Forum Replies Created
ParticipantJust finished listening to the Radio Post game. 4 guys in doubles….even though TJ was below his average. Vandy got 11 rebounds.
Coach commented that at the half, ALL the folks that had played had SCORED.
Don’t know how we ended up at the line so much. Almost spooky.
I brought the two “This is OUR State” cups home from Reynolds Women’s game the other day….really thought they were jinxed….but threw them into the “collection” to honor the ladies.
Pulled them out and wrote VICTORY (in RED of course) on them and me and DW enjoying a celebratory night cap.
Wonderful effort. Highly charged game…at least here. I had more nervous energy that had to be worked off….even though I had an almost 2 hour workout at Rex and here….
WOW….what a great win. Gott needs to bottle whatever he did and said….
ParticipantSACRED FECES…..Give CAT free airline tickets….
ParticipantI think that CAT is getting a lesson as to how the ACC play might be.
That is twice he said…”what dat?”
ParticipantDW says Gott did comment on Turner’s ankle and that I imagined that he said he would not play….so much for multitasking….
ParticipantGott said Turner not playing…..
The Incredible Hulk has sent Paul Bunyan back to the wood pile.
However, Paul Bunyan did make Vandy look like all he was good for was feeding Babe, the blue ox.
Nice bucket by Tyler…
ParticipantOK….the battle begins…
Where in the WORLD did Couzens come from?
ParticipantWatched the first half of the Duke – GT game while on the exercise bike….UGLY….and it is getting worse. Have the Pre-Game audio on. Not a good sign when you land at 10:00 last night and the hotel’s boiler is Tango Uniform and it is in the 40’s in the lobby. GH gave us the details….man, I like him, but the questions….
Anyway, UPDATE….for all that are on EITHER side of the fence on Ralston, tonight might answer the age old question. Better with him or without him. He has a sprained ankle and will not play.
The 363 Kg primate is sucking up all the air in Vandy’s cage. He is on the pre-game tonight…
5 to go in Cameron and Duke up by 13….O>V>E>R!
Hope that Gott made the team watch the Ladies over Cuse on the way up. THEY know how to play with Fire, Intensity and do NOT stand around looking at each other. Did I miss any points from his pressers.
What was also telling….GOTT was MAD after the game. He did not do the coaches show in Murphy as it was planned. He went somewhere, maybe had a drink or did whatever he does to relieve stress (OK….have a BALL with THAT ONE). He showed up in jeans and probably wearing the “shirt” that has been laying around and has been used for many of the Coaches Shows.
The set was different….it was like he needed his time to cool down before fielding Tony’s softballs….BUT he was adamant and hit most of the above and used the 13 1/2 game comment…..just not as intense…
ParticipantPraise the Lord and Pass the ball around. Wes Moore and his inherited Kelly’s crew done made it BIG TIME. They are number 20.
Syracuse has fallen out of the 25….take that, you Orange Clad banshees….
Way to GO….
01/06/2014 at 3:26 PM in reply to: NEW 1/6/14 Business Week: "Why Tar Heel Fraud Might Just Be the Start" #35779Adventuroo
ParticipantThis was commented on the main page. BUT, if you want to read an interesting take, from a UNC Grad who was a BB Manager back in the late 60’s or maybe early 70’s and is fairly well connected within the UNC organization and is on a first name basis with Bubba and many other ACC AD’s, then go here.
BobLeeSays is the “avatar” name for someone who has been opining on the Internet for 15 plus years. He has an alter ego named AgentPierce. His disdain at the Butcher’s hiring was well known throughout the UNC Kingdom. In addition, he is a personal and social friend of the Ex Chancellor Holden Thorp. He said that he had a few one-on-one conversations and expressed his concerns and that the situation played out as he expected, unfortunately.
His column is comic…and I love the wit and humor of NCSU68Grad….one might say we too, are of a LIKE mind.
