his kind are really like.
Despite my original thoughts….you DO have a lot of redeeming traits….
LMAOROF…:) 🙂 🙂
02/25/2017 at 7:22 PM in reply to: Your “something something Thomas Jefferson something something” UVa Open Thread #119195Adventuroo
ParticipantBrickhouse, Henderson and Anya are the Seniors. Anya started. He got a few brief minutes at the end of the first half.
At the end, with about 1:45 or so to go, Gottfried put in Brickhouse. The crowd started the BJ Anya chant and he refused to put in Anya.
Nuff said?
02/25/2017 at 6:43 PM in reply to: Your “something something Thomas Jefferson something something” UVa Open Thread #119186Adventuroo
ParticipantTHIS JUST IN….
OK, just got Feedback from a friend who was at the game today. If you were there, you noticed that Henderson’s DAD actually accompanied BJ to center court today. The ENTIRE team was his “Escort”. Strange….where were BJ’s family. Never seen the entire team come out with a Senior. THAT may have been a “in your face”…
According (and I do NOT have pictures) to the friend, they were seated NEARBY Anya’s Mom and GF, His “Family” had SIGNS….which THEY were holding up….
IF the rest of this post comes out in bold…I did not mean it that way.
Anya did NOT have either of them in his entourage. The tension between Anya and Gottfried was so thick, you could see it from the club level and cut it. During the game, Anya was like a jumping jack cheering his teammates. My conclusions about our “role model” STB EX coach are vindicated. Wonder if Doris or ESPN got shots of his Mom and his GF? I guess if they had a Black Anya Matters sign, then ESPN would have made a big deal over it. In the PNC, they DID flash up several “We love you BJ, 21” signs that were all around the PNC.
ParticipantSounds like Archie cleaned up the ORW quip…”Right now, I don’t give a $H_t about North Carolina”. You GOT to wonder about the mental state of some of the press. If they can’t write their stories from Twitter, they FREEZE and let the world know for sure that they are a fool….but opening their mouths…
Archie was VERY lucky to be the Winning Coach in Davidson last night. His guys did not do a good job of convincing Davidson that they had the next John Wooden leading them.
I certainly DO hope that we are a serious contender for young Mr. Miller and that he gives us a good look. BUT, if he says no, AFTERWARDS, then that is the way it is. If you want to BASH some folks for the decline of our Dynasty (courtesy or Messers Case, Sloan and Valvano), do some historical searches of the UNC BOG in 1990 and also the spineless actions of Dr. Monteith and his ACE HIRE….Todd Turner. Todd’s dad was a reputable business man in Raleigh….bought tires from him. His UNC grad son was an idiot. Throw in Claude Sitton and you have an equal amount of shame to spread around. The score is Valvano 1 and Sitton 0 since Claude died on Jimmy V’s Birthday. Don’t tell me that God is NOT vengeful….I am awaiting the punishment of Dr. Monteith. We will eventually find out that he plaguarized his Doctoral Thesis.
02/25/2017 at 5:11 PM in reply to: Your “something something Thomas Jefferson something something” UVa Open Thread #119166Adventuroo
ParticipantI was severely chastized (got thick skin) for saying we had not played an “A” game all year if you look at the uncontested shots, particularly 3 PT’s. When the other team’s shots go down and are uncontested, we lose. When the other team (Duke for example) can’t hit feces, but we let them keep trying, we have a shot at winning. Either way you look at it, we don’t defend worth a crap, as ORW would say.
I heard the comment in the radio audio in the PNC bathroom about how one player had only hit X this year or Y within the past Z games, but was burning up the nets today.
I remember a similar tale of woe from our soon-to-be EX coach about how…”some times a guy gets hot”. That seems to happen MORE to us that any other team in the league and we don’t do that often….or at all.
If you looked at the Jumbotron today, we had 4 guys in double figures and Maverick, and I LIKE him and hopes he stays, was showing 2. When he went to the FT line for his ONLY 2 points, he was 0-5 and that was in BOTH FG and 3 Pt FG. Maverick was not hitting. In fairness, he WAS rebounding.
It WILL soon be over soon. IF we want to mess up the Jungle Telegraph for our coaching job, we will go in to Little John and decimate (UNC Style) Clemson and embarrass them so much that Brownell will be fired.
Reading the thread previous posts, as I did not follow the thread while at the game, sounds like my decision to go, tired as I was, was the best one rather than hear Doris lamenting how UNFARILY Gottfried had been treated.
