Forum Replies Created
ParticipantClemson “building a wall around Smith”….
Is that their Trump defense?
Probably no TH could make the connection.
Participant10 TO
More Clemson uncontested shots than talking heads gushing over Gottfried.
Gottfried dressed like UNC Assistant.
DSJ only person that expects to win.
I HOPE I am WRONG…..but hand scooping through that 5 ton pile of Horse Manure in Brooklyn probably AIN’T gonna get you no pony….
BUT, as always, I will wear RED tomorrow (for those not interested….QUIT before you get mad)….and that will start with my Jockies….and will probably include the exterior, or at least part of it, garments….
Hasn’t worked for me yet….so who am I to criticize our coach and staff for their Flagrant (probably a II) Foul of their Light Blue Shirts. Ever seen ORW or Mikey in a RED garment?
DY should be reading the story of Josh Pastner (See Fox Sports South….Bringing back the BUZZ). That has been a success story.
Hope in about 3 weeks that everyone HERE is as happy as the little boy on Christmas Morning that DID find that pony…
ParticipantI did, until midway in H2, watch it. Sort of dozed off. It was a pretty well fought match….save the fact that Mikey had the FT advantage. The BABY Blues did a much better job of running their offense and scoring from all areas of the court….deprived of FT’s, they were.
If I COULD edit the title, I should have used the Carolina Plott Hound (NC’s local DRUDGEREPORT) and called it the battle of the Blue Snowflakes. That was catchy and certainly befits the current positions of the Universities.
Reminds me of the old Star Trek episode where there were two entities, NOT peacefully coexisting in their world….and as usual, Captain Kirk (his exploits were Galactic….when Coach G’s is more local) decided to check out the young booty.
The “A” Race was a humanoid that had a vertical line right down from their nose. Their LEFT side was WHITE. Their RIGHT side was BLACK.
The “B” Race (AHHH….you GUESSED IT….you crafty quick thinkers) were BLACK on their LEFT side and WHITE on their RIGHT side. They could not understand how Kirk and the crew could NOT tell the difference….and they were typically at each other’s throats.
I think that you could taken the student body from BOTH UNC and Dook and stripped off their attire (LGBTQX rules apply) and then permanently PAINTED them. LIGHT BLUE on the RIGHT side and DARK BLUE on the LEFT for the UNC crowd and the reverse for the Dookies. THEN let them have at it.
The “circular race” (think NASCAR’s LEFT TURNS) could begin and the Blue GHEE would have been the same.
Except, in this case, it would have been sort of “Frozen”. SO you could have Blue Snowflake Snow Cream. However, you would have been required to have a equally divided Votive Candle and eating snow cream and holding your Copyrighted Yankee Blue Snowflake Candle would have been a bit difficult….
NOW, one WOULD expect that both Roy and Mikey were ACC 2017….COY shoeins…..perhaps JOINT. NOT TO BE.
Young Mr. Josh Pastner, a Cal protoge, has captured THAT honor….
Drum roll for the BEE’s…..
Actually, IMHO, NOT a bad choice. If you good the Fox Sports “Bringing Back the BUZZ”, that was a pretty compelling (as well as a propaganda) video. Certain shows what you can do if you set your mind to it.
ParticipantEither TOB lived under a lucky charm….or the lad could recruit QB’s. Pity such prowess was not spread over the entire list of playing positions….
ParticipantAlso has an optional “camera mount” so that the “V@gina Cam” iPhone app can be intergrated in to the fitness tracker so that you can do a Play-By-Play analysis. The FOR PAY app allows you to use a stylus to mark the iPhone screen….just like the talking heads on ESPN do.
YES….I had seen it….
ParticipantYour comments mirror a lot of what I hear from a friend that is an Ex NCSU swimmer and also hosts some functions for the team and is a bit involved….within NCAA Guidelines. He was a little, rightly so, irrate at the fact that they were not honored, but finally, about midway into the UVA game they were. They got a rousing round of applause….as well they should.
Right, Wrong or Indifferent, the NON-Revenue sports and the Director’s Cup ranking DOES carry a lot of weight if you are NOT a top 10 in any of the Revenue sports.
Hats off to DY for the changes that she made and I HOPE that she does as good with the MBB coach as she has done in a lot of others.