Everytime I read a piece about this MESS, Hotel Carolina (as in the Eagles Hotel California) pops in my mind…thanks to my wife showing me the “common” themes of each one…
WHAT I will add is that NOTHING is going to be done about….Those of you that bother to read my sometimes prolific posts will recall that the NCAA has a “RESERVE FUND” of almost ONE BILLION DOLLARS. That’s right, 9 zeros. ONE does have to wonder WHY a Non-Profit ORG would have such a booty. Perhaps to pay the prolific salaries of the Czars. Perhaps to hire the Athletes that forget that STUDENT was part of their title. Perhaps to protect itself in a Lawsuit for concussion, advertising royalties or a HOST of OTHER things that the “athletes” seem to give up for a Scholly.
One DOES wonder if that $1,000,000,000 Booty’s earnings could be handed out as a stipend for the REVENUE sports scholly’s….OPPS….the transgender varsity tiddlywinks team members would want a comparable share to Jameius Winston or (fill in the blank).
NOTHING, I fear, will be done. Congress tried to wade in on the PSU PHEW! They found it was NOT headlines or soundbites to improve their reelection chances….something about “Don’t you have HIGHER Priorities”.
Personally, I would endorse ANY member that did that…just to put some heat on them.
Thanks for reading….Stay warm and drink responsibly, my friend(s)
ParticipantNot to hijack this and there may be a forum….but it DOES pertain to the Pitt game.
If you went to the Lady Pack playing Syracuse today, you would have gotten a real treat for a very reasonable price. Being Seasoned citizens, we got reserved seating in the first few rows of the balcony, almost mid court for a total of $10.
The game was unbelievable. I wish that Coach G had brought the team to watch. The ladies were on top until a few minutes into the second half and got down 10. Syracuse was deadly on the treys. In addition, they out rebounded up in the first half.
But Wes and the ladies NEVER gave up, even though we had foul issues….really ugly foul issues. The rest of the team stepped up.
We WON. I have not seen a better game recently. Reynolds was rocking and the crowd was into it.
So, congratulations to the ladies. The lads ought to have to watch the game on the flight up to the frozen mid west….that is what being a team and never giving up is all about.
I do not pay for the Statsheet Premium. If the link does not work, then you can google the following and get there.
Jamie luckie statsheet
Once you are in statsheet, you can go to the home tab and then the Referee tab and then browse around.
I usually do this when I get to the game and we are given score sheets with the Ref’s names. Yesterday, we were not.
In regards to other comments, the refs made a few bad calls, or at least the crowd really thought so. However, there were no blatant ones. The crowd never started chanting. They were pretty much a non-issue, IMO, as they should be.
It WILL get worse when we get the Refs that are more motivated and love the feeling of power they get from tweeting. However, the heavy tweeters’ averages, from a cursory and non statistical analysis, seem to be coming down.
I rue the day when we get the Hess man and that day is coming. Our “red circle” exemption from last year does not, I suspect, apply to this year.
Would not surprise me at all to see the triumphant triumvirate of Hess, Dorsey and Natili at the PNC during a pivotal game…or for MD on 1/20. If they are the Zeb’s on 1/29 when we host the Noles, then my paranoia index will go offscale and the reaction (mine and the fans) will show up on the NCSU Ritcher Scale sensors – the one invented in 2011 by the NCSU ME Dept that will repair itself and keep measuring the aftershocks…each of which will occur when KH tweets.
Follow these and you can do your own analysis.
34 fouls called. There is no breakdown on the number per half but is was well below average. They “caught up” in the second half.
Our Pitt v. State Zeb’s called 12% LESS than their average of 38.4. Since their averages are based on functioning as a member of random teams, I personally don’t know how much to read into this….but when it drops down to less than 30 fouls, then, IMO, the game was not called as stringent. Now, having said that, their catch-up flurry was quick and uniform. They called 3 (memory) quick ones on Pitt on one possession. Then, did almost the same to us the very next time down the court.