Did she throw in the lines about how he had lost weight, got his personal life in order with a finalization of his divorce, got his AFib fixed and also had a NEW squeeze….slightly older than his kids? Therefore there was NO reason for him NOT to be focused on NCSU BB this year…
MANY comments today in the Champions Club about how when a certain STB EX coach was handing out his cellphone number to the cuteys at the Jimmy V golf tournament after his FIRST season that AD Yow should have been a bit more ASSERTIVE in her…”Mark, cut this $h_t out” conversations…but the comment was…”it was ONLY hearsay….”
02/25/2017 at 2:35 PM in reply to: Your “something something Thomas Jefferson something something” UVa Open Thread #119135Adventuroo
ParticipantIf Clemson goes in a new direction, Brownell’s GPS will let him down….Big Time.
Say Hello to Mr. Wade in Tiger Town.
Our list will be shorter. VCU is about financially as tapped out as is the National Debt. Alum women and daughters will revolt and not go back to VCU Coach’s Fund Escort and Fantasy Services. He ain’t Shaka
02/25/2017 at 2:21 PM in reply to: Your “something something Thomas Jefferson something something” UVa Open Thread #119127Adventuroo
ParticipantComments from game.
Crowd was a little larger than expected.
Gottfried did not play Y7.
Maverick was afraid to shoot at end.
Brickhouse in game. Crowd yelling for BJ. He stands up a little and looks towards Gottfried. Gott turns head and ignores him.
Really won’t miss that @$$ hole side of him. Presser was all teams fault.
Erratic substitution. No creativity in defense first half. Love Maverick, but when you’re OFF, you should be OUT. Favoritism at work.
ParticipantThanks, BJD95,
Have been “Chipped and Tuned” and ticker is beating faster than it did when I went out on first date with wife some 52 years ago.
Was done by UNC doctor and I have utmost confidence in him, even if he is as hard headed as I am and oftentimes wanted to know where I did my Cardio residency.
I am also going to suggest to Dr. Woodson that he invoke the Play Dooh emergency plan for the WPN immediately after a coaching announcement….Maybe kick it up an order of magnitude of it is not Archie.
The amount of grief counseling needed after November 8 will pale in comparison to what will be needed if Archie is not on stage in WP Logo attire.
02/25/2017 at 11:10 AM in reply to: Your “something something Thomas Jefferson something something” UVa Open Thread #118986Adventuroo
That’s not very nice. If you weren’t here, I personally would miss you.
But, since I got “Chipped & Tuned” on Wednesday, I plan to be here for awhile. Energy levels are up.
The ACC will not be the same without ORW and Mikey.
Where else can you get this much entertainment for free?
This year’s Wake County Coaches Caravan moves to Reynolds on April 27. If we do not have a new, to us, MBB coach by then,. Dr Randy will introduce Mega Degreed Bobby Lutz as Interim….Ad that is.
Champions Club crowd is sparse today. Attendance will be interesting.
02/25/2017 at 9:17 AM in reply to: Your “something something Thomas Jefferson something something” UVa Open Thread #118977Adventuroo
ParticipantWhen I saw “Tom Jefferson”, I KNEW that there was a “Slave and Relations” punchline. I was reminded that we have historians and media that can totally trace and follow DNA and know exactly WHOM and WHERE every one of TJ’s little “OPPS” are and how that impacted him and what it also did to his psyche regarding “relations between different ethnic species”. Yet these same learned individuals and media can’t even find critical data on certain candidates in today’s digital society.
Does make you wonder about the intelligence of the talking heads and the folks with “trusted sources” and their opinions.
Hope that the burst of energy against GT will be rekindled against UVA. Also hope that we (and I am GOING….despite some physical discomfort due to my recent procedure) the fans let BJ know how much he means to us and how we have appreciated his “Spirit of the Pack” influence.
As to the SEARCH, IF we can survive for about 10 or so days longer….and the conference matches are completed, then there will be plenty of coaches that “are not going in the same direction as their programs will be”.
THEN we will not be the ONLY game in town and some of the idiotic remarks SHOULD cease. BUT you never know…
If you missed ORW’s comments about “Mushrooms” yesterday….bear in mind that he was referring to the PRESS (MEDIA) as the “CRAP” that was thrown on the Mushrooms….you gotta love ORW. The man without a clue…but does know BB….
We will miss him when he is retired….