Thanks for pointing out that it was a HOUSTON “Mayor with a Mission” that ramrodded (is that PC in this context) the TG bill through the Houston City Council. THEN it was put on a referendum ballot. Soundly defeated by 2:1 ration. SO, it disappeared.
My understanding was that the Charlotte Bill was almost a Word Copy (cut and pasted a bit) of the Houston Ordinance.
I also thought that a LOT of the support for REPEALING (or this is how HB2 was crafted) came from the SURROUNDING Mecklenberg counties.
The NCGA probably should have switched to decaf and toned it down a little. BUT, right wrong or indifferent….it got passed. NEXT UP….what folks MAY not realize that that HB2 actually negated or made illegal ALL the “LGBTQX” Ordinances that had been passed….some quite old….in a LOT of Major NC Cities.
SO, Charlotte, lead by some rasccally radicals, stirred up this mess. The ordinances that were on the books in CH, Carrboro, Greensboro, Durham, Asheville, etc. were then totally wiped out. THAT irritated a LOT of folks that had worked hard for some legislation that was “reasonable and appropriate”. Charlotte’s little…”POTTY anywhere you WANNA POTTY” pushed the envelope and the whole NC LGBTQX advances came down….ala the Hindenburg.
So, thank CHARLOTTE. NOW, the folks that are chastizing the media for being hypocritical….I agree that it was one sided. However, there COULD have been a more effective campaign to “GET OUT THE FACTS”….and show the hypocracy.
I am NOT defending the press…..we KNOW which side they are on and a hot button comment gets viewers and clickers.
It is left up to folks that actually KNOW the facts to try to get the word out….and social media tends NOT to be kind to them and they are quickly labeled with an IST.
As I stated earlier, the above is the Readers Digest version. I seriously doubt that any of the Coaches that climbed on the Equality Soap Boxes knows the real story. Very few of the press do and if they did….it would not matter.
BUT, based on the polls, it will be really TOUGH to reach a compromise. And when you got Limo Jim upping the ante….it just gets worse.
If Roy (Ray?) had the SUPPORT of the polls, he would be jawboning with some facts and such. He KNOWS the political reality of it and has no real interest in getting it settled. He has, I THINK, totally underestimated the stubborness of the NCGA.
IF, and Yogi probably can verify, my memory is correct, there was maybe two House Seats lost and one Senate seat lost. That is a drop in the bucket and the Gov might as well get over it. NOT TO MENTION…elections have consequences….and when you blatantly Slander and Hornswaggle the public to get YOU elected, your opposition party will leave no stone unturned to make you look like the spineless and blithering idiot that you are. Pity ORC does not have a Monica so that he can be dealt with the old fashioned way….
ParticipantGlad you finally got on board….Says alot….
Welcome back. I was afraid that a carryover black shadow government had infiltrated your undisclosed location and taken you out….or decided to rehabilitate you.
It is always nice to have facts that are based on research and not personal opinions. Your “info” probably is also known by some of the miscreants in the NCGA (both sides) as well as the unlawfully elected head knocker residing at the taxpayer’s expense at 210 N Blount St, Raleigh, NC 27601.
I think that I would stand a much better chance of hitting one of the State Farm half court shots or a Final Four Perfect Bracket than prognosticating the drama and the “outcome”….if there is any, of the repeal/revision of HB2.
One of your ex employers, the Liberal Limo that runs WRAL (and also takes care of his relatives and friends as the scoff up all the property surrounding Dix Hill – where we used to sled whilst at the esteemed pinnacle of learning – and displacing all of the Rev Bully Barber’s supporters)……HAS issued a Challenge. He and his crack team are NOT only reporting the news as they want it reported….but they have SCOOPED the competition and NOW have a 1500 Job Expansion (May not be right as I only read the headline and had no interest in it as it was laced with political venom) for the Triangle IF, and I say IF, the NCGA and the Guv REPEAL HB2…to the satisfaction of the 5% LBGTQX Radical Rousers….FAT CHANCE….but you probably have info….
Wonders of wonders….how many of those jobs will required massive incentives and tax credits….like Jimmy G’s “ECO Wind Farm”. I could go on….but need to wind down and watch the Women’s ACC Tourney…
Again, thanks for chiming in and glad you escaped without any help from Tom Keen and the Blacklist Redemption Squad….or Mission Impossible – Part Deaux…
Outta here….