If you take the “crown jewel” team of Dorsey, Natili and Hess (of Googs/Corch fame), their average is 39.8 FPG. My “intuitive” analysis and recollection of looking at various Zebs, including the above and Teddy TV Valentine, several times this year is that the Zebs are actually calling LESS fouls as the season progresses. Have they changed their tendencies? Have the players adjusted? Is Johnny Swofford whispering LESS in their earpieces from the ACC “COMMAND CENTER”? I haven’t a clue, but if you did some charting or statistical analysis of the fouls per game and control charted it, it is definitely trending down and is not within 3 Sigma Control Limits. I suspect it started high and now we have a trend down. It will settle in, maybe Mid February and then stay level.
Here are you links….
Jamie Luckie – 36.8 FPG 2013-14 Kersey – 38.8 FPG Hull – 39.5 FPG fun….let us know what you find out and what your conclusions are.
Go to GOPack.COM. audio/Video. On the right side, there is a box for Time Warner All Access or something like that. The Video Presser is there. I just watched it. Try this link.
The only difference in the Post Game Radio interview, which was MUCH shorter was the comment about Sunday’s practice.
If you look at the body language and listen to the comments (OK…now I guess I am a psychic….but seriously), Coach Gott is really frustrated. The reporters even seem reluctant to ask questions.
ORW had a few of these over the last years. You form your OWN opinion.
After having a few hours to mull over this and listening to the comments, I am NOT giving up on either Coach G or the Team….just stating what I heard and saw. I think that he will do some positive things with them…but right now, he seems a bit “perplexed” as well as frustrated. He said that he has NOT seen this team in any of the prior games and it was not the same team that played 18 minutes of the first half.
As to Chemistry….I have gone to all the home games and ACC Tourneys and to a FEW of our rare NCAA appearances since the mid 90’s. I think back to “team chemistry” and Lowe’s 2006-07 team probably had the BEST chemistry and played well over their heads….I saw that in Tampa… The OTHER team that played with enthusiasm and confidence and “team work” was Coach G’s 2011-12 or the FIRST year for him. I went to Dayton and also St. Louis. That team never seemed to give up. It was NOT the same the next year. What DO I CONCLUDE from that….Nothing….you can NOT put in a new coach every year.
You guys make your own decisions and conclusions…not trying to influence…
ParticipantComments from the PNC and afterwards…
Crowd got into game. The PNC folks are “silently” moving folks down from the upper level to the endzones to get more folks near the court. Security does that with no PA announcement.
I posted earlier this morning “keys”. Don’t get a big lead. Don’t get buried. Be in a position to win. We got a big (15 point) lead. Then we got “cocky” or whatever. Pitt team got fired up….really FIRED UP. Then, the hit the momentum pendulum with a 200 MPH Chinese Train. It swung so far the Global Warming scientists NOW iceberg bound on their rescue ship felt the impact.
The second half was double coyote UGLY with a capital U. There were so many different line-ups, I thought that Gott was playing Spin the Bottle at a Swinger’s party and using that methodology for the line-up.
It looked as bad in person as it probably did on TV. Fouls were interesting. There were only 34 fouls called. That is about 15 -20% lower than the average this year. I did not keep up with the stats, but the second half was weird. The Zeb’s whistled 3 or 4 quick ones on Pitt….then reciprocated and shared the love and balanced it out. THEN, they went silent, figuratively, for the rest of the game. I do NOT think that the outcome was influenced by them.
On the Post Game Radio Show, Coach G came out in one of the Cutesy little CAT RED “Bobcats”….you know the ones that they flash up for the Scholar of the Game. He had the entire starting lineup plus a couple in the bucket and proceeded to drive outside and deposit the lot in front of the TV Sat Truck…
He showed NO MERCY. He said that we were as flat Mia Farrow’s chest and that we had all the intensity of a sleeping Rev. Billy Barber. He then proceeded to REALLY tell Gary and Tony what he thought. It was NOT a nice interview.
He never used the word “Chemistry” but said we did not play together and we did not play as a team and we had the intensity of dried up feces in the desert….and smelled worse.
Granted that may be true….but I really wanted Gary or Tony to ask. “Having said that Coach, what do you and your staff intend to do to correct the problem?”
He talked about the quick turnaround and how Tomorrow’s practice would be brutal and how they would analyze the individual players’ efforts, or lack thereof. If he can correct that by Tuesday, then he is a national COY candidate.
