Forum Replies Created
ParticipantGood article, WufPacker.
After 12 hours to consider, it was probably a combination of several things.
1. Vandy did not have his A game nor did Beejay. We did not get points from Vandy nor defense.
2. TJ was superman during the first half. Then he was at least a Level B super hero. But, Haith finally found the Kryptonite and he got TIRED. Even though we have bench strength and endurance, he must NOT have to be our only game. At one time I looked at the Jumbotron and he had 15 our of our 27 and the half was almost over. He had 13 rebounds, but half or 4 of our TO’s. Vandy did little on the defensive or offensive end. We need points and rebounds.
3. Cat did not get into any rhythm. He seemed frustrated and then got pushy on defense. Not saying the refs get an A+ for consistency, but he gambled a few times and lost. He did not put points on the board and he was only 2 X 6 from the FT and the ones at the end were critical. Chalk it up to being a freshman, but he did not pull his load.
4. Rest of team was inconsistent. Washington & Lee had 10 & 12 pts. But Freeman and Tyler “were there” Tyler was not sharp, but the MO’s guarded Vandy differently and he was not allowed to Alley Op like at ECU. He did not throw away the ball but once….and that one was really off, so he probably did what Gott wanted him to do, but he has to score. 0 X 3 from the floor.As UGLY as they looked, Turner’s last 2 treys saved our behinds. Cat and the whole team should have hit more FT’s. In addition, this was one our lowest FG% for the year.
We are young and still inconsistent. When Cat and Vandy are in foul trouble and Gott is experimenting with line-up’s some combo’s do not work.
We need a more consistent effort and production from Cat and Vandy and fewer fouls.
Fouls last night surprised me. They were 34. It did not seem that many. Their average is 37 FPG, so they were down a little. This crew is calling about 10% MORE fouls this year. They are not in the league with our favorites who are in the low 40’s. WAIT until we get a real whistle happy crew.
Decided to go to Greensboro on Monday. Need some RED there. UNCG site takes you to ticketmaster. Seats are available.
ParticipantComments….from the second level. The Camera Side of the high rollers was decidedly empty. Probably on 75% ( HATE THE NUMBERS IN THIS FONT). The side (bench) that the camera shot was better. I suspect that we let some folks into this normally sacred land to fill the empty seats. AD says it is getting better. I am not convinced until I see the hard data from the ticket scanners.
Vandy was a NO SHOW tonight. He was out of sync. He was never in position for a rebound. Even with Lewis in there, he was not ready for a run and an Alley Opp. Maybe he has the flu?
Cat was interesting. He has so many great skills, but passing the ball to a team mate is not one of them…I started to capitalize that and try for bold. He is quick and he can, like his namesake, sprinkle a little litter and quickly cover his Uh-Oh’s. He had a few of them tonight. He was the victim of some inconsistent whistle.
TJ was like a man on a mission. Only problem was that he ran out of gas about mid 2nd quarter; Coach Haith also put more defenses on him than the Secret Service does on His Majesty. During the post game, Coach Gott commented on that.
The HULK was so-so. He was obviously tired from the subbing for Vandy ad it showed. He was not able to score on his monster blocks. But when he did block and got a little aggressive, the shooter picked himself up and said, “Did anyone get the number of that truck?”.
Turner for all the less-than-glowing comments was really the only thing that kept it a game. His poor form ad poor shot selection treys, that went in, saved us from a bigger margin.
We (the team) was out of sync at the end. Reminded me of a few games last year. However, we did show some flashes of brilliance. Vandy had one rebound and decided to make a monster throw….right into the hands of a player year MO garb.
The officiating was inconsistent. No question about that. However, the fouls were way under the average this season. I did not look up the ref’s to see what their averages were, but most are in the high 30′ or low 40’s. I kept a mental count and suspect that there were less than 30 whistles and that is between 25 and 33 % less that the norm. We can NOT control the zebras.
It was an exciting game. What you did not hear at home due to the way the mikes are shielded was the very loud and vocal and well organized MO fans. They were much fewer in number than ECU, but almost as noisy. I was visiting the men’s facility and listening to the radio speakers in there. MO made a great play and Gary and Tony called it out. I knew it was a good play as I could hear the roar in there and they were not chanting GO PACK.