ParticipantWho says Pundits GOTT (or have) to be logical. Follow their statements and then try to connect the dots or make sense of them.
Pre-Season polls by the Pundits. NCSU will be #6 in ACC. Obviously correct since the Pundits took and voted in the poll.
Reality. As of LAST weeks’s “Pundit Polls”, the ACC had 7 Teams on the top 25. Assume that all 7 will make it to the Dance. Don’t even talk about the flyers (the other “5”).
SO, if the pundits were correct, NCSU would be around #21 or so. ERGO…
NCSU would have a Top 25 MBB Program….which was a Debby Yow Commitment (and PRESUMABLY) that was also a stated objective for the Coach. DID NOT HAPPEN. What happens IN THE POLLS have Consequences (as a presumably WISE individual….to some….said).
The first 4 years were roller coasters. There was a LOT of dissension in the team. Transfers were happening like political scandals….popping up at the most inoportune times. There was also the first year mutiny of the coaches. There was the epic “divorce” where Bobby Lutz was given custody of our Defense in the settlement and took it and left.
The firing and then botched hiring of an equal (in Defense) was really Coach Gottfried’s last “Trump” card.
I have NO insight that his personal life is still as tawdry as it once was. He sure seemed happy and content with the attractive younger escort at the Reynolds Opening.
He and I both have AFib. Now that can manifest itself many ways. BUT, most of the “Rx” cures for AFib have serious side effects and one of the common ones is slowing DOWN your HR. If Coach was on a rigorous, since his comments indicated that he barely made it through last season, regime of pills, then it would be difficult to coach. BUT….he had a Permanent Fix. He had the surgical ablation….which corrects (or maybe eliminates) the source (or at least most of it). SO, he got “FIXED.
He also showed discipline and lost weight and looked like he was in pretty good physical shape over the summer.
Therefore, the FIXED, Leaner, Meaner and Trimmer Coach was at the top of his game.
Did I mention that he also got that pesky personal distraction known as a D>I>V>O>R>C>E settled. Couple that with his new GF….and that should take care of the personal stress.
Therefore with NO personal stress, more energy, a stable full of talent, a loyal and doting fan base…..what more could he want? How about a WINNING season and a Top 25 Ranking? THAT was not to be.
The chemistry of the team, the lack of discipline (as to the team’s individuals), the lack of a defense…all that happened.
I have been to almost every home game since 2006-7. I can count the ones I missed on one hand and the reason. ONE was when I had my first AFib attack. I just got “fixed”, but my fix was to counteract the side effects of the AFib Rx. My energy level was low….due to a sub 50 HR. Implanted with a Pacemaker. Felt the best I have in several years.
Jim Harrick has been to EVERY game this year….and I can usually spot him in the crowd of “Suits” at the away games. So, the sage and well compensated “Consultant” has not helped this year.
Time for a change. Time to let AD Yow do her job. I will also comment that if you have any “concerns” or issues or comments about the season or perhaps some suggestions for improvement….email her. She WILL answer. She will read them. Then, it is up to her to decide if she wants to emphasize your suggestions. And, you will get a response within 2 hours….anytime of the day…and sometimes late at night.
It really is amazing what I’m going to say. If you read some of the books on the ACC Coaches as well as the various articles, over time, you get a pretty good picture of them.
Coach Williams is as goofy as they come. No doubt about that. Even the UNC crowd agree. However, if you read about his background, he could be an American Hero. His mom worked worked very hard and had, memory, several jobs to support his family when he was in Jr and Sr High. I googled this to refresh my recollection of the Coke Tale.
Rather than try to condense it….maybe you ought to read it. The background is in the first few paragraphs. When Roy was an assistant at UNC, the NCAA actually (Generality…not specifics) controlled the Assistant Coaches salaries. When Mikey went down with is first back issues, he put Pete Gaudet in charge. Gaudet is probably MORE remembered for “Taking the LOSSES” rather than what he did off court.