From a spectator’s perspective, Vandy did not get into the game until well into the first half…then BeeJay came in and had a lot of energy and that really helped.
But in the second half….none of our big men did anything…save Freeman. We had NO PG on the floor for several minutes (Cat and WBS were being “loved” on the bench). We did not have Vandy and the Hulk in….and both had nary a major foul issue. We seemed to be throwing out players numbers, like a lottery ball device, and then putting them in the lineup to see if THAT would work.
I gave up on looking at the color of his shirt….speaking of COLORS…..what is with the INTENSE, FLOURESCENT combo of Duke and UNC BLUE for the GatorAde dispensers. It was on BOTH benches. Talk about UGLY…
Gonna console myself tomorrow and go to the ladies game. Trivia Fact. A few weeks ago, Amedeo’s STILL had the Kelly Harper Booth. Last week, I saw a Wes Moore booth….did not wander around to see if she still had one. Also noticed that Tom Suiter’s booth has prominent pictures of him interviewing a very YOUNG Coach K and S…….
ParticipantRICK or anyone else
Who are other 2 zebs?
ParticipantCrowd is loud. PNC @ 80%
WHO is officiating?Adventuroo
ParticipantWill someone pls post refs names. No sheets in PNC today. Thks
One of the Vegas lines (which tracks three sources) has us at a 3 – 3.5 underdog. Thought it would have been more.
Guess the keys to the game are don’t jump out to a humongous lead. Don’t get buried so bad we can’t recover. Fight all the way to the end and be in JV’s PTW (Position To Win).
Hopefully all the Christmas cheer and New Years debauchery will have cycled through.
Off to the PNC….GO PACK.
ParticipantAh yes….Fan loyalty and rivalries can get out of hand. We attended a NCSU v. UNC FB game at Kenan years ago. Our first venture was courtesy of a well placed booster who gave away all the tickets to NCSU fans. That was the infamous…Jim Knight repays UNC for saving his life by ruling that T. A. McLendon did NOT score a TD.
The other was later on. We purchased tickets for the UNC game through the WPC. We had LOUSY Seats way up and in a corner. There were a LOT of Obnoxious (is there any other genre?) UNC fans that had also purchased tickets as they were easily had from the WPC. So in this block of NCSU loyal one particular light blue clad female was really being obnoxious and using crude language and also berating NCSU and the Zebra’s. I left to get my wife a soda and when I got back things were eriely quiet in the section. It seems that my DW of more than 40+ years had gotten a bit irritated (soberly I might add) and felt the need to voice displeasure with the prattle. She stood up and turned around and looked the woman in the eye and said….You are the reason that our fight song says “Go to Hell, Carolina” or perhaps, it is UNC fans like you that cause us to sing…”GTH Carolina”.
I have been told that no fisticuffs were involved and that as the lady left, in an agitated state, that her husband apologized for his wife’s behavior and blamed PMS or some other feminine malady.BUT, my wife did not jump over seats and attack the woman…if she had….my money would have been on my wife….
The Bama – OU game was fascinating….it is what Dave C and the Dookies seemed like they were going to do Johnny Football and his compadres. BUT, if they show that idiotic Nissan Rogue (even if it is a RED Rogue) one more time, I might pull an Elvis and blow away my HD TV…
ParticipantHere is a link to a hilarious and tongue-in-cheek piece on the “Carolina Way”. Follow the links to the BW article and then to the local guy’s comments.
This is NOT going away. Funny thing, that little half naked new year’s baby, done left the ABC crowd a real prize….
On to the BB game tomorrow….
ParticipantOK….this is TOO funny. What a New Year Present.
I doubt that this will get much play….but it COULD have devastating effects. MOST of the Liberal Elite of the North East (who live there or moved away) ALWAYS read the NYT and swear by the opinions there.