Finally, Tyler did play a little tentative tonight. He seems in a funk. However, Cat also gets that way and makes poor decisions. This is a Catch 22. If Cat matures and is brilliant down the stretch and the $$ marks are glowing in his eyes, then who will we have next year? If Tyler gets discouraged and decides to sit out a year and ply his trade elsewhere and Cat goes out early, then we will really be up feces tributary without our manual propulsion device (s). Coach G has a fine line. Barber needs to mature. Tyler needs some PT to spell Barber and also to play PG when Barber has to sit and get some love from the coaches for his misdeeds on the court. So, we should be thankful that we have depth.
Depth was one of the plus’ for us. It was also one of the negatives for Coach Haith and they won.
UNCG knocked off VT on the road….Monday night is no guaranteed bench clearing rout…
ParticipantSorry it drives your to take aspirin. Old habits are hard to break and I used to write executive summaries for major capital appropriation projects and the big (spelled high roller$) boys in the ivory tower wanted key words emphasized so they could speed read.
The … also a habit….
Will work on it.
These are excellent summaries and well crafted. I, as well as others, really appreciate them and look forward to them…..hope you have time to keep them coming….
PS….will someone please call the paramedics for a few, such as WilmWolf 80….they fainted when I only used 49 words.
There used to be a comment to be “nice” when posting on the old site….Bill.onthebeach,
God (and maybe he does not know….or care) only knows what lurks in the head of ORW.Many of my UNC fans are less than positive on him an shudder when the TV show him with a microphone. BUT, they note that they have a dilemma….there is no “RW in waiting”. SO, they don’t know WHAT would happen. Many actually think that having Bubba in place is a blessing as some of the inbreeding of the UNC system is not good….so maybe Bubba would hire someone that did not wear the blue and white for UNC.
I don’t know how many of you saw the N&O Opinion or Editorial in the Print Edition this morning…..
When you read it…..look at the 3 questions at the end. Maybe they should have restated them as statements and said….
There is OBVIOUSLY a Lack of Institutional Control that the NCAA needs to look at based on the following….
Why are these questions and not points?
I get the MOST distinct feeling that Mrs. Folt, the new chancellor is concentrating on redecorating her office suite and her box at Kenan, rather than bothering herself with the minutiae of the non-compliance of the AD.
I also think that UNC’s fan based is eroding…..and have proof of that. Last Christmas Eve, we went to Moore Square to hand out food, toiletries, and clothing. It was a project of our church. I noticed a LOT of the folks accepting them were wearing UNC colors….I asked a couple of them and they said that they were not UNC fans, but there was more UNC stuff donated to the various charities and that had increased in the past couple of years….
One laughed and said……”I guess those Tarheels aren’t as proud as they once were and don’t want to wear the stuff….but we take what we are given”….obviously a very intelligent person who has fallen on hard times but keeps with current events.
Happy New Year….
ParticipantThis is sort of “yesterday’s news”. If you believe, and I do, the information that has been posted elsewhere and also the comments from a lot of my UNC friends, who have several LTR’s at the DEAN, then the situation played out like this…
UNC suspended both lads. That was a smart move (not unheard of in how the Lawyers and PR folks recommend doing this and also how OTHER schools have done it). OK….that puts UNC in the driver’s seat. They notify the NCAA that there MAY have been inappropriate behavior as well as impermissible benefits. They are THEN the lead investigator….
They do their due diligence. At first, the case looks pretty simple. Dude got cars and was arrested for a few charges, but the evidence (in the opinion of the DCDA) was not sufficient for major charges…so some were dropped. That, legally, clears up some issues.
BUT, the NCAA does NOT deal in the minutiae of merely breaking the law. They have their OWN arcane rules (like catering a steak feed at your home – OK; Buying a player a Mickey D combo meal – IMPERMISSIBLE BENEFIT). So the thrust was to determine the magnitude or the frequency of the benefits. UNC investigated….not the NCAA. Fats’ lawyer said that. What one WOULD have thought at SOMEONE was interested in was how Fats got his BREAD and WHO his partners were (that is public record) and whether there was some really UGLY and BIG BREAD coming from them and/or folks representing (without being registered in NC) SPORTS AGENTS.
Now, one DOES wonder if UNC really found a BUNCH of mess. I first THOUGHT that they did. However, my old work years kicked in….and I think this is the case….
Let me give you an example. When I sold a commercial or industrial property for my company, it was actually handled by the Corporate Real Estate guy. I was the local contact and did the clean up and fix up. I also had all the environmental records as well as the building maintenance records…which include some professional surveys on the roofs and other infrastructure.