So, Roy Williams was not paid very well when he was an assistant at UNC. The Assistants also got “Perks” from some donors to help keep them. Roy’s was pay to visit his mom. In the sense that he was devoted to his Mom for the sacrifices that she made to get him an education….was he a Mama’s boy or a devoted son? I hope you realize the differences.
You MIGHT also want to read up on how Jimmy V struggled as an assistant and even a small head coach. He would work the summer BB camps that the big league coaches ran. The drill was you got to mingle with the coaches and the up and coming assistants….which would pay off over time. The camp agenda was pretty cut and dried. On Friday or maybe Thursday, there was a “famous” motivational speaker that came in to “Talk” to the campers and inspire them. The speaker failed to show or had car trouble. Jimmy V, the “Let me have the Mic…” guy took over. He gave a speech about becoming a “Rat”. He went on and on and the kids loved him. THEN, he started doing that instead of just….”Working”. He was paid more per week for a single speech than he would have been for a week’s work at that camp. BEFORE salaries got out of control, the Assistants were a pretty underpaid bunch….
NOW, in conclusion, those of us that came from similar backgrounds as Roy… where our parents worked multiple jobs so that we could get an education probably relate to Roy. I do, in this situation. I hope you have a better understanding of him. He is a complex guy….sometimes short on common sense. BUT, he can coach BB.
03/03/2017 at 1:25 PM in reply to: Your “Looks Like We Made It” Finale at Clemson Open Thread #119539Adventuroo
ParticipantThe ladies just lost a heart breaker. They were all over Louisville….up 14 or so. Coach Walz did his best Mikey and Roy routine. The fouls were 1 each…total of 2. THEN the calls started NOT going our way. The whistles tweeted. Our lead melted. Can’t remember exactly, but I think that we got 6 fouls called in the last half of the 2nd Quarter.
It was nip and tuck during the second half. We had players in concussion protocol and NO fouls. There was a CLEAR Last Touched by Louisville in the last 2 minutes….that was called the OTHER way…and you could see it clearly. Refs did an Official Review. BLACK ball (Louisville).
We, however, could NOT hit a FT at the end. We left about 3 or 4 points on the table. We tried a buzzer beater down 1, got the rebound….NOT TO BE. BUT those missed FT’s sure look large now.
Will have to wait a WEEK before we know who our NEXT opponent is.
Heck of a season….about the only joy in Mudville.
ParticipantGlobal Warming seems to have had an inverse impact on the number and diversity of snowflakes…One would think that there would be fewer and fewer of them this year due to the fact that we had 3 days of 80 Deg weather (RDU) and broke a 130 year record….but they seemed to have multiplied like (FIB….voting rolls comes to mind) this year. Maybe an El Nino thingy?
Play NICE….watch the Lady Pack, if you can, at 11:00.
03/03/2017 at 8:30 AM in reply to: Your “Looks Like We Made It” Finale at Clemson Open Thread #119522Adventuroo
Somewhere, I remember a person….theologist or maybe a Debbie Downer….preparing a list of the 12 Points of the “Anti-Boy Scout Law”. Can’t find it…but you can probably make up your own with the help of google
Since Trustworthy is the first point….use the phrase…”antonym trustworthy”
Survey SAYS…..Unreliable… I had an HR guy that would “rank” my job candidates on a scale of 0 – 12. Sarcastic SOB, but funny. He used the BSA Law…. I got one resume from him….”This is YOUR GUY”….Perfect 12. He would read the fluff in my resumes and form his own opinion. He was right about that one. We interviewed him, but never hired him. He was a role model for Dudley DoRight….except, when quizzed, he was more like Dudley DoNOTHING. He is probably still living with his mom and traveling around the country participating in all the “moral marches”. Really brilliant person…just a bit “Misguided”….
If I were to “rate” your post….I think that you probably ticked off all 12 of the Anti-BSA Law Points….This is what happens when there is NO NEWS on a coaching choice…Sometimes you amaze even me….and that gets harder and harder as I age and “have seen it all”…
YES, Gottfried DOES play golf. He was handing out calling cards with his cell # to the pretties that were driving golf carts and doing other things that eye candy young lassies do at the Prestonwood Jimmy V Charity Event. THAT was the first “indication” that things were not as they seem. THAT was reported to the home office….whether he GOTT to visit the principal’s office after the hall monitors (MANY of them) turned him in…. I know not….