NOW, can you imagine Mrs. Carol Folt’s “Friends and Colleagues” at Dartmouth and the OTHER Ivey League schools reading this. They will immediately Text or perhaps call Mrs. Folt. I can just see the text…
How can you allow this to happen? Under your leadership at Dartmouth, such going on’s NEVER HAPPENED. You must stand up for the Academic Integrity of your new Vessel, the SS UNC and take immediate action to purge the mutinous crew members that are bring shame to it as well as you. We KNOW that you are appalled at this and we will see, within the very near future, a NYT article commending you for throwing out the scurrilous scoundrels that are sullying your fine name….Happy New Years
ParticipantCan NOT disagree that we need more than Mr. Buckets and his back-up group. When you look up at the board and it is late in the first half and we have 27 an TJ has 15, it sort of (or else it should) hit you. What would happen if he pulled a groin muscles or chipped fingernail?
Dez Lee did look good last night. He got going and was a man on fire. Cat also had spirit, but still has not mastered the Lowe talent of passing. He must be coached by Whittenberg as he does not seem to mind putting up a shot, regardless of how great or ill advised.
Turner was not his hawk eye self….and Wood can tell you about that.
Listened to the end of the Wolfette’s game on the way home. Checked it as we stopped for a celebratory Blizzard….we were up nicely.
Think I will go to their game on Sunday. We will just OD on BB this weekend with the Pitt game at Noon on Saturday and the ladies on Sunday.
Last night the radio guys (and maybe Gott) talked about how Lee has been improving. He was interviewed last night and was in double figures. At the game, he looked like one of the guys who had their head(s) on straight.
Look at his stats….I did not do a thorough analysis, but he seems to be coming around and will be a contributor….and probably keep his starting job.
TJ “TRIED” to be Whitt last night….needs more work or else all Whitt showed him was the great PASS of 1983. Turner never got in the groove last night.
Pitt Panthers will be a real test…
Today, the team went to the infirmary to get their rear ends treated from the excessive verbal abuse (and possible physical injury) that Gott used at half and also later on…
BUT….a W is still a W….and as Jimmy V said….no one looks at the difference in the scores a year from now nor how pretty or ugly it was….
ParticipantSFN & Techies,
Using a Droid Razr Maxx. The site resolves in half screen format (to the left side). You have to enlarge it. Happens on every refresh. The response box is extremely touchy and you lose text. It also reverts to a wider screen and you can not see all the text. The older format was easy to use. This one is not.
However, on a PC, it is much better. Mobile needs to be reviewed.
ON THE GAME…I was there. Upper level of GC was not used. Three sections of one end zone were blocked. Crowd was decidedly RED. Looked like a PNC game. Unfortunately, not a LOT of energy from RED…Admittedly the pep band and the Announcer (OMG….what a MORON. He is a throwback to the PROJECTION ENUNCIATION of the 60’s…I had a few lessons….IRRITATING) kept TALKING. The music was blaring….it was TOUGH to get any “opponent” cheers going.
The Team, save Vandy looked OK at the outset. Vandy was AWOL. Gott pulled him and spent more time with him, 1 on 1, than I have seen this year. We never had any interior play. We seemed to be waiting for a gift basket of rebounds, rather than getting in position and getting them.
When TJ is the leading rebounder…we have a problem. We finally climbed out of the hole we dug towards end of H2.
THEN, we came out like a team that had had it’s rear chewed out and all the perks such as the NCSU Equivalent of Sweet Carolines REMOVED. That worked for a while and you can not keep that mental edge or intensity….so it faded.
BUT, we did have a sizeable lead. We played tentatively and UNCG (even HB Wes) stepped up. We missed critical FT’s and TJ threw away the ball…but God bless him, he is our scorer.
Cat scored more points, but still seems intent on improving his APPG than dishing off. TJ looked like Whitt had been coaching him or maybe Gott and he decided to try out his new 3-pt shot. 3 PT Shooting is NOT TJ’s strong point.
The RED Crowd really got into it within the last 5 minutes. I personally think they should have been chosen POG…
UGLY WIN….but a W.
Hats off to the Lady Wolves….what a season. Pity the poll filler-outers don’t recognize that.Adventuroo
ParticipantGott’s light blue shirt strikes again