We had a position, which was also the Generally Accepted Practice that most companies followed of FULL DISCLOSURE. That meant that ANY document that I had about the building, the property, the past manufacturing/storage, the environmental issues, and any remediation…..were placed in a “OPEN, SECURED” file. Most of the time, a potential purchaser would send in his own team, including outside consultants, and survey the property. They would ask questions and fill out their forms. We ONLY gave them answers to what they asked and we gave them a full tour, but again, only minimal info….if they had questions, we would answer. THEN, they went back and put together a “Purchase Report”. That report was a summary of all they had been told. It also had “What we NOW want to know” items. SO, they would submit a list of issues….and we would dig out the answers from the Open, Secured file. IF they wanted to send in another team or a consultant to go through that file (probably 10 four drawer cabinets), then we would comply…as we had an open disclosure position. They rarely did….
My take, based on several conversations with the corporate lawyers and the environmental corporate lawyers and the real estate corporate lawyers (YES….we had MORE lawyers in the Ivory Tower than you can imagine)….is that….you present the basics….you do NOT put every gory or perhaps “RED FLAG” item in the “prospectus”. THEN, they it is THEIR responsibility to ASK and it is then OUR responsibility to answer based on the recorded (documented) information.
I think that UNC dug very little….but what they dug up was DAMNING. Once they had enough “initial” ugliness to realize that PJ was never, ever going to wear a light blue varsity uniform and participate in NCAA competition….they then STOPPED digging. Old ROY was optimistic….perhaps he thought that the PREVIOUS AD and the PREVIOUS Chancellor and the PREVIOUS Compliance Staff would “bury” some things….and then the UNC investigation would focus on a GOOD kid that made a LITTLE mistake and was SORRY.
BUT, it did not happen. The AD and all the top officials at UNC said UH-OHHH!. This is ugly. STOP digging. We already have to divulge, IF NECESSARY, what we have now. If we keep digging…and find more….then the NCAA MIGHT review it and MIGHT have some questions about LOIC!. SO, PJ was declared Persona Non Grata (PNG) and at that point, they focused on salvaging Leslie McDonald.
It is my distinct feeling that EVERY high ranking official in the chain from PJ to the Chancellor and the various other little branches involved, save old Huck, want PJ OUT OF THERE….it is time for him to do a “Sound of Music” good bye song and walk into the darkness (out of the spotlight) at the next UNC Home Game…and like Captain Von Trapp, he will NOT report for duty to sit with Old Roy on the bench…
Twill be interesting to see if he still there tonight….
The informal surveys that I have heard about or conducted say that a majority of UNC fans and alums and donors think he needs to follow Al Gore’s lead and say…”It is TIME for ME to GO….!”
This melodrama will play for years….and eventually Roy will decide that his “Butch” attitude is NOT in his best interest. MOST AD’s lose when they try to replace coaches with “NCAA Rings” (ORW hath 2), but this is NOT your typical situation and the fans and the reputation of the university are at odds with the coach’s little song and dance….
Bubba does not have all the trump cards that Roy has…but he has a few high ones and seems to understand the game well….
ParticipantOK….took a little doing, but the Avatar works.
Thanks for the link.
IE-10 is still a bit sluggish with Win 7 Pro and FireFox runs like a bandit.
Don’t know what font this is….but the numbers look like they were washed in hot water
1 One; 2 Two; 3 Three…….that means the stats or tables are going to be shrunk a little
If you paste text or data from Word, Excel, etc… loses the type and size.
Just pointing out some things.
Looks like it will be a great improvement…..maybe you guys ought to visit the guy at 1600 PA Avenue in DC (once he gets back from his vacation in Hawaii) and offer to straighten out his little web based fiasco…
Merry Christmas….
ParticipantGreat site….wonder how it will work with someone using Win 8.1 and IE-11. I had to kill ID-10 on my Win 7 Pro Laptop as SFN and other sites were not resolving or extremely SLOW.
OK….I tried to find a place to put in an Avatar…..NADA….I went into the HELP section. Says that “Avatar” function has to be enabled….
High Stick and Plywood did it….and I think that I should be able to….but there appears to be NO Avatar enable or add or upload option.
Several folks have asked, but no ADMIN Guru has answered.
Merry Christmas……
ParticipantI went back and re-read some of the posts…
What I have read, in all the articles and also the official statements released by UNC and Roy and PJ’s family is…
PJ was suspended by UNC for the alleged “improper” benefits that he received.
He was also punished by Roy and company for being so DUMB.
The NCAA did not actually do the investigation. UNC did, I think that. Once UNC used the “impermissible phrase”, that elevated it. Now UNC was, seemingly, given the lead detectives ROLE here. Fats’ attorney stated that the NCAA did NOT talk to his client.