We shall see if the multiple night bookings for the NCSU tribe in Brooklyn will be cancelled late next Tuesday….
Suggest you tune into Fox today and watch the Ladies and the “Cards”. No issues about Hookers or quickies in restaurants with the Lady Cards and Coach. Should be a good game. We are an underdog….but you never know.
Outta here….
03/02/2017 at 10:09 AM in reply to: Your “Looks Like We Made It” Finale at Clemson Open Thread #119505Adventuroo
ParticipantThe game does not “feel” any better this morning. When we were getting a lead and playing “maybe half @$$ decent”, we seemed to be relaxed.
The WFU lad (obviously his OWN thoughts….certainly never a Danny Manning pre-game statement) that said….Get them down early and they fold….had a point.
When we make the smallest of errors, it is cosmic and it totally disrupts our normal flow. NOW, with two teams the caliber of Clemson and NCSU playing, that may be a bit of a push. But we did seem to have a little mojo, but when Clemson started their run, we folded and turned into “The Gang that COULDN’T SHOOT Straight”. THAT is clearly on the shoulders of the coach (and staff).
Maverick is a “mixed blessing (or curse)” situation. He seems to get rebounds. His Defense doesn’t look that bad. He IS a Gottfried favorite. He is the “Whittenberg” player. Never let a miss make you think the next one will not be a swoosh. He plays, I think, like Gottfried played. Always a banger…(take than any way you like). You may miss on a few, but it you keep putting them up (or asking), you will eventually score and then that inspires your confidence and you keep attempting the shots.
SO, pulling him out? Probably should have been. He DOES seem to lack from confidence. I HOPE he comes back next year. I think that if he were more disciplined on Defense and did not feel a bit uncomfortable there, he would also be more effective on offense.
Maverick’s performance really mirrors the team. When he was hot earlier in the season, we were OK…because we had multiple weapons. DSJ was VERY shaky in some games and we were OK as long as Henderson and Maverick and Abu took up the slack. YES, we do miss the Skill Set of the Martins (now gonna play out where they filmed all the westerns of my youth….and THEY, because THEY had to be on the court at the SAME TIME…were a real headcase….).
One more game and Gottfried can start packing. Thanks for the wins and the first few years. Sorry you lost your focus and let certain parts of your anatomy get in the way of winning for NCSU.
I also think that all your “Bring back the school spirit” included some viable targets attached to our yesteryear stars….”.
You NEVER seemed to understand what we wanted. Otherwise, you would have culled your blankety blank LIGHT BLUE SHIRT wardrobe and worn WHITE and RED.
Maybe someone told you that you were “appealing” and that Light Blue was your “COLOR”.
Cue up the Von Trapp Family Singers….and give Mr. and Mrs. Wolf a VOICE…
I ALSO noted that Brad Brownell and the TEAM stayed on the court, arm and arm, and sung the Clemson Alma Mater. That is what Wes Moore does at EVERY GAME and I totally admire him for doing that. I have sung it a LOT of times, after losses in the PNC, and really wished that the team and coaches were out there instead of just the cheerleaders.
03/01/2017 at 10:16 PM in reply to: Your “Looks Like We Made It” Finale at Clemson Open Thread #119488Adventuroo
ParticipantArch defeats Wade. Let the trolls come and feast….
03/01/2017 at 9:39 PM in reply to: Your “Looks Like We Made It” Finale at Clemson Open Thread #119449Adventuroo
ParticipantJust got around to checking on you guys. Ash Wednesday service ran on a bit. Maybe I be saved….
Interesting game. We are settling into our “We are State and we (FIB)” game. The stats were interesting. We have the TB over Pitt. BUT, we need to win tonight.
Sort of a MIXED strategy. If Brad Boy loses tonight, he might have put ONE more nail in his coffin. If so, the wee Willie Wade of VCU fame would be packing and getting out his orange outfits (that he put in storage).
IF we want Wade, we ought to quit trying to win.
BJ’s got more air time than any starter. Funny how the network guys know about our internal issues. The ACC Network Producer has some RED leanings… well as the Technical Director. Been in the booth and that IS how it works.