ParticipantIf we, the trolls, based on the crumbs that the talking heads throw out, THINK we know who it will be, then I would like to start selling the “RIGHTS” to the “X is our NEW COACH” Logo Attire….that we can all wear to the Presser where X is introduced.
Reality is that it will be 4 weeks, assuming “OUR” guy (the one we introduce….not the one that everybody THINKS it will be) makes it to the Sweet 16. Archie, who, again, I would be happy with….but NOT devistated if we go in ANOTHER direction, had a real scare last night. I tuned in right before the half and the Flyers finally got airborne and closed the gap. They they proceeded to let Davidson have a little fun with them and got serious very late.
The OT was not pretty if you were a Wildcat fan…it was FUGLY. The game was actually, Statistically, OVER when they jumped out to a 7 or 8 point lead and Davidson’s rein of terror ended.
As to the REST of the potential candidates, the $90K is NOT for a list of folks that would do a WONDERFUL JOB….but for a list of folks that their agents have said that they would SERIOUSLY be interested in the NCSU job.
There are a BUNCH of coaches that could excel here….but have no intentions of moving or making a change. Bear in mind that Chief Critic Calipari either used us to “boost” his Memphis take or did not want to leave the land of ribs or his wife said…”I didn’t see a house that I like…”.
As to Bilas and the SCUMBAGS (If Maxine Waters can call ANY president a SCUMBAG and get attention from the masses….then I can ALSO DO IT)…anyway, back to the SCUMBAGS (I like typing that) that are the overpaid talking heads that cowtow to the “politically correct” whims of the ESPN bosses (UNC Grad…Look at WHO has been fired for making a seemingly innocent remark and then overreacted when an idiot re-tweeted it). ESPN has lost it way as a real sports network. It is now another arm of the misguided media. I offer the SC6 promo….why not have the Jimmies and Conan and the rest of the “late night crew” do a 6:00 bit….since you are losing subscribers left and right and Disney is looking seriously at how to spin you off.
They are paid, too handsomely, to create controversy and to get someone to make a “remark” that they can grab some air time with.
The Yahoo piece was pretty enlightening….but really did NOT say WHO was going where…..just opened ended.
It is time to erect the safety net around the ledge and fit anyone going to the roof with a harness and a safety (inertia operated) tether. I also suggest that Dr. Woodson bring back in the counselors that were on Play Dooh Duty on November 9 and 10 so that certain individuals and snowflakes could get on with their life. Based on the current climate of election denial, if we don’t get Archie, I predict that there will be mass rallies in the Brick Yard, Randy will have to resign, AD Yow effigies will be mass produced for burning (although the greenies will be offended as the impact on climate change) and there will be an upheaval on the NCSU BOT and Mrs. Spellings will be aghast…
If we could find a Trans Coach (of the USED to be Feminine) variety….maybe ND’s Muffin can come out of the closet and express her true “masculine” side….I would vote for Muffin as our coach. She seems to have a lot of winning qualities and is the only one that is close to derailing Geno’s empire. A Trans coach would get us all sorts of brownie points from the NCAA, ESPN, etc. We would also have support of certain organizations that frequently parade around (after getting out of their limos) on Jones Street….
It would ALSO be a major feather in the Governor’s cap and probably lead to repeal of HB2.
Anybody going down that path?
On to the PNC….time to applaud BJ. Hope that Tony is still lost in a Frisco fog and that we sneak up on UVA. Don’t even need a pain pill this morning…hope I don’t AFTER the game….
ParticipantMy POINT is that we have not really put together an A game. Case in Point. DUKE. We allowed something like 20 (+/-) uncontested shots. Duke was NOT hitting. If they had been, then the results would have been different. The above info and supporting comments were made by the sports writers after the game. MAYBE they were cowtowing to Mikey in that Capel was not up to the task. Bottom LINE….we were lucky to beat Duke and it was more that Duke allowed themselves to be beat.
Second POINT….the OMG, we got a WIN game. We were up something like 13 points with less than 4 or so minutes to go. We allowed that lead to totally slip away. We were lucky that the Vandy Play did not sink us.
I have NOT issues with the team. We have a major amount of talent (look at the poop sheets on our four senior ladies versus our starting 5). These kids are playing like a street league. There is no consistency in our offense and where is (Bobby Lutz took it) our defense.
They HAVE shown us what they could do….maybe once or twice for a fleeting moment in several games. BUT, that was almost like the powerball drawing numbers. We just randomly did things and looked great.