There has been a LOT of speculation (newspapers and internet boards and also TV and all the “media” web sites) that PJ PROBABLY LIED….But we have not read that from UNC.
It is my understanding that the NCAA can monitor or participate in an investigation. However, if UNC is (and probably WAS) granted the LEAD role….then they have to present all evidence and request REINSTATEMENT…
HOWSOMEEVER….let’s suppose that there were NO extenuating circumstances. Everything was at face value. PJ had 80% or so of the car(s) usage. PJ also had some very disturbing charges that were “smoothed” over. Now WHY would UNC want to go down THAT path with the NCAA. If they found that all the stuff was true….and decided NOT to ask for forgiveness, THEN the case is closed. No files have to be sent to Indianapolis….only an email that says….”after a long and diligent investigation, our original decision to suspend PJ for receiving impermissible benefits was correct. We therefore do NOT request reinstatement. Call if you want details…”
NOW…that DOES raise the old LOIC flag…but the NCAA has to decide that and they do NOT seem to be of a mind to PUNISH UNC for the FB teams’ little escapades, the AFAM Sham and now old Roy’s angel turned bad boy…
All the blogging and writing ain’t gonna change that….sort of like the lady that runs one of the finest houses of ill repute being FINALLY busted. She had ALMOST been accepted as a new member of the OLD COUNTRY CLUB set. She had donated money to charities and hosted all sorts of affairs to help the homeless. She was almost LEGITIMATE….and there was only RUMORS…but she got caught and clear that up…so she now is NOT going to play bridge with all the wives of her clients.
I think that we ALL know what UNC has turned into…and it is NOT pretty….but until the “cops” decide to raid the place….it will probably go on….
GUESS WHAT. UNC has decided NOT to request reinstatement….they DID do that for McDonald and it was granted.
But THEY chose NOT TO with PJ. YES, it is like throwing him under the bus….but you can also say that they decided that there was NO WAY that the NCAA would grant it…and that PJ and his actions were so blatant that UNC was going to make a statement.
I was 100% with them on that. Tell him…you gotta pay the consequences…and Old Roy has been beating THAT drum for the last few weeks….BUT remember, Old Roy was beating the “HE WILL BE BACK….just don’t know when”. When things went south….He changed the beat.
NOW, if you accept what has posted, then it is clear….PJ is not very welcome. BUT, Old Roy has TWO rings….he is also a highly paid coach. If HE thinks that kicking PJ out of the gym will cause a losing season, the Bubba has to accept that…even though it may NOT be the best presser.
SO, me thinks that there is a conflict within the AD….Bubba v. Roy and as Debbie will tell us…..sometimes the AD loses…
NOW, if the big boys who were hoping that PJ would come back and salvage the season finally ADMIT that ain’t happening….and the negative side of saying…PJ, you are STILL a member of this team in every shape form and fashion….except you can NOT wear the UNIFORM and you can NOT play in any official competition….but OTHER THAN THAT….all is cool.
That seems DUMB….but I understand it….tells me that Mrs. Carol Folt is NOT going to wade in here….Tells me that Bubba is trying to clean up the place….and that Roy is the one that said NO…and it ain’t a democracy and all votes do NOT count the same….
All in all, he should have been gone. But he is not….and it just makes for MORE articles and MORE negative press.
If Huckleberry Roy keeps him as a Scout Player and Good Luck Charm and they run the table….then Old Roy will still be king. If he gets his way (he is already on the floor holding his breath) and he has a really lack luster season….then Bubba will have a larger power base.
What a WONDERFUL melodrama….and the admission is free and the show just keeps getting better and better….
ParticipantOK…. has this update…he had written a piece on PJ and I was curious….ODD that PJ was STILL on the bench for Saturday’s game….maybe that was his Edlewiss moment or when he said Good Bye. I even thought that Old Roy might have been doing his best Captain Von Trapp imitation and wearing light blue Swiss Alps Shorts and light blue suspenders and strumming a guitar….