Glad someone else picked up the GOTT outfit. Too late to get him to wear RED. He is MAD and wants to show his little posterior.
I LOVE the Barry Manilow theme. Always been a Manilow fan…dating back to the 70’s. Bet SOME never say THAT factiod coming….
Who WILL win….I don’t know. One person at services tonight said that we seemed to have TWO teams. That we had players that could NOT play with some others….Y7 and Teddy out there….What hath God wrought?
Don’t know….maybe that would work. BUT, if you follow the ORW courtship. Coach Williams had a rough life before UNC. His father was an abusive drinker and I THINK that he actually got into a physical scene with him. Roy was devoted to his mom and she was his rock and provider. When he went to work for DES, Dean actually got him extra income for “bicycling” tapes to the Asheville TV Station. This was the DES Show….long before you had “line feeds”. There were NETWORK feeds coming into a station from the main (East and West) home offices. BUT, there were NO interconnect lines. SO, you had to bicycle the tapes. Roy got paid for driving and also a mileage allowance and got to visit him mom. DES became a father figure to Roy. If you look at that, then it is easy to see why when the family farm is about to be reposessed by the Evil Scrooge McDuck, now the ONLY MALE heir knew he had to come home and save the family business.
As to Archie….my take is that we are merely being “mind fornicated” by trolls and other “verified sources”. Remember the Sean noise so long ago. When Sean’s dad came out with a comment, then you KNEW that the jig was up and time to move on.
SO, unless Sean or Jon come out with a little quip or a statement that “Archie was more than flattered…..but was not….”, then I will consider him IN the search. It also matters LITTLE what we read or can google here.
Yow has already set the wheels in motion. IF Archie is interested, then he has already instructed his agent to “COOL IT. Keep my name in the POT….but under NO CIRCUMSTANCES….talk to me about it until my Dayton Season is over.” That is what Doeren did and it makes sense to me.
IF Archie is NOT interested, then it IS his agent’s responsibility to REMOVE him from the hunt….as it would be very unprofessional for his name to be seriously bandied about and considered….IF he had no intentions of coming.
If anyone can tell me WHEN Archie’s season ends….then add 48 hours and if he is getting comments and leaks, he stands a GOOD chance of showing up in Raleigh. BUT, we MIGHT get a “reliable Source” comment that totally eliminates him first. Failing to have a “Miller” (other than Archie) comment…I assume he is in the hunt…
My logic….others might differ.
ParticipantGood observation.
Guess we GOTT too many Debbie Downer’s…..And it will be 3 weeks before the..” pleased to announce…” presser.
I have been admiring the green courtesy of Mr. Stock Market today interspersed with the Lady ACCT games.
Which will have more WP viewers tonight…NCSU or Dayton v VCU?
ParticipantGlad you switched to Extra Strength Triple Caffeinated this morning, Mr. McCallum. I did NOT say that Lee did a great job. I said that, all in all, we COULD have done a lot worse with Sidney….give the circumstances. Whether he has a degree or not….whether the elementary teacher has a degree does NOT predict success. I could point to various institutions that churn out RN’s and Teachers and their educational prowess has been called into question by the regulatory boards. Having a Degree only got me my first job….it did little after that.
I can also tell you that many years ago, you did NOT have to have a degree to teach. My wife’s late Grandmother would take a few courses each year as NC started to tighten up. She probably ended up with the equivalent of a 2 Yr. Jr College Degree. But as an elementary teacher, she was honored many times by former students who excelled in their professions and was considered to be one of the best in each county where she taught. She actually had 4 or 5 “Retirement” certificates as she would continue to teach in a neighboring county…as the retirement age varied by local system.
She also begat THREE more generations of teachers…and I will stack up my daughter’s ability with any of her peers. SHE and my late MIL had a “knack” for explaining and working with students. My daughter “taught” swim lessons at age 11. If you actually talk to REAL educators, they look for someone that can relate to and have an innate ability to TEACH. That is something that can be learned….but you are miles ahead if you have that particular trait or skillset.
My wife’s GM helped students LEARN and that is something that our present educational community (probably for reasons that will trigger some folks) are failing mightily at today.
Her students learned history as it happened. They learned functional math skills. They learned to read without 10 different computer programs. They learned how to express themselves and actually write sentences…..and TALK IN SENTENCES.