In all fairness, we have had some pretty good games against mediocre teams….but we were NOT well coached (or maybe the kids are really bad athletes and overrated). I put that totally on the coaching staff. MOST of the time, we are hustling….we DID give totally up against UNC and WFU.
There have been several sort of “off the cuff” remarks by coaches about the great talent we have. Do you think that the WFU guy who boasted…”They will fold if we go after them….” got that thought by his lonesome. That came directly from DM or perhaps one of his assistants who was in charge of defense.
WHO is supposed to be in charge of Defense? Lutz had that title. Coach G was allowed a mulligan and fired Lutz…after they broke out into a shouting match a few times in practice. THEN, he hired mostly great recruiters….and THAT is why DY pulled the pin on him.
I will still be there tomorrow, assuming that I have recovered from a medical procedure earlier in the week and cheer them on. I was still yelling for them at every game. When we got down 30 or 40, I probably, like a LOT of fans, started to be realistic in my critique.
If the team has NO chemistry….If the team has NO respect for the HC…..If the team is NOT disciplined…..if the team is NOT properly prepared or coached on defense….If the Scout Squad is not properly coached on the other team’s offense…..a LOT of IF’s there….and a lot of NOT’s.
I am not yelling at the clouds….are you still reaching for the clouds and keeping your feet on the ground.
We need a coaching change. We also need a “team” philosophy change. Dennis Smith has been fun to watch…but he seems to be “winging it”. He wants to distribute….but when no one is hitting or no one is playing D, then he tends to be a little selfish.
He could have been a real star this year with the talent that we have had he been properly coached. I feel sorry for him that our coaches deprived him of a better year….and I want him to show what he has in the pros…
SHEESH…..time for another pain pill..
ParticipantI’m also of the “where is all the verified” chatter coming from, except the talking heads that probably a smidge more than we do. I am NOT a ARCHIE or BUST person….but that does NOT mean I am against him and I would, I think, be very happy if he was offered and accepted. Unless his wife or dad starts to make some “casual” remarks or tweets, then all the speculation is just the fact that the sports writers and bloggers and such have to have something to write about. Since there are only (memory) TWO confirmed “going in a different direction”, then the coaching caravan discussions are really hypothetical….and about as reliable as the polls were on November 7, 2016.
We DID get some insight from Jon Miller the LAST time. We had some insight as to WHOM was in contention….but only AFTER we had announced our new coach. THEN we speculated about who and why and what happened….ad neauasm. I also believe that Debbie will plug the leaks like Nixon’s Plumbers….as she has already been burned by Mark Armstrong and she is obviously NOT a happy camper. IF we get premature leaks, I think they will be “Planned” so that there is not the “HOWL” that there was the last time.
Right, Wrong or indifferent (as to the quality of the choice), she handled the TOB replacement totally different from Lowe’s replacement. NOW…if someone has some insight into the folks on the selection committee and whose plane(s) we will be using….then I could hang a little credibility on that.
It will be at least a MONTH before any REAL action takes place….I WOULD hope that our candidates are sweet 16 bound….so as ORW once quipped….”I don’t give a $h_t about Carolina right now….”. THAT is what they SHOULD be doing. IF any of them are of a mind to “consider” a change, then their agents will be talking and all of that, assumingly, will be done with the strictest of confidence.
I’m really more interested in the UVA game tomorrow and how BJ is treated. He is much too much of a gentlemen to smash his jersey frame over someone’s head as a protest….but it will be fascinating to see the expressions. I HOPE that we have a good crowd tomorrow for BJ. UVA will be tough as Bennett has had a long break and he is NOT going to let his recent losses last. We will need our A game (and we have yet to play it this year) to beat them. IT CAN BE DONE….if they can’t hit diddle and we are “ON”. As Wes Moore said last night….when you take shots and they go in, that covers up a whole lot of sins for the rest of your game. Our ladies were really sharp last night. What a pleasure to watch. They have a LOT less talent, comparatively, than the Men do and they are poised for a double BYE…
ParticipantThis whole “affair” reminds me of the storyline from “The Indecent Proposal – Part Deux”. AD Yow played the Redford character, Gaga, and Shaka Smart was Demi Moore’s Diana Murphy (ironic). Mrs. Smart & VCU had a combined role of David Murphy (Woodie Harrelson – Double Ironic). As Shaka was packing his bags to move in with Yow, he looked in the mirror and the mirror said back….”you can go lie down with that hussy in Raleigh, but don’t you ever come back…”
Mouton was supposed to be a “radical” and TOS was flaming him for his tweets. Finally read a few of them….he will be “cut off” on ESPN as he out Dabo’s Dabo and uses that 3 letter word WAY too much.