And THEN PJ, does his final GOOD BYE and walks away from the spotlight…
BUT NO, when the house lights came back on….he is on the bench
I asked if someone with some inside connections at UNC could explain it….and this is what was posted. Now, was this from the Janitor or a really HIGH RANKING person…I don’t know…but my guess would be that he is pretty HIGH on the food chain…perhaps the one that met with PJ’s mom….but again that is just trying to piece together what has been printed and make some logic and sense of it. SILLY ME….this is UNC….there is NO logic or sense…However, that is pretty stereotypical…I think that they (as in the administration) do NOT want to open Pandora’s box….they want him GONE…Disappeared…but he (PJ) does seem to have some friends that carry a little weight….or maybe have TWO Rings…
SO, this is what BL posted….he is usually pretty accurate and does not deal in rumors nor monkey board fodder…
UPDATE: PJ is STILL a part of the UNC BkB team in every way except dressing out for games. He is still on scholarship and he is still practicing, etc. BECAUSE all that changed Friday is the official decision NOT to request a change in his “suspended” status. Friday’s decision ended the “when will he be…..” limbo situation. He “will not be” PERIOD. It is hoped that he will not enroll for the Spring…. will join a NBADL team and prepare for the next Draft…. and depart campus ASAP.Unquote.
SO, read and make your own call….it will be interesting to see how much longer that PJ is sitting next to Old Roy….my UNC friends thought he should have had his Gymn pass revoked in mid August as the dirty linen had been really UGLY then…
ParticipantView from the second level. The PRIME sections, where the fans are TOO BUSY to use their tickets had MORE purple than red. It’s Christmas time….so I guess they had to come up with some gifts for the nice customers and gave their ECU folks tickets.
The noise level, for at least part of the game was pretty equal. I was checking Statsheet on the refs and heard a cheer….looked up and DW said ECU hit a TREY. I said….but I heard CROWD…and she said…the ECU CROWD is louder. Someone in white threw up a floater and the AIR BALL CHANT was really LOUD….
Many folks in our section were helping coach (me included). When some of the lads SHOULD have been milking the clock, they were throwing up what looked like Whitt’s famous 1983 “pass”….but when you start to yell, “you DA….why did ……GREAT SHOT”. It was THAT kind of game.
Vandy looked like his old self in the first few minutes….the old self that played last year. Gott needed to reassure him that he was loved and that required him to be CLOSE….and he stayed CLOSE for quite some time.
The BEAST (BeeJay) as he is called or the Hulk was impressive. Still a bit slow…but impressive.
What was NOT impressive is that he and Vandy do not have the “knack” or intuition for WHERE the ball is going to come off. Their timing and position on rebounds (both ends) was horrible. BUT, they do really traumatize a guy trying to make a shot or driving.
Lewis….looked a bit tentative, but got into the flow of the game. Cat needed a rest and we also need to change the tempo….THEN the ECU D has to figure out WHO to guard that will be a scoring threat….I THINK he was in with Turner for a while.
Lewis is NOW Vandy’s NEW BEST FRIEND. Mutt and Jeff have their act down…..that was the best team or duo effort that we have seen since Lowe and Whitt. Lewis knows Vandy’s moves and speed. The other guys who tried to feed him threw it away or it bounced bad. Vandy would NOT have had is game high if Cat had been in there. Lewis was crucial to our keeping the lead as they made their last run…May be weak other places…but he and Vandy quickly took the wind out of the Pirate Ship sails and they limped along and our big cannons then broadsided them (was that enough visual?).
Cat lived up to his nickname. He is really QUICK and has more moves than Allied Van Lines. BUT, he is sort of a Whittenberg type of point guard. He is SO used to scoring and carrying the team…(He really reminded me of Calvin…or perhaps the CJ of years past). Don’t get me wrong He does run the floor…but he seems a bit more intent of assisting HIMSELF than others. The reason that he has such few TO’s that when he lost the ball, he was quick enough to get it back. Have you heard that DUMB commercial where the QB throws and catches his OWN passes? If so, then Cat is about as close to that as you will find in the REAL world. I would NOT start Tyler….but if Cat gets a CJ mindset when we are behind….he will be MORE of a problem, then a solution….He is FUN to watch, but he needs to let the game come to him and give some of the game to his teammates….OR that is what it looked from our perch and others made the same comments.
Finally, we get the score sheets with the Ref’s names in the Lenovo CC. I checked the SS numbers. They are all averaging in the LOW 40’s (probably close to 43 FPG).
Today….they called 25…yes 25. The tempo and flow was not interrupted. Did they miss some? YEP. Did they make more than ONE Make UP (Honey, I’m so SORRY) call? YEP and they seemed to go for US.
This is the WAY it should be called. The Zebs were there. They got razzed a little…crowd noise was equal so that is GOOD.
We were awesome….but we need LOW FOUL GAMES….
I really wondered about 10 minutes to go if John Swofford would hit their pagers and tell them to WHISTLE like they were walking through a graveyard on Halloween night…
The lack of whistles really improved the flow and there was no blood or body parts on the hardwood.