Please do NOT be a Degree Snob….it lessens one’s opinion of you.
Lowe’s “Degree” or BB IQ was well known to the college and the professional BB Community. Sidney made do with what Herbie left him and I watched him “COACH” that first year and saw him, in Tampa, come within a half game of winning the ACC Tournament. There were a LOT of former WP greats there and I was fortunate enough to have passes to the VIP area and heard a lot of comments during the 2007 ACC Tourney run. ALL were positive.
So, I’ll remember (and opine) based on facts and the opinions of others that have a higher BB IQ than the combined total of our little blog.
Paper Degrees… Paper Resumes can be padded or down right lies… in some of the AFAM degrees from our sister university. BUT, if you looked at the BB IQ of some of them and you were hiring them as a coach or an assistant coach, you probably would look more at their ON COURT ability and their careers….rather than their UNC Degree.
Time for decaf….
We will probably need to agree to disagree. I think that Lowe had a pretty good history. He was, if I remember correctly, one of the youngest HC’s in NBA history. Now, maybe it was too many battlefield promotions. As to his degree, I have heard a LOT of multi-degreed coaches (and sportscasters) express themselves like kids from the “Hood”. Sidney was eloquent and pretty straight forward. If we ding him for lack of a degree, then I guess that we really need to lay that dishonor on Jimmy V. Despite what was said and done, V’s players did have some issues in graduating. I attended almost every one of his Crabtree Mall radio shows and talked to him several times. He was NOT a dummy…only a very intelligent person that did not have a degree.
As to his BB Prowess, I will let V’s comments about his knowledge of the game and how he actually ran things and came up with plays and defenses that they were ad libbing. This comes from his teammates as well. Don’t know WHY he did not pay his NC Taxes….but we have officials and leaders that also do not keep up with payments to the IRS and such and have served hard time.
With TOB, it should also be noted that we surely DID have some talent….and one of his “First priorities” was development of a LINE….like he did at BC. How’d that turn out. SO, we gave him 3 years….and learned from that and “nipped it in the bud”.
As stated before, if you finish 6 (as predicted by that wealth of intelligence….the press) and there are 7 ACC teams in the top 25….then we would not have this forum. We didn’t. The ESPN folks protect themselves and will probably welcome him back…Could be wrong….but Dino and Seth have NOT made the trip back. Dino, supposedly had “off court issues” that forced his “resignation”.
I feel pretty good about how it is going….and the constant sniping by an opinionated media is nothing by noise….which we could do without….and which, I hope, the REAL folks on DY’s A list will have enough sense to also tune out. They need to be focused on their teams….but when the final buzzer sounds, they, THEN, gotta think about their careers and future…
NCSU is NOT a bad gig….I guess it is just US, the (FIB) IST’s….that soil the university….
ParticipantI think the glass is half full….and I wish it were Crown Black….and I would totally REFILL it as it may be needed….many times over before we hear..
“We are pleased to announce that (FIB) is our NEW MBB Coach….and let me make one thing clear….he (but your never know) was always our first choice and we are pleased that he understands our great institution, our legendary heritage and past and knows that our fans and the administration fully support him as he restores the once great basketball dynasty at (Podunk U or NCSU or whatever)…..” Did I miss any key points here?
OK…behind the scenes….What OTHER options or paths are there. Debbie Yow is no dummy. Has she been perfect and always made the best decisions and never made a mistake? Of course not. BUT, given a LEVEL playing field this time, I am more than confident that she will make the right moves. She SHOULD have the support of the Chancellor and the BOT….now she needs the support of the fans or US….the WPN. You have to discount or set aside the issues of Gottfried’s hiring. Obviously, the way that she “chimed in” during the presser when GW was brought up….that was indeed a sensitive subject and, I think, a VERY negative influence.
If you looked at the Doeren search, that really went pretty good. NOW, we can debate the results but if you looked (at least to me) at Doeren’s resume….it was pretty impressive. Sidney Lowe had a pretty good resume….but when you have NO talent in the cupboard and then you throw in a serious personal outside influence….he got off to a bad start.
SO, if she handles this search with the same savvy and expertise that she did with Doeren, we should be OK.