The plot thickens….
Tremendous shout out to Wes and the team and our 4 Seniors last night. We had Sylvia talking to the ghost of DES as the Lady Rams were down over 30 at one point. Our Bench had more red on than is in my closet….. including a “Red Blazer”.
Did NOT see AD Yow seated next to Mike Lipitz…..maybe I missed her. Had to give up my tickets as I was not able to attend due to recovery from being “chipped” by my Cardio Doc. Really hated to miss game. Gave my tickets to an NCSU bug Doctor who went to ABQ in 1983.
ParticipantThought we have some pig-farmers with deep pockets (i.e., our own wealthy donors) — what’s our hold-up?
Pig farmers want others to Pork Up. MG did improve paid attendance over Lowe….but not much over Herb.
Folks that are paying the tow and not saying “I ain’t going until….” can not give away their tickets other than to opposition fans. AFAIK, the AD budget is self sustaining. WPC does NOT pay one peso for Coaching Staff. Charter was ammended by NC GA and BOG. Yow runs it like a profit center and not a charitable organization.
Big Donors donate support such as Jets, cars, perks and such and purchase naming rights. There may be some help in buying out MG, but not funding, on a continuing basis. Read Fedora and Williams contracts. Rams Club is a major component.
Pardon a political fact, but NCSU was neutered by the General Assembly via their appointees on the UNC BOG. We would have to revise our “charter” and our BOT would have to start the ball rolling.
WPC dues and fund raising are for scholarships and facilities. if you do the math, increases in ticket prices and concessions will have to fund higher salaries for coach and staff.
folks complain about paying more and not getting more wins and boycotting. folks like me with paid up LTR’s in FB and BB will pay what the new are or will be.
I totally agree that we need to be above $3.5 Million….and it is easy to figure out how many MORE tickets we need to sell as well as increases for existing LTR & season tickets.
we had a “clean sheet” discussion for FB, but the hard realities of our business model put that in the “venting….but not realistic” category.
Wade? Clemson has first dibs on him. He and Archie do battle later on. No one can track Piggy One as Mr. Murphy pulled the TN out of Flight Tracker. where is social media when we need them?
ParticipantDid not mean to rile up folks.
Hiring a coach with an openly extreme political view like Kerr and Popovich might have a positive recruiting influence based on the general population, but it could work the opposite for fans and alumni.
Therefore we need someone that is politically neutral.
My point about Coach Smith was he pushed the envelope. He actually improved the acceptance of black athletes and had some positive influence on CH…Who was actually more intolerant than Raleigh & NCSU.
State has a very good record of being color blind.
However, selecting a coach that beats a certain drum….Or frequently vents, as I am prone to do, would be foolish….And I believe that most Coaches social media activity is now looked at.
If the University wants to make a political statement and flouts the activism of their coach and the fans and alumni AR cool with it…..Fine.
Otherwise, the university needs to understand their supporters….And my take was that two activist NBA Coaches would not be a good fit.
How serious the post that offered them…I haven’t a clue.
If any of the Keymasters kills my venting post, it ain’t gonna bother me.
02/22/2017 at 9:11 AM in reply to: Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread #118756Adventuroo
ParticipantI woke up in the middle of a dream this morning. There were NO recreational chemicals or other mind altering chemicals involved nor any alcohol as I had to fast and no liquids for a surgical procedure later today.
We were celebrating in Raleigh over the UVA (NOT GT) win. Bars were open all night and there were OTR rigs (think NASCAR Driver Merchandise) with NCSU logo items. One bar had rented the Cow Palace and there was a circus going on. PETA was not there, so there may have been animals.
If this is a predictor, then we will be memorialized….
Seriously (and the dream story is TRUE), we played an excellent game for about 36 minutes last night. Can’t remember the time….probably under 5 when we were up by 13. The last play was executed perfectly by GT and it was an Wide OPEN uncontested (although a bit hurried) shot. Just did NOT drop…+3 would have put us down -1….
Lucky that we did not totally fall apart. Great effort. I still think that Anya should be given the Spirit of the Pack award for team spirit….
We have not presented that since Corchiani and Googs got one…