GO PACK…really felt good….but when we get the Ref’s that need to keep their averages HIGH, it is going to be a DIFFERENT story….or at least I fear it….
ParticipantHopefully, there have been no changes to the floor and the NC Logo will not be there and the JumboTron will not being playing the This is OUR State spots.
Thanks for the VERY insightful and well written article. I really enjoy these and share with others.
I don’t want a VENGENANCE victory for the FB Team….that is their folly and they have to make amends….but I DO hope that we follow the Mikey and Roy philosophy of “Scorched Earth” and get a VERY comfortable lead and then let some OTHERS get some PT.
GO PACK….on to the PNC for the game….
Probably will be a LOT of Purple Clad fans there with visions of sugar plumes dancing in their head….
ParticipantPure speculation on my part…but you can read multiple articles and accounts and they all have the same “rest of the story” theme….sort of between the lines or in that same context.
There was a deliberate and well planned exaction this afternoon on Franklin Street.
Bubba Cunningham and the AD Lawyers, without the help or knowledge of the Compliance guys, three a young player UNDER the bus….THEN made sure it backed up and pulled forward.
In other words, PJ was sacrificed so that McDonald could play and that it would END there.
PJ’s family’s statement seemed a bit odd with Jeff Gravley read it tonight at 6:00. BUT, if you then read all the accounts and a few details and key words were found….it fit.
UNC suspended PJ. In order to reinstate him, they had to notify the NCAA as to their LOGIC for such….OUCH…..that might have been very self incriminating.
I know NOTHING, as Butch was heard to utter, about whether OTHER members of Roy’s blue clad hoopsters were involved….other than McDonald.
BUT, it would appear, for the betterment of the team, that having McDonald IMMEDIATELY would make more impact and that getting the NCAA to go along with this little farce was probably going to take MORE political capital that UNC and Johnny Swofford was willing to expend….
PJ’s family was MIFFED….but I suspect that they were told to buck up and smile….as all the donations that Old Roy had made to the local Police Benevolent Funds and the other little contributions to the DA’s Children Christmas parties had resulted in PJ being given the USUAL UNC treatment.
He is gone. Most of the rest of the civilized world and probably a few billion Chinese are NOT going to be talking about this tomorrow morning…
Congrats to the Lady Wolves…..wonder is Wes Moore will get a contract revision for Christmas or Valentine’s day or if it will come from the Easter Bunny…..but it WILL be nice and it WILL happen….
I THOUGHT that Capital Broadcasting Corporation (CBC or WRAL) was removed from MOST of their involvement when Learfield became the media “outlet”. The coach’s show moved and Learfield is the logo that we see. resides on the CBC-Raleigh Server but I could not figure out who owns the domain name. CBC also “owns” or maybe is the vendor for the GoPack store…but it you order online, it reverts to somebody else….I recall that it is…but they are interlinked so you can do local pick-up’s on CERTAIN items….but the store does NOT always have what is online and vice-versa.
I also think (memory) that WRAL only broadcast our games. The disclaimer uses Learfield..again I THINK. So, I have NO idea who owns Wolfpack Marketing. The Network Control folks used to be local…but that seems to change, from game to game…and I do not hear the same names.
If anyone knows…please jump in…
OK…bill.onthebeach….and others….
Here are TWO excerpts from a popular Christmas Song…
Take a look in the five and ten glistening once again
With candy canes and silver lanes aglowA pair of Hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
Is the wish of Barney and BenWonder how many of us “DINO’s” recognize the items mentioned…..?
Bing Crosby’s “Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas”
Which I was listening to WRAL for several hours yesterday afternoon doing my Santa Elf Pre-Assembly work on my GS’ SURPRISE SANTA Gifts….., I heard the song and the lyrics really hit home as it reminded me of many Christmas Eve’s where I put together stuff and my wife would not let me do it ahead of time as there were no places with adequate security controls to put the assembled stuff. One of them was a Barbie Camper outfit and a Star Wars layout with several LARGE ships and stations.
Each had about 100+ STICKERS or Decals that had to placed EXACTLY and we spent most of the early morning getting them affixed….after snapping and screwing and testing the batteries….
Memories….as Barbara would say….
12/19/2013 at 10:44 AM in reply to: Big Resume building victory at Tennessee for the Wolfpack #34356Adventuroo
I guess that Tyler is wandering around in a state of “Tiny Tim”….but that turned out OK…
I don’t think giving him such a present would be approved by Coach Lutz…
I’ll let others adopt him from the “Angel Wolfie Tree”
12/19/2013 at 10:09 AM in reply to: Big Resume building victory at Tennessee for the Wolfpack #34353Adventuroo
ParticipantA Poem for the Season…..