Also, we need to understand that WE, nor her, can sell something that a coach, for whatever reason, has absolutely NO interest in. Whether Archie Miller is the absolute BEST candidate….I don’t know. He should be in the top 5 and is the sentimental favorite. BUT, if he is NOT interested, then raising the ante to $7 Million, might not even be enough. If the pay parameters are where we HOPE they are, then we are competitive. In addition, AD Yow has written the contracts where WINNING (as well as in the classroom) is VERY FINANCIALLY rewarding. Start out with a GOOD base (Supplemental plus Guaranteed) and then a good incentive (40% or so) package….and BINGO, any coach that had a “Competitive” spirit should see the earnings potential. I’ll bet you that Jimmy V would have jumped on Gott’s contract in the proverbial heartbeat.
ParticipantCD, McCallum, etc.
Since WufPacker used a Slave Joke with a Thomas Jefferson punchline in the UVA thread….would it be OK to say that it is a Good Thing that Mark Gottfried works for Debbie Yow rather than North Korea’s Kim Jong-un….in veiw of the way he handles performance issues with his trusty Anti-Aircraft Gun?McCallum,
Never figured you for being a snowflake….but the MLK thingy did seem to strike an unintended nerve…
It IS NOW time for the pain pill….but I retire much more relaxed after the recent flurry….
But FIRST….wonder if Mikey was pulling for UNC so that he would not have to face a team with a “not so good” loss? You just don’t count out Tony Bennett…and ORW will be full of Dad Gum Its and other folksy, perhaps more graphic, utterances….
So much for today’s poll rankings….
It IS gonna be interesting to see if Word Press can be totally sanitized from any political or current events humor…
Interesting take on the BOT. My analysis, with very little insider info, but just following the news, leaked and otherwise was this.
Yow meets with Dr. Woodson and maybe a few others on Sunday, February 12. Everyone is on board with the termination after the WFU beatdown and also looking realistically at the outcome of the season (projected). Yow either has a leak or someone plants a story with Mark Armstrong. One Monday, I think, the feces hits the revolving air handling device. Puts Yow at a disadvantage. Story festers as we are the FIRST to fire a 2017 coach (save the school that did so for “personnel” issues). We are the fodder for lead stories and bylines and opinions.
Meanwhile, AD Yow does NOT have time to deal with leak…which I wonder if it came from OUR side or Coach Gottfried’s side. Yow had used Jordan Bazant to work with Coach Doeren. Mark Gottfried is also a client of Bazant. However, in mid 2016, Bazant left his old firm and went to a new one…one that had him VERY high on the totem. Don’t know if Bazant STILL has one or both or NONE of them as clients. I would have suspected that Bazant knew what was coming….he would be stupid NOT TO…so whether he (or Gottfried) was involved in the leak will be a secret we never find out.
During the REST of Sunday and the week, Yow had to put together a “proposal” and get preliminary approval from the NCSU BOT. They HAVE to approve the contracts and usually are NOT blindsided. IF we were offering a 50% bigger package, then it WOULD be their fiduciary responsibility to understand the need for the increase….the funding source(s)….any “athletic ticket or concessions increases…..etc. In other words, a full blown presentation….so that when she and Dr. Woodson LEFT, they had a clear ticket and parameters to proceed with the coaching search. Without the $$ issues and terms and such, you could not really do any serious negotiations. Depending on the BOT’s schedule, rather than a video conference, slipping in this one items would have been perfect timing.
NOW, to the rest of the week. Flip a coin. IF the BOT was unhappy and IF the mega donors were also unhappy (performance, off court issues, whatever), then they MAY have voiced an opinion. Whether they said….Break the NEWS….get rid of him or Break the NEWS and YOU Decide….I haven’t a clue. BUT, if all the chatter that I heard about the big boys gonna “do this one time deal” were true, then whatever the big boys wanted….would have a mega impact on how the scene played out.
Thanks for sharing this….it certainly fits….perhaps not as you intended or not as I speculated….but it does tidy this up a bit….
Your comments about practice, team “chemistry”, team “respect” and loss of Lutz certainly fits all the behind the scenes and also the outward and obvious comments. When you lose a team, it carries over to the next year….and nothing was done to change course….only more fool hardy things which, in reality, did MAKE it worse.