T’was seven days before Christmas and all through the State,
Wolfies and Rams were at very high levels of ANTICIPATE
The light blue fans were cloistered before the big screen TV
With visions of Hairston and McDonald wrapped under their tree….
The red clad bunch had trepidation and a lot of fear..
As the sound of Rocky Top was deafening in their ear.
Coach Gott arrived in the land of Orange with a mission.
To have a road win against some formidable competition.
He shouted and called his team by name
On TJ, on Cat….and to the big guy, Vandy
Go out and play like your posteriors are not made of CANDY
So the lads hit shots and got more than one rebound
Until the strains of Rocky Top was a diminishing sound.
The Wolfies were victorious in the land of Orange.
BUT in the Dome….Evil lurked all dressed in Orange.
McDonald was greeted with a thunderous roar
The team played with a tempo that most would abhor
Smiling Ricky was also there on the floor
If Dean had been there, he, too, would have been restrained all the more.
The crowd was stunned as Karl and his clowns tweeted
The atmosphere in the dome soon overheated
At the end, old Roy was laughing….in spite of his ire
Defeated and mad as HECK to the presser he would retire
Old Roy was furious and did not mince or mutter…
Saying things that even Barry Hinson (hint – SIU) dare not utter.
Suggesting his lads should be playing lady’s soccer ball
Rather than the once vaulted UNC Basketball
In the end it was not a pretty nor glorious site.
He even wanted to start practice at Midnight.
To heck with Santa…..I really hate RED
Because at 5 AM we must spring from our Bed.
With that not a word more did we hear…
But, under his breath, “I need a beer”
As he left the room, he turned and yelled….
“I’m not happy, guys. I am not in the dadgum Christmas spirit.”
Happy Christmas to all Wolfie fans and to all a Wolfpack GOOD NIGHT….We retirees have WAY too much time on our hands…..
I can barely pick out and name our players….and the coaches….
But when I can look and immediately identify TWO of them….with a high confidence….then that is the PITS…..they are supposed to be invisible….
BTW…..HOW did you locate them? I have tried several sites and very few list the Zeb’s…..the PNC is now putting out “score or stat sheets” in the Champion’s Club, so we know exactly WHO is calling the game when we get there.
BUT, I have NOT been able to find a reliable site that has them listed….thanks for sharing…
ParticipantWELL NOW….
First, if old Dean was not mentally incapacitated, he would storm across the mid court line and whip that smiling Ricky’s rear and chase him all the way back to TEXAS…..or at least to Hickory from when he hails….
Second, Did I see TWO smiling faces that I recognize from the PNC….is Karl the Hess there….who is the other one…..Luckie
That will teach old Roy to wear a tie with red in itAdventuroo
ParticipantSACRED FECES…we won one…..on to ECU (I think)….
Don’t think they’ll let the ARGGGGGGHHHHHH guys bring in their hooks….the metal detectors will catch them….
ParticipantThe third little pig, the SMART one, did not throw up as many bricks as we have from the foul line…
TJ just lucked in two….
Funny thing….10 points used to be an insurmountable lead with 2 minutes to go….NOT ANY MORE!
ParticipantVANDY the MANDY…..what a block!
ParticipantIF we call the cops and they come in and arrest the UT players for assault and mugging and other crimes….will the ref’s finally blow the whistle.
I may be prejudiced, but the tone of the officiating has really changed…..however, the level of our poise has also done that.
I don’t know what the stats show, but the flow has really changed.
12/16/2013 at 10:08 AM in reply to: Mark Gottfried Would Like To Play a Conference Game in Reynolds Coliseum #34674Adventuroo
ParticipantOK, I tried. I fired off an email to the WPC and the Athletic Department. My sneaky plan to have some subterfuge about the PNC being unavailable on 20-Jan-14 and play MD at Reynolds.
A little tongue in cheek, but I got a realistic answer.
First…11,000 season ticket holders and 4,000 students (tickets paid for by fees) equals 15,000 bodies and only 9,000 seats. If any of you attended the game on Saturday night and watched the half-time musical chairs….you get the picture.
Second…shortfall of revenue around $250,000. I had volunteered already to pay a surcharge…
Third….Contractual Obligation. We have to play 15 games in the PNC.
SO, being the person that does NOT accept NO, I fired back a quick note….in jest, which was taken TOTALLY out of context. I expected a ROFLMAO in the email….NADA.
I guess that suggesting that the season ticket holders with LTR’s that do not always faithfully attend could watch the game from the PNC JumboTron as they do many of our games at home was almost like finding the floating feces in the donor’s banquet punch bowl…
My comment about paying the surcharge of $30 or so for a Reynolds pass and also a bit more for the Johnny Swofford “Fine” and the litigation costs for “Breach of Contract” were also a bit over the top.
Really did not mean for it to be REALISTIC….only humorous… much for THAT idea.
SO, it would seem that it is impossible to tell the folks that have much higher deductions for their WPC dues on their 1040’s than I do that they are NOT going HOME…
Reporters and columnists and coaches can make “fantasy” comments….but the folk that might have to implement them recognize the reality of the situation.
It IS interesting to speculate….that is having a Plan B and not FANTASIZING…on what might happen if the Hurricanes are “blown out of town”….it has happened once before…and the Raleigh market does not seem capable of supporting a Pro franchise….
The Centennial Campus idea has a lot of merit….
I can’t recall if Jimmy V wanted the arena to be THAT big. Mikey just sits back and chuckles….
BUT, going to the game last Saturday night with DW and GK’s was totally priceless, even though we were NOT playing Maryland….Adventuroo
ParticipantComments….LATE…but after I got home from the game, I had to resolve some issues with all the SMARTASS new electronic devices that I have purchase (TV SmarTV, Blu-Ray Smart; Wii-U….and now even a simple Garmin Nuvi…) If the device detects your router and hooks up with the wireless and wants your password….it is smarter than you and there will be trouble….
Anyway….sorry for the rant…but I needed to chill out.
Ray Natilli (Sp) was one of the three stooge team that kicked out Corch and Googs. We have had him TWICE in a row…or maybe game before last. He is living up to Karl’s tutelage….
Game was a really mixed bag. Part of it was downright UGLY…but there were some moments.
Cat was REALLY off tonight. Looked like he studied his stats and violated his own Post Game Presser a few games ago. He tried to KIDNAP the game instead of “Lettin it come to me….”. He sounded very mature in the interview but looked like CJ did when he decided to take over. He was well schooled by Whitt….Never pass off to a teammate that is open when you can throw up a prayer. He got into Foul issues….had 3, with a couple of minutes to go. Tyler played pretty solid. His numbers were 3 Fouls; 6 points; 7 assists; 3 rebounds and only 2 Turnover. Desmond Lee had 5 of the 17 TO’s and only 9 points…
The STAR, also the POTG, was Ralston Turner. He saved our fanny. He was hitting and they would double up on him…then Coach would put Buckets back in and they had to adjust. Turner had 21 points in 22 minutes…no TO, RB or A…but he SCORED….and that made up for some of the bricks we were heaving.
We shot OK….From the stands, it seemed that we could not hit much in the second half…but our FG % was 57% and in the low 40’s in the first half.
We had a GREAT lead….and then it just seemed to disappear. The ref’s made a LOT of controversial calls….and you guys that saw replays or listened to the radio will have to chime in.
Cat, as one astute poster pointed out….played like a TRUE freshman. It seems to take Tyler a few minutes to get in the flow, but he does a great job.
Vandy LOOKED awesome….but then again, looked like BJ. He was out of position for many of the bricks we put up. BUT, his reflexes are getting better. The reverse dunk or slam brought the house down. He did it on the end we were on and our seats were about the baseline so we saw the profile.
Freeman was a terror on the boards….but he subbed for Vandy. Vandy DID play a LOT of first half minutes. His conditioning and stamina look great….
Was it the shorter practices during finals? Did we jump out in front (I think we were up by almost 17 points at one time) and then figure….WE’RE COOL….SLACK OFF?
Did Motor City figure out WHAT to do? Did Juwan Howard take over…YES…to a certain extent….?The vile purple pirates are ARRRRGGGGHHHHHH comin next week…..
HATS OFF TO RedCanine…..that Eagles parody was COOL….that lad deserves an ATTABOY….I am STILL Laughin’
Good Night said the night man….you can check out anytime you want….but you never can leave this place….
12/14/2013 at 11:12 AM in reply to: Mark Gottfried Would Like To Play a Conference Game in Reynolds Coliseum #34657Adventuroo
ParticipantI would cast my worthless vote for MARYLAND…January 20. I would pay a BUNCH to make sure that my four Champion Club LTR’s were honored and go to that game.
now THAT would be a fitting send off to the Twerps…
I would also pay my fair share of any litigation expenses since the Twerps seem to be of that cult….
It would really be a HOME crowd as you could severely limit the opposing team’s supply due to the